899 resultados para Chamber of Commerce of Minneapolis
This paper analyzes different experiences of space by which memory of Holocaust could be passed on. The Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin gives visitors the feeling of insecurity and overwhelms them with monumentality. For that reason it is criticized as reflecting the other side of German memory: The Third Reich’s megalomania and dream about power. The Hamburger memorial against fascism designed in 1986 by conceptual artists Jochen and Esther Gerz offers quite an opposite experience of space. A twelve-meter-high pillar has been established for visitors to sign on it. Once the area was covered by signature it was lowered into the ground till it completely disappeared. The intention of the artists was to put memory not into the monument but into people. Pozdrowienia z Alej Jerozolimskich (Greetings from the Jerusalem Avenue, 2002) by Joanna Rajkowska – a fifteen-meter tall artificial palm tree installed in the centre of Warsaw – is an attempt to infuse with Israel's scenery a Warsaw's street whose name and history sends the observer to the history of the Jews in Poland. In another work called Dotleniacz (Oxygenator, 2007) Rajkowska created an artificial lake with oxygen concentrators, gold fish, flowers and banks. Again, the installation was placed in a very meaningful place – Grzybowski Square – which is strongly connected with Jewish life in Poland as well as Polish anti-Semitism. The synagogue in Poznan was transformed during the Nazi occupation into a swimming pool which it has remained until the present day. This fact ( just like the building) seems to be invisible for most citizens. In 2003 Rafał Jakubowicz changed the fact by projecting a Hebrew inscription הייחש-תכירב (swimming pool) on the façade of the former synagogue. In Berek (The Game of Tag, 1999) by Artur Żmijewski a group of naked men and women of various age play tag. The artist filmed them in two rooms: in a symbolically neutral space and in a gas chamber of a former Nazi death camp. The film is an attempt at breaking the spell of this horrifying and paralysing space.
This book, written when Walker was Visiting Professor at the Technical University Munich in 2011, describes his research on the effects of digital technology on architectural design and construction, and on the development of ‘digital craft’. The primary example given is The Swarm, a digitally designed and manufactured pavilion, produced with students while Walker was at TU Munich. It now stands outside the Bayerischen Architektenkammer (Bavarian Chamber of Architects) in Munich. Through such research-by-design, Walker asks larger questions: what can designers craft without a master craftsman’s skills, and how can craft skills be recovered through digital fabrication? Another example in the book is the Swoosh Pavilion, one of two public-space-scale architectural pavilion prototypes Walker developed between 2008 and 2009 at the Architectural Association (AA), using applied digital modelling and CNC techniques to investigate methods of teaching and testing digital processes through making. Swoosh (2008) and a second AA pavilion, Driftwood (2009), were discussed by Walker and Martin Self, his co-investigator, in ‘Fractal, bad hair, Swoosh and Driftwood pavilions of Intermediate Unit 2, 2006–2009’, published in the AD reader, Manufacturing the Bespoke (2012), which includes essays by well-known critics and designers such as Mathias Kohler and Michael Stacey. Both AA pavilions were sponsored by FinnForest Merk, Arup, HOK and Building Design Magazine, and were seen by large international audiences in Bedford Square, London during the 2008–9 ‘AA Projects Review’ shows. The book Making Pavilions (Walker and Self, AA Agenda No. 9, Architectural Association Press, 2011) also discusses their work over seven years of teaching at the Architectural Association. At the same time, Walker collaborated on a series of Serpentine pavilions, commissioned annually by the Serpentine Gallery, London, co-designing these experimental structures with internationally renowned architects Daniel Libeskind, Oscar Niemeyer, Toyo Ito and Alvaro Siza.