954 resultados para multilateral treaties


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A partir de l’any 2011 i fins l’actualitat, l’onada de protestes i revoltes ciutadanes batejada com “la Primavera Àrab” ha sacsejat el panorama polític de la regió del Mediterrani i de les relacions internacionals. El present treball analitza com el cas de la guerra civil síria (iniciada el març de 2011 i que constitueix un cas enormement complex a causa de la fragmentació de l’oposició, l’elevat nombre d’actors interns i externs que hi intervenen i la seva varietat d’interessos, entre d’altres factors) ha posat en evidència l’efectivitat de la Responsabilitat de Protegir per frenar violacions sistemàtiques dels Drets Humans, tal i com ha evidenciat la incapacitat de la Comunitat Internacional d’actuar de manera cohesionada i efectiva en aquests més de dos anys. A més a més, la impossibilitat de portar a terme una intervenció militar multilateral emparada en el marc de la Responsabilitat de Protegir a causa de factors com el bloqueig del Consell de Seguretat i la incertesa que envolta les possibilitats d’èxit i els mecanismes que s’haurien de seguir durant l’actuació i reconstrucció de l’Estat fa evident la necessitat d’una redefinició del principi perquè aquest doni resposta a aquestes qüestions i pugui constituir un instrument realment efectiu.


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This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of China's trade integration and technological change in a multi-country quantitative Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin model.We simulate two alternative growth scenarios: a "balanced" one in which China's productivity grows at the same rate in each sector, and an "unbalanced" one in whichChina's comparative disadvantage sectors catch up disproportionately faster to theworld productivity frontier. Contrary to a well-known conjecture (Samuelson 2004),the large majority of countries experience significantly larger welfare gains whenChina's productivity growth is biased towards its comparative disadvantage sectors.This finding is driven by the inherently multilateral nature of world trade.


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Aquest projecte estudia la dansa francesa dels segles XVII i XVIII i la seva relació amb la interpretació musical. A partir de les fonts de l’època (tractats, coreografies i testimonis) s’han analitzat els components de la dansa i la seva significació social en el context de la cort de Lluís XIV a Versalles. L’objectiu final es oferir al músic actual alguns elements necessaris que contribueixin a la interpretació d’un repertori molt habitual i sobre el qual es basa molta de la música instrumental de l’època. La cultura de la dansa formava part de la quotidianitat del músic d’abans: música i dansa eren elements inseparables. Per tant, l’intèrpret de música històrica actual hauria de considerar-la com un element constitutiu per la formació de criteris d’interpretació històricament informats.


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Para la mayoría de los economistas, la firma del acuerdo final de la Ronda Uruguay en abril de 1994 en Marrakech (Marruecos) comporta una sustancial mejora en las perspectivas referentes a las relaciones comerciales entre los distintos países. Esta mejora tiene como base la liberalización comercial que suponen los acuerdos alcanzados y, en especial, la creación de una nueva institución: la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC). La OMC tiene como objetivo recoger el testigo del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) en la defensa de un sistema de comercio más libre, transparente y multilateral (Sutherland, 1994). Su creación significa la adecuación al siglo XXI de los acuerdos de Bretton Woods1 concernientes al ámbito comercial que, durante los últimos 50 años, con mayor o menor éxito han regido las relaciones comerciales de carácter multilateral entre las diferentes naciones. Además, en un mundo donde el declive del GATT, desde principios de la década de los ochenta, ha conllevado la proliferación de áreas regionales de comercio, la OMC constituye un elemento imprescindible para hacer frente tanto a actitudes unilaterales que pretenden la realización de un comercio administrado como al incremento del proteccionismo en las transacciones interregionales.


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A partir de la constatación de que la magnitud de la subnutrición constituye uno de los grandes problemas a escala planetaria para las organizaciones multilaterales de desarrollo, en este artículo se pretende (a) ofrecer una panorámica general de lo que las más recientes estimaciones estadísticas nos dicen del alcance del hambre en el mundo; (b) proponer una reflexión sobre las incongruencias de los diagnósticos emitidos por décadas para explicarla desde la Economía y la Sociología del Desarrollo, insistiendo en la recurrencia a la presión demográfica y al tradicionalismo como causas principales; (c) analizar las principales consecuencias de las líneas de intervención impulsadas a tenor de esos diagnósticos; y (d) sondear la viabilidad de quienes señalan razones estructurales profundas para explicar la persistencia de la subnutrición.


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Este trabajo aborda el estudio del tipo cualificado del delito de trata de personas cometido en el seno de organizaciones o asociaciones criminales introducido en el Código penal en la reforma de 2010. Con dicha finalidad, se analizan los mandatos de incriminación de esta forma de comisión del delito de trata en instrumentos normativos internacionales y se coteja la coherencia de la regulación interna española con las obligaciones de tipificación asumidas por el Estado español conforme a dichos instrumentos, analizando críticamente la duplicidad incriminatoria de esta manifestación delictiva en nuestro código penal. El estudio jurídico se completa con el análisis fenomenológico acerca de la relación entre el fenómeno de la trata de seres humanos y el de la delincuencia organizada.


