986 resultados para Application programming interfaces (API)


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Many studies on the morphology, molecular orientation, device performance, substrate nature and growth parameter dependence have been carried out since the proposal of Sexithiophene (6T) for organic electronics [ ] However, these studies were mostly performed on films thicker than 20nm and without specifically addressing the relationship between morphology and molecular orientation within the nano and micro structures of ultrathin films of 0-3 monolayers. In 2004, the observation that in OFETs only the first few monolayers at the interface in contact with the gate insulator contribute to the charge transport [ ], underlined the importance to study submonolayer films and their evolution up to a few monolayers of thickness with appropriate experimental techniques. We present here a detailed Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy study on various substrates aiming at the investigation of growth mechanisms. Most reported similar studies are performed on ideal metals in UHV. However it is important to investigate the details of organic film growth on less ideal and even technological surfaces and device testpatterns. The present work addresses the growth of ultra thin organic films in-situ and quasi real-time by NC-AFM. An organic effusion cell is installed to evaporate the organic material directly onto the SPM sample scanning stage.


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La crescente disponibilità di dispositivi meccanici e -soprattutto - elettronici le cui performance aumentano mentre il loro costo diminuisce, ha permesso al campo della robotica di compiere notevoli progressi. Tali progressi non sono stati fatti unicamente per ciò che riguarda la robotica per uso industriale, nelle catene di montaggio per esempio, ma anche per quella branca della robotica che comprende i robot autonomi domestici. Questi sistemi autonomi stanno diventando, per i suddetti motivi, sempre più pervasivi, ovvero sono immersi nello stesso ambiente nel quale vivono gli essere umani, e interagiscono con questi in maniera proattiva. Essi stanno compiendo quindi lo stesso percorso che hanno attraversato i personal computer all'incirca 30 anni fa, passando dall'essere costosi ed ingombranti mainframe a disposizione unicamente di enti di ricerca ed università, ad essere presenti all'interno di ogni abitazione, per un utilizzo non solo professionale ma anche di assistenza alle attività quotidiane o anche di intrattenimento. Per questi motivi la robotica è un campo dell'Information Technology che interessa sempre più tutti i tipi di programmatori software. Questa tesi analizza per prima cosa gli aspetti salienti della programmazione di controllori per robot autonomi (ovvero senza essere guidati da un utente), quindi, come l'approccio basato su agenti sia appropriato per la programmazione di questi sistemi. In particolare si mostrerà come un approccio ad agenti, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione Jason e quindi l'architettura BDI, sia una scelta significativa, dal momento che il modello sottostante a questo tipo di linguaggio è basato sul ragionamento pratico degli esseri umani (Human Practical Reasoning) e quindi è adatto alla implementazione di sistemi che agiscono in maniera autonoma. Dato che le possibilità di utilizzare un vero e proprio sistema autonomo per poter testare i controllori sono ridotte, per motivi pratici, economici e temporali, mostreremo come è facile e performante arrivare in maniera rapida ad un primo prototipo del robot tramite l'utilizzo del simulatore commerciale Webots. Il contributo portato da questa tesi include la possibilità di poter programmare un robot in maniera modulare e rapida per mezzo di poche linee di codice, in modo tale che l'aumento delle funzionalità di questo risulti un collo di bottiglia, come si verifica nella programmazione di questi sistemi tramite i classici linguaggi di programmazione imperativi. L'organizzazione di questa tesi prevede un capitolo di background nel quale vengono riportare le basi della robotica, della sua programmazione e degli strumenti atti allo scopo, un capitolo che riporta le nozioni di programmazione ad agenti, tramite il linguaggio Jason -quindi l'architettura BDI - e perché tale approccio è adatto alla programmazione di sistemi di controllo per la robotica. Successivamente viene presentata quella che è la struttura completa del nostro ambiente di lavoro software che comprende l'ambiente ad agenti e il simulatore, quindi nel successivo capitolo vengono mostrate quelle che sono le esplorazioni effettuate utilizzando Jason e un approccio classico (per mezzo di linguaggi classici), attraverso diversi casi di studio di crescente complessità; dopodiché, verrà effettuata una valutazione tra i due approcci analizzando i problemi e i vantaggi che comportano questi. Infine, la tesi terminerà con un capitolo di conclusioni e di riflessioni sulle possibili estensioni e lavori futuri.