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo examinar um dos meios de prova oral do processo civil, que é o depoimento da criança. Diante da existência de uma certa resistência quanto à utilização e validade deste meio de prova, foram destacados argumentos de direito probatório favoráveis à tomada do depoimento infantil, como o direito à prova no sistema da prova livre e na vertente do direito de ação e defesa, além da necessária comparação com o processo penal e o destaque aos princípios da proteção integral e do superior interesse da criança, os quais foram reforçados por outros de natureza médico-psicológica, que visaram a destacar a capacidade cognitiva da criança em recordar fatos e relatá-los. Após a desconstrução do modelo de exclusão prévia do depoimento infantil, a dissertação abordou os modelos de proteção para a audição judicial da criança, para se evitar a vitimização secundária da criança e exposição desnecessária às partes, advogados e juízes. Neste particular, foram revisados os modelos inglês do closed-circuit television - CCTV e argentino da Câmara de Gesell como paradigmas para vários outros países, inclusive o Brasil que tem incentivado o depoimento sem dano. Em derradeiro, foi examinada a valoração desse depoimento da criança, tomando-se por base a justificação lógico-racional da prova consubstanciada nos módulos de constatação, ocasião em que foi possível sublinhar que a utilização dos modelos e métodos de inquirição protetivos culminam em maior credibilidade ao depoimento da criança no processo civil e proporcionam a descoberta de falsidade voluntária ou não. Também no tópico da valoração da prova, o conteúdo do depoimento infantil vai trazer maior confiança quando conjugado com elementos intrínsecos, como a coerência do discurso e a ausência de contradições, e extrínsecos, realizado na modalidade protetiva.
An invitation to the Inaugural Ceremony of the 61st Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Japan October 1974. The invitation reads: "The Japanese Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union has the honour of inviting you to attend the Inaugural Ceremony of the 61st Inter-Parliamentary Conference to be held in the Chamber of the House of Councillors on Wednesday the 2nd of October 1974, at 3 p.m. The Ceremony will be honoured by the presence of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan".
La Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents est récente en matière de justice des mineurs. Sa mise en vigueur en avril 2003 a précisé et changé les critères de la détermination de la peine. Le présent mémoire vise à mieux cerner ce sur quoi les juges se fondent pour prendre leurs décisions. À cette fin, une analyse de la jurisprudence disponible ainsi que des entrevues avec des juges oeuvrant à la chambre de la jeunesse de Montréal ont été effectuées. L’application des dispositions relatives aux objectifs et aux principes propres à la détermination de la peine a suscité des commentaires de la part des juges et des difficultés ont été soulevées. Des balises ont également été établies par les juges dans le cadre de leur pratique. Ils les suivent pour déterminer les peines. Il en ressort que le système de justice pour mineurs se rapproche du système de justice pour adultes, dont les interventions sont davantage centrées sur l’infraction que sur l’infracteur. Les juges semblent néanmoins accorder une attention particulière pour que ces deux systèmes de justice demeurent différents, et ce malgré le rapprochement constaté. De plus, il ressort qu’un équilibre est recherché entre deux principes directeurs : la proportionnalité de la peine à la gravité de l’infraction et au degré de responsabilité de l’adolescent, ainsi que la réadaptation et la réinsertion sociale de ce dernier.
