1000 resultados para nutrient translocation


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Cellular signal transduction in response to environmental signals involves a relay of precisely regulated signal amplifying and damping events. A prototypical signaling relay involves ligands binding to cell surface receptors and triggering the activation of downstream enzymes to ultimately affect the subcellular distribution and activity of DNA-binding proteins that regulate gene expression. These so-called signal transduction cascades have dominated our view of signaling for decades. More recently evidence has accumulated that components of these cascades can be multifunctional, in effect playing a conventional role for example as a cell surface receptor for a ligand whilst also having alternative functions for example as transcriptional regulators in the nucleus. This raises new challenges for researchers. What are the cues/triggers that determine which role such proteins play? What are the trafficking pathways which regulate the spatial distribution of such proteins so that they can perform nuclear functions and under what circumstances are these alternative functions most relevant?


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Recently, new lines of yellow-seeded (CS-Y) and black-seeded canola (CS-B) have been developed with chemical and structural alteration through modern breeding technology. However, no systematic study was found on the bioactive compounds, chemical functional groups, fatty acid profiles, inherent structure, nutrient degradation and absorption, or metabolic characteristics between the newly developed yellow- and black-seeded canola lines. This study aimed to systematically characterize chemical, structural, and nutritional features in these canola lines. The parameters accessed include bioactive compounds and antinutrition factors, chemical functional groups, detailed chemical and nutrient profiles, energy value, nutrient fractions, protein structure, degradation kinetics, intestinal digestion, true intestinal protein supply, and feed milk value. The results showed that the CS-Y line was lower (P ≤ 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber (122 vs 154 g/kg DM), acid detergent fiber (61 vs 99 g/kg DM), lignin (58 vs 77 g/kg DM), nonprotein nitrogen (56 vs 68 g/kg DM), and acid detergent insoluble protein (11 vs 35 g/kg DM) than the CS-B line. There was no difference in fatty acid profiles except C20:1 eicosenoic acid content (omega-9) which was in lower in the CS-Y line (P < 0.05) compared to the CS-B line. The glucosinolate compounds differed (P < 0.05) in terms of 4-pentenyl, phenylethyl, 3-CH3-indolyl, and 3-butenyl glucosinolates (2.9 vs 1.0 μmol/g) between the CS-Y and CS-B lines. For bioactive compounds, total polyphenols tended to be different (6.3 vs 7.2 g/kg DM), but there were no differences in erucic acid and condensed tannins with averages of 0.3 and 3.1 g/kg DM, respectively. When protein was portioned into five subfractions, significant differences were found in PA, PB1 (65 vs 79 g/kg CP), PB2, and PC fractions (10 vs 33 g/kg CP), indicating protein degradation and supply to small intestine differed between two new lines. In terms of protein structure spectral profile, there were no significant differences in functional groups of amides I and II, α helix, and β-sheet structure as well as their ratio between the two new lines, indicating no difference in protein structure makeup and conformation between the two lines. In terms of energy values, there were significant differences in total digestible nutrient (TDN; 149 vs 133 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (ME; 58 vs 52 MJ/kg DM), and net energy for lactation (NEL; 42 vs 37 MJ/kg DM) between CS-Y and CS-B lines. For in situ rumen degradation kinetics, the two lines differed in soluble fraction (S; 284 vs 341 g/kg CP), potential degradation fraction (D; 672 vs 590 g/kg CP), and effective degraded organic matter (EDOM; 710 vs 684 g/kg OM), but no difference in degradation rate. CS-Y had higher digestibility of rumen bypass protein in the intestine than CS-B (566 vs 446 g/kg of RUP, P < 0.05). Modeling nutrient supply results showed that microbial protein synthesis (MCP; 148 vs 171 g/kg DM) and rumen protein degraded balance (DPB; 108 vs 127 g/kg DM) were lower in the CS-Y line, but there were no differences in total truly digested protein in small intestine (DVE) and feed milk value (FMV) between the two lines. In conclusion, the new yellow line had different nutritional, chemical, and structural features compared to the black line. CS-Y provided better nutrient utilization and availability.


