955 resultados para Saarela, Toni


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Amb l’objectiu de conèixer les relacions existents entre la força, el rendiment esportiu i la lesionabilitat en un equip masculí de bàsquet professional, es realitza un estudi prospectiu, observacional i descriptiu d’anàlisis d’estadístiques (71 partits), test de mig esquat (n = 7) i patologia lesional, monitoritzant la temporada 09/10, on es relacionen les dades obtingudes de cada jugador referents al rendiment esportiu per partit (valoració estadística), les mitjanes de força, velocitat i potència de cada mesocicle i la lesionabilitat. La tècnica estadística utilitzada ha estat la correlació a partir del paràmetre rho de Spearman. Aquestes correlacions entre força i lesionabilitat mostren que a valors de força més elevats hi ha més lesions: amb 80 kg són molt significatives per a lesions totals (LT) i potència (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), i significatives per força (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) i velocitat (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocitat amb 90 kg es relaciona amb lesions time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), i la potència amb 100 kg, amb lesions totals (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) i V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) molt significativament. I la relació entre força i rendiment és significativament negativa en 5 dels 7 mesocicles, és a dir, a menys força, més rendiment. En conclusió, durant l’execució del mig esquat, hi ha valors de força adients per rendir millor i lesionar-se menys: de 800 N a 1.050 N i amb càrregues de 80 kg a 90 kg.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera té com a finalitat analitzar els problemes d’usabilitat d’una botiga online. Aplicant aquesta avaluació podrem obtenir les mancances i els punts forts i/o febles que pot tenir aquesta botiga. L’avaluació es realitzarà amb una aplicació anomenada MORAE. Aquesta aplicació ens proporcionarà les dades necessàries i ens permetrà establir paràmetres indicatius de possibles problemes d’usabilitat de la citada botiga. L’anàlisi estadística ens permet extreure un conjunt de dades que, en analitzar-les, ens permetran establir un conjunt divers d’informació que ens facilitarà, alhora, diferents formes d’anàlisi, tant comparativa com inductiva. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és avaluar l’eficàcia de la botiga i establir si els usuaris tenen dificultats per treballar amb ella o no. A més a més, es proposaran idees de millora per facilitar el bon ús per als usuaris per tal de fer més gratificant la seva experiència.


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Aquest document descriu el procés de creació d’una aplicació basada en la pàgina web de l’Escola Politècnica Superior amb tecnologia Android seguint el model de Procés de l’Enginyeria de la Usabilitat i Accessibilitat, desenvolupat per Griho, des de la idea inicial fins a la programació i presentació d’aquesta.


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Aquest projecte mostrarà la implementació de l'ERP OpenERP, en les àrees vendes, compres i comptabilitat, d'una empresa pyme que per motius de privacitat no direm el seu nom i les dades de la base de dades seran fictícies. L'empresa és dedica al sector tèxtil i vol aconseguir que l'aplicació li funcioni com si és comportes com un e-commerce pels seus clients especials però amb les funcionalitats dels ERP's. És detallarà les funcionalitats de l'OpenERP, s'exposaran els requeriments que espera aconseguir l'empresa amb la implementació, el disseny, les configuracions i el desenvolupament d'un mòdul especific per l'empresa.