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The improvement of devices provided by Nanotechnology has put forward new classes of sensors, called bio-nanosensors, which are very promising for the detection of biochemical molecules in a large variety of applications. Their use in lab-on-a-chip could gives rise to new opportunities in many fields, from health-care and bio-warfare to environmental and high-throughput screening for pharmaceutical industry. Bio-nanosensors have great advantages in terms of cost, performance, and parallelization. Indeed, they require very low quantities of reagents and improve the overall signal-to-noise-ratio due to increase of binding signal variations vs. area and reduction of stray capacitances. Additionally, they give rise to new challenges, such as the need to design high-performance low-noise integrated electronic interfaces. This thesis is related to the design of high-performance advanced CMOS interfaces for electrochemical bio-nanosensors. The main focus of the thesis is: 1) critical analysis of noise in sensing interfaces, 2) devising new techniques for noise reduction in discrete-time approaches, 3) developing new architectures for low-noise, low-power sensing interfaces. The manuscript reports a multi-project activity focusing on low-noise design and presents two developed integrated circuits (ICs) as examples of advanced CMOS interfaces for bio-nanosensors. The first project concerns low-noise current-sensing interface for DC and transient measurements of electrophysiological signals. The focus of this research activity is on the noise optimization of the electronic interface. A new noise reduction technique has been developed so as to realize an integrated CMOS interfaces with performance comparable with state-of-the-art instrumentations. The second project intends to realize a stand-alone, high-accuracy electrochemical impedance spectroscopy interface. The system is tailored for conductivity-temperature-depth sensors in environmental applications, as well as for bio-nanosensors. It is based on a band-pass delta-sigma technique and combines low-noise performance with low-power requirements.


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La presente tesi è dedicata al riuso nel software. Eccettuata un'introduzione organica al tema, l'analisi è a livello dei meccanismi offerti dai linguaggi di programmazione e delle tecniche di sviluppo, con speciale attenzione rivolta al tema della concorrenza. Il primo capitolo fornisce un quadro generale nel quale il riuso del software è descritto, assieme alle ragioni che ne determinano l'importanza e ai punti cruciali relativi alla sua attuazione. Si individuano diversi livelli di riuso sulla base dell'astrazione e degli artefatti in gioco, e si sottolinea come i linguaggi contribuiscano alla riusabilità e alla realizzazione del riuso. In seguito, viene esplorato, con esempi di codice, il supporto al riuso da parte del paradigma ad oggetti, in termini di incapsulamento, ereditarietà, polimorfismo, composizione. La trattazione prosegue analizzando differenti feature – tipizzazione, interfacce, mixin, generics – offerte da vari linguaggi di programmazione, mostrando come esse intervengano sulla riusabilità dei componenti software. A chiudere il capitolo, qualche parola contestualizzata sull'inversione di controllo, la programmazione orientata agli aspetti, e il meccanismo della delega. Il secondo capitolo abbraccia il tema della concorrenza. Dopo aver introdotto l'argomento, vengono approfonditi alcuni significativi modelli di concorrenza: programmazione multi-threaded, task nel linguaggio Ada, SCOOP, modello ad Attori. Essi vengono descritti negli elementi fondamentali e ne vengono evidenziati gli aspetti cruciali in termini di contributo al riuso, con esempi di codice. Relativamente al modello ad Attori, viene presentata la sua implementazione in Scala/Akka come caso studio. Infine, viene esaminato il problema dell'inheritance anomaly, sulla base di esempi e delle tre classi principali di anomalia, e si analizza la suscettibilità del supporto di concorrenza di Scala/Akka a riscontrare tali problemi. Inoltre, in questo capitolo si nota come alcuni aspetti relativi al binomio riuso/concorrenza, tra cui il significato profondo dello stesso, non siano ancora stati adeguatamente affrontati dalla comunità informatica. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo esordisce con una panoramica dell'agent-oriented programming, prendendo il linguaggio simpAL come riferimento. In seguito, si prova ad estendere al caso degli agenti la nozione di riuso approfondita nei capitoli precedenti.


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Questa tesi si pone come obiettivo l'analisi delle componenti di sollecitazione statica di un serbatoio, in acciaio API 5L X52, sottoposto a carichi di flessione e pressione interna attraverso il programma agli elementi finiti PLCd4, sviluppato presso l'International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE - Barcelona). Questo tipo di analisi rientra nel progetto europeo ULCF, il cui traguardo è lo studio della fatica a bassissimo numero di cicli per strutture in acciaio. Prima di osservare la struttura completa del serbatoio è stato studiato il comportamento del materiale per implementare all'interno del programma una nuova tipologia di curva che rappresentasse al meglio l'andamento delle tensioni interne. Attraverso il lavoro di preparazione alla tesi è stato inserito all'interno del programma un algoritmo per la distribuzione delle pressioni superficiali sui corpi 3D, successivamente utilizzato per l'analisi della pressione interna nel serbatoio. Sono state effettuate analisi FEM del serbatoio in diverse configurazioni di carico ove si è cercato di modellare al meglio la struttura portante relativa al caso reale di "full scale test". Dal punto di vista analitico i risultati ottenuti sono soddisfacenti in quanto rispecchiano un corretto comportamento del serbatoio in condizioni di pressioni molto elevate e confermano la bontà del programma nell'analisi computazionale.


