925 resultados para Physicians--Massachusetts--History--18th century
Small hardcover notebook containing a manuscript copy of William Brattle's abstract of René Descartes' "Compendium Logicae" copied in Latin by Harvard student Joseph Metcalf between April 29th and May 7th, 1701. The text includes an ornately decorated title page and drawings and notes on the flyleaves. The covers are unattached. The inside front cover is inscribed: "Joseph Burbeen Walker 1845."
Notebook of unlined pages holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" copied by Harvard student Hull Abbot (1702-1774, Harvard AB 1720). The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects.
Notebook of unlined pages with paper marbled cover holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" likely copied by Harvard student John Wolcott in 1719. The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects. On the last page, the inscription "John Wolcott [the name is crossed over] his geography, 1719" indicates Wolcott (1702-1747), a member of the Harvard class of 1721, copied the book.
Eight-page handwritten essay written by Harvard graduate Robert Fowle for the 1786 Harvard College Commencement ceremonies. The essay begins, "While different objects crowd the inraptur'd Mind..." and contains classical illusions. The text contains struck-out words and edits.
This small paper notebook contains a sixteen-page handwritten copy of an oration on "amiable and useful virtues" delivered by Phi Beta Kappa member Thomas W. Hooper (1771-1816; Harvard AB 1789) during the anniversary meeting of the Alpha Chapter at Harvard University on September 1, 1790.
Diary kept in an interleaved almanac from 1751. Entries in the diary are brief and sporadic, recording events including travel, visitors, weather, sermons heard, holidays, illnesses and deaths. Occasional expenses are noted, including ones for hay, cider, bottles, shoes, and doctoring. A few dates of college events are noted, including the semi-annual Corporation meeting and Commencement. On the last page is a list of student names, presumably those tutored by Marsh.
Forty-six-page notebook in modern hardcover binding containing John Leverett's edited version of Henry More's "Enchiridion ethicum" transcribed in Latin in 1694. The last page of the document includes entries in Leverett's hands: "Colom // January 17 1690/1," "Winth // January 31 1692/3", and "Vaug // Marty 10 1695/6." The inscriptions and notes likely refer to Benjamin Colman (Harvard AB 1692), Adam Winthrop (Harvard AB 1694), and George Vaughn (Harvard AB 1696).
The notebook contains the original six-page manuscript of the valedictory address composed in Latin by graduate Edward Winslow at the 1736 Harvard Commencement enclosed within 19th century blue notebook paper on which a second handwritten copy of the address is written. The original text includes edits and struck-through words.
Handwritten draft of the Charles P. Sumner’s valedictory poem to the Harvard class of 1796, in a 19th century hardcover binding beginning “The youth by adverse fortune forced to roam…”. The poem mentions John Russell, a member of the Class of 1796 who died in November 1795. The copy includes edits and struck-out words.
Three-page manuscript copy of the salutatory address composed in Latin by graduate Jonathan Trumbull for the 1759 Harvard Commencement. The item is dated June 29, 1759.
Handwritten certificate of payment for a new red and plaid gown purchased by Harvard sophomore Oliver Prescott in 1747. The certificate is witnessed by upperclassmen Artemas Ward, Jacob Cushing, and Timothy Pond.
An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers (leaf 1) ; A state of some matters relative to the office of Provost Marshall, and to the passing of this bill (leaf 9) ; Observations drawn up by Jonathan Blenman Esq. his Majestys Atty. Gen. in Barbadoes ... on the Act as it had been first brought in 1761 (leaf 13) ; and two leaves laid in ; Power of attorney, granted to Christopher Scandrett, signed by Francis Reynolds and his son Thomas (25 April 1766) ; Petition of Francis Reynolds to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (1766).
One-page handwritten letter from Harvard President Edward Holyoke (1689-1769) requesting that the letter's unidentified recipient locate a book on academic costume previously mentioned by "Secry Oliver," referring to the Secretary of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Andrew Oliver (1706-1774; Harvard AB 1724). In the letter, Holyoke explained that College alumni wished to give him a gown, and he wanted to determine the appropriate design for the head of a college. The recipient of the letter is identified only as "My dear Child" from "Yo'r Affect. Father, E. Holyoke." The letter also includes the note, "Give my love to my Dau'ter."
This small notebook with marbled paper covers contains three Latin addresses delivered by Adam Winthrop during Harvard College ceremonies: the valedictory oration on Class Day, 1724, the "Oratio Salutatoria" at the 1724 Commencement, and the "Oratio Gratulatoria" which closed the exercises of the 1727 Commencement. The last page of the volume is signed "Adam Winthrop Jun'r."
One-page sheet with a handwritten Latin thesis defended by graduate Oliver Prescott in the 1750 Harvard College Commencement ceremony. The document is signed: "H. College July 3, 1750 Oliver Prescott. Verso: "Theses read when I took my degree 1750."