361 resultados para recruiting
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa strategiaprosessin eri vaiheet sekä kuvailla, miten prosessi toteutettiin tapausyritys Suominen Oyj:llä. Tavoitteina on myös analysoida, miten Suominen Oyj:n henkilöstö kokee oman suhteensa organisaatioon, sen strategiaan, tavoitteisiin ja arvoihin. Analyysin pohjalta pyritään muodostamaan kuva siitä, kuinka strategian implementoinnissa on onnistuttu. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, eroavatko nämä kokemukset eri maissa tapausyrityksessä. Tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Suominen Oyj:n strategiaprosessista hankitaan informaatiota kahdella laadullisella puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Kvantitatiivisen analyysin kohteena puolestaan on tapausyrityksen yhdeksältäkymmeneltä ylimmässä asemassa työskentelevältä henkilöltä kerätty tilastollinen kyselydata, jota analysoidaan muun muassa Kruskal-Wallisin testillä sekä Spearmanin korrelaatioanalyysillä. Tutkielmassa muodostetaan kuva prosessista, jossa hyvin muotoiltu strategia sekä selkeät tavoitteet luovat pohjan strategian implementoinnille. Onnistuneen implementoinnin keinoja ovat muun muassa kehitysohjelmat, tarkka rekrytointi, tavoitteiden ja palkkioiden sitominen strategiaan, strategian kanssa yhteensopiva organisaatiokulttuuri, useamman eri hierarkiatason osallistuminen ja erilaisten kontrollijärjestelmien sekä implementointityökalujen hyödyntäminen. Havaitaan, että tapausyritys käyttää näistä keinoista useampaa. Yrityksen monikansallisuus vaikuttaa erityisesti organisaatiokulttuuriin sekä sisäiseen viestintään. Tutkielman kvantitatiivisen analyysin tulokset näyttävät, ettei maiden välillä ole tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja siinä, miten henkilöstö kokee oman suhteensa tapausyritykseen, sen strategiaan, tavoitteisiin ja arvoihin. Kvantitatiivisen analyysin perusteella Suominen Oyj:n strategiaprosessi on onnistunut hyvin. Tutkimuksessa esitellään vielä muutamia kehitysajatuksia yritystä sekä mahdollisia jatkotutkimuksia varten.
Background: This paper describes the results of a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Methods: Twenty-nine members of the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK DCTN) expressed an interest in recruiting for this study. Of these, 17 obtained full ethics and Research & Development (R&D) approval, and 15 successfully recruited patients into the study. A total of 70 participants with a diagnosis of cellulitis of the leg were enrolled over a 5-month period. These participants were largely recruited from medical admissions wards, although some were identified from dermatology, orthopaedic, geriatric and general surgery wards. Data were collected on patient demographics, clinical features and willingness to take part in a future RCT. Results: Despite being a relatively common condition, cellulitis patients were difficult to locate through our network of UK DCTN clinicians. This was largely because patients were rarely seen by dermatologists, and admissions were not co-ordinated centrally. In addition, the impact of the proposed exclusion criteria was high; only 26 (37%) of those enrolled in the study fulfilled all of the inclusion criteria for the subsequent RCT, and were willing to be randomised to treatment. Of the 70 participants identified during the study as having cellulitis of the leg (as confirmed by a dermatologist), only 59 (84%) had all 3 of the defining features of: i) erythema, ii) oedema, and iii) warmth with acute pain/tenderness upon examination. Twenty-two (32%) patients experienced a previous episode of cellulitis within the last 3 years. The median time to recurrence (estimated as the time since the most recent previous attack) was 205 days (95% CI 102 to 308). Service users were generally supportive of the trial, although several expressed concerns about taking antibiotics for lengthy periods, and felt that multiple morbidity/old age would limit entry into a 3-year study. Conclusion: This pilot study has been crucial in highlighting some key issues for the conduct of a future RCT. As a result of these findings, changes have been made to i) the planned recruitment strategy, ii) the proposed inclusion criteria and ii) the definition of cellulitis for use in the future trial.
