993 resultados para Marchart, Oliver


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yhtä kansainvälisten suhteiden ja diplomatian lähihistorian pulmallisinta haastetta, kysymystä Kosovon asemasta vuosina 1998–2010. Se oli yksi keskeisimmistä 1990-luvun Jugoslavian hajoamissotien solmukohdista ja suhtautuminen siihen jakaa edelleen kansainvälisen yhteisön rivejä maailmanlaajuisesti. Tapaus on erityisen mielenkiintoinen myös nationalismin ja historiapolitiikan kannalta, sillä Kosovo on sekä albaanien että serbien kansallisen identiteetin ydinaluetta. Varhaishistorian myytit ja etnohistorialliset kertomukset ovat olleet tärkeässä asemassa lukuisissa aluetta koetelleissa konflikteissa. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on historiapolitiikan lähestymistavan välttämättömyys kansainvälisesti politisoituneen ”Kosovon kysymyksen” ymmärtämisessä. Historiapolitiikan teoreettisen viitekehyksen soveltuvuuden koettelu diplomatian argumentaation ja kansainvälisten suhteiden analysoinnissa on olennainen osa tutkimuksen tehtävänasettelua, sillä varsinkaan Suomessa ei vastaavaa tutkimusta ole ennen tehty. Samalla tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luokitella, analysoida ja vertailla eri valtioiden diplomaattisten historia-argumenttien käyttöä Kosovon kysymyksen yhteydessä sekä tarkastella näiden argumenttien kautta suhtautumista kansallisiin etnohistorian tulkintoihin ja niiden käyttöön 1990-luvun retoriikassa. Tutkielman tärkeimpiä alkuperäislähteitä ovat YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston Kosovoa käsittelevien istuntojen pöytäkirjat vuosilta 1998–2010 sekä huhti- ja heinäkuussa 2009 YK:n kansainväliselle tuomioistuimelle (ICJ) toimitetut, Kosovon itsenäisyysjulistuksen lainmukaisuutta käsittelevät, kirjalliset lausunnot ja kommentit. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden osalta tutkielman tärkeimpiä lähteitä ovat muun muassa Oliver Jens Schmittin, Marc Wellerin ja Pekka Visurin teokset sekä monet albaanien ja serbien kansallisia historiakäsityksiä ilmentävät teokset. Tutkielman metodologisena apuvälineenä on sovellettu suomalaisessa tutkimuksessa aikaisemmin hyvin vähän käytettyä Karl-Georg Faberin mallia historian poliitisen käytön kategorisoimiseksi. Faberin mallia käytetään paitsi historia-argumenttien luokittelun kehikkona, myös ajattelua ohjaavana historianfilosofisena kolmitasoisena mallina. Sitä on täydennytty Chaïm Perelmanin ja Lucie Olbrechts-Tytecan retoriikan tutkimuksen teorialla. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä johtopäätöksiä on historiapolitiikan näkökulman ja Faberin mallin hedelmällisyyden toteaminen diplomatian argumentaation analysoinnissa. Samalla tutkimus osoittaa, että historia-argumenteilla oli (ja on edelleen) Kosovon kysymyksessä oma erityinen roolinsa, joka vaihteli ajallisesti ja teemoittain. Toisaalta kansalliset historiakäsitykset, kuten käsitys omasta kansasta uhrina, näkyivät argumenteissa selvästi, toisaalta pyrkimyksenä oli vältellä nationalistiseksi tulkittavia historia-argumentteja. Lisäksi monissa argumenteissa vaaditiin väkivaltaisen historian jättämistä taakse eurooppalaisen tulevaisuuden toivossa.


