978 resultados para certified reference values


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Medial prefrontal cortical areas have been hypothesized to underlie altered contextual processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We investigated brain signaling of contextual information in this disorder. Eighteen PTSD subjects and 16 healthy trauma-exposed subjects underwent a two-day fear conditioning and extinction paradigm. On day 1, within visual context A, a conditioned stimulus (CS) was followed 60% of the time by an electric shock (conditioning). The conditioned response was then extinguished (extinction learning) in context B. On day 2, recall of the extinction memory was tested in context B. Skin conductance response (SCR) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were collected during context presentations. There were no SCR group differences in any context presentation. Concerning fMRI data, during late conditioning, when context A signaled danger, PTSD subjects showed dorsal anterior cingulate cortical (dACC) hyperactivation. During early extinction, when context B had not yet fully acquired signal value for safety, PTSD subjects still showed dACC hyperactivation. During late extinction, when context B had come to signal safety, they showed ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) hypoactivation. During early extinction recall, when context B signaled safety, they showed both vmPFC hypoactivation and dACC hyperactivation. These findings suggest that PTSD subjects show alterations in the processing of contextual information related to danger and safety. This impairment is manifest even prior to a physiologically-measured, cue-elicited fear response, and characterized by hypoactivation in vmPFC and hyperactivation in dACC.


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The distribution of immunoreactivity for the neurofilament triplet class of intermediate filament proteins was examined in the hippocampus of young, adult and elderly control cases and compared to that of Alzheimer's disease cases. In a similar fashion to non-human mammalian species, pyramidal neurons in the CA1 region showed a very low degree of neurofilament triplet immunoreactivity in the three younger control cases examined. However, in the other control cases of 49 years of age and older, many CA1 pyramidal neurons showed elevated neurofilament immunoreactivity. In the Alzheimer's disease cases, most of the surviving CA1 neurons showed intense labeling for the neurofilament triplet proteins, with many of these neurons giving off abnormal "sprouting" processes. Double labeling demonstrated that many of these neurons contained tangle-like or granular material that was immunoreactive for abnormal forms of tau and stained with thioflavine S, indicating that these neurons are in a transitional degenerative stage. An antibody to phosphorylated neurofilament proteins labeled a subset of neurofibrillary tangles in the Alzheimer's disease cases. However, following formic acid pre-treatment, the number of neurofibrillary tangles showing phosphorylated neurofilament protein immunoreactivity increased, with double labeling confirming that all of the tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles were also immunoreactive for phosphorylated neurofilament proteins. Immunoblotting demonstrated that there was a proportionately greater amount of the neurofilament triplet subunit proteins in hippocampal tissue from Alzheimer's disease cases as compared to controls. These results indicate that there are changes in the cytoskeleton of CA1 neurons associated with age which are likely to involve an increase in the level of neurofilament proteins and may be a predisposing factor contributing towards their high degree of vulnerability in degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. The cellular factors affecting hippocampal neurons during aging may be potentiated in Alzheimer's disease to result in even higher levels of intracellular neurofilament proteins and the progressive alterations of neurofilaments and other cytoskeletal proteins that finally results in neurofibrillary tangle formation and cellular degeneration.


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To assess the effect of a fructose meal on resting energy expenditure (EE), indirect calorimetry was used in 23 women (10 lean and 13 obese) for 30 min before and 6 h after the ingestion of a mixed meal containing 20% protein, 33% fat, and either 75 g glucose or 75 g fructose as carbohydrate source (47%). Expressed as a percentage of the energy content of the meal, the thermogenic response to the fructose meal was significantly greater (10.2 +/- 0.5%) than that of the glucose meal (8.4 +/- 0.4%, P less than 0.01). This difference was still apparent when the lean and obese women were considered separately. The mean respiratory quotient during the 6-h postprandial period was significantly greater (P less than 0.01) for the fructose (0.85 +/- 0.01) than for the glucose meal (0.83 +/- 0.01) in the combined subjects. In addition, cumulative carbohydrate oxidation was significantly greater after the fructose than after the glucose meal (51.1 +/- 2.3 vs. 40.9 +/- 2.0 g/6 h, respectively, P less than 0.01). Only small changes were observed in postprandial plasma levels of glucose and insulin after the fructose meal, but the plasma levels of lactate increased more with fructose than with the glucose meal. These results suggest that there might be some advantages (higher thermogenesis and carbohydrate oxidations) in using fructose as part of the carbohydrate source in diet of people with obesity and/or insulin resistance.


