390 resultados para Tert-butylhydroperoxide
High-valent terminal metal-oxygen adducts are supposed to be potent oxidising intermediates in enzymatic catalyses. In contrast to those from groups 6-8, oxidants that contain late transition metals (Co, Ni, Cu) are poorly understood. Because of their high reactivity, only a few examples of these compounds have been observed. The aim of this project was to investigate the reactivity of high-valent Ni(III) complexes, containing a monodentate oxygen-donor ligands, in hydrogen atom abstraction (HAA) and oxygen atom transfer (OAT) reactions which are typical of biological high-valent metal-oxygen species. Particularly, the Ni(III) complexes were generated in situ, at low temperature, from the oxidation of the Ni(II) species.The nickel complexes studied during this work were supported by tridentate ligands, with a strong σ-donating ability and exceedingly resistant to several common degradation pathways. These complexes vary based on the monodentate group in the fourth coordination position site, which can be neutral or anionic. In particular, we prepared four different Ni(III) complexes [NiIII(pyN2Me2)(OCO2H)] (12), [NiIII(pyN2Me2)(ONO2)] (14), [NiIII(pyN2Me2)(OC(O)CH3)] (18) and [NiIII(pyN2Me2)(OC(O)H)] (25). They feature a bicarbonate (-OCO2H), nitrate (-ONO2), acetate (-OC(O)CH3) and formate (-OC(O)H) group, respectively.HAA and OAT reactions were performed by adding 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (2,6-DTBP) at -40°C, and triphenylphosphine (PPh3) at -80°C, to the in situ generated Ni(III) complexes, respectively. These reactions were carried out by adding 7 to 500 equivalents of substrate, in order to ensure pseudo-first order conditions. Since, the reactivity of the Ni(III) complex featured by the bicarbonate group has been studied in a previous work, we only investigated that of the species bearing the nitrate, acetate and formate ligand. Finally we compared the value of the reaction rate of all the four species in the HAA and OAT reactions.
Los telómeros se encuentran en el foco de atención de muchas investigaciones por su papel en el mantenimiento de la integridad cromosómica y su implicación en procesos como el envejecimiento, el cáncer y la regeneración tisular. En ausencia de mecanismos compensatorios, el ADN telomérico sufre un acortamiento progresivo en cada división celular debido a la incapacidad de las ADN polimerasas convencionales de replicar el extremo 5’ de los cromosomas. La telomerasa, una ribonucleoproteína con actividad transcriptasa inversa (componente TERT), compensa el acortamiento telomérico sintetizando las secuencias teloméricas de novo en el extremo 3’ de los cromosomas utilizando como molde una molécula de ARN asociada (componente TERC). La mayoría de los tipos celulares presentan una actividad telomerasa limitada, acortándose los telómeros en cada división mitótica. Por ello, la actividad de la telomerasa y el acortamiento telomérico son factores limitantes en la esperanza de vida de los mamíferos, mientras que el acortamiento de los telómeros contribuye al envejecimiento limitando la regeneración tisular. Durante el desarrollo embrionario los telómeros se alargan, quedando determinadas las reservas teloméricas con las que contará el recién nacido. Por este motivo, el estudio de la dinámica de la elongación telómerica y su regulación durante el desarrollo embrionario temprano en mamíferos es de gran interés debido a las implicaciones que la longitud telomérica (LT) del recién nacido tiene en las etapas posteriores del desarrollo...
A large number of optically active drugs and natural products contain α-functionalised ketones or simple derivatives thereof. Furthermore, chiral α-alkylated ketones are useful synthons and have found widespread use in total synthesis. The asymmetric alkylation of ketones represents one of the most powerful and longstanding procedures in organic chemistry. Surprisingly, however, only one effective methodology is available, and this involves the use of chiral auxiliaries. This is discussed in Chapter 1, which also provides a background of other key topics discussed throughout the thesis. Expanding on the existing methodology of chiral auxiliaries, Chapter 2 details the synthesis of a novel chiral auxiliary containing a pyrrolidine ring and its use in the asymmetric preparation of α-alkylated ketones with good enantioselectivity. The synthesis of racemic α-alkylated ketones as reference standards for GC chromatography is also reported in this chapter. Chapter 3 details a new approach to chiral α-alkylated ketones using an intermolecular chirality transfer methodology. This approach employs the use of simple non-chiral dimethylhydrazones and their asymmetric alkylation using the chiral diamine ligands, (+)- and (-)-sparteine. The methodology described represents the first example of an asymmetric alkylation of non-chiral azaenolates. Enantiomeric ratios up to 83 : 17 are observed. Chapter 4 introduces the first aldol-Tishchenko reaction of an imine derivative for the preparation of 1,3-aminoalcohol precursors. 1,3-Aminoalcohols can be synthesised via indirect routes involving various permutations of stepwise construction with asymmetric induction. Our approach offers an alternative highly diastereomeric route to the synthesis of this important moiety utilising N-tert-butanesulfinyl imines in an aldol-Tishchenko-type reaction. Chapter 5 details the experimental procedures for all of the above work. Chapter 6 discusses the results of a separate research project undertaken during this PhD. 2-alkyl-quinolin-4-ones and their N-substituted derivatives have several important biological functions such as the role of Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) in quorum sensing. Herein, we report the synthesis of its biological precursor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) and possible isosteres of PQS; the C-3 Cl, Br and I analogues. N-Methylation of the iodide was also feasible and the usefulness of this compound showcased in Pd-catalysed cross-coupling reactions, thus allowing access to a diverse set of biologically important molecules.
