667 resultados para Freiburger Münster.


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Research on pre-service teacher internships has become a dynamic area of investigation in teacher education whose growth seems to correspond with increased activity at the institutional level over the past two decades. Introducing or expanding field experiences has been a common strategy in nearly all teacher education programs for the last twenty years, and reforming teacher education with a focus on its practical aspects still ranks near the top of education policy agendas. This article provides an introduction to the research field, addressing five basic issues: (1) precision in the definition of the construct, (2) main sources of research literature, (3) elaboration of the construct in terms of effects and mediating variables, (4) the methodological challenges of empirical research, and (5) major areas of future research. Emphasis is placed on the often ignored aspect that internships elicit both intended and unintended effects, including not only positive but also adverse side effects.


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The present study seeks to obtain deeper insight into the learning processes in practical training in primary teacher education in Upper Austria. Based on the offer-and-use model of instruction, 230 diary entries of 46 student teachers (28 students in their third semester, 18 students in their fifth semester) were analysed with legard to the learning topics, learning sourcesJ and Ìealning processes involved in practical training. The results show a variety of learning forms, ranging from the unreflective imitation of school mentors' practices to active knowledge construction. In addition, they illustrate that the available learning offers were suboptimally utilized by stuclent teachers who failed to work systernatically and continuously on their professional development.


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Die Autorin fokussiert in ihrem Beitrag auf diagnostische Kompetenzen. Das allgemein anerkannte Ziel einer neuen Lernkultur, dass Schüler/innen mehr Verantwortung für ihr Lernen übernehmen, bedingt eine verstärkt beratende und lernbegleitende Tätigkeit bei Lehrer/innen. Dafür sind insbesondere Kompetenzen in Bezug auf die pädagogische Diagnostik notwendig. Je besser Lehrpersonen diagnostizieren können, umso besser können sie unterschiedliche Lernprozesse nachvollziehen, verstehen und desto besser Schüler/innen beim Lernen individuell unterstützen. Diagnostische Kompetenzen helfen zu klären, wie viel und welcher individuelle Unterstützungsbedarf beim Einzelnen für das Lernen notwendig ist. Ausgehend von einem Überblick zu diagnostischen Kompetenzen werden anhand von Lerntagebüchern Schritte des diagnostischen Kompetenzerwerbs rekonstruiert.


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Dieser [Beitrag] geht mit verhaltener Skepsis der Frage nach, wie quantitative und qualitative Forschung bzw. ihre Ergebnisse erkenntnis-bereichernd miteinander kombiniert werden können. Dazu werden exemplarisch zwei Kombinationsmöglichkeiten dargestellt und im Hinblick auf ihren Mehrwert diskutiert: a) Ergebnisse aus der quantitativen Forschung werden anhand qualitativer Befunde differenzierter erklärt und b) Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Forschung werden anhand quantitativer Methoden umfassender bzw. tiefer verstanden.


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Die Autoren legen den Fokus auf den Bereich Hausaufgaben. Eine hochwertige Hausaufgabenpraxis erfordert aus ihrer Sicht ein Set an Kompetenzen der Lehrperson, die sich spezifisch auf das Wissen über und den Umgang mit Hausaufgaben beziehen. In ihrer Befragungsstudie gehen die Autoren vor allem der Frage nach, welche Kompetenzen Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich des Themas Hausaufgaben aufweisen.


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The aim of this paper was to examine age-related changes and gender differences in memory self-evaluation in old people and to examine the predictive power of objective memory performance and of personality variables (neuroticism and extraversion) on memory self-evaluation. In a cross-sectional study, 301 not institutionalized people aged 65± 94, 207 male and 94 female, were tested on three parameters. Subjective memory evaluation was operationalized with three one-item ratings: temporal comparison, social comparison, situation-speci® c memory self-evaluation just after performing a memory test. Objective memory assessment (free recall) used a computerized test. Personality assessment included the two main sub-scales `extraversion’ and `neuroticism’ from the Freiburger PersoÈ nlichkeits-Inventar.The results shaved that persons of all age groups have a realistic appraisal of their age-related memory decline.No gender effects were found for any of the three forms of memory self-evaluation. The relationship between objective memory performance, personality variables and memory self-evaluation however depends on age and gender. Our results show that objective memory performance is predictive for memory self-evaluation in men aged >75 years, whereas in men <75 neuroticism is the only signi® cant predictor.Men of the older cohort seem to have adapted to the age-related memory decline whereas the young old are still coping with the ongoing changes. In women of both age groups the objective memory performance is the only and strong predictor of memory self-evaluation. Our results suggest that gender-speci® c educational socialization might be the reason for these differences.


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Wettbewerbe durchdringen viele unserer Lebensbereiche. Als komplexe Praxisformen sind sie in unsere Biographien eingeflochten, sie begegnen uns in großen medialen Inszenierungen, sind grundlegende Organisationsformen des sportlichen Wettkampfs und bilden wirkungsvolle Instrumente einer wirtschaftlichen Ordnung. Wie aber funktionieren Wettbewerbe? Welche Auswirkungen haben kompetitive Muster auf unsere Lebenswelten und unsere Selbstkonzeptionen? Warum sind Wettbewerbslogiken gerade heute so plausibel und erfolgreich und in welchen sozio-kulturellen Kontexten konnten sie sich als Praxis wie als diskursives Muster etablieren? Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes stellen interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine Kultur des Wettbewerbs vor und loten mithilfe empirischer Fallstudien und konzeptioneller Überlegungen das bislang kaum kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlich erforschte Feld kompetitiver Kultur aus.


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Theoretical background and objectives: Stress reducing effects of Taiji practice have been repeatedly reported. The aim of the present study was to investigate which persons benefit the most from Taiji practice in terms of reduced physiological stress reactivity. Methods: We conducted a secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled Taiji trial that significantly lowered stress reactivity of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase in a Taiji group (n = 26) compared to a control group (n = 23). By using hierarchical regression analyses potential moderating influences of self-reported trait-mindfulness and trait values of general psychological stress reactivity on stress protective effects of a three months Taiji training were examined. Moderator variables were assessed at the beginning of the study using the Freiburg-Mindfulness-Inventory and the Perceived- Stress-Reactivity-Scale. Results: The interaction effect "study group x mindfulness" was significant for stress reactivity of salivary alpha-amylase (p = 0.050). Participants in the Taiji group with higher trait-mindfulness showed a lower salivary alpha-amylase stress reactivity, while in the control group higher trait-mindfulness was associated with higher alpha-amylase stress reactivity. In the control group (p = 0.042) but not in the Taiji group (p = 0.69) salivary cortisol stress reactivity was significantly increased in persons with higher trait-mindfulness scores. We could not find moderating effects of general psychological stress reactivity. Conclusion: Our results suggest that without intervention higher trait-mindfulness is associated with increased physiological stress reactivity. Persons with higher trait-mindfulness seem to benefit the most from practicing Taiji in terms of reduced sympathetic stress reactivity.