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BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) starting during childhood has been assumed to impair quality of life (QoL) of affected children. As this aspect is crucial for further personality development, the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was assessed in a Swiss nationwide cohort to obtain detailed information on the fields of impairment. METHODS: Data were prospectively acquired from pediatric patients included in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. IBD activity was evaluated by PCDAI and PUCAI. The age adapted KIDSCREEN questionnaire was evaluated for 110 children with IBD (64 with Crohn's disease 46 with ulcerative colitis). Data were analyzed with respect to established reference values of healthy controls. RESULTS: In the KIDSCREEN index a moderate impairment was only found for physical wellbeing due to disease activity. In contrast, mental well-being and social support were even better as compared to control values. A subgroup analysis revealed that this observation was restricted to the children in the German speaking part of Switzerland, whereas there was no difference compared to controls in the French part of Switzerland. Furthermore, autonomy and school variables were significantly higher in the IBD patients as compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: The social support for children with IBD is excellent in this cohort. Only physical well-being was impaired due to disease activity, whereas all other KIDSCREEN parameters were better as compared to controls. This indicates that effective coping and support strategies may be able to compensate the burden of disease in pediatric IBD patients.


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BACKGROUND: Accurate assessment of glenoid inclination is of interest for a variety of conditions and procedures. The purpose of this study was to develop an accurate and reproducible measurement for glenoid inclination on standardized anterior-posterior (AP) radiographs and on computed tomography (CT) images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three consistently identifiable angles were defined: Angle α by line AB connecting the superior and inferior glenoid tubercle (glenoid fossa) and the line identifying the scapular spine; angle β by line AB and the floor of the supraspinatus fossa; angle γ by line AB and the lateral margin of the scapula. Experimental study: these 3 angles were measured in function of the scapular position to test their resistance to rotation. Conventional AP radiographs and CT scans were acquired in extension/flexion and internal/external rotation in a range up to ±40°. Clinical study: the inter-rater reliability of all angles was assessed on AP radiographs and CT scans of 60 patients (30 with proximal humeral fractures, 30 with osteoarthritis) by 2 independent observers. RESULTS: The experimental study showed that angle α and β have a resistance to rotation of up to ±20°. The deviation from neutral position was not more than ±10°. The results for the inter-rater reliability analyzed by Bland-Altman plots for the angle β fracture group were (mean ± standard deviation) -0.1 ± 4.2 for radiographs and -0.3 ± 3.3 for CT scans; and for the osteoarthritis group were -1.2 ± 3.8 for radiographs and -3.0 ± 3.6 for CT scans. CONCLUSION: Angle β is the most reproducible measurement for glenoid inclination on conventional AP radiographs, providing a resistance to positional variability of the scapula and a good inter-rater reliability.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of neonatal hypoglycemia on physical growth and neurocognitive function.Study design: A systematic detection of hypoglycemia (<2.6 mmol/L or 47 mg/dL) was carried out in 85 small-for-gestational-age preterm neonates. Prospective serial evaluations of physical growth and psychomotor development were performed. Retrospectively, infants were grouped according to their glycemic status. RESULTS: The incidence of hypoglycemia was 72.9%. Infants with repeated episodes of hypoglycemia had significantly reduced head circumferences and lower scores in specific psychometric tests at 3.5 years of age. Hypoglycemia also caused reduced head circumferences at 18 months and lower psychometric scores at 5 years of age. Infants with moderate recurrent hypoglycemia had lower scores at 3.5 and 5 years of age compared with the group of infants who had 1 single severe hypoglycemic episode. CONCLUSION: Recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia were strongly correlated with persistent neurodevelopmental and physical growth deficits until 5 years of age. Recurrent hypoglycemia also was a more predictable factor for long-term effects than the severity of a single hypoglycemic episode. Therefore repetitive blood glucose monitoring and rapid treatment even for mild hypoglycemia are recommended for small-for-gestational-age infants in the neonatal period.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli arvioida uutta sellu-, paperi- ja kartonkiteollisuuden Paper Profile -ympäristötuoteselostetta. Paper Profilen tarkoituksena on tarjota paperiteollisuuden asiakkaille ja muille kiinnostuneilla sidosryhmille yhtenäistä ympäristöinformaatiota koskien paperituotteiden koostumusta ja tuotteiden tärkeimpiä ympäristöparametrejä. Työn tärkein tavoite oli arvioida kriittisesti Paper Profilea ja verrata konseptia ISO:n, Kansainvälisen stardardisoimisliiton tuoteselosteeseen sekä löytää konseptien yhtäläisyydet ja erot. Tärkein tehtävä oli tunnistaa ne avaintekijät, joiden avulla Paper Profile -tuoteselostetta voitaisiin pitää yhtenevänä ISO/TR 14025 teknisen raportin kanssa. Lisäksi Paper Profile -tuoteselosteen mahdolliset kehittämistarpeet arvioitiin ISO-tuoteselosteen näkökulmasta. Työn toinen tavoite oli kerätä ja analysoida uuteen tuoteselosteeseen liittyvä asiakaspalaute ja verrata sitä Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden antamiin Paper Profilea koskeviin kommentteihin. Työn tuloksena huomattiin, että Paper Profile -konsepti sellaisenaan ei ole kovin informatiivinen vaan tuoteseloste jättää monia ympäristökysymyksiä avoimeksi. Siitä huolimatta Paper Profile tarjoaa riittävän taustan eri paperituotteiden ympäristökuormitusten keskinäiselle vertailuille. Konseptin viestinnällinen näkökulma paranisi huomattavasti, jos tuoteselosteeseen lisättäisiin kolmannen osapuolen verifiointi. Lisäksi referenssiarvot kertoisivat asiakkaille paremmin esitettyjen parametrien taustoista. Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden, samoin kuin asiakkaidenkin mielestä Paper Profile on yleisesti ottaen potentiaalinen ympäristöviestinnän työkalu, mutta silti konseptiin ehdotettiin joitakin pieniä muutoksia. Avoinna olevat metsäsertifiointikysymykset ja niiden puutteellinen tiedottaminen tuoteselosteessa puhututtivat sekä tehtaiden henkilöstöä että yritysasiakkaita.