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Assuming that the heat capacity of a body is negligible outside certain inclusions the heat equation degenerates to a parabolic-elliptic interface problem. In this work we aim to detect these interfaces from thermal measurements on the surface of the body. We deduce an equivalent variational formulation for the parabolic-elliptic problem and give a new proof of the unique solvability based on Lions’s projection lemma. For the case that the heat conductivity is higher inside the inclusions, we develop an adaptation of the factorization method to this time-dependent problem. In particular this shows that the locations of the interfaces are uniquely determined by boundary measurements. The method also yields to a numerical algorithm to recover the inclusions and thus the interfaces. We demonstrate how measurement data can be simulated numerically by a coupling of a finite element method with a boundary element method, and finally we present some numerical results for the inverse problem.


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The aim of the work was to study the correlation between the orientation and excited-state lifetimes of organic dyes close to dielectric interfaces. For this purpose, an experimental setup was designed and built, guiding the light through a prism in total internal reflection geometry. Fluorescence intensities and lifetimes for an ensemble of dye molecules were analyzed as a function of the excitation and detection polarizations. Working close to the total internal reflection angle, the differences between polarization combinations were enhanced. A classical electromagnetic model that assumes a chromophore as a couple of point-like electrical dipoles was developed. A numerical method to calculate the excitation and emission of dye molecules embedded in a multilayer system was implemented, by which full simulation of the time resolved fluorescence experiments was achieved. Free organic dyes and organic dyes covalently bound to polyelectrolyte chains were used. The polymer functionalization process avoided aggregation and provided control over the dyes position, within a few nanometers to the interface. Moreover, by varying the pH, the polymer chains could be deposited on different substrates with different conformations and the resulting fluorescence characteristics analyzed. Initially the fluorescence of organic dyes embedded in a polymer matrix was studied as a function of the distance between the fluorophores and the polymer-air interface. The non-radiative decay rate, vacuum decay rate and the relative angle between the excitation and emission dipoles of the chromophores could be determined. Different free organic dyes were deposited onto different dielectric spacers, as close as possible to the air-dielectric interface. Surprisingly, the fluorescence characteristics of dyes deposited onto polyelectrolyte layer were in good agreement with theoretical predictions of dyes in a polymer matrix, even when the layer was only 2 nm thick. When functionalized chains were deposited at low pH, on top of a polyelectrolyte spacer, the fluorescence had the characteristics of emitters embedded in a polymer matrix as well. Surface deposition at high pH showed an intermediate behaviour between emitters embedded in polymer and on top of the surface, in air. In general, for low pH values, the chains are deposited on a substrate in a train-like conformation. For high pH values, the chains are deposited in a loop-like conformation. As a consequence at low pH the functionalized polymer strongly interdigitates with the polyelectrolyte chains of the spacer, bringing most of the dyes inside the polymer. Thus, the fluorophores may experience the polymer as surrounding environment. On the other hand, for high pH values the dye-loaded chains adsorbed have a conformational arrangement of dense loops that extend away from the surface. Therefore many fluorophores experience the air as surrounding environment. Changing the spacer from polyelectrolyte to negatively charged silane produced contradictory results for lifetimes and intensities. The fluorescence intensities indicated the behaviour of emitters embedded in a polymer matrix, regardless of the pH value. On the other hand, for low pH values, the excited-state lifetimes showed that the emitters behaved as in air. For higher pH values, an intermediate behaviour between fluorophores located within and above of a dielectric film was observed. The poor agreement between theoretical and experimental data may be due to the simplified model utilized, by which the dipoles are assumed either in one side or in the other with respect to a geometrical air-dielectric interface. In the case when the dielectric film is constituted by the functionalized polymer chains themselves, reality is more complex and a different model may apply. Nevertheless, possible applications of the technique arise from a qualitative analysis.


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Mainstream hardware is becoming parallel, heterogeneous, and distributed on every desk, every home and in every pocket. As a consequence, in the last years software is having an epochal turn toward concurrency, distribution, interaction which is pushed by the evolution of hardware architectures and the growing of network availability. This calls for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by classical mainstream programming paradigms, to tackle more effectively the new complexities that developers have to face in everyday programming. A convergence it is recognizable in the mainstream toward the adoption of the actor paradigm as a mean to unite object-oriented programming and concurrency. Nevertheless, we argue that the actor paradigm can only be considered a good starting point to provide a more comprehensive response to such a fundamental and radical change in software development. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis is to propose Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a high-level general purpose programming paradigm, natural evolution of actors and objects, introducing a further level of human-inspired concepts for programming software systems, meant to simplify the design and programming of concurrent, distributed, reactive/interactive programs. To this end, in the dissertation first we construct the required background by studying the state-of-the-art of both actor-oriented and agent-oriented programming, and then we focus on the engineering of integrated programming technologies for developing agent-based systems in their classical application domains: artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence. Then, we shift the perspective moving from the development of intelligent software systems, toward general purpose software development. Using the expertise maturated during the phase of background construction, we introduce a general-purpose programming language named simpAL, which founds its roots on general principles and practices of software development, and at the same time provides an agent-oriented level of abstraction for the engineering of general purpose software systems.