The goal of this thesis is to gain more in-depth understanding of employer branding and offer suggestions on how this knowledge could be utilized in the case company. More in detail, the purpose of this research is to provide tools for improving Lindström’s organizational attractiveness and boosting the recruitment and retention of the segment of high-performing sales professionals. A strategy for reaching this particular segment has not been previously drawn and HR-managers believe strongly that it would be very beneficial for the company’s development and growth. The topic of this research is very current for Lindström, but also contributes on general level as companies are competing against each other in attracting, recruiting and retention of skilled workforce in the times of labor shortage. The research is conducted with qualitative methods and the data collection includes primary data through interviews as well as secondary data in the form of analysis on previous research, websites, recruitment material and discussions with Lindström’s HR department. This research provides a good basis for broader examination on the topic and presents development suggestions for the identified challenges. Based on the key findings Lindström’s HR department was advised to increase firm’s visibility, broaden recruitment channels, provide more hands-on knowledge about the sales positions and investigate their possibilities of developing sales reward systems.
Background The Malawi National Malaria Control Program conducted Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in 2010 and 2013 in selected hot districts along the valleys including Karonga, but no study has been done to measure community satisfaction levels in these areas. Aim To assess satisfaction levels of community with IRS in both rural and urban settings, in Karonga district. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in urban village of Mwahimba and rural village of Fundi. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected from households’ representatives through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) using De Wets’s Schutte tool. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis while numbers and percentages were generated using Microsoft excel. Results Overall level of satisfaction in Fundi was estimated at 69% while that of Mwahimba was at 60.9%. In Fundi village, 66.1 % (37) of the household representatives were satisfied while in Mwahimba village, 60.7 % (34) were satisfied with the IRS programme. Factors that led to satisfaction were minimal adverse effects of the chemical on people after spraying, killing of other insects, sprayer’ courtesy and good communication. Factors behind dissatisfaction include: short residual effect of the chemical used, over-dilution of the chemical and minimal community involvement. Conclusion Despite finding high satisfaction levels in rural village than in an urban village, overall all the villages reported low levels of satisfaction with IRS due to various factors some of which common to both villages. Karonga District Health Office needs to involve the community in the process of spraying by recruiting sprayers from the target area and also explaining the purpose of dilution and the dilution factor to community members.
Este estudo discute a estrutura populacional e o potencial para o manejo de castanhais em duas regiõesextremas da Amazônia (Acre e Amapá), avaliando a densidade de castanheiras, a distribuição diamétrica,e variáveis de copa. O diâmetro a 1,3 m do solo (DAP), a forma e posição da copa, presença de cipós nacopa estatusreprodutivo foram avaliados para cada árvore mapeada (DAP ≥ 10 cm) em parcelas perma-nentes de 9 ha. Foram inventariadas seis parcelas em cada Estado, totalizando 108 ha de amostragem. Adensidade e distribuição de indivíduos em classes de diâmetro foram determinadas por região (Alto Acreou Alto Cajari) e dentro de cada região. No total, foram mapeadas 610 castanheiras, sendo 124 no AltoAcre e 486 no Alto Cajari. A densidade de castanheiras nos castanhais do Alto Cajari foi quatro vezes maiorque no Alto Acre. Os castanhais do Alto Cajari apresentaram árvores com melhores características paraa produção, como forma e posição da copa, bem como menor ocorrência de cipós na copa das árvores.Em termos de estrutura populacional, o castanhal do Sororoca apresentou problemas recentes com a re-generação ou alteração na dinâmica da regeneração natural ao longo do tempo, talvez por ser uma áreade transição cerrado-floresta. Ambas regiões apresentaram castanhais com potencial para o manejo, comnecessidades específicas de tratos silviculturais que favoreçam o recrutamento de jovens no Sororoca(AP) e corte de cipós no Filipinas (AC).