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The goal of this study was to assess the localization and types of thrombosed plaques in cases of sudden cardiac death attributed to coronary artery disease and to evaluate possible correlations with body mass index (BMI) and increased heart weight. This retrospective study was performed on forensic cases for which the cause of death was attributed to coronary artery disease. A complete autopsy and a multi-phase postmortem computed tomography (CT) angiography (MPMCTA) were performed in all cases. Eighty-five cases were selected (mean age, 55.18 ± 11.04 years; 72 men and 13 women). MPMCTA performed prior to autopsy enabled an evaluation of coronary artery perfusion before dissection of the body and helped therefore to guide sampling for histology. An acute coronary thrombosis was found in 57 cases, which included plaque erosion in 26 cases (mean age, 46.73 ± 8.33 years) and rupture or intra-plaque hemorrhage in 31 cases (mean age, 58.23 ± 10.62 years). Erosions were most frequently found in the left anterior descending artery (61.5 %), while only 35.48 % of ruptures were observed in this artery. Chronic coronary pathology was considered as the main cause of death in 28 cases (mean age, 59.64 ± 9.47 years). Sixty-two of the cases (72.94 %) had a BMI in the overweight category (BMI ≥25), with the highest mean BMI in patients with chronic coronary pathology without acute thrombosis found at autopsy. The heart weight was above the predicted reference values in 52 cases (61.18 %). Our results are in accordance with previously published studies on the spatial distribution of vulnerable plaques. We observed a higher percentage of eroded plaques than previously reported. Patients with coronary erosions were significantly younger than those with plaque rupture or those without an acute coronary thrombosis (p values <0.0001). BMI and heart weight were significantly higher for cases without thrombosis in comparison with those with plaque rupture (p values 0.028 and 0.003, respectively). Our results indicating that increased BMI and overweight hearts are associated with chronic ischemic heart disease are compatible with clinical studies. Performing more postmortem studies on forensic autopsies, including modern radiological examinations with MPMCTA, can enhance the detection of vulnerable plaques in living patients and prevent sudden cardiac death.