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El establecimiento de relaciones entre países en un entorno global parece requerir nuevas estrategias que trascienden la tradicional diplomacia de Estado. La diplomacia pública deviene una renovada estrategia de proyección internacional, donde la marca de país ejerce un importante papel a modo de dispositivo aglutinador y de transmisión de identidades nacionales. De este modo, el nuevo “poder blando” de la representación geográfica parece transcurrir en el seno del debilitamiento del Estado-nación y en claro beneficio de una nueva forma de comunicar la identidad de un país más próxima a la intervención de diferentes agentes sociales que a la firma de tratados internacionales de competencia gubernamental. A partir de una revisión de la literatura existente, este artículo presenta un estado del arte relacionado con las nuevas estrategias de representatividad internacional llevadas a cabo por países y naciones.


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The points of departure of this article are our own researches which talked about Maria of Portugal and widowhood during the 14ht century, respectively. We were interested in the figure of Maria of Portugal as example of all that kind of people, mostly women but also children who were treated as change currency by their relatives. They were used to guaranty peace treaties and other agreements, but also as hostages in war times. This article is based on the study of Maria's will, which is preserved in the Arxiu de la Coroan d'Aaragó. however we also thought necessary to present the figure of Maria of Portugal in order to grasp, not only the events that marked her life, but also the way they influenced in her thoughts an feelings.


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The world is in a process of awakening with respect to the environment. Our society has started to recognize that the environment is one of our largest resources and has begun legally enforce its protection. In Brazil, the environmental law is constitutionally guaranteed. International treaties have been signed, amongst them the Agenda 21 which is a commitment to sustainable development. Green Chemistry is a strategy that helps make this commitment. The literature presents many examples of studies of the application of Green Chemistry philosophy. In this paper we will present some points that we believe to be important and promising.


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This paper analyses the impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) trade for the period 1994-2010. The analysis distinguishes between industrial and agricultural trade to take into account the different liberalisation schedules. An augmented gravity model is estimated using up-to-date panel data techniques to control for all time-invariant bilateral factors that influence bilateral trade as well as for the so-called multilateral resistance factors. We also control for the endogeneity of the agreements and test for self-selection bias due to the presence of zero trade in our sample. The main findings indicate that North-South-FTAs and South-South- FTAs have a differential impact in terms of increasing trade in MENA countries, with the former being more beneficial in terms of exports for MENA countries, but both showing greater global market integration. We also find that FTAs that include agricultural products, in which MENA countries have a clear comparative advantage, have more favourable effects for these countries than those only including industrial products. JEL code: F10, F15


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Suomen kokonaisenergiankulutuksesta noin viidesosa kuluu rakennusten lämmitykseen. Ilmastosopimuksien ja tiukentuvien päästömääräyksien vuoksi rakennusten lämmitys- jajäähdytysenergian tuotantoa täytyisi saada energiatehokkaammaksi. Energian kulutuksen vähentäminen onnistuu muun muassa lisäämällä rakennusten omaenergian tuottoa, jota on esimerkiksi lämpöpumpuilla tapahtuva rakennusten lämmitys. Samalla päästöjen määrä pienenee. Rakennusten energiatehokkuusluvun määritys tulee muuttumaan energiamuotojen kertoimiin pohjautuvaksi kokonaisenergiatarkasteluksi. Tämä ohjaa rakennusten energiantuotantoa kaukolämmitykseen ja erilaisiin lämpöpumppuratkaisuihin perustuvaksi. Diplomityössä tutkitaan tapoja, joilla pystytään hyödyntämään vesistöjä rakennusten lämmitykseen ja jäähdytyksen ja saamaan samalla energiankulutusta ja päästöjä pienemmiksi. Lisäksi työssä selvitetään vesistöistä saatavan energian määrää ja käyttökohteita.


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Tutkimus rakentaa konstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella monenkeskisen tie-donvaihdon mallin, missä sovelletaan Toyotan tuotantojärjestelmässään käyttämiä toimittajaohjauksen ja tiedonvaihdon prosesseja, sekä tiedosta ja tiedonvaihdosta käytyä tieteellistä keskustelua ja tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osuus selvittää tiedon luonteen vaikutusta tiedon jakamisen ja tiedonvaihdon toteutukseen ja toteaa, että tiedonvaihdon menetelmiin tulee sisältyä muodollisia kanavia eksplisiittisen tiedon ja vastaavasti epämuodollisia kanavia hiljaisen tiedon jakamiseen joko käsitteellistettynä tai hiljaisessa muodossaan. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa koostuu viiden palveluntuottajaverkostossa toimivan tulos- tai kehitysvastuullisen henkilön haastatteluista. Teemahaastattelut selvittävät konstruktiivisen tutkimusotteen vaatimusten mukaisesti olisiko haastateltava valmis ottamaan konstruktion esittämän mallin käyttöön omalla vastuualueellaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena Case-yrityksen palveluntuottajaverkostossa voi-daan saada hyötyä toteuttamalla operatiiviseen ongelmanratkaisuun mo-nenkeskisen tiedonvaihdon käytäntöjä. Nykyinen verkoston ohjausmalli ja kilpailutilanne eivät toistaiseksi anna tilaa muille monenkeskisen tiedonvaihdon toimintamalleille.