This review discusses synthesis of enantiopure sulfoxides through the asymmetric oxidation of prochiral sulfides. The use of metal complexes to promote asymmetric sulfoxidation is described in detail, with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of biologically active sulfoxides. The use of non-metal-based systems, such as oxaziridines, chiral hydroperoxides and peracids, as well as enzyme-catalyzed sulfoxidations is also examined.
The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).
Environ 90% des composés produits industriellement sont fabriqués à l’aide de catalyseurs. C’est pourquoi la conception de catalyseurs toujours plus performants pour améliorer les procédés industriels actuels est toujours d’intérêt. De la grande variété de complexes avec des métaux de transition rapportés jusqu’à présent, les complexes zwitterioniques attirent notre attention par leurs activités catalytiques souvent supérieures aux complexes cationiques normaux. Un complexe métallique zwitterionique est un fragment métal-ligand neutre où la charge positive est située sur le centre métallique et où la charge négative est délocalisée sur un des ligands liés au métal. Nous proposons la synthèse de ligands anioniques phosphine comportant des groupements borates et boratabenzènes. Cette dernière espèce est un cycle à 6 membres où l’un des atomes de carbone est remplacé par un atome de bore et qui est négativement chargé. La capacité de ces phosphines anioniques à se lier à un centre métallique à l’aide de la paire libre du phosphore est due à la nature du lien P-B qui défavorise l’interaction entre la paire libre du phosphore et l’orbitale p vide du bore. Les propriétés de di-tert-butylphosphido-boratabenzène (DTBB) comme ligand phosphine anionique hautement donneur et encombré ainsi que la découverte de ses modes de coordination inhabituels pour stabiliser les métaux de transition insaturés ont été étudiés au cours de ce travail. De nouvelles perspectives sur les modes de coordination de phosphido-boratabenzène et la force de l’interaction du lien P-B seront discutées ainsi que les applications catalytiques. Nous avons d’abord étudié la coordination η1 avec des complexes de fer, ce qui nous a fourni des données quantitatives précieuses sur la capacité du DTBB d’agir comme ligand très donneur par rapport aux autres ligands donneurs bien connus. La capacité du DTBB à changer de mode de coordination pour soutenir les besoins électroniques du métal a été démontrée par la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce ferrocenyl phosphido-boratabenzène et sa nucléophilie a été étudiée. Au meilleur de notre connaissance, aucun exemple d’un ligand boratabenzène coordonné aux métaux du groupe 11 n’existe dans la littérature. Voilà pourquoi nous avons décidé d’explorer les modes de coordination du ligand DTBB avec Cu(I), Ag(I) et Au(I). A notre grande surprise, le ligand DTBB est capable de stabiliser les métaux du groupe 11 aux états d’oxydation faibles par une liaison MP qui est une coordination du type η1, un mode de coordination guère observé pour les ligands boratabenzène. Pendant nos travaux, notre attention s’est tournée vers la synthèse d’un complexe de rhodium(I) afin de tester son utilité en catalyse. A notre grande satisfaction, le complexe Rh-DTBB agit comme un précatalyseur pour l’hydrogénation des alcènes et alcynes à la température ambiante et à pression atmosphérique et son activité est comparable à celle du catalyseur de Wilkinson. Dans un désir d’élargir les applications de notre recherche, notre attention se tourna vers l’utilisation des composés du bore autres que le boratabenzène. Nous avons décidé de synthétiser une nouvelle espèce phosphido-borate encombrée. Lorsqu’elle réagit avec des métaux, l’espèce phosphido-borate subit un clivage de la liaison P-B. Toutefois, cette observation met en évidence la singularité et les avantages de la stabilité de la liaison P-B lors de l’utilisation du fragment boratabenzène. Ces observations enrichissent notre compréhension des conditions dans lesquelles la liaison P-B du ligand DTBB peut être clivée. Ces travaux ont mené à la découverte d’un nouveau ligand ansa-boratabenzène avec une chimie de coordination prometteuse.