Les dendrites sont essentielles pour la réception et l’intégration des stimuli afférents dans les neurones. De plus en plus d’évidences d’une détérioration dendritique sont associées à une axonopathie dans les maladies neurodégénératives. Le glaucome dont la physiopathologie est caractérisée par une détérioration progressive et irréversible des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs) est la première cause de cécité irréversible dans le monde. Son évolution est associée à un amincissement graduel des axones et à l’atrophie des somas des CGRs. La majorité des études de neuroprotection des neuropathies rétiniennes visent la survie et la protection des somas et des axones. Des études récentes ont démontré des changements dendritiques associés à cette pathologie, toutefois les mécanismes moléculaires les régulant sont méconnus. L’hypothèse principale de ma thèse stipule qu’une lésion axonale entraîne des altérations précoces des structures dendritiques. L’identification de voies de signalisation régulant ces changements permettrait d’élaborer des stratégies de neuroprotection et de rétablir la fonction de ces neurones. Dans la première étude, nous avons examiné l’effet précoce d’une lésion axonale aigüe sur la morphologie dendritique des CGRs in vivo. En utilisant des souris transgéniques exprimant la protéine fluorescente jaune (YFP) soumises à une axotomie, nous avons démontré un rétrécissement de l’arbre dendritique des CGRs et une diminution sélective de l’activité de mTOR avant le début de la mort des CGRs lésées. Aussi nous avons démontré une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Regulated in development and DNA damage response 2 (REDD2), un régulateur négatif en amont de la protéine mTOR en réponse à la lésion du nerf optique in vivo. Nous avons démontré que la réactivation de mTOR par l’inhibition de l’expression de REDD2 préserve les arbres dendritiques des CGRs adultes. En effet, l’injection de petits ARN d’interférence contre la REDD2 (siREDD2) stimule l’activité de mTOR dans les CGRs lésées et augmente significativement la longueur et la surface dendritique totale. De plus, la rapamycine, un inhibiteur de mTOR, inhibe complètement l’effet du siREDD2 sur la croissance et l’élaboration des dendrites. L’analyse électrophysiologique des CGRs démontre une augmentation de l’excitabilité des CGRs lésées qui est restaurée en présence du siREDD2. Par ailleurs, des données récentes ont mis en évidence l’implication de la neuro-inflammation dans le glaucome, caractérisée par une augmentation de cytokines pro-inflammatoires dont principalement le facteur de nécrose tumorale (TNFα). Ainsi dans la deuxième étude nous avons examiné l’effet du TNF exogène sur la morphologie de l’arbre dendritique des CGRs et commencé l’étude des mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à ces changements. Nos résultats démontrent que l’injection de TNF recombinante dans le vitrée induit une rétraction dendritique précoce qui corrèle à une réduction de phospho-S6 suggérant l’implication de mTOR dans ces CGRs lésées. Ainsi, les études présentées dans cette thèse mettent en évidence un nouveau rôle de mTOR dans la stabilité et le maintien des dendrites de neurones rétiniennes adultes. Ces études ont aussi démontré l’effet précoce de stress direct ou indirect, c’est-à-dire l’axotomie et le TNFα respectivement sur la pathologie dendritique et sur leur effet sur la fonction neuronale.
El estudio pretende establecer los lineamientos establecidos por la Corte Constitucional, los fallos y conceptos de la Procuraduría, la sala disciplinaria del Consejo Superior de la Judicatura y la doctrina entre otros, frente a la ilicitud sustancial, como derrotero para endilgar la responsabilida disciplinaria.
Esta disertación busca estudiar los mecanismos de transmisión que vinculan el comportamiento de agentes y firmas con las asimetrías presentes en los ciclos económicos. Para lograr esto, se construyeron tres modelos DSGE. El en primer capítulo, el supuesto de función cuadrática simétrica de ajuste de la inversión fue removido, y el modelo canónico RBC fue reformulado suponiendo que des-invertir es más costoso que invertir una unidad de capital físico. En el segundo capítulo, la contribución más importante de esta disertación es presentada: la construcción de una función de utilidad general que anida aversión a la pérdida, aversión al riesgo y formación de hábitos, por medio de una función de transición suave. La razón para hacerlo así es el hecho de que los individuos son aversos a la pérdidad en recesiones, y son aversos al riesgo en auges. En el tercer capítulo, las asimetrías en los ciclos económicos son analizadas junto con ajuste asimétrico en precios y salarios en un contexto neokeynesiano, con el fin de encontrar una explicación teórica de la bien documentada asimetría presente en la Curva de Phillips.