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The subject and methodology of biblical scholarship has expanded immense-ly during the last few decades. The traditional text-, literary-, source- and form-critical approaches, labeled historical-critical scholarship , have faced the challenge of social sciences. Various new literary, synchronic readings, sometimes characterized with the vague term postmodernism, have in turn challenged historicalcritical, and social-scientific approaches. Widened limits and diverging methodologies have caused a sense of crisis in biblical criticism. This metatheoretical thesis attempts to bridge the gap between philosophical discussion about the basis of biblical criticism and practical academic biblical scholarship. The study attempts to trace those epistemological changes that have produced the wealth of methods and results within biblical criticism. The account of the cult reform of King Josiah of Judah as reported in 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 serves as the case study because of its importance for critical study of the Hebrew Bible. Various scholarly approaches embracing 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 are experimentally arranged around four methodological positions: text, author, reader, and context. The heuristic model is a tentative application of Oliver Jahraus s model of four paradigms in literary theory. The study argues for six theses: 1) Our knowledge of the world is con-structed, fallible and theory-laden. 2) Methodological plurality is the neces-sary result of changes in epistemology and culture in general. 3) Oliver Jahraus s four methodological positions in regard to literature are also an applicable model within biblical criticism to comprehend the methodological plurality embracing the study of the Hebrew Bible. 4) Underlying the methodological discourse embracing biblical criticism is the epistemological ten-sion between the natural sciences and the humanities. 5) Biblical scholars should reconsider and analyze in detail concepts such as author and editor to overcome the dichotomy between the Göttingen and Cross schools. 6) To say something about the historicity of 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 one must bring together disparate elements from various disciplines and, finally, admit that though it may be possible to draw some permanent results, our conclusions often remain provisional.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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The use of the sulfurdiimide RN=S=NR' (R = R' = SiMe3, 3) in reactions with group 4 metallocene bis(trimethylsilyl)-acetylene complexes of the type [Cp2M(L (eta(2)-Me3Si-C2SiMe3)] (1: M = Ti, no L; 2: M = Zr, L = pyridine) has led to the formation of four-membered metallacycles 4M containing the group 4 metal, nitrogen and sulfur. DFT calculations performed on compound 4Ti indicate that this complex is best described as a sigma-complex with cyclic delocalisation of the ring electrons. Moreover, pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion plays a significant role in stabilising this complex.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.


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The reaction of the low valent metallocene(II) sources Cp'Ti-2(eta(2)-Me3SiC2SiMe3) (Cp' = eta(5)-cyclopentadienyl, 1a or eta(5)-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl, 1b) with different carbodiimide substrates RN=C=NR' 2-R-R' (R = t-Bu; R' = Et; R = R' = i-Pr; t-Bu; SiMe3; 2,4,6-Me-C6H2 and 2,6-i-Pr-C6H3) was investigated to explore the frontiers of ring strained, unusual four-membered heterometallacycles 5-R. The product complexes show dismantlement, isomerization, or C-C coupling of the applied carbodiimide substrates, respectively, to form unusual mono-, di-, and tetranuclear titanium(III) complexes. A detailed theoretical study revealed that the formation of the unusual complexes can be attributed to the biradicaloid nature of the unusual four-membered heterometallacycles 5-R, which presents an intriguing situation of M-C bonding. The combined experimental and theoretical study highlights the delicate interplay of electronic and steric effects in the stabilization of strained four-membered heterometallacycles, accounting for the isolation of the obtained complexes.


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Sequential adsorption of CO and NO as well as equimolar NO + CO reaction with variation of temperature over Pd2+ ion-substituted CeO2 and Ce0.75Sn0.25O2 supports has been studied by DRIFTS technique. The results are compared with 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3 containing Pd-0. Both linear and bridging Pd-0-CO bands are observed over 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3. But, band positions are shifted to higher frequencies in Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts that could be associated with Pd delta+-CO species. In contrast, a Pd2+-CO band at 2160 cm(-1) is observed upon CO adsorption over Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts pre-adsorbed with NO and a Pd+-CO band at 2120 cm(-1) is slowly developed on Ce(0.73)Srl(0.25)Pd(0.02)O(2-delta) over time. An intense linear Pd-0-NO band at 1750 cm(-1) found upon NO exposure to CO pre-adsorbed 2 at.% Pd/Al2O3 indicates molecular adsorption of NO. On the other hand, a weak Pd2+-NO band at 1850 cm(-1) is noticed after NO exposure to Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta catalyst pre-adsorbed with CO indicating dissociative adsorption of NO which is crucial for NO reduction. Pd-0-NO band is initially formed over CO pre-adsorbed Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta which is red-shifted over time along with formation of Pd2+-NO band. Several intense bands related to nitrates and nitrites are observed after exposure of NO to fresh as well as CO pre-adsorbed Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-delta and Ce0.73Sn0.25Pd0.02O2-delta catalysts. Ramping the temperature in a DRIFTS cell upon NO and CO adsorption shows the formation of N2O and NCO surface species, and N2O-formation temperature is comparable with the reaction done in a reactor.


