973 resultados para TRANSLATIONS


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In the past two decades, the iconography of victimhood mobilized by child rights advocates has changed significantly. In particular, the child victim of violence has replaced the street child as the dominant icon on the international agenda. Based on data from more than 300 documents produced between 1989 and 2009 and interviews with leading advocates, this article explores the diverging trajectories of iconic child victims. It follows the traces of the successive translations of the idea of âeuro~stolen childhoodâeuro? and locates them against the backdrop of evolutions in the childrenâeuro?s rights field.


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A admiración que destilou no seu tempo e durante o século XIX o bo sentido común das obras de Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) plasmouse na tradución dos seus libros a un considerable número de linguas. The Way to Wealth (El camino de la fortuna o Cómo hacerse rico), publicado en 1758, contén máis de cen máximas que instan ao traballo honrado, á orde e ao aforro, condenando calquera sinal de preguiza ou desidia. O noso corpus nútrese dunha selección de trece aforismos que teñen relación precisamente con este vicio que condena á miseria, a preguiza. En cambio, o home de ben que aplique as virtudes contidas en The Way to Wealth, aconselladas a modo de refráns, verá, segundo o autor, prosperar esplendidamente a súa economía. Pretendemos analizar, dende os puntos de vista tradutolóxico e contrastivo, o corpus de dúas traducións españolas deste libriño de Franklin: unha anónima, publicada en Barcelona, en 1891; e a de Alberto Lena de 1999.


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In response to an increasing need for ever-shorter personality instruments, Gosling, Rentfrow, and Swann (2003) developed the Ten-Item-Personality Inventory (TIPI), which measures the dimensions of the Five Factor Model (FFM) using 10 items (two for each dimension) and can be administered in about one minute. In two studies and using a multi-judge (self and observer) and multi-instrument design, we develop Spanish (Castilian) and Catalan versions of the TIPI and evaluate them in terms of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent, discriminant, and content validity, as well as self-observer correlations. Test-retest correlations were strong, and convergence with the NEO-PI-R factors was significant. There were also strong correlations between observer ratings and the participants’ self-ratings. Despite some inconsistencies with respect to the Agreeableness scale, the Catalan translation and both translations into Spanish of the original TIPI demonstrated sufficient psychometric properties to warrant use as a Five Factor personality measure when the use of longer instruments is not convenient or possible. Furthermore, as the first translation of a brief standard Big Five Instrument into Catalan, this work should facilitate future research on personality in the Catalan-speaking population.


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Cernuda tradujo a Hölderlin sin saber alemán, sin ser traductor. La obra de Hölderlin apenas era conocida y casi no había sido editada en lengua española. ¿Cómo lo hizo? ¿Realmente influyó la obra del poeta alemán en su poesía, como él lo afirmaba? He aquí una aproximación a estas cuestiones


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Aquest treball pretén millorar els resultats dels traductors automàtics de l’empresa AutomaticTrans i la traducció a l’agència de notícies EuropaPress mitjançant la comparació d’un corpus de notícies en castellà amb la corresponent traducció al català per dos traductors automàtics: l’ATS1, utilitzat per EuropaPress, i l’ATS4, l’última versió del traductor


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El presente trabajo analiza hasta qué punto el paso del tiempo y la evolución de la lengua pueden afectar a las traducciones que derivan de un mismo original. Esta comparación se ha realizado a partir del cuento Vom Fischer und seiner Frau, recogido por los hermanos Grimm en su antología.


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El siguiente trabajo consiste en el análisis de dos traducciones, una al catalán y otra al castellano, de la comedia The Importance of Being Earnest de Oscar Wilde. El análisis se centra en los aspectos más problemáticos de la traducción de esta obra


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New reconstructions of the Western Alps from late Early Jurassic till early Tertiary are proposed. These reconstructions use deep lithospheric data gathered through recent seismic surveys and tomographic studies carried out in the Alps. The present day position, under the Po plain, of the southern limit of the European plate (fig. 1), allows to define the former geometry of the Brianconnais peninsula. The Brianconnais domain is regarded as an exotic terrane formerly belonging to the European margin until Late Jurassic, then transported eastward during the drift of Iberia (fig. 5). Therefore, on a present day Western Alps cross section, a duplication of the European continental margin can be recognized (fig. 10). Stratigraphic and sedimentological data along a zone linking the Pyrenean fracture zone to the Brianconnais, can be related to a rifting event starting in Oxfordian time. This event is responsible for the Late Jurassic till mid-Cretaceous drift of Iberia opening, first the northern Atlantic, then the Gulf of Biscay. Simultaneously, the drift of the Brianconnais will open the Valais ocean and close the Piemontese ocean. The resulting oblique collision zone between the Brianconnais and the Apulian margin generates HP/LT metamorphism starting in Early Cretaceous. The eastward drift of the Brianconnais peninsula will eventually bring it in front of a more northerly segment of the former European margin. The thrusting of the Brianconnais unto that margin takes place in early Tertiary (fig. 9), following the subduction of the Valais ocean. The present nappe pile results not only from continent/continent frontal collision, but also from important lateral displacement of terranes, the most important one being the Brianconnais. The dilemma of `'en echelon'' oceanic domains in the Alps is an outcome of these translations. A solution is found when considering the opening of a Cretaceous Valais ocean across the European margin, running out eastward into the Piemontese ocean, where the drift is taken up along a former transform fault and compensated by subduction under the Apulian margin (fig. 8). In the Western Alps we are then dealing with two oceans, the Piemontese and the Valaisan and a duplicated European margin. In the Eastern Alps the single Piemontese ocean is cut by newly created oceanic crust. All these elements will be incorporated into the Penninic structural domain which does not represent a former unique paleogeographic area, it is a composite accretionary domain squeezed between Europe and Apulia.


