931 resultados para Disturbios da aprendizagem nas crianças


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The aim of this paper is to gather research information and studies posted about the importance of social environment in the development of symbolic systems on children. Languages verbal, visual and written are interrelated representation systems, although each one has its own characteristics and elements. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the importance of linking the various existing types of language and therefore the importance of a coordinate approach also in the teaching-learning situations of these systems. The work also intends to disclose how thin is the line that separates writing of drawing, both of them as representative systems. As well as to show how visual information and language are intrinsically linked as thought happens by the connections between them. The work includes the report of an activity with Japanese ideograms done in the author's teacher's training at formal education. It also approaches pictographic, creative and poetic aspects of ideograms that brings up new ways of thinking and representing symbolically just like the methods of artistic language


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The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language


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Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education


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The aim of this paper is to gather research information and studies posted about the importance of social environment in the development of symbolic systems on children. Languages verbal, visual and written are interrelated representation systems, although each one has its own characteristics and elements. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the importance of linking the various existing types of language and therefore the importance of a coordinate approach also in the teaching-learning situations of these systems. The work also intends to disclose how thin is the line that separates writing of drawing, both of them as representative systems. As well as to show how visual information and language are intrinsically linked as thought happens by the connections between them. The work includes the report of an activity with Japanese ideograms done in the author's teacher's training at formal education. It also approaches pictographic, creative and poetic aspects of ideograms that brings up new ways of thinking and representing symbolically just like the methods of artistic language


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The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language


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Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education


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A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no ensino regular depende da preparação da comunidade escolar para promover a participação de todos os alunos. Foi objetivo deste estudo conhecer, do ponto de vista do professor do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal, as estratégias pedagógicas que utilizavam para a inclusão de crianças com deficiência na classe comum. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e, posteriormente, grupais com 11 professores de cinco escolas, um representante do Centro de Formação e Acompanhamento à Inclusão e um coordenador pedagógico. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. Após diversas leituras foi possível identificar como temáticas principais: sentidos e imaginários do professor sobre a deficiência, formação do professor para efetivação do processo de inclusão, bem como a utilização de estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas e formação de rede de apoio na escola. Os entrevistados utilizavam estratégias gerais como aula expositiva, debates, e específicas como: avaliação dos alunos, adaptação do material, atividades em duplas, parceria com o professor da sala de apoio e acompanhamento à inclusão. Parte dos entrevistados trouxe uma visão com relação aos alunos com deficiência permeada de possibilidades, acreditando no potencial de aprendizagem dos mesmos, enquanto para outros, o discurso centrou-se, sobretudo, na impossibilidade da aprendizagem. Os docentes identificaram a necessidade de apoio institucional para seu trabalho, incluindo possibilidades de formação a partir das demandas cotidianas. Responder às necessidades levantadas é parte dos desafios para implementar a Educação Inclusiva na perspectiva da Educação para Todos, para a efetivação dos direitos de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais.


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Este estudo investigou a aprendizagem de uma tarefa motora seriada em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. Quinze crianças, 14 adultos e 13 idosos praticaram a tarefa de rastrear uma sequência de seis estímulos luminosos durante 10 blocos de tentativas ou até descobrir a sequência, constituindo a fase de estabilização e mais dois blocos de tentativas, referentes as fases de adaptação I e II. O desempenho foi mensurado por meio das respostas funcionais e não-funcionais e das sequências funcionais. Os resultados indicaram que os adultos foram superiores aos demais participantes, e idosos apresentaram melhor desempenho que crianças apenas no início da prática, sugerindo que o estágio de desenvolvimento interage com o processo de aprendizagem motora.


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O processo ensino-aprendizagem pode ser visto como um sistema constituído pela interação de três componentes - professor, aluno e matéria - que tem por meta promover mudanças efetivas nos comportamentos, capacidades e competências do aluno. Como numa visão sistêmica do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a função de um determinado componente implica sempre o estabelecimento de relação entre os dois componentes que restam, o papel principal do professor é estabelecer relação entre o aluno e a matéria. Neste contexto, a questão central é saber em que se basear para estabelecer essa relação. O presente ensaio parte da assunção de que o conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento motor constitui um elemento fundamental quando a matéria de ensino é o esporte, discute uma fase desse processo que tem sido sistematicamente esquecida procurando identificar as suas possíveis causas e consequências e apresenta algumas sugestões para trabalhar com essa fase.


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Como breve análise do livro "Medicalização de crianças e adolescentes: conflitos silenciados pela redução de questões sociais a doenças de indivíduos", esta resenha contextualiza a importância da publicação na crítica contemporânea à invenção de (psico)patologias e tratamentos a elas destinados. O livro logra, de forma extremamente rigorosa, desconstruir as "bases científicas" que sustentam o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH), mostrando como a indústria farmacêutica vem ocultando sistematicamente os profundos efeitos colaterais do princípio ativo destinado a tratá-lo (o metilfenidato, presente na Ritalina® e Concerta®). Com textos de profissionais vinculados à saúde e educação, nas mais diferentes áreas do conhecimento, o livro representa uma notável coalizão de esforços em benefício da promoção dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré -escolar


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar


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Relatório apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e 1º ciclo do ensino básico