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Marine litter is an international environmental problem that causes considerable costs to coastal communities and the fishing industry. Several international and national treaties and regulations have provisions to marine litter and forbid disposal of waste into the sea. However, none of these regulations state a responsibility for public authorities to recover marine litter from the sea, like they do for marine litter that washes up on public beaches. In a financial evaluation of a value chain for marine litter incineration it was found out that the total costs of waste incineration are approximately 100 ─ 200 % higher than waste fees offered by waste contractors of ports. The high costs of incineration are derived from the high calorific value of marine litter and therefore a high incineration cost for the waste, and long distances between ports that are taking part in a project for marine litter recovery from the sea and an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility. This study provides a possible solution to diverting marine litter from landfills to more environmentally sustainable EfW use by using a public-private partnership (PPP) framework. PPP would seem to fit as a suitable cooperative approach for answering problems of current marine litter disposal in theory. In the end it is up to the potential partners of this proposed PPP to decide whether the benefits of cooperation justify the required efforts.


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Japan has been a major actor in the field of development cooperation for five decades, even holding the title of largest donor of Official Development Assistance (ODA) during the 1990s. Financial flows, however, are subject to pre-existing paradigms that dictate both donor and recipient behaviour. In this respect Japan has been left wanting for more recognition. The dominance of the so called ‘Washington Consensus’ embodied in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank has long circumvented any indigenous approaches to development problems. The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is a development cooperation conference that Japan has hosted since 1993 every five years. As the main organizer of the conference Japan has opted for the leading position of African development. This has come in the wake of success in the Asian region where Japan has called attention to its role in the so called ‘Asian Miracle’ of fast growing economies. These aspirations have enabled Japan to try asserting itself as a major player in directing the course of global development discourse using historical narratives from both Asia and Africa. Over the years TICAD has evolved into a continuous process with ministerial and follow-up meetings in between conferences. Each conference has produced a declaration that stipulates the way the participants approach the question of African development. Although a multilateral framework, Japan has over the years made its presence more and more felt within the process. This research examines the way Japan approaches the paradigms of international development cooperation and tries to direct them in the context of the TICAD process. Supplementing these questions are inquiries concerning Japan’s foreign policy aspirations. The research shows that Japan has utilized the conference platform to contest other development actors and especially the dominant forces of the IMF and the World Bank in development discourse debate. Japan’s dominance of the process is evident in the narratives found in the conference documents. Relative success has come about by remaining consistent as shown by the acceptance of items from the TICAD agenda in other forums, such as the G8. But the emergence of new players such as China has changed the playing field, as they are engaging other developing countries from a more equal level.


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Maritime transport moves around 6 billion tonnes of freight every year. The freight consists of liquid bulks (45%), dry bulks (23%) and general cargo (32%). Freight traffic and transports chains vary according to region, commodity and the origin and the destination of freight. In the European Union the ports sector handles over 90% of the trade with third countries. The share of intra-EU trade is approximately 30% of the total transportation and the number of passengers is over 200 million every year. The Baltic Sea has more than 50,000 vessels a year pass the Skaw at the northernmost tip of Denmark on their way into or out of the Baltic. Roughly 60% to 70% of these vessels are cargo vessels and 17% to 25% tankers. Ports and maritime transport play a crucial role in global commerce today. Today’s business environment is changing rapidly, and the constant changes create challenges for the transport industry and maritime traffic. Ports have to adapt to continuous changes in economic structures, logistics demands, and people’s travel and leisure patterns. In order to ensure the competitiveness of sea connections, the ports need to fully enhance multilateral cross-border understanding and cooperation. In this report the focus is on liner traffic between five ports in the Central Baltic Region: Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki Turku and Naantali. The report defines the drivers of the demand for cargo and passenger traffic and highlights the most important factors. The economic situation and foreign trade of each county are elaborated on with detailed information about the flows of traffic between the five ports. Based on expert interviews, the main characteristics of each port, including strengths and weaknesses, are presented. The report is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was received through interviews and mail surveys. Secondary data was attained through a literature research, statistics, data given by the PENTA ports and webpages. The report is divided into two main parts: the drivers creating the demand for transport and the results of current cargo and passenger flows between PENTA ports.