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What role have translations from Hindi literary works played in shaping and transforming our knowledge about India? In this book, renowned scholars, translators and Hindi writers from India, Europe, and the United States offer their approaches to this question. Their articles deal with the political, cultural, and linguistic criteria germane to the selection and translation of Hindi works, the nature of the enduring links between India and Europe, and the reception of translated texts, particularly through the perspective of book history. More personal essays, both on the writing process itself or on the practice of translation, complete the volume and highlight the plurality of voices that are inherent to any translation. As the outcome of an international symposium held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2008, India in Translation through Hindi Literature engages in the building of critical histories of the encounter between India and the «West», the use and impact of translations in this context, and Hindi literature and culture in connection to English (post)colonial power, literature and culture.


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Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.


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This is a case study of the Spanish dubbed version of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (George Roy Hill 1969) to illustrate and further develop the concept of L3 as a language that appears in source texts and their translations. L3 is distinguishable from the main language(s), L1 for the source text and L2 for the translation, based on a model proposed by Corrius and Zabalbeascoa 2011, and Corrius 2008. The study reveals various possible ways of rendering L3 in translation, in particular when L3 happens to coincide with L2. It also looks into the effect that certain translation solutions may have on intratextual translation and metatranslation.


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The essay offers a thorough analysis on the issue of the reception of XXth Century Italian Literature in Spain. The age af the avant-garde and the late Fifties are signalled as the decisive moments in the affirmation of such influence, whereas the Sixties mark the beginning of a declining phase, which had different outcomes in poetry and in narrative. In defining this complex trajectory, a wide range of cultural indicators have been used (such as: translations; anthologies; militant criticism; the influence upon individual writers or rather upon relevant reading communities etc.), and the limitations imposed by the specific cultural and epistemological expectations, considered in their well determined historical context, have also been observed.


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Dins el marc d’un projecte més ampli que vol abastar l’anàlisi de les traduccions d’obres literàries escrites per dones, l'objectiu d’aquest article és establir l’estat de la qüestió de les traduccions al català de l’obra de Marguerite Yourcenar i oferir una primera aproximació a la recepció crítica que aquestes traduccions han tingut a la premsa catalana. Per això hem ordenat l’estudi en tres apartats: a) cronologia de les traduccions de Yourcenar al català; b) referències bibliogràfiques de les obres de Marguerite Yourcenar traduïdes al català i/o al castellà; c) recepció de les traduccions catalanes de Yourcenar a la premsa de Catalunya.


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La repressió franquista té efectes devastadors des del 1939 sobre la cultura catalana. El 1946, però, es comença a autoritzar traduccions, sempre literàries. Però no és fins a mitjan anys cinquanta que s’autoritza la traducció d’actualitat i la representació de teatre traduït. En aquest context, Xavier Regàs Castells pot traduir, adaptar, escriure o representar teatre de bulevard amb un èxit notable. Senyora ambaixadora n’és un exemple. Escrita en espanyol el 1949, es presenta a la censura el 1955 en traducció catalana d’ell mateix. La censura n’autoritza una representació mutilada al Romea, però no s’arriba a escenificar. Al cap de cinc anys torna a passar per censura, ara en una nova versió en espanyol. Aquesta Señora embajadora del 1960 s’estrena al petit Teatre Guimerà no sense una retallada dràstica del text. Els censors de l’obra consideren que ofereix una visió del matrimoni, de les relacions extramatrimonials i, en general, del paper de la dona, allunyada dels cànons del nacionalcatolicismo, i per tant, «frívola i immoral».


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En un article posterior a les seves traduccions a la llengua anglesa de Memorias de Leticia Valle de Rosa Chacel i de Delirio y destino de María Zambrano, Carol Maier apunta el que penso que hauria de constituir una de les màximes més determinants en la pràctica de la traducció (1996, 209): «…it is not only in the ‘text’ of a work but precisely in the notes, introductions, and afterwards meant to ensure a work’s recovery that the most decided re-covering often occurs.» Per a Maier, traductora literària, teòrica i professora de traducció, la responsabilitat de l’activitat traductològica no es limita a una mera (re)escriptura del text originari. Cal que el traductor i la traductora s’impliquin, abandonin les distàncies crítiques i portin a la visibilitat el que pensen sobre la teoria i la pràctica de la traducció. I és precisament aquesta crida de Maier a l’expansió del terme «responsabilitat» en traducció la que m’invita a presentar potser d’una altra manera aquesta entrevista amb ella. Maier ens ofereix ara i aquí un espai de debat, de diàleg i de reflexió per a totes les persones que volem pensar sobre les paradoxes i les contradiccions derivades de (re)escriure una textualitat en una altra llengua. En definitiva, estic convençuda que les seves afirmacions, pensaments i comentaris sobre les interseccions entre el gènere i la traducció es guanyaran merescudament el sobrenom de «responsables» per al qual ella lluita tan enèrgicament.