Este trabajo de investigación surge de la necesidad de dar respuesta a los distintos problemas que han surgido con ocasión de la evolución tecnológica que hace que los vinculados al mercado financiero se vuelvan partícipes de una serie de operaciones en las que se involucran componentes tecnológ
Este trabalho visa contribuir para uma melhor percepção da problemática do analfabetismo, em Portugal, no primeiro quartel do século XX, tendo em conta o ideário educativo republicano e as suas concretizações a nível do ensino primário. Neste sentido, foram traçadas as linhas estruturantes desta problemática: uma, centrada nas ideias educativas sobre o analfabetismo e os debates no quotidiano escolar e jornalístico; e a outra referente às concretizações e realizações educativas republicanas que operacionalizaram o combate ao analfabetismo. O conceito de analfabetismo foi o fio condutor de todo o trabalho, do qual se delinearam as seguintes áreas: (i) Dos finais da Monarquia Constitucional à República: breve perspectiva histórica e educativa; (ii) O analfabetismo e suas causas; (iii) O combate ao analfabetismo; (iv) Escolas móveis e cursos nocturnos na promoção da alfabetização e, (v) Programas escolares: as propostas governamentais. A cada área corresponde um capítulo. A fonte principal deste trabalho foi a Imprensa de Educação e Ensino, consultada na Biblioteca Nacional, pois a mesma oferece uma complexa vastidão de materiais pertinentes para o tema. Entre os vários periódicos compulsados, destacam-se A Federação Escolar, Educação Nacional e O Professor Primário. A pesquisa exploratória e selectiva também conduziu ao semanário Sul da Beira. Muitas obras e estudos da época foram ainda pesquisados, com destaque para as actas dos Congressos da Liga Nacional de Instrução. Igualmente se afigurou significativo perscrutar o Diário da Câmara dos Deputados, o Diário do Senado da República e ainda o Diário do Governo para serem trabalhados, respectivamente, os debates parlamentares e a legislação. Assim, foi objectivo do trabalho configurar um painel revelador do tema que mobilizou personalidades académicas, jornalísticas e políticas, no período compreendido entre 1910 e 1926.
We report the design and operation of a device for ac magnetic susceptibility measurements that can operate down to 1 mK. The device, a modification of the standard mutual inductance bridge, is designed with detailed consideration of the thermalization and optimization of each element. First, in order to reduce local heating, the primary coil is made with superconducting wire. Second, a low-temperature transformer which is thermally anchored to the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator, is used to match the output of the secondary coil to a high-sensitivity bridge detector. The careful thermal anchoring of the secondary coil and the matching transformer is required to reduce the overall noise temperature and maximize sensitivity. The sample is immersed in liquid (3)He to minimize the Kapitza thermal resistance. The magnetic susceptibility of several magnetic compounds, such as the well-known spin gap compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) and other powdered samples, have been successfully measured to temperatures well below 10 mK.
This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.
The proposal of this study is to present an assessment of the performance of the Brazilian Government Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex), which is a board of the Council of Government responsible for the formulation, implementation and coordination of the Brazilian trade policy. The study begins with a historical approach to the international trade and the Brazilian foreign trade, mentioning its origins, features and interfaces with the economic development of the country. Based on the approach aforementioned, several interviews were made with authorities, who have remarkable knowledge about the subject, in order to obtain their views, experiences and suggestions concerning the performance of Camex since its creation in 1995. The list of interviewees includes authorities that are currently responsibles for the conduct of the policy on foreign trade, representatives of the organized society, and authorities who were in important positions in this segment of the federal public administration, regarding both the Minister of State, as Director of Cacex and the Executive Secretary of Camex. The conclusions of the study indicate that the Camex has not been succeeding in fully exercise its mandate of formulate, implement and coordinate the foreign trade policy of Brazil. A combination of factors contributes to this situation, especially its small strutcure, the fact that some ministries compete in the segment of foreign trade ¿don't understand¿ Chamber¿s real purpose, and, at last, the absence of a political mandate"(words taken from Motta Veiga) that would fortify its existing legal mandate. Finally, the study suggests some changes in the current organizational modeling of Camex, especially in its hierarchical position in the federal public administration."
Este trabalho se propõe constituir uma sistematização sobre o princípio da gestão democrática do ensino público contemplado na nova Constituição brasileira de 1988 e remetido a lei ordinária para sua regulamentação. Trata-se de um estudo sobre as várias percepções - o que as entidades da sociedade organizada na área de educação possuem sobre gestão dernocrática - e de uma análise desse princípio no projeto de Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. da Comissão de Educação, Cultura e Desporto da Câmara dos Deputados, aprovado em junho de 1990.