O crescente consumo de energia, bem como a possibilidade de esgotamento dos recursos não renováveis, tem fomentado a busca de fontes de energia alternativas. O biodiesel é um biocombustível obtido a partir de fontes renováveis e a sua utilização permite reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Nos últimos anos tem-se produzido biodiesel a partir de óleos alimentares usados (OAU), sendo que com esta aplicação valoriza-se um resíduo e simultaneamente produz-se um combustível “verde”. O biodiesel é produzido através das reações de transesterificação e/ou esterificação entre triglicerídeos e/ou ácidos gordos livres e um álcool, na presença de um catalisador. O rendimento do processo está estritamente relacionado com o tipo de catalisador e as condições que este opera. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação do efeito de alguns parâmetros operacionais no desempenho de uma lípase imobilizada (Novozyme® 435), nomeadamente: (i) índice de acidez do óleo, (ii) razão mássica de enzima/óleo e (iii) método regeneração da enzima com vista à sua reutilização. Também foi objeto de estudo do presente trabalho a produção em contínuo, num (bior)reator tubular de leito fixo, de ésteres metílicos de ácidos gordos (FAME) usando a referida enzima. Registou-se um aumento rendimento em com o incremento do índice de acidez do óleo usado, o que indicia que a enzima catalisa simultaneamente as reações de esterificação e transesterificação. Relativamente à razão mássica de enzima/óleo, dentro da gama testada verificou-se um aumento do rendimento em FAME com a concentração da enzima em meio reacional. Dos vários solventes testados, a aplicação de solvente tert-butanol na regeneração (com incubação) da enzima foi o que melhores resultados teve. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos no ensaio de produção de FAME num biorreator contínuo são motivadores, criando expectativas de uma possível aplicação industrial no futuro.
The reaction of the Schiff base (3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (H3L) with a copper(II) salt of a base of a strong acid, i.e., nitrate, chloride or sulphate, yielded the mononuclear complexes [Cu(H2L)(NO3)(H2O)] (1), [Cu(H2L)Cl]center dot 2MeOH (2) and the binuclear complex [{Cu(H2L)}(2)(mu-SO4)]center dot 2MeOH (3), respectively, with H2L- in the keto form. Compounds 1-3 were characterized by elemental analysis, Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Electrospray Ionisation-Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and single crystal X-ray crystallography. All compounds act as efficient catalysts towards the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexyl hydroperoxide, cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, under mild conditions. In the presence of an acid promoter, overall yields (based on the alkane) up to 25% and a turnover number (TON) of 250 (TOF of 42 h(-1)) after 6 h, were achieved.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Different nanocomposites have been attained by in situ polymerization based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and mesoporous SBA-15, this silica being used for immobilization of the FI catalyst bis [N-(3-tert-butylsalicylidene)-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoroanilinato] titanium (IV) dichloride and as filler as well. Two distinct approaches have been selected for supporting the FI catalyst on the SBA-15 prior polymerization. A study on polymerization activity of this catalyst has been performed under homogenous conditions and upon heterogenization. A study of the effect of presence of mesoporous particles and of the immobilization method is also carried out. Moreover, the thermal characterization, phase transitions and mechanical response of some pristine UHMWPEs and UHMWPE/SBA-15 materials have been carried out. Relationships with variations on molar mass, impregnation method of catalyst and final SBA-15 content have been established.
Purpose: This study analyzes the chemical composition of ethanol root extracts of Maesa perlaria var formosana by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Methods: The dried root of Maesa perlaria var formosana was extracted with 95 % ethanol for composition analysis under the following optimum GC-MS conditions: 250 °C inlet temperature, 250 °C MSD detector temperature, and GC oven temperature programmed as follows: initial temperature held at 70 °C for 15 min, then increased at a rate of 2.5 °C/min and held at 170 °C for 15 min; then raised at a rate of 2 °C/min and kept at 180 °C for 20 min; then raised at 2 °C/min and kept at 250 °C for 20 min. Finally, it was raised at 3 °C/min and kept at 280 °C for 15 min. Results: A total of 59 chemical compounds were identified, representing 88.82 % of the composition of the ethanol extracts. The three major components, include 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (16.76 %), stigmasterol (15.86 %) and campesterol (7.33 %). Conclusion: The results show that a total of 59 components were identified in the ethanol extract of Maesa perlaria var. formosana. The major component, 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol, exhibits various biological activities.