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Phosphorus cycling in the biosphere has traditionally been thought to involve almost exclusively transformations of the element in its pentavalent oxidation state. Recent evidence, however, suggests that a significant fraction of environmental phosphorus may exist in a more reduced form. Most abundant of these reduced phosphorus compounds are the phosphonates, with their direct carbon–phosphorus bonds, and striking progress has recently been made in elucidating the biochemistry of microbial phosphonate transformations. These advances are now presented in the context of their contribution to our understanding of phosphorus biogeochemistry and of such diverse fields as the productivity of the oceans, marine methanogenesis and the discovery of novel microbial antimetabolites.


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Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se determinar e compreender melhor quais os alvos do Alumínio (Al) nas plantas, e contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de tolerância presentes em genótipos com elevado grau de tolerância ao Al. O Al é um dos maiores constituintes do solo e torna-se biodisponível em solos com baixo pH. Nesses casos, a exposição ao Al afecta negativamente o crescimento das plantas conduzindo a uma diminuição da produção. Estes factos são especialmente visíveis nos cereais, sendo a exposição ao Al uma das principais causas das quebras de produção nestas espécies. O Capítulo I consiste numa revisão geral sobre a toxicidade do Al nas plantas, apontando os seus principais alvos. Apresenta também os mecanismos de resistência, que inclui Al-destoxificação externa e interna, em diferentes espécies. O Capítulo II aborda os estudos sobre a exposição de curto prazo ao Al em duas espécies de cereais: Triticum aestivum L. e Secale cereale L., tendo-se sempre utilizado um genótipo Al-tolerante e um Al-sensível para cada espécie. Este capítulo está dividido em três estudos: no Capítulo II.1 realça-se o efeito da exposição a 185 μM de Al no equilíbrio nutricional em trigo. Verificou-se que em ambos os genótipos (sensível e tolerante) o perfil de macro e micro nutrientes se alterou, tendo uma interferência negativa, sobretudo no nível de P, Mg e K. Além disso, registaram-se diferenças na diferenciação da endoderme consoante o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo. No Capítulo II.2 apresenta-se uma visão mais abrangente dos efeitos da exposição a 185 μM de Al em trigo, incluindo parâmetros fisiológicos, estruturais, citológicos e genotóxicos. Demonstra-se, pela primeira vez, que a progressão do ciclo celular é diferentemente regulada, dependendo da tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo e que, mesmo em zonas já diferenciadas da raiz a exposição ao Al leva à deposição de calose. O Capítulo II.3 aborda os efeitos da exposição de 1.1 mM de Al em centeio, numa perspectiva bastante alargada. Apresenta-se o desequilíbrio nutricional, sobretudo no genótipo sensível, assim como a translocação de Al para a parte aérea nesse mesmo genótipo. Analisa-se também o comportamento de ambos os genótipos no que se refere ao ciclo celular, diferenciação da endoderme, crescimento radicular, reservas de hidratos de carbono, entre outros. Os resultados apontam para estratégias bem definidas adoptadas pelo genótipo tolerante de forma a minimizar a acção do Al no sistema radicular. O Capítulo III compreende a exposição longa ao Al. Dois genótipos de centeio com diferentes graus de tolerância ao Al foram expostos a 1.11 mM e 1.85 mM de Al durante 21 dias, tendo sido usados dois pontos de amostragem (15 e 21 dias). Este capítulo está dividido em dois estudos: No Capítulo III. 1 analisamse os mecanismos antioxidantes (folhas e raízes) como resposta à exposição ao Al, dando-se especial atenção ao ciclo do ascorbato-glutationas. A exposição ao Al levou a stress oxidativo e a alterações na actividade de enzimas antioxidantes e no conteúdo de antioxidantes não-enzimáticos. Demonstra-se que os dois órgãos apresentam respostas diferentes à exposição ao Al e que a capacidade de sobreviver em ambientes ricos em Al depende da eficácia da resposta antioxidante. Para além disso, a resposta do ciclo ascorbato-glutationas parece estar dependente do tipo de órgão, grau de tolerância e do tempo de exposição ao Al. No Capítulo III. 2 analisam-se os efeitos da exposição ao Al na fotossíntese. Verificou-se que o Al afecta negativamente a taxa fotossintética em ambos os genótipos, embora as alterações que o Al provoca nas trocas gasosas e no Ciclo de Calvin sejam dependentes do genótipo. Verificou-se também que os danos no genótipo sensível surgem mais cedo do que no genótipo tolerante, mas que ambos apresentam susceptibilidade ao Al após exposição de longo termo. Por fim, no Capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões da Tese de Doutoramento.