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Insulin determination in blood sampled during post-mortem investigation has been repeatedly asserted as being of little diagnostic value due to the rapid occurrence of decompositional changes and blood haemolysis. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of insulin determination in post-mortem serum, vitreous humour, bile, and cerebrospinal and pericardial fluids in one case of fatal insulin self-administration and a series of 40 control cases (diabetics and non-diabetics) using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. In the case of suicide by insulin self-administration, insulin concentrations in pericardial fluid and bile were higher than blood clinical reference values, though lower than post-mortem serum concentration. Insulin concentrations in vitreous (11.50 mU/L) and cerebrospinal fluid (17.30 mU/L) were lower than blood clinical reference values. Vitreous insulin concentrations in non-diabetic control cases were lower than the estimated detection limit of the method. These preliminary results tend to confirm the usefulness of insulin determination in vitreous humour in situations of suspected fatal insulin administration. Additional findings pertaining to insulin determination in bile, pericardial, and cerebrospinal fluid would suggest that analysis performed in post-mortem serum and injection sites could be complemented, in individual cases, by investigations carried out in alternative biological fluids. Lastly, these results would indicate that analysis with chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay may provide suitable data, similar to analysis with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunoradiometric assay, to support the hypothesis of insulin overdose. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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PURPOSE: To improve coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) by combining a two-dimensional (2D) spatially selective radiofrequency (RF) pulse with a T2 -preparation module ("2D-T2 -Prep"). METHODS: An adiabatic T2 -Prep was modified so that the first and last pulses were of differing spatial selectivity. The first RF pulse was replaced by a 2D pulse, such that a pencil-beam volume is excited. The last RF pulse remains nonselective, thus restoring the T2 -prepared pencil-beam, while tipping the (formerly longitudinal) magnetization outside of the pencil-beam into the transverse plane, where it is then spoiled. Thus, only a cylinder of T2 -prepared tissue remains for imaging. Numerical simulations were followed by phantom validation and in vivo coronary MRA, where the technique was quantitatively evaluated. Reduced field-of-view (rFoV) images were similarly studied. RESULTS: In vivo, full field-of-view 2D-T2 -Prep significantly improved vessel sharpness as compared to conventional T2 -Prep, without adversely affecting signal-to-noise (SNR) or contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR). It also reduced respiratory motion artifacts. In rFoV images, the SNR, CNR, and vessel sharpness decreased, although scan time reduction was 60%. CONCLUSION: When compared with conventional T2 -Prep, the 2D-T2 -Prep improves vessel sharpness and decreases respiratory ghosting while preserving both SNR and CNR. It may also acquire rFoV images for accelerated data acquisition.


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BACKGROUND: Port-wine stains (PWS) are malformations of capillaries in 0.3% of newborn children. The treatment of choice is by pulsed dye LASER (PDL), and requires several sessions. The efficacy of this treatment is at present evaluated on the basis of clinical inspection and of digital photographs taken throughout the treatment. LASER-Doppler imaging (LDI) is a noninvasive method of imaging the perfusion of the tissues by the microcirculatory system (capillaries). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that LDI allows a quantitative, numerical evaluation of the efficacy of the PDL treatment of PWS. METHOD: The PDL sessions were organized according to the usual scheme, every other month, from September 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013. LDI imaging was performed at the start and at the conclusion of the PDL treatment, and simultaneously on healthy skin in order to obtain reference values. The results evidenced by LDI were analyzed according to the "Wilcoxon signed-rank" test before and after each session, and in the intervals between the three PDL treatment sessions. RESULTS: Our prospective study is based on 20 new children. On average, the vascularization of the PWS was reduced by 56% after three laser sessions. Compared with healthy skin, initial vascularization of PWS was 62% higher than that of healthy skin at the start of treatment, and 6% higher after three sessions. During the 2 months between two sessions, vascularization of the capillary network increased by 27%. CONCLUSION: This study shows that LDI can demonstrate and measure the efficacy of PDL treatment of PWS in children. The figures obtained when measuring the results by LDI corroborate the clinical assessments and may allow us to refine, and perhaps even modify, our present use of PDL and thus improve the efficacy of the treatment.


