836 resultados para Phenomenological verbs
This article draws on the design and implementation of three mobile learning projects introduced by Flanagan in 2011, 2012 and 2014 engaging a total of 206 participants. The latest of these projects is highlighted in this article. Two other projects provide additional examples of innovative strategies to engage mobile and cloud systems describing how electronic and mobile technology can help facilitate teaching and learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning, and support communities of practice. The second section explains the theoretical premise supporting the implementation of technology and promulgates a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The third section discusses mobility, both in terms of the exploration of wearable technology in the prototypes developed as a result of the projects, and the affordances of mobility within pedagogy. Finally the quantitative and qualitative methods in place to evaluate m-learning are explained.
This paper offers a mediation on disaster, recovery, resilience, and restoration of balance, in both a material and a metaphorical sense, when ‘disaster’ befalls not the body politic of the nation but the body personal. In the past few decades, of course, artists, activists and scholars have deliberately tried to avoid describing personal, physical and phenomenological experiences of the disabled body in terms of difficulty and disaster. This has been part of a political move, from a medical model, in which disability, disease and illness are positioned as personal catastrophes, to a social model, in which disability is positioned as a social construct that comes from systems, institutions and infrastructure designed to exclude different bodies. It is a move that is responsible for a certain discomfort people with disabilities, and artists with disabilities, today feel towards performances that deploy disability as a metaphor for disaster, from Hijikata, to Theatre Hora. In the past five years, though, this particular discourse has begun rising again, particularly as people with disabilities fact their own anything but natural disasters as a result of the austerity measures now widespread across the US, UK, Europe and elsewhere. Measures that threaten people’s ability to live, and take part in social and institutional life, in any meaningful way. Measures that, as artist Katherine Araniello notes, also bring additional difficulty, danger, and potential for disaster as they ripple outwards across the tides of familial ties, threatening family, friends, and careers who become bound up in the struggle to do more with less. In this paper, I consider how people with disabilities use performance, particularly public space interventionalist performance, to reengage, renact and reenvisage the discourse of national, economic, environmental or other forms of disaster, the need for austerity, the need to avoid providing people with support for desires and interests as well as basic daily needs, particularly when fraud and corruption is so right, and other such ideas that have become an all too unpleasant reality for many people. Performances, for instance, like Liz Crow’s Bedding Out, where she invited people into her bed – for people with disabilities a symbolic space, which necessarily becomes more a public living room restaurant, office and so forth than a private space when poor mobility means they spend much time it in – to talk about their lives, their difficulties, and dealing with austerity. Or, for instance, like the Bolshy Divas, who mimic public and political policy, reports and advertising paranoia to undermine their discourses about austerity. I examine the effects, politics and ethics of such interventions, including examination of the comparative effect of highly bodied interventions (like Crow’s) and highly disembodied interventions (like the Bolshy Diva’s) in discourses of difficulty, disaster and austerity on a range of target spectator communities.
Acceleration of the universe has been established but not explained. During the past few years precise cosmological experiments have confirmed the standard big bang scenario of a flat universe undergoing an inflationary expansion in its earliest stages, where the perturbations are generated that eventually form into galaxies and other structure in matter, most of which is non-baryonic dark matter. Curiously, the universe has presently entered into another period of acceleration. Such a result is inferred from observations of extra-galactic supernovae and is independently supported by the cosmic microwave background radiation and large scale structure data. It seems there is a positive cosmological constant speeding up the universal expansion of space. Then the vacuum energy density the constant describes should be about a dozen times the present energy density in visible matter, but particle physics scales are enormously larger than that. This is the cosmological constant problem, perhaps the greatest mystery of contemporary cosmology. In this thesis we will explore alternative agents of the acceleration. Generically, such are called dark energy. If some symmetry turns off vacuum energy, its value is not a problem but one needs some dark energy. Such could be a scalar field dynamically evolving in its potential, or some other exotic constituent exhibiting negative pressure. Another option is to assume that gravity at cosmological scales is not well described by general relativity. In a modified theory of gravity one might find the expansion rate increasing in a universe filled by just dark matter and baryons. Such possibilities are taken here under investigation. The main goal is to uncover observational consequences of different models of dark energy, the emphasis being on their implications for the formation of large-scale structure of the universe. Possible properties of dark energy are investigated using phenomenological paramaterizations, but several specific models are also considered in detail. Difficulties in unifying dark matter and dark energy into a single concept are pointed out. Considerable attention is on modifications of gravity resulting in second order field equations. It is shown that in a general class of such models the viable ones represent effectively the cosmological constant, while from another class one might find interesting modifications of the standard cosmological scenario yet allowed by observations. The thesis consists of seven research papers preceded by an introductory discussion.
Wear of etched near-eutectic aluminium silicon alloy slid against a steel ball under ambient is explored. The sliding velocity is kept low (0.01 m/s) and the nominal contact pressure is varied in a 15-40 MPa range. Four stages of wear are identified; ultra mild wear, mild wear, severe wear and post severe oxidative wear. The first transition is controlled by the protrusions of silicon particles, projecting out of the aluminium alloy matrix. Once these protrusions disappear under pressure and sliding, oxidation and bulk energy dissipation mechanisms take over to institute transitions to other stages of wear. The phenomenological characteristics of wear stages are explored using a variety of techniques including nanoindentation, focused ion beam milling, electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical interferometry. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Body: The foundation for the formation of the knowledge and conception of gender identity among the transgendered The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the experiential formation of the knowledge and conception of one's gender and the foundation of that experience. This study is based on qualitative method and phenomenological approach. The research material consists: Herculine Barbin's Herculine Barbin, Christine Jorgensen's Christine Jorgensen. A Personal Autobiography Kate Bornstein's Gender Outlaw and Deirdre McCloskey's Crossing. A Memoir. The theoretical frame of reference for the study is Michel Henry's phenomenology of the body. The most important relations regarding the formation of the knowledge and conception of gender identity at which the sensing of the body is directed are human being's own subjective, organic and objective bodily form and other people and representatives of institutions. The concept of resistance reveals that gender division and the stereotypes and accountability related to it have dual character in culture. As a resistance they contain the potential for triggering the reflections about one's own gender. As an instrument they may function as means of exercising power and, as such, of monitoring gender normality. According to the research material the sources for the knowledge and conception of gender identity among the transgendered are literature, medical articles and books, internet, clerical and medical professionals, friends and relatives, and the peer group, that is, other transgendered. The transgendered are not only users of gender knowledge, but many of them are also active producers and contributors of gender knowledge and especially of knowledge about transgenderness. The problem is that this knowledge is unevenly distributed in society. The users of gender knowledge are mainly the transgendered, researchers of different disciplines specialized in gender issues, and medical and healthcare professionals specialized in gender adjustments. Therefore not everyone has the sufficient knowledge to support one's own or someone other's life as a gendered being in a society and ability to achieve gender autonomy. The quality of this knowledge is also rather narrow from the gender multiplicity point of view. The feeling of strangeness and the resulting experience of enstrangement have, like stereotypes, dual character in culture. They may be the reason for people's social disadvantage or exclusion, but the experiences may just as well be a resource for people's gender maturity and culture. As a cultural resource in gender issue this would mean innovativity in creating, upholding and changing cultural gender division, stereotypes and accounting customs. A transgendered may then become a liminal that aspires to change the limits related to resistances in society. Transgenderness is not only a medical issue but, first and foremost, an issue bearing upon human situation as a whole, or, in other words, related to the art of life. The subject of gender adjustment treatments is not only gender itself but the art of life as a gendered being. Transgenderness would then require multi-discipline co-operation.
A straightforward computation of the list of the words (the `tail words' of the list) that are distributionally most similar to a given word (the `head word' of the list) leads to the question: How semantically similar to the head word are the tail words; that is: how similar are their meanings to its meaning? And can we do better? The experiment was done on nearly 18,000 most frequent nouns in a Finnish newsgroup corpus. These nouns are considered to be distributionally similar to the extent that they occur in the same direct dependency relations with the same nouns, adjectives and verbs. The extent of the similarity of their computational representations is quantified with the information radius. The semantic classification of head-tail pairs is intuitive; some tail words seem to be semantically similar to the head word, some do not. Each such pair is also associated with a number of further distributional variables. Individually, their overlap for the semantic classes is large, but the trained classification-tree models have some success in using combinations to predict the semantic class. The training data consists of a random sample of 400 head-tail pairs with the tail word ranked among the 20 distributionally most similar to the head word, excluding names. The models are then tested on a random sample of another 100 such pairs. The best success rates range from 70% to 92% of the test pairs, where a success means that the model predicted my intuitive semantic class of the pair. This seems somewhat promising when distributional similarity is used to capture semantically similar words. This analysis also includes a general discussion of several different similarity formulas, arranged in three groups: those that apply to sets with graded membership, those that apply to the members of a vector space, and those that apply to probability mass functions.
The nature of microcracks formed in concrete under repeated uniaxial compressive loads are investigated by experiments on prismatic specimens. The distribution and orientation of cracks formed are studied by optical microscopic techniques. The basic failure mechanism of concrete at the phenomenological and internal structural level are examined by the formation and propagation of cracks. The tests have indicated that local tensile failures constitute the dominant mode of fracture, with the bond cracks forming the major percentage of the total magnitude of cracks. Significant differences were observed in the proportion of bond cracks formed under static and repeated load systems.
A visual world eye-tracking study investigated the activation and persistence of implicit causality information in spoken language comprehension. We showed that people infer the implicit causality of verbs as soon as they encounter such verbs in discourse, as is predicted by proponents of the immediate focusing account (Greene & McKoon, 1995; Koornneef & Van Berkum, 2006; Van Berkum, Koornneef, Otten, & Nieuwland, 2007). Interestingly, we observed activation of implicit causality information even before people encountered the causal conjunction. However, while implicit causality information was persistent as the discourse unfolded, it did not have a privileged role as a focusing cue immediately at the ambiguous pronoun when people were resolving its antecedent. Instead, our study indicated that implicit causality does not affect all referents to the same extent, rather it interacts with other cues in the discourse, especially when one of the referents is already prominently in focus.
Vanhustenhoitajan ammatillinen rooli – avain vanhusten hyvinvointiin ja hoitajien työssä jaksamiseen
Suomessa väestön rakenne on muuttumassa ja hoitoa tarvitsevien määrä nousee jatkuvasti. Vanhustenhoito on muuttunut henkisesti ja fyysisesti yhä kuormittavammaksi ja vanhustenhoidon imago huonoksi. Tavoitteita asetetaan, mutta resurssit näiden saavuttamiseen ovat tiukassa. Tutkimuksen keskiössä olivat vanhustenhoitajien kokemukset ammatillisesta roolista. Tutkimuksen teoreettisina tukipilareina toimivat rooliteoria sekä näkemykset tunnetyöstä ja totaalisista laitoksista. Menetelmänä toimi IPA:a, jonka avulla voidaan päästä käsiksi siihen, miten tutkittavat jäsentävät maailmaansa − tässä tapauksessa ammatillista rooliaan vanhustyöntekijöinä. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimivat 8 haastattelua, jotka on kerätty vuonna 2009. Aineistosta nousi päällimmäisenä esiin hoitajan ja asukkaan välinen vuorovaikutus ja se, kuinka hoitajan on oltava ammatillisessa roolissa. Tätä vuorovaikutussuhdetta kuvattiin kaikissa kahdeksassa haastattelussa ja sitä pidettiin ammattitaidon oleellisimpana osana. Ensimmäisellä tutkimuskysymyksellä selvitettiin millaisia rooliodotuksia vanhustenhoitajat asettavat toiminnalleen. Oleellisimmat odotukset rakentuivat sen ympärille, miten vanhuksen kanssa ollaan vuorovaikutuksessa. Tilanteissa hoitajan tulisi osata oikeanlaiset tiukat, mutta toisaalta lempeät otteet, jotta vanhukset eivät passivoituisi. Nämä otteet nähtiin vanhuksen edun mukaisina, sillä ilman jämäkkää hoito-otetta vanhukset saattoivat heittäytyä täysihoitoon ja lakata pitämästä yllä päivittäisiä toimintojaan, kuten hampaiden pesua. Toinen tutkimuskysymys paneutui siihen, kokevatko vanhustenhoitajat roolinmukaisuuden tärkeäksi työssään. Lisäksi perehdyttiin siihen, miksi roolinmukaisuus koetaan tärkeänä. Haastatellut vanhustenhoitajat toivat esiin, että työstä on suoriuduttava tietyllä tavalla. Omista murheista tai mieltymyksistä huolimatta työt piti saada tehtyä. Työhön oltiin tultu vanhuksen edun vuoksi ja se oli pidettävä mielessä koko ajan. Kun hoitajat onnistuivat toimimaan rooliodotusten mukaisesti, säilyi tunnelma osastolla rauhallisena ja lääkkeitä kului vähemmän. Kolmas tutkimuskysymys pureutui siihen, voiko vanhustenhoitaja vapautua ammatillisesta roolistaan työpäivän aikana. Hoitajat kokivat, että roolista vapautuminen oli mahdollista työpäivän aikana, mutta sille annettiin tiukat rajat. Vanhusten nähden hoitajan tuli pysytellä tiukasti roolinmukaisessa odotettavassa käytöksessä. Vanhustenhoitajilla oli selkeästi erilaiset käyttäytymissäännöt niihin tilanteisiin kun oltiin osastolla potilaiden näkyvillä kuin niihin tilanteisiin joissa oltiin yksin tai kollegoiden kanssa. Tässä voidaan nähdä selkeä yhteys Goffmanin rooliteoriaan, jossa hän tuo esiin, että esityksissä on näyttämö ja takatila. Vanhainkodin tapauksessa näyttämö on osasto, jossa vanhukset ja omaiset seuraavat hoitajien toimintaa. Takatiloina sen sijaan toimivat hoitajien omat työhuoneet, taukotilat ja henkilökunnan wc, jossa työnaamio voitiin riisua hetkellisesti pois. Tärkeimmät lähteet ovat: Goffman, E. (1971). Arkielämän roolit. Oikeille jäljille rooliviidakossa ja Smith, J., Flowers, P., Larkin, M. (2009). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Theory, method and research.