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Dissertação mest., Gestão da água e da costa, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Alterations of freshwater flow regimes and increasing eutrophication lead to alterations in light availability and nutrient loading into adjacent estuaries and coastal areas. Phytoplankton community respond to these changes in many ways. Harmful phytoplankton blooms, for instance, may be a consequence of changes in nutrient supply, as well as the replacement of some phytoplankton species (like diatoms, that contribute for the development of large fish and shellfish populations) by ohers (like cyanobacteria, that may be toxic and represent an undesirable food source for higher trophic levels). Nutrient and light enrichment experiments allow us to understand and predict the effects of eutrophication on the growth of phytoplankton. This is a fundamental tool in water management issues, since it enables the prediction of changes in the phytoplankton community that may be harmful to the whole ecosystem, and the design of mitigation strategies (Zalewski 2000).


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One of the aspects of modern agriculture is characterised by a culture without soil (hydroponic cultures). These culture techniques are identified by possessing automatic control systems to control the nutrient solution. In first hydroponic cultures this control was accomplished by “on- off” analog controllers that applied a single control law implemented in hardware. Therefore, the changes of the control law resulted in the change of all interface electronics. In digital control implemented by micro-controllers the alteration of such control law is easily performed by changing only a computer program, leaving untouched all the interface hardware. In this way, the use and substitution of the control strategy is improved, as well, the use of advanced control strategies.


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The physiological response of plants to water deficits are known to vary according to the conditions of application of drought stress and the rate of development of leaf water deficits. At the whole plant level the effect of the water shess is usually perceived as a decrease in photosynthesis and growth, and is associated with alterations in C and N metabolism (McDonald and Davies, 1996). The decrease in water potential affects transpiration and hence xylem transport of nitrate or reduced N into growing regions. The response of the photo-synthetic apparatus either to water stress or rehydration seems to be dependent "on leaf age (O'Neill, 1983; Wolfe et al., 1988). Degradation of both thylakoid and stromal N-containing compounds can occur in response to water stress, recovery from which may pequire more than a week (Chaves, 1991).


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It is widely recognized that protein restriction in utero may cause metabolic and endocrine adaptations, which may be of benefit to the neonate on a short-term basis but may cause adverse long-term conditions such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Adequate foetal and early post natal nutrient and energy supply is therefore essential for adult animal health, performance and life span. In this project it was investigated the progressive adaptations of the hepatic proteome in male mink offspring exposed to either a low protein (FL) or an adequate protein (FA) diet in utero fed either on a low protein (LP) or on an adequate (AP) diet from weaning until sexual maturity. Specifically, the aim was to determine the metabolic adaptations at selected phases of the animal’s first annual cycle and establish the metabolic priorities occurring during those phases. The three different morphological stages studied during the first year of development included, end of bone growth at 4 months of age, maximal fat accretion at 6 months of age and sexual maturity at 12 months of age. A reference proteome of mink liver coming from these different animal groups were generated using 2D electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF analysis and the way in which dietary treatment affect their proteome was established. Approximately 330 proteins were detected in the mink liver proteome. A total of 27 comparisons were carried out between all different animal groups which resulted in 20 differentially expressed proteins. An extensive survey was conducted towards the characterization of these proteins including their subcellular localization, the biological processes in which they are involved and their molecular functions. This characterization allowed the identification of proteins in various processes including the glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism. The detailed analysis of the different dietary treatment animal groups was indicative of differences in metabolism and also to changes associated with development in mink.


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Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.


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Cation transporters/channels are key players in a wide range of physiological functions in plants, including cell signaling, osmoregulation, plant nutrition and metal tolerance. The recent identification of genes encoding some of these transport systems has allowed new studies toward further understanding of their integrated roles in plant. This review summarizes recent discoveries regarding the function and regulation of the multiple systems involved in cation transport in plant cells. The role of membrane transport in the uptake, distribution and accumulation of cations in plant tissues, cell types and subcellular compartments is described. We also discuss how the knowledge of inter- and intra-species variation in cation uptake, transport and accumulation as well as the molecular mechanisms responsible for these processes can be used to increase nutrient phytoavailability and nutrients accumulation in the edible tissues of plants. The main trends for future research in the field of biofortification are proposed.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia