744 resultados para Corporate governance, agency costs, directors
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the comply-or-explain principle in Sweden to determine if the flexible approach is functioning as in-tended. Research design: This paper scrutinizes the quality of the explanations with respect to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. A quantitative research with a cross-sectional design has been performed and the data collection covers 241 companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm for the fiscal year of 2014. The secondary data has been gathered from corporate governance reports of the researched companies and analysed by using a tax-onomy of explanations. Findings: The report demonstrates that the comply-or-explain principle in Sweden is effective. A clear majority of the explanations, 71,8%, were deemed as informative, mean-ing that a large proportion of the Swedish firms are utilizing the flexible approach in an effective manner. However, one out of four explanations were classified as insufficient and we have thus provided recommendations in order for the code to become even more effective. Contribution: Our findings provide insights on how the comply-or-explain principle works in a country that is supposed to be a leading example of how the comply-or-explain approach should be implemented. This study should be of significance for policy makers considering that we have outlined how the principle works and provided recommenda-tions on how the Swedish Corporate Governance Code can be improved. Value: Our findings demonstrate that companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm pro-vide high quality explanations that can serve as an inspiration for companies listed in other countries. Furthermore, the results indicate that managers are likely to act within ethically desired norm. Considering the social implications, as Swedish firms are informative in terms of explanations, it minimizes the risk of firms acting dishonestly.
O objetivo principal deste estudo é avaliar se as medidas e ações implementadas pelos governantes para aperfeiçoar o modelo de governança pública brasileiro estão contribuindo para elevar o nível de controle social e de transparência na administração pública. Pressupomos que a promoção da transparência e do acesso à informação é uma medida essencial para o fortalecimento do controle social e da democracia, e por decorrência, para a melhoria da qualidade da gestão pública. Trata-se de um artigo teóricoempírico e bibliográfico, apoiado nas abordagens das teorias da governança, neoinstitucional e da agência. A partir da literatura, relatórios e das normas legais, buscamos identificar inicialmente as motivações que levaram à adaptação e transferência das experiências da governança corporativa para o setor público. Realizou-se, ainda, uma pesquisa de campo para avaliar a qualidades das informações das despesas públicas disponibilizadas pelos portais de transparência dos 200 municípios mais populosos do país. Conclui-se, por fim, que ainda existem inúmeros desafios e obstáculos a serem superados nos âmbitos sociocultural e institucional. Essas dificuldades são agravadas por deficiências de competência e de valores éticos e morais dos governantes e políticos, essenciais para viabilizar uma boa governança pública, elevar a transparência e aumentar o controle social no Brasil. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Doutoramento em Gestão
A plethora of recent literature on asset pricing provides plenty of empirical evidence on the importance of liquidity, governance and adverse selection of equity on pricing of assets together with more traditional factors such as market beta and the Fama-French factors. However, literature has usually stressed that these factors are priced individually. In this dissertation we argue that these factors may be related to each other, hence not only individual but also joint tests of their significance is called for. In the three related essays, we examine the liquidity premium in the context of the finer three-digit SIC industry classification, joint importance of liquidity and governance factors as well as governance and adverse selection. Recent studies by Core, Guay and Rusticus (2006) and Ben-Rephael, Kadan and Wohl (2010) find that governance and liquidity premiums are dwindling in the last few years. One reason could be that liquidity is very unevenly distributed across industries. This could affect the interpretation of prior liquidity studies. Thus, in the first chapter we analyze the relation of industry clustering and liquidity risk following a finer industry classification suggested by Johnson, Moorman and Sorescu (2009). In the second chapter, we examine the dwindling influence of the governance factor if taken simultaneously with liquidity. We argue that this happens since governance characteristics are potentially a proxy for information asymmetry that may be better captured by market liquidity of a company’s shares. Hence, we jointly examine both the factors, namely, governance and liquidity – in a series of standard asset pricing tests. Our results reconfirm the importance of governance and liquidity in explaining stock returns thus independently corroborating the findings of Amihud (2002) and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Moreover, governance is not subsumed by liquidity. Lastly, we analyze the relation of governance and adverse selection, and again corroborate previous findings of a priced governance factor. Furthermore, we ascertain the importance of microstructure measures in asset pricing by employing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method to extract an adverse selection variable and finding evidence for its explanatory power in four-factor regressions.
The conceptual domain of agency theory is one of the dominant organisational theory perspectives applied in current family business research (Chrisman et al., 2010). According to agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976), agency costs generally arise due to individuals’ selfinterest and decision making based on rational thinking and oriented toward own preferences. With more people involved in decision making, such as through the separation of ownership and management, agency costs occur due to different preferences and information asymmetries between the owner (principal) and the employed management (agent) (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). In other words, agents take decisions based on their individual preferences (for example, short term, financial gains) instead of the owners’ preferences (for example, long term, sustainable development).