We present a simplified theory of the effective momentum mass (EMM) and ballistic current–voltage relationship in a degenerate two-folded highly asymmetric bilayer graphene nanoribbon. With an increase in the gap, the density-of-states in the lower set of subbands increases more than that of the upper set. This results in a phenomenological population inversion of carriers, which is reflected through a net negative differential conductance (NDC). It is found that with the increase of the ribbon width, the NDC also increases. The population inversion also signatures negative values of EMM above a certain ribbon-width for the lower set of subbands, which increases in a step-like manner with the applied longitudinal static bias. The well-known result for symmetric conditions has been obtained as a special case.
Service researchers and practitioners have repeatedly claimed that customer service experiences are essential to all businesses. Therefore comprehension of how service experience is characterised in research is an essential element for its further development through research. The importance of greater in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of service experience has been acknowledged by several researchers, such as Carú and Cova and Vargo and Lusch. Furthermore, Service-Dominant (S-D) logic has integrated service experience to value by emphasising in its foundational premises that value is phenomenologically (experientially) determined. The present study analyses how the concept of service experience has been characterised in previous research. As such, it puts forward three ways to characterise it in relation to that research: 1) phenomenological service experience relates to the value discussion in S-D logic and interpretative consumer research, 2) process-based service experience relates to understanding service as a process, and 3) outcome-based service experience relates to understanding service experience as one element in models linking a number of variables or attributes to various outcomes. Focusing on the phenomenological service experience, the theoretical purpose of the study is to characterise service experience based on the phenomenological approach. In order to do so, an additional methodological purpose was formulated: to find a suitable methodology for analysing service experience based on the phenomenological approach. The study relates phenomenology to a philosophical Husserlian and social constructionist tradition studying phenomena as they appear in our experience in a social context. The study introduces Event-Based Narrative Inquiry Technique (EBNIT), which combines critical events with narratives and metaphors. EBNIT enabled the analysis of lived and imaginary service experiences as expressed in individual narratives. The study presents findings of eight case studies within service innovation of Web 2.0, mobile service, location aware service and public service in the municipal sector. Customers’ and service managers’ stories about their lived private and working lifeworld were the foundation for their ideal service experiences. In general, the thesis finds that service experiences are (1) subjective, (2) context-specific, (3) cumulative, (4) partially socially constructed, (5) both lived and imaginary, (6) temporally multiple-dimensional, and (7) iteratively related to perceived value. In addition to customer service experience, the thesis brings empirical evidence of managerial service experience of front-line managers experiencing the service they manage and develop in their working lifeworld. The study contributes to S-D logic, service innovation and service marketing and management in general by characterising service experience based on the phenomenological approach and integrating it to the value discussion. Additionally, the study offers a methodological approach for further exploration of service experiences. The study discusses managerial implications in conjunction with the case studies and discusses them in relation to service innovation.