The subject of the present work is the synthesis of novel nanoscale objects, designed for self-propulsion under external actuation. The synthesized objects present asymmetric hybrid particles, consisting of a magnetic core and polymer flagella and their hydrodynamic properties under the actuation by external magnetic fields are investigated. The single-domain ferromagnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticles are prepared by thermal decomposition of a mixture of metalorganic complexes based on iron (III) cobalt (II) in non-polar solvents. Further modification of the particles includes the growth of the silver particle on the surface of the cobalt ferrite particle to form a dumbbell-shaped heterodimer. Different possible mechanisms of dumbbell formation are discussed. A polyelectrolyte tail with ability to adjust the persistence length of the polymer, and thus the stiffness of the tail, by variation of pH is attached to the particles. A polymer tail consisting of a polyacrylic acid chain is synthesized by hydrolysis of poly(tert-butyl acrylate) obtained by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). A functional thiol end-group enables selective attachment of the tail to the silver part of the dumbbell, resulting in an asymmetric functionalization of the dumbbells. The calculations on the propulsion force and the sperm number for the resulting particles reveal a theoretical possibility for the propelled motion. Under the actuation of the particles with flagella by alternating magnetic field an increase in the diffusion coefficient compared to non-actuated or non-functionalized particles is observed. Further development of such systems for application as nanomotors or in drug delivery is promising.
The aims of this study were to (1) evaluate cellular senescence in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic articular cartilage, (2) investigate the hypothesis that oxidative stress is a feature of canine OA chondrocytes and that oxidative stress contributes to cellular senescence in canine chondrocytes, (3) investigate the hypothesis that osteoarthritic chondrocytes alter the gene expression of adjacent normal chondrocytes in OA joints leading to modulation of genes known to play a role in the pathogenesis of OA and (4) evaluate the presentation of dogs undergoing femoral head excision in veterinary referral practice in the UK as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joint, and to categorise the distribution and severity of associated pathological lesions. Chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and normal cartilage were examined for levels of senescence. Initially chondrocytes were cultured using an alginate bead culture system, thought to mimic the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage. However, these chondrocytes showed almost no growth as compared to monolayer culture where they grew rapidly. OA chondrocytes entered the senescent state after 1.5 to 4.9 population doublings in monolayer culture, while normal chondrocytes underwent 4.8 to 14.6 population doublings before entering the senescent state. Osteoarthritic chondrocytes had increased levels of markers of cellular senescence (senescence associated beta-galactosidase accumulation and p16 protein accumulation) as compared to normal chondrocytes, suggesting that chondrocyte senescence is a feature of canine osteoarthritis. An experimental model for the induction of oxidative stress in chondrocyte cell culture was developed using tert-Butyl hydroperoxide and total cellular glutathione was measured as an indicator of cellular oxidative stress levels. Experimental induction of oxidative stress in both normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes in cell culture resulted in increased amounts of cellular senescence, shown by an increase in levels of senescence associated beta-galactosidase accumulation and decreased replicative capacity. Experimental induction of oxidative stress also resulted in altered gene expression of three genes important to the degradation of the extracellular matrix; MMP-13, MMP-3 and Col-3A1, measured by RT-PCR, in normal canine chondrocytes in monolayer cell culture. MMP-3 showed the greatest relative expression change, with a fold-change of between 1.43 and 4.78. MMP-13 had a fold change of 1.16 to 1.38. Col-3A1 was down regulated, with a fold-change of between 0.21 and 0.31. These data demonstrate that experimentally induced oxidative stress in chondrocytes in monolayer culture increases levels of cellular senescence and alters the expression of genes relevant to the pathogenesis of canine OA. Coculture of osteoarthritic chondrocytes with normal canine chondrocytes resulted in gene modulation in the normal chondrocytes. Altered gene expression of ten genes known to play a role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis was detected in the normal chondrocytes (fold change shown in brackets); TNF-alpha (11.95), MMP-13 (5.93), MMP-3 (5.48), IL-4 (7.03), IL-6 (5.3), IL-8 (4.92), IL-F3 (4.22), COL-3A1 (4.12), ADAMTS-4 (3.78) and ADAMTS-5 (4.27). In total, 594 genes were significantly modulated suggesting that osteoarthritic chondrocytes contribute to the disease propagation by altering the gene expression of adjacent normal chondrocytes, thus recruiting them into the disease process. Gene expression changes were measured by microarray analysis and validated by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. An epidemiological study of femoral heads collected from dogs undergoing total hip replacement surgery as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joint secondary to canine hip dysplasia revealed that there was no characteristic pattern of cartilage lesion for canine hip dysplasia. Severe pathology of the femoral head with cartilage erosion occurred in 63.9% of cases and exposure of subchondral bone in 31.3% of cases. The work presented in this thesis has demonstrated that cellular senescence is a feature of chondrocytes from canine osteoarthritic cartilage and suggests that cellular senescence and oxidative stress play an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis in dogs.