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.
Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.
Sociolinguists have discussed problematic language ideologies, such as Standard Language Ideology (Lippi-Green 1997) extensively and social perceptions of Standard English in the U.S and U.K are well documented. However, most work in this area has focused on perceptions of dialects within national contexts. This study makes a novel contribution to the study of language attitudes, investigating perceptions of British regional dialects within the U.S. A survey was created to gauge perceptions of five British regional dialects (Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, London). 49 survey participants listened to audio clips of British regional dialect speakers and then completed a mapping activity, answered perception questions, and ranked each speaker on specific qualities. Results showed that speaker region had a significant effect on perception of almost all variables at a statistically significant rate, despite unfamiliarity with all but the London dialect. Results suggest that although participants are largely unfamiliar with varieties of English in England outside of London, they assessed them by recruiting pre-existing stereotypes about vernacular dialects.
Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.
Electrical synapses are composed of gap junctions, made from paired hemi-channels that allow for the transfer of current from one neuron to another. Gap junctions mediate electrical transmission in neurons, where they synchronize spiking and promote rapid transmission, thereby influencing the coordination, pattern, and frequency of firing. In the marine snail, Aplysia calfornica, two clusters of neuroendocrine bag cell neurons use electrical synapses to synchronize a 30-min burst of action potentials, known as the afterdischarge, which releases egg-laying hormone and induces reproduction. In culture, paired bag cell neurons present a junctional conductance that is non-rectifying and largely voltage-independent. During the afterdischarge, PKC is activated, which is known to increase voltage-gated Ca2+ current; yet, little is understood as to how this pathway impacts electrical transmission. The transfer of presynaptic spike-like waveforms (generated in voltage-clamp) to the postsynaptic cell (measured in current-clamp) was monitored with or without PKC activation. It was found that pretreatment with the PKC activator, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), enhanced junctional conductance between bag cell neurons. Furthermore, in control, presynaptic action potential waveforms mainly evoked postsynaptic electrotonic potentials at both -60 and -40 mV. However, with PKC activation the presynaptic stimulus consistently elicited postsynaptic action potentials from resting potentials of -40 mV, and would occasionally result in firing from repetitive input at -60 mV. Moreover, to assess whether this enhanced electrical transmission genuinely reflects a greater junctional conductance or a change in postsynaptic responsiveness, a fast-phase junctional-like current was applied to single bag cell neurons. Neurons in PMA always fired action potentials in response to current injection as opposed to control, which were less likely to spike. This outcome did not change when the junctional-like current was artificially enhanced in control conditions. Also, in response to fast- and slow-phase electrotonic potential (ETP) waveforms, Ca2+ current was markedly larger in single PMA-treated neurons. These findings suggest that PKC activation may contribute to afterdischarge fidelity by recruiting postsynaptic Ca2+ current to promote synchronous network firing. Finally, Aplysia gap junction genes (innexins) were transfected into mouse N2A cells and characterized. This revealed a biophysical and pharmacological profile similar to native gap junctions.
This research challenges the origin story of neoliberalism in Latin America. Drawing on archival data from the Mont Pèlerin Society and the personal archives of leading but neglected figures in the post-war push to rebuild economic liberalism, I present a historical geography of elite counter-protest that both predates and broadens the generally accepted “birth” of neoliberalism in 1970s Chile. Beginning in the 1940s, Latin American elites found common cause with key figures from economic liberalism’s most radical wing: the Austrian School. While existing literature links the onset of neoliberalism in Chile to the Austrian School, particularly with respect to the School’s influence on the early Mont Pèlerin Society, this dissertation is the first comprehensive inquiry to place the Austrian tradition in the ideational and organizational landscape of Latin America. Embracing a new mission that promised to save the soul of Western civilization, Latin America’s retro-neoliberal leaders collaborated with transnational actors to build a network of Austrian-inspired think-tanks and institutes of higher learning in the region. These organizations, in turn, served as recruiting mechanisms to found the Hispanic quarter of the Mont Pèlerin Society, which was dominated not (as might be assumed) by Chileans, but rather by retro-neoliberal elites from Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala, and Venezuela. By 1975, when scholars began analyzing how a run-of-the-mill economics department had been transformed into a bastion of free-market thinking in Chile, an entire neoliberal university was up and running in Guatemala, exposing all students, regardless of discipline, to the Austrian tradition – the crowning achievement of Latin America’s retro-neoliberal network. Investigating, and accounting for, the development and impact of this initiative sheds new light on the neoliberal landscape in Latin America, and raises important questions for the study of neoliberalism more broadly.