Customer value has been identified as “the reason” for customers to patronize a firm, and as one of the fundamental blocks that market exchanges build upon. Despite the importance of customer value, it is often poorly defined, or seems to refer to different phenomena. This dissertation contributes to current marketing literature by subjecting the value concept to a critical investigation, and by clarifying its conceptual foundation. Based on the literature review, it is proposed that customer value can be divided into two separate, but interrelated aspects: value creation processes, and value outcome determination. This means that on one hand, it is possible to examine those activities through which value is created, and on the other hand, investigate how customers determine the value outcomes they receive. The results further show that customers may determine value in four different ways: value as a benefit/sacrifice ratio, as experience outcomes, as means-end chains, and value as phenomenological. In value as benefit/sacrifice ratio, customers are expected to calculate the ratio between service benefits (e.g. ease of use) and sacrifices (e.g. price). In value as experience outcomes, customers are suggested to experience multiple value components, such as functional, emotional, or social value. Customer value as means-ends chains in turn models value in terms of the relationships between service characteristics, use value, and desirable ends (e.g. social acceptance). Finally, value as phenomenological proposes that value emerges from lived, holistic experiences. The empirical papers investigate customer value in e-services, including online health care and mobile services, and show how value in e-service stems from the process and content quality, use context, and the service combination that a customer uses. In conclusion, marketers should understand that different value definitions generate different types of understanding of customer value. In addition, it is clear that studying value from several perspectives is useful, as it enables a richer understanding of value for the different actors. Finally, the interconnectedness between value creation and determination is surprisingly little researched, and this dissertation proposes initial steps towards understanding the relationship between the two.
An expression for the EMF of a nonisothermal galvanic cell, with gradients in both temperature and chemical potential across a solid electrolyte, is derived based on the phenomenological equations of irreversible thermodynamics. The EMF of the nonisothermal cell can be written as a sum of the contributions from the chemical potential gradient and the EMF of a thermocell operating in the same temperature gradient but at unit activity of the neutral form of the migrating species. The validity of the derived equation is confirmed experimentally by imposing nonlinear gradients of temperature and chemical potential across galvanic cells constructed using fully stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The nature of the gradient has no effect on the EMF.
The change in the specific heat by the application of magnetic field up to 161 for high temperature superconductor system for DyBa2Cu3O7-x by Revaz et al. [23] is examined through the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau(G-L) theory of anisotropic Type-II superconductors. The observed specific heat anomaly near T-c with magnetic field is explained qualitatively through the expression <Delta C > = (B-a/T-c) t/(1 - t)(alpha Theta(gamma)lambda(2)(m)(0)), which is the anisotropic formulation of the G-L theory in the London limit developed by Kogan and coworkers; relating to the change in specific heat Delta C for the variation of applied magnetic field for different orientations with c-axis. The analysis of this equation explains satisfactorily the specific heat anomaly near T-c and determines the anisotropic ratio gamma as 5.608, which is close to the experimental value 5.3 +/- 0.5given in the paper of Revaz et al. for this system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The multifaceted passive present participle in Finnish This study investigates the uses of the passive present participle in Finnish. The participle occurs in a variety of syntactic environments and exhibits a rich polysemy. Former descriptions have treated it as a mainly modal element, but it has several non-modal uses as well. The present study provides an overview of its uses and meanings, with the main focus on the factors which trigger the modal reading. In addition, the study contains two case studies on modal periphrastic constructions consisting of the verb 'to be' and the present passive participle, the Obligation construction, e.g., on men-tä-vä [is go-pass-ptc], and the Possiblity construction, e.g., on pelaste-tta-v-i-ssa [is save-pass-ptc-pl-ine]. The study is based on empirical data of 9000 sentences obtained from i) large collections of transcribed material from Finnish dialects, ii) a corpus of modern Finnish newspaper texts, iii) corpora of Old Finnish texts. Both in colloquial and standard Finnish the reading of the participle is highly dependent of the context and determined by such factors as the overall syntactic environment and other co-occurring elements. One of the main findings here is that the Finnish passive present participle is not modal per se. The contextual modal reading arises whenever the state of affairs is conceptualized from the viewpoint of the implied subject of the participle, and the meaning of possibility or obligation depends mostly on whether the situation is pleasant or undesirable. In sections examining the grammaticalization of the Possibility and Obligation constructions, the perspective is diachronic. Both constructions have derived from copula constructions with the passive present participle as a predicate (adjective or adverb). These sections show how a linguistic change can be investigated on the basis of the patterns of usage in the empirical data. The Possibility construction is currently going through a restructuration to a passive verbal complex. The source of this construction is reflected in its present-day use by the fact that it heavily biased towards a small set of verbs. The Obligation construction has grammaticalized to a construction comparable to a compound tense. Patterns of use of the construction show that grammaticalization originates in specific syntactic constructions with an implication of practical necessity. Furthermore, it is shown that the Obligation construction has grammaticalized in different directions in standard and colloquial Finnish. Differing from the study on most typical phenomena investigated in the literature on grammaticalization of modality, the present study opens new perspectives and methods for discussion on these questions.