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In many industrial applications, accurate and fast surface reconstruction is essential for quality control. Variation in surface finishing parameters, such as surface roughness, can reflect defects in a manufacturing process, non-optimal product operational efficiency, and reduced life expectancy of the product. This thesis considers reconstruction and analysis of high-frequency variation, that is roughness, on planar surfaces. Standard roughness measures in industry are calculated from surface topography. A fast and non-contact method to obtain surface topography is to apply photometric stereo in the estimation of surface gradients and to reconstruct the surface by integrating the gradient fields. Alternatively, visual methods, such as statistical measures, fractal dimension and distance transforms, can be used to characterize surface roughness directly from gray-scale images. In this thesis, the accuracy of distance transforms, statistical measures, and fractal dimension are evaluated in the estimation of surface roughness from gray-scale images and topographies. The results are contrasted to standard industry roughness measures. In distance transforms, the key idea is that distance values calculated along a highly varying surface are greater than distances calculated along a smoother surface. Statistical measures and fractal dimension are common surface roughness measures. In the experiments, skewness and variance of brightness distribution, fractal dimension, and distance transforms exhibited strong linear correlations to standard industry roughness measures. One of the key strengths of photometric stereo method is the acquisition of higher frequency variation of surfaces. In this thesis, the reconstruction of planar high-frequency varying surfaces is studied in the presence of imaging noise and blur. Two Wiener filterbased methods are proposed of which one is optimal in the sense of surface power spectral density given the spectral properties of the imaging noise and blur. Experiments show that the proposed methods preserve the inherent high-frequency variation in the reconstructed surfaces, whereas traditional reconstruction methods typically handle incorrect measurements by smoothing, which dampens the high-frequency variation.


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We sometimes vividly remember things that did not happen, a phenomenon with general relevance, not only in the courtroom. It is unclear to what extent individual differences in false memories are driven by anatomical differences in memory-relevant brain regions. Here we show in humans that microstructural properties of different white matter tracts as quantified using diffusion tensor imaging are strongly correlated with true and false memory retrieval. To investigate these hypotheses, we tested a large group of participants in a version of the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm (recall and recognition) and subsequently obtained diffusion tensor images. A voxel-based whole-brain level linear regression analysis was performedto relatefractional anisotropyto indices oftrue andfalse memory recall and recognition. True memory was correlated to diffusion anisotropy in the inferior longitudinal fascicle, the major connective pathway of the medial temporal lobe, whereas a greater proneness to retrieve false items was related to the superior longitudinal fascicle connecting frontoparietal structures. Our results show that individual differences in white matter microstructure underlie true and false memory performance.


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The purpose of this work was to study the characteristics of the most commonly used filter aid materials and their influences on the design of proportioning, mixing, and feeding system for polishing filter family. Based on the literature survey and hands-on experience a system was designed with defined equipment and capital and operating costs. The system was designed to serve precoating and bodyfeeding applications and is easily extended to be used in multiple filter processes. Also a test procedure was carried out where influences of flux and filter cloths to accumulated cake were studied. Filter aid is needed in challenging conditions to improve filtration efficiency and cleaning, and thus extend the operating life of the filter media. Filter aid preparation and feeding system was designed for the use of two different filter aids; precoat and bodyfeed. Precoating is used before the filtration step initiates. If the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to clog the filter bag easily, precoat is used on the filter bag to obtain better filtration efficiency and quality. Diatomite or perlite is usually used as a precoating substance. The intention is to create a uniform cake to the overall surface of the filter cloth, with predetermined thickness, 2 – 5 mm. This ensures that the clogging of the filter cloth is reduced and the filtration efficiency is increased. Bodyfeed is used if the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to form a sticky impermeable filter cake. The cake properties are enhanced by maintaining the permeability of the accumulating cake by using the filter aid substance as bodyfeed during the filtration process.


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La coordinación del miembro no dominante, se manifiesta cómo un factor que puede afectar al rendimiento técnico final del revés a dos manos en tenis (COE, 1999). La presente investigación plantea la valoración del nivel de coordinación del miembro no dominante en niños con relación al rendimiento técnico del revés a dos manos, empleándose, para tal fin, una batería de cinco pruebas diseñadas para tal efecto. En este sentido, se observó que la coordinación del miembro no dominante en niños afecta al rendimiento final del golpe de revés a dos manos, erigiéndose así el desarrollo de dicho aspecto en un contenido importante a tratar durante las sesiones de entrenamiento.