This dissertation assesses the impact of the EU Directive on Bank Recovery and Resolution (BRRD) on bank corporate governance and investigates a fundamental question. Can the resolution framework for distressed banks enhance the quality of banks’ decision making? According to the Directive, the Resolution Authority can impose losses on bank’s creditors in case of distress through a bail-in. Bail-inable creditors become residual claimants of the bank, contingent on its distress. The first part of the dissertation establishes an analytical framework for bank governance, starting from the problem of what can be defined as “good governance” in banking. The dissertation hypothesizes that governance regulation represents a necessary link between the incentives of corporate constituencies and the goals of substantive regulation. The second part builds upon this analytical framework and carries out a positive analysis encompassing three channels of debt governance; namely, price internalisation of risk; contractual arrangements and the discrete impact of different type of creditors. The existence of a resolution framework should incentivise bail-inable creditors to better discipline the borrowing bank; yet, the design of both the capital and resolution regulation largely foreclose such possibility to creditors. Against this backdrop, the third part of the dissertation moves to normative considerations. The approach to this normative part combines and complements the study of cash flow rights of the management with the study of the voting rights to bail-inable creditors. On the cash flow side, the dissertation proposes to include bail-inable debt as part of the variable remuneration for bank risk-takers. On the voting right, the proposal is to grant a limited basket of ex-ante governance rights to bail-inable creditors. Such a unified approach is rather uncommon in the literature, where cash flow rights and voting rights are often approached separately whereas those complement each other in the dissertation.
What is the relationship between executive pay regulation and corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Currently, CSR is neither sufficiently included in economic research on executive pay, nor is pay regulation considered as a potential instrument in the growing body of CSR legislation. The successful proliferation of CSR in business practice and the attention policymakers and legislators now pay to it, however, have raised the importance of answering these questions. Thus, this blind spot in corporate governance—the relationship between compensation, CSR, and law—is the topic of this thesis. The dissertation approaches these issues in two subsequent research question: first, the role of executive pay regulation as an institutional determinant of CSR engagement is identified. From the results of this, the second research question arises: should legislators promote CSR engagement and—if so—how? Lastly, a case study is conducted to map how the influence of index funds as an important driver of CSR in corporate governance should be accommodated in the design of CSR legislation. The research project shows that pay regulation is part of the institutional determinants of CSR and, depending on its design, can incentivise or discourage different forms of CSR engagement. As a form of private self-regulation, CSR is closely interconnected with legal rules and the result of complex underlying drivers inside and outside the firm. The study develops a differentiation of CSR activities to accommodate this complexity, which is applied in an analysis of pay regulation. Together, these inquiries form a comprehensive picture of the ways in which pay regulation sets incentives for CSR engagement. Finally, the thesis shows how CSR-oriented pay regulation is consistent with the conventional goals of corporate governance and eventually provides a prospect for the integration of CSR and corporate law in general.
The main arguments in favor and against nominal and indexed debts are the incentive to default through inflation versus hedging against unforeseen shocks. We model and calibrate these arguments to assess their quantitative importance. We use a dynamic equilibrium model with tax distortion, government outlays uncertainty, and contingent-debt service. Our framework also recognizes that contingent debt can be associated with incentive problems and lack of commitment. Thus, the benefits of unexpected inflation are tempered by higher interest rates. We obtain that costs from inflation more than offset the benefits from reducing tax distortions. We further discuss sustainability of nominal debt in developing (volatile) countries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To attend and obtain the systems and. internal controls mechanisms proposed by Sarbanes-Oxley certifications is actually a big challenge,for most of the multinational companies registered in SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission). This work has the objective of contributing to the analysis of this methodology, not only to attend the law but to reduce cost and generate value through the strengthen of the internal control systems, turning them into animating value generation process mechanisms. So, the idea is to identify the main gaps in the theory through the literature revision and a case study in order to put a question to the main deficiencies, strong points or contributions through the evaluation of the noticed practices. Finally, we can say that a a result of the research and the analyses made in. this case, the vast majority of executives and other employees recognize the benefit that Sarbanes-Oxley Act has brought to the company searched. Also recognize that, although there is still necessity for systemic adequacy and infrastructure, it helps and reinforce reducing and controlling the risks. the system of internal controls in all areas of expertise. They approach and understand that there is the need for a change in the other employees` culture to be inserted in the day-today routine as internal controls, attention to Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance, making the control cost smaller when compared to the benefits generated.