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Primaarisilla immuunivajavuustiloilla tarkoitetaan ryhmää sairauksia, jotka johtuvat immuunijärjestelmän solujen sisäisestä häiriöstä. Primaarisessa immuunivajavuustilassa kyseessä on synnynnäinen puutos immuunijärjestelmässä geneettisen häiriön pohjalta. ELISPOT (Enzyme linked immunospot) -menetelmässä T-lymfosyyttejä stimuloidaan spesifisillä antigeeneilla. Stimuloidut solut alkavat tuottaa sytokiinia ja yksittäisten sytokiinia tuottavien solujen määrä voidaan mitata. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli primaaristen immuunivajavuustilojen diagnostiikkaan soveltuvan ELISPOT-menetelmän alustava pystyttäminen ja testaaminen. Tavoitteena oli tutkia, vaikuttaako solujen pakastaminen ELISPOTin antamiin tuloksiin ja voisiko ELISPOT-menetelmässä käyttää pakastettuja soluja alustavien viitearvojen määrittämiseen. Tutkittiin myös yhden ja kolmen vuorokauden inkubaatioajan vaikutusta solujen sytokiinintuotantoon sekä optimaalisia mitogeenikonsentraatioita. Tuoreiden ja pakastettujen näytteiden vertailu tehtiin kolmella henkilökunnan näytteellä. Henkilöistä kerättyjen ja eristettyjen tuoreiden mononukleaarisolujen antamia tuloksia verrattiin samoista henkilöistä aikaisemmin kerättyjen ja pakastettujen solujen antamiin tuloksiin. Viitearvojen alustava määrittäminen tehtiin pakastetuista potilasnäytteistä. Mitogeenikonsentraatioiden titraaminen ja inkubaatioaikojen vertailu tehtiin henkilökunnan tuoreista näytteistä. Tulokset osoittivat, että tuoreiden ja pakastettujen solujen sytokiinintuotanto eroaa toisistaan ja pakastettuja soluja ei voi käyttää viitearvojen määrittämiseen tässä menetelmässä. Inkubaatioaikavertailu osoitti, että yhden vuorokauden inkubaatioaika antoi riittävästi spotteja, mutta kolmen vuorokauden inkubaatioaika lisäsi solujen sytokiinintuotantoa niin paljon, että tuloksia oli vaikea tulkita. Mitogeenikonsentraatioita titraamalla saatiin selville Con A-mitogeenin optimaalinen ja suboptimaalinen pitoisuus ELISPOT-menetelmää varten. PWM:lla ja PHA:lla titrauksia tulee vielä jatkaa optimaalisen konsentraation selvittämiseksi. Näille mitogeeneille käytetty solumäärä 200 000 solua/kuoppa oli liian suuri ja spotteja tuli liikaa, jotta niitä olisi voitu lukea. Mitogeenien konsentraatioiden titraamista kannattaa tutkia lisää. Lisäksi tulevaisuudessa kannattaa alustavien viitearvojen määrittäminen tehdä tuoreista soluista. Solumääriä kannattaa tulevaisuudessa myös titrata, jotta ELISPOT-menetelmälle parhaiten soveltuva solumäärä löytyisi.


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The multi-element determination of Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ba, Pb, SO4= and Cl- in riverine water samples was accomplished by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The sample passed through a column containing the anionic resin AG1-X8 and the metals were determined directly. The retained anionic species were eluted and SO4= and Cl- were determined at m/z 48 and 35 correspondent to the ions SO+ and Cl+ formed at the plasma. Accuracy for metals was assessed by analysing the certified reference TM-26 (National Water Research Institute of Canada). Results for SO4= and Cl- were in agreement with those obtained by turbidimetry and spectrophotometry. LOD's of 0.1 µg l-1 for Cd, Ba and Pb; 0.2 µg l-1 for Al, Mn and Cu; 0.5 µg l-1 for Cr; 0.9 for Zn; 2.0 µg l-1for Ni , 60 µg l-1 for S and 200 µg l-1 Cl were attained.


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Selectivity studies for the determination of Cr(VI) using the catalytic oxidation of the o-dianisidine by hydrogen peroxide showed two distincts situations. In the first, when interferents were studied by a univariate procedure, Cr(III) and Cu(II) cause serious interferences even at the 2:1 proportion, relative to Cr(VI), while Fe(III) interfered at the 15:1 ratio and EDTA at the 10:1 ratio. On the other hand, when a multivariate investigation was performed, Cr(III) did not present any significant principal effects and its significant interaction effects were negative, in contrast to EDTA, that presented positive interaction effects although, like Cr(III), did not show significant interaction effects. In view of the interferent's action it become necessary to separate Cr(VI) by extraction with methylisobutylketone in a chloridric acid medium before its determination in vegetals and in wastewater from a cellulose industry samples. Using this procedure, the method precision is ±0,5% at the 10 ng/mL Cr(VI) concentration level. The detection and quantification limits, calculated by means of absorbance measurements of ten replicates of blank reagents were 1,1 and 3,2 ng/mL, respectively. The results obtained with real samples showed a relative standard deviation between 1,2% and 3,0% relative to their reference values.


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A column packed with 5-(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)rhodanine adsorbed on silica gel was used for the preconcentration of Cd, Ni and Zn at different spiked solutions prior to their determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. This column allowed recoveries over than 98% for the above elements and accurate analyses of coastal sea-water certified reference material were also achieved.