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El pasado 15 de mayo de 2010, realizamos un acto de recordatorio y de homenaje, de amigos y amigas, de personas que lo valorábamos y respetábamos, de educadores y educadoras sociales que nos consideramos sus discípulos, de Toni Julià, que había muerto hacía unos meses, a comienzos del verano de 2009. Y lo hicimos en el espacio emblemático que en 1977 ocupaba 'el Asilo del Port' del ayuntamiento de Barcelona y que ahora ocupa, en parte, la escuela Bàrkeno. El Asilo del Port, nombre con el que era conocido en los años 70 por los vecinos del Barrio de la Marina del Prat Vermell, estaba situado en la calle Cisell, en lo que había sido, hasta su anexión a Barcelona,"la Marina" del municipio de Sants (3). Era un centro-institución municipal de muy larga trayectoria, entre los de la Beneficencia de la ciudad de Barcelona. Y en 1977 actuó como base de operaciones logística del nacimiento de los 'Colectivos Infantiles del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona', experiencia pionera en el proceso de renovación de la acción socioeducativa con la infancia del inicio de la democracia en España. (4) En este artículo queremos ofrecer algunos elementos que nos ayuden a ubicar, dentro de la historia de la acción social de la ciudad de Barcelona, las diferentes funciones y el recorrido de esta institución, el Asilo del Port. Y de paso, rescatar alguna anécdota relacionada con Toni Julià.


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Glyphosate, an enzyme inhibitor herbicide, has been widely used around the world in agriculture. Dr. John Franz from Monsanto Corporation (USA) discovered glyphosate in 1970. It has been showed that glyphosate is strongly adsorbed by inorganic soil components especially aluminium and iron oxides, and the phosphate group is involved in this interaction. The inactivation of glyphosate in soils can last for days or even months depending on soil characteristics. The addition of phosphate from fertilizers can displace glyphosate from the soils and this could be the cause of decreased productivity of some crops.


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We model the wavelength-dependent absorption of atmospheric gases by assuming constant mass absorption coefficients in finite-width spectral bands. Such a semigray atmosphere is analytically solved by a discrete ordinate method. The general solution is analyzed for a water vapor saturated atmosphere that also contains a carbon dioxide-like absorbing gas in the infrared. A multiple stable equilibrium with a relative upper limit in the outgoing long-wave radiation is found. Differing from previous radiative–convective models, we find that the amount of carbon dioxide strongly modifies the value of this relative upper limit. This result is also obtained in a gray (i.e., equal absorption of radiation at all infrared wavelengths) water vapor saturated atmosphere. The destabilizing effect of carbon dioxide implies that massive carbon dioxide atmospheres are more likely to reach a runaway greenhouse state than thin carbon dioxide ones


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The wave-of-advance model has been previously applied to Neolithic human range expansions, yielding good agreement to the speeds inferred from archaeological data. Here, we apply it for the first time to Palaeolithic human expansions by using reproduction and mobility parameters appropriate to hunter-gatherers (instead of the corresponding values for preindustrial farmers). The order of magnitude of the predicted speed is in agreement with that implied by the AMS radiocarbon dating of the lateglacial human recolonization of northern Europe (14.2–12.5 kyr BP). We argue that this makes it implausible for climate change to have limited the speed of the recolonization front. It is pointed out that a similar value for the speed can be tentatively inferred from the archaeological data on the expansion of modern humans into the Levant and Europe (42–36 kyr BP)


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Problems in the mobile services are complex where the lack of the user analysis is not the modest issue. User centered design has increasingly become as a basis for the design of mobile services. The concept of user centered design gives end-user extensive attention at each stage of the design process. Mobile service providers want to offer experiences for users and clearly the users look for services that can provide pleasant experiences. In this thesis, the elements of user experience in mobile internet were studied as well as user experience measuring methods were researched. This study was looking for user experience measuring metrics and methods to specify new factors to measure user experience. During this thesis research project an application called CEM4Mobile was designed and implemented. CEM4Mobile is an application for observing and analysing user experience based on the user activity and behaviour. As a result of this thesis, a collection of user experience elements and measuring metrics were found. The elements and metrics were designed and implemented to CEM4Mobile product, which measures user experience. It was found out that the user experience measuring methods were based on interaction between two people but CEM4Mobile makes user observation programmatic.