Discussion opposing the Theory of the Firm to the Theory of Stakeholders are contemporaneous and polemical. One focal point of such debates refers to which objective-function companies, should choose, whether that of the shareholders or that of the stakeholders, and whether it is possible to opt for both simultaneously. Several empirical studies. have attempted-to test a possible correlation between both functions, and there has not been any consensus-so far. The objective of the present research is to examine a gap in such discussions: is there (or not) a subordination of the stakeholders` objective-function to that of the shareholders? The research is empirical,and analytical and employs quantitative methods. Hypotheses were tested and data analyzed by using non-parametrical (chi-square test) and parametrical procedures (frequency. correlation `coefficient). Secondary data was collected from he Economitica database and from the Brazilian Institute of Social and-Economic Analyses (IBASE) website, relative to public companies that have published their Social Balance Statements following the IBASE model from 1999 to 2006, whose sample amounted to 65 companies; In order to assess the objective-function of shareholders a proxy was created based on the following three indices: ROE (return on equity), EnterpriseValue and Tobin`s Q. In order to assess the objective-function of stakeholders a proxy was created by employing the following IBASE social balance indices: internal ones (ISI), external ones (ISE), and environmental ones (IAM). The results have shown no evidence of subordination of stakeholders` objective-function to that of the shareholders in analyzed companies, negating initial expectations and calling for deeper investigation of results. Its main conclusion, which states that the attempted subordination does not take place, is limited to the sample herein investigated and calls for ongoing research aiming at improvements which may lead to sample enlargement and, as a consequence, may make feasible the application of other statistical techniques which may yield a more thorough, analysis of the studied phenomehon.
As sociedades estatais s??o importantes organiza????es societ??rias, que podem servir ao administrador p??blico para a realiza????o de atividades econ??micas que configurem relevante interesse coletivo ou motivo de seguran??a nacional. Com a finalidade de adequarem-se aos limites de investimento p??blico e com vistas ao cumprimento do princ??pio da efici??ncia, elas podem utilizar-se de mecanismos societ??rios e contratuais de gest??o disponibilizados a empresas, sejam elas estatais ou privadas. Os movimentos societ??rios, os mecanismos de controle e partilha de controle e a ado????o das pr??ticas de governan??a corporativa s??o alternativas jur??dicas disponibilizadas aos administradores das empresas estatais. A an??lise do caso da Companhia Paranaense de Energia El??trica (Copel) ?? realizada no artigo com o prop??sito de auxiliar na visualiza????o da aplica????o de tais institutos.
O estudo trata da gest??o da informa????o, utilizando a abordagem de n??veis de maturidade como forma de obter melhorias na governan??a corporativa de uma organiza????o do setor p??blico. A gest??o da informa????o ?? entendida como processo, e o mapeamento de processos ?? tratado como primeiro passo para gerar oportunidades de melhoria. Uma proposta de formato para modelar e descrever os processos de gest??o da informa????o ?? apresentada, e um caso pr??tico de mapeamento baseado na proposta ?? descrito. O mapeamento foi realizado em uma organiza????o p??blica, em uma unidade organizacional respons??vel por gerir grande parte das informa????es corporativas da organiza????o. Algumas fases do trabalho j?? foram cumpridas, e as fases seguintes fazem parte de um cronograma em andamento. Os resultados pr??ticos observados indicam que a metodologia proposta pode ser interessante para atingir, paulatinamente, maiores n??veis de conhecimento sobre como gerenciar adequadamente a informa????o.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever e analisar como o fenômeno da governança corporativa articula mecanismos de gestão e impacta na dinâmica de uma pequena organização familiar. Para isso, utilizou-se as perspectivas de Fan (2001) e Silva Junior (2006), que tratam da governança corporativa, e de Chandler (1994), para empresas familiares. Através de abordagem qualitativa com ênfase em um estudo de caso, uma triangulação de dados foi realizada, utilizando a entrevista semiestruturada, observação assistemática ou livre e pesquisa de documentos, e a análise dos dados foi realizada por análise de conteúdo. Verificou-se a presença do fenômeno da governança por intermédio da identificação dos fatores de diferenciação, resultando na implantação de mecanismos de governança ao longo do ciclo de vida da organização familiar, o que possibilitou mudanças em seu controle, no seu processo sucessório e na sua profissionalização. Quanto ao controle, foram verificados que os mecanismos de “manutenção do status quo”, “aconselhamento profissional”, “sinergia de interesses”, “regulamentação financeira da sociedade”, “atribuições e responsabilidades”, “alinhamento de interesses do negócio” e “proteção do empreendimento familiar” possibilitaram a modificação e manutenção do controle da empresa com os sócios. Quanto ao eixo da profissionalização, foi verificado que os mecanismos de “regulamentação financeira da sociedade”, “atribuições e responsabilidades”, “alinhamento de interesses do negócio”, “proteção do empreendimento familiar” e “atenção aos interesses dos stakeholders” foram responsáveis por prover as modificações neste quesito e indicar que a empresa caminha no sentido de se profissionalizar. Quanto ao processo sucessório, verificou-se que a terceira geração não tem interesse na empresa, o que podem resultar na contratação de um profissional externo para gerir a mesma, respeitando a questão dos valores familiares e a cultura organizacional ou conduzir à sucessão recursiva. Aparentemente, observou-se que a segunda questão foi mais evidente, visto que a saída do último irmão do negócio culmina com a venda da empresa familiar, gerando duas alternativas: a compra da empresa por um grupo de sócios ou outra empresa não familiar, o que resultaria na “morte” da empresa enquanto empresa familiar; ou a sua compra por outra família ou empresa familiar, preservando sua classificação inicial.