The expression of a gene from transcription of the DNA into pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) over translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into protein is constantly monitored for errors. This quality control is necessary to guarantee successful gene expression. One quality control mechanism important to this thesis is called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). NMD is a cellular process that eliminates mRNA transcripts harboring premature translation termination codons (PTCs). Furthermore, NMD is known to regulate certain transcripts with long 3′ UTRs. However, some mRNA transcripts are known to evade NMD. The mechanism of NMD activation has been subjected to many studies whereas NMD evasion or suppression still remains rather elusive. It has previously been shown that the cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein (PABPC1) is able to suppress NMD of certain transcripts. In this study I show that PABPC1 is able to suppress NMD of a long 3′ UTR-carrying reporter when tethered immediately downstream of the termination codon. I further am able to show the importance of the interaction between PABPC1 and eIF4G for NMD suppression, whereas the interaction between PABPC1 and eRF3a seems dispensable. These results indicate an involvement of efficient translation termination and potentially ribosome recycling in NMD suppression. I am able to show that if PABPC1 is too far removed from the terminating ribosome NMD is activated. After showing the importance of PABPC1 recruitment directly downstream of a terminating ribosome in NMD suppression, I am further able to demonstrate several different methods by which PABPC1 can be recruited. Fold-back of the poly(A)-tail mediated by two interacting proteins on opposite ends of a 3′ UTR manages to bring PABPC1 bound to the poly(A)-tail into close proximity of the terminating ribosome and therefore suppress NMD. Furthermore, small PAM2 peptides that are known to interact with the MLLE domain of PABPC1 are able to strongly suppress NMD initiated by either a long 3′ UTR or an EJC. I am also able to show the NMD antagonizing power of recruited PABPC1 for the known endogenous NMD target β-globin PTC39, which is responsible for the disease β-thalassemia. This shows the potential medical implications and application of suppressing NMD by recruiting PABPC1 into close proximity of a terminating ribosome.
Il est recommandé que les utilisateurs des outils d’aide à la décision soient impliqués dans le processus de développement, mais à ce jour, on ne sait pas jusqu’à quel point ni de quelle manière les personnes vulnérables sont impliquées. L’objectif était de décrire les enjeux entourant l’implication des populations vulnérables dans le développement d’outils d’aide à la décision et de comparer leur implication avec celle de la population en général. Cette étude s’inscrivait dans un plus vaste projet de recherche débutant par une revue systématique des écrits. Une série de critères a été élaborée afin d’identifier, lors de l’extraction des données, les articles décrivant un outil d’aide à la décision ayant impliqué des personnes vulnérables au cours du développement. Des entrevues téléphoniques semi-dirigées ont également été effectuées avec 10 développeurs de d’outils d’aide à la décision, 6 d’entre eux ont impliquées des populations vulnérables et les 4 autres ont impliqué des membres de la population en général. Les résultats de ce mémoire suggèrent que les pratiques de développement d’outils d’aide à la décision changent lorsque les populations vulnérables sont impliquées dans le processus. Les populations vulnérables sont généralement impliquées dans le même type d’activités de développement, mais un accent est mis sur les activités qui permettent de mieux comprendre leurs besoins et sur les activités qui favorisent une bonne relation de confiance entre elles et l’équipe de développement. Contrairement à l’implication de la population en générale, le recrutement des populations vulnérables se déroule le plus souvent en partenariat avec des groupes communautaires et les activités de recherche prennent place dans la communauté.