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Dendrimers are highly branched polymeric nanoparticles whose structure and topology, largely, have determined their efficacy in a wide range of studies performed so far. An area of immense interest is their potential as drug and gene delivery vectors. Realizing this potential, depending on the nature of cell surface-dendrimer interactions, here we report controlled model membrane penetration and reorganization, using a model supported lipid bilayer and poly(ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimers of two generations. By systematically varying the areal density of the lipid bilayers, we provide a microscopic insight, through a combination of high resolution scattering, atomic force microscopy and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, into the mechanism of PETIM dendrimer membrane penetration, pore formation and membrane re-organization induced by such interactions. Our work represents the first systematic observation of a regular barrel-like membrane spanning pore formation by dendrimers, tunable through lipid bilayer packing, without membrane disruption.


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Plasmonics based sensing, using the surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles, has been effectively demonstrated in various applications. Extending this methodology to cell and artificial lipid bilayer membranes is extremely beneficial in enhancing the sensitivity of the detection of binding and cellular transport of molecules across such membranes. Here, the creation of an artificial plasmonic biomembrane template is demonstrated and used to show the enhanced detection sensitivity of certain widely used biomarker molecules. The efficacy of these templates is explained in terms of the ability of the hydrophobic polymer grafted gold nanoparticles used to organize, penetrate, and fluidize the membranes. The enhancement of photoluminescence of the dye molecules used occurs over a reasonably large spectral range as compared to the plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles. The results could, possibly, be extended to cellular membranes with relevant modifications, as well as to the detection of any other biological molecule appropriately labeled with fluorescent dye molecules, and demonstrate the versatility of these plasmonic bioinspired platforms as potential biochemical sensors.


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The effectiveness of Oliver & Pharr's (O&P's) method, Cheng & Cheng's (C&C's) method, and a new method developed by our group for estimating Young's modulus and hardness based on instrumented indentation was evaluated for the case of yield stress to reduced Young's modulus ratio (sigma(y)/E-r) >= 4.55 x 10(-4) and hardening coefficient (n) <= 0.45. Dimensional theorem and finite element simulations were applied to produce reference results for this purpose. Both O&P's and C&C's methods overestimated the Young's modulus under some conditions, whereas the error can be controlled within +/- 16% if the formulation was modified with appropriate correction functions. Similar modification was not introduced to our method for determining Young's modulus, while the maximum error of results was around +/- 13%. The errors of hardness values obtained from all the three methods could be even larger and were irreducible with any correction scheme. It is therefore suggested that when hardness values of different materials are concerned, relative comparison of the data obtained from a single standard measurement technique would be more practically useful. It is noted that the ranges of error derived from the analysis could be different if different ranges of material parameters sigma(y)/E-r and n are considered.


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The phenomena of the 'piling up' and 'sinking-in' of surface profiles in conical indentation in elastic-plastic solids with work hardening are studied using dimensional and finite-element analysis. The degree of sinking in and piling up is shown to depend on the ratio of the initial yield strength Y to Young's modulus E and on the work-hardening exponent n. The widely used procedure proposed by Oliver and Pharr for estimating contact depth is then evaluated systematically. By comparing the contact depth obtained directly from finite-element calculations with that obtained from the initial unloading slope using the Oliver-Pharr procedure, the applicability of the procedure is discussed.


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In order to further investigate nanoindentation data of film-substrate systems and to learn more about the mechanical properties of nanometer film-substrate systems, two kinds of films on different substrate systems have been tested with a systematic variation in film thickness and substrate characteristics. The two kinds of films are aluminum and tungsten, which have been sputtered on to glass and silicon substrates, respectively. Indentation experiments were performed with a Nano Indent XP II with indenter displacements typically about two times the nominal film thicknesses. The resulting data are analyzed in terms of load-displacement curves and various comparative parameters, such as hardness, Young's modulus, unloading stiffness and elastic recovery. Hardness and Young's modulus are investigated when the substrate effects are considered. The results show how the composite hardness and Young's modulus are different for different substrates, different films and different film thicknesses. An assumption of constant Young's modulus is used for the film-substrate system, in which the film and substrate have similar Young's moduli. Composite hardness obtained by the Joslin and Oliver method is compared with the directly measured hardness obtained by the Oliver and Pharr method.


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A new area function is introduced and applied to a Berkovich tip in order to characterize the contact projected area between an indenter and indented material. The function can be related directly to tip-rounding, thereby having obviously physical meaning. Nanoindentation experiments are performed on a commercial Nano Indenter XPsystem. The other two area functions introduced by Oliver and Pharr and by Thurn and Cook respectively are involved in this paper for comparison. By comparison from experimental results among different area functions, the indenter tip described by the proposed area function here is very close to the experimental indenter.