In the first chapter of this thesis, published works found in the literature about hexacyclinic acid and FR182877 are reported and commented. A quick summary of the previous work done in the Prunet group is also described. In the second and third chapter, a more detailed account of the work undertaken during this PhD was given. Firstly, syntheses of two ABC tricycles incorporating tert-butyl and (trimethylsilyl)ethyl esters were undertaken. These syntheses include two key steps previously developed in the group, a diastereoselective Michael addition and a Snider cyclisation. Multiple conditions for the hydrolysis of the esters were attempted but none of them gave the desired product. The main part of this work is focused on the synthesis of a CDEF model and in particular about the development of the key step, the formation of a nine-membered ring. Several DEF fragments were synthesised in short synthetic sequences and as single isomers. Six different synthetic pathways were developed in total and a novel method, a Michael/elimination reaction, was found to be a very efficient way to close the desired medium-size ring. From the nine-membered ring, regioselective reduction and palladiumcatalysed allylic substitution led to the formation of the CDF tricycle. Final steps of the synthesis were fruitless and led only to decomposition. A synthesis of a chiral C-ring was also developed during this PhD. II Finally, another project was undertaken, not related to hexacyclinic acid. Methodology developed in the group for the diastereoselective formation of trisubstituted alkenes employing a temporary silicon-tethered ring-closing metathesis was extended to homoallylic alcohols. The first steps of the method were similar to the previous methodology but the end-game had to be modified in favour of an oxidation/reduction sequence to successfully obtain the desired products with the correct geometry. In the fourth chapter, procedures and analytical data for the synthesised compounds previously described are reported.
Questo lavoro di tesi si occupa della sintesi, caratterizzazione e applicazione in catalisi di nanoparticelle d’oro (AuNPs) supportate su silice o allumina funzionalizzate con PPTEOS. L’attività catalitica di Au/OS@Yne (OS= SiO2, Al2O3), insieme a quella del catalizzatore commerciale AUROlite™ è investigata per la reazione di ossidazione dell’acido oleico (raw material) a prodotti a più alto valore aggiunto, come l’acido azelaico e l’acido pelargonico. Sono inoltre sintetizzati i catalizzatori Au/SiO2@Yne-TMS (modificato con trimetilsilossano) e Au/SiO2@Yne-NEt3 (modificato con trietilammina), per studiare sulla stessa reazione di ossidazione l’effetto dell’acidità del supporto di SiO2. Tutti i catalizzatori sintetizzati vengono caratterizzati per mezzo di diverse tecniche complementari quali la spettroscopia di assorbimento atomico (AAS), la microscopia a trasmissione elettronica (TEM), l’analisi termogravimetrica (TGA), la spettroscopia fotoelettronica a raggi X (XPS) in modo da determinarne le caratteristiche chimiche e strutturali quali il contenuto percentuale in peso di Au(0) e il diametro delle nanoparticelle. Inoltre, sono stati condotti preliminari studi di catalisi per la reazione di scissione ossidativa dell’acido oleico tramite nanomateriali basati su film di ossidi di manganese (MnO2 e Mn3O4) sintetizzati tramite Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). I vari test catalitici sono stati eseguiti al fine di ricercare un’alternativa sostenibile al processo industriale di ozonolisi dell’acido oleico sfruttando ossidanti organici come il tert-butilidroperossido e inorganici come l’H2O2. Per tutti i catalizzatori sono variate diverse condizioni di reazione, quali il solvente, la temperatura, i tempi di reazione e gli equivalenti di ossidante, focalizzandosi sull’ottimizzazione della reazione di scissione ossidativa. Infine è eseguito uno studio accurato sulla migliore metodologia per la caratterizzazione dei prodotti di reazione, attraverso analisi NMR, GC-MS e GPC.