The aims of this study were to (1) evaluate cellular senescence in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic articular cartilage, (2) investigate the hypothesis that oxidative stress is a feature of canine OA chondrocytes and that oxidative stress contributes to cellular senescence in canine chondrocytes, (3) investigate the hypothesis that osteoarthritic chondrocytes alter the gene expression of adjacent normal chondrocytes in OA joints leading to modulation of genes known to play a role in the pathogenesis of OA and (4) evaluate the presentation of dogs undergoing femoral head excision in veterinary referral practice in the UK as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joint, and to categorise the distribution and severity of associated pathological lesions. Chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and normal cartilage were examined for levels of senescence. Initially chondrocytes were cultured using an alginate bead culture system, thought to mimic the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage. However, these chondrocytes showed almost no growth as compared to monolayer culture where they grew rapidly. OA chondrocytes entered the senescent state after 1.5 to 4.9 population doublings in monolayer culture, while normal chondrocytes underwent 4.8 to 14.6 population doublings before entering the senescent state. Osteoarthritic chondrocytes had increased levels of markers of cellular senescence (senescence associated beta-galactosidase accumulation and p16 protein accumulation) as compared to normal chondrocytes, suggesting that chondrocyte senescence is a feature of canine osteoarthritis. An experimental model for the induction of oxidative stress in chondrocyte cell culture was developed using tert-Butyl hydroperoxide and total cellular glutathione was measured as an indicator of cellular oxidative stress levels. Experimental induction of oxidative stress in both normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes in cell culture resulted in increased amounts of cellular senescence, shown by an increase in levels of senescence associated beta-galactosidase accumulation and decreased replicative capacity. Experimental induction of oxidative stress also resulted in altered gene expression of three genes important to the degradation of the extracellular matrix; MMP-13, MMP-3 and Col-3A1, measured by RT-PCR, in normal canine chondrocytes in monolayer cell culture. MMP-3 showed the greatest relative expression change, with a fold-change of between 1.43 and 4.78. MMP-13 had a fold change of 1.16 to 1.38. Col-3A1 was down regulated, with a fold-change of between 0.21 and 0.31. These data demonstrate that experimentally induced oxidative stress in chondrocytes in monolayer culture increases levels of cellular senescence and alters the expression of genes relevant to the pathogenesis of canine OA. Coculture of osteoarthritic chondrocytes with normal canine chondrocytes resulted in gene modulation in the normal chondrocytes. Altered gene expression of ten genes known to play a role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis was detected in the normal chondrocytes (fold change shown in brackets); TNF-alpha (11.95), MMP-13 (5.93), MMP-3 (5.48), IL-4 (7.03), IL-6 (5.3), IL-8 (4.92), IL-F3 (4.22), COL-3A1 (4.12), ADAMTS-4 (3.78) and ADAMTS-5 (4.27). In total, 594 genes were significantly modulated suggesting that osteoarthritic chondrocytes contribute to the disease propagation by altering the gene expression of adjacent normal chondrocytes, thus recruiting them into the disease process. Gene expression changes were measured by microarray analysis and validated by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. An epidemiological study of femoral heads collected from dogs undergoing total hip replacement surgery as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joint secondary to canine hip dysplasia revealed that there was no characteristic pattern of cartilage lesion for canine hip dysplasia. Severe pathology of the femoral head with cartilage erosion occurred in 63.9% of cases and exposure of subchondral bone in 31.3% of cases. The work presented in this thesis has demonstrated that cellular senescence is a feature of chondrocytes from canine osteoarthritic cartilage and suggests that cellular senescence and oxidative stress play an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis in dogs.