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We study the effective interaction between two ellipsoidal particles at the interface of two fluid phases which are mediated by thermal fluctuations of the interface. Within a coarse-grained picture, the properties of fluid interfaces are very well described by an effective capillary wave Hamiltonian which governs both the equilibrium interface configuration and the thermal fluctuations (capillary waves) around this equilibrium (or mean-field) position. As postulated by the Goldstone theorem the capillary waves are long-range correlated. The interface breaks the continuous translational symmetry of the system, and in the limit of vanishing external fields - like gravity - it has to be accompanied by easily excitable long wavelength (Goldstone) modes – precisely the capillary waves. In this system the restriction of the long-ranged interface fluctuations by particles gives rise to fluctuation-induced forces which are equivalent to interactions of Casimir type and which are anisotropic in the interface plane. Since the position and the orientation of the colloids with respect to the interface normal may also fluctuate, this system is an example for the Casimir effect with fluctuating boundary conditions. In the approach taken here, the Casimir interaction is rewritten as the interaction between fluctuating multipole moments of an auxiliary charge density-like field defined on the area enclosed by the contact lines. These fluctuations are coupled to fluctuations of multipole moments of the contact line position (due to the possible position and orientational fluctuations of the colloids). We obtain explicit expressions for the behavior of the Casimir interaction at large distances for arbitrary ellipsoid aspect ratios. If colloid fluctuations are suppressed, the Casimir interaction at large distances is isotropic, attractive and long ranged (double-logarithmic in the distance). If, however, colloid fluctuations are included, the Casimir interaction at large distances changes to a power law in the inverse distance and becomes anisotropic. The leading power is 4 if only vertical fluctuations of the colloid center are allowed, and it becomes 8 if also orientational fluctuations are included.


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A model is developed to represent the activity of a farm using the method of linear programming. Two are the main components of the model, the balance of soil fertility and the livestock nutrition. According to the first, the farm is supposed to have a total requirement of nitrogen, which is to be accomplished either through internal sources (manure) or through external sources (fertilisers). The second component describes the animal husbandry as having a nutritional requirement which must be satisfied through the internal production of arable crops or the acquisition of feed from the market. The farmer is supposed to maximise total net income from the agricultural and the zoo-technical activities by choosing one rotation among those available for climate and acclivity. The perspective of the analysis is one of a short period: the structure of the farm is supposed to be fixed without possibility to change the allocation of permanent crops and the amount of animal husbandry. The model is integrated with an environmental module that describes the role of the farm within the carbon-nitrogen cycle. On the one hand the farm allows storing carbon through the photosynthesis of the plants and the accumulation of carbon in the soil; on the other some activities of the farm emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The model is tested for some representative farms of the Emilia-Romagna region, showing to be capable to give different results for conventional and organic farming and providing first results concerning the different atmospheric impact. Relevant data about the representative farms and the feasible rotations are extracted from the FADN database, with an integration of the coefficients from the literature.


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This thesis aimed at addressing some of the issues that, at the state of the art, avoid the P300-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems to move from research laboratories to end users’ home. An innovative asynchronous classifier has been defined and validated. It relies on the introduction of a set of thresholds in the classifier, and such thresholds have been assessed considering the distributions of score values relating to target, non-target stimuli and epochs of voluntary no-control. With the asynchronous classifier, a P300-based BCI system can adapt its speed to the current state of the user and can automatically suspend the control when the user diverts his attention from the stimulation interface. Since EEG signals are non-stationary and show inherent variability, in order to make long-term use of BCI possible, it is important to track changes in ongoing EEG activity and to adapt BCI model parameters accordingly. To this aim, the asynchronous classifier has been subsequently improved by introducing a self-calibration algorithm for the continuous and unsupervised recalibration of the subjective control parameters. Finally an index for the online monitoring of the EEG quality has been defined and validated in order to detect potential problems and system failures. This thesis ends with the description of a translational work involving end users (people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-ALS). Focusing on the concepts of the user centered design approach, the phases relating to the design, the development and the validation of an innovative assistive device have been described. The proposed assistive technology (AT) has been specifically designed to meet the needs of people with ALS during the different phases of the disease (i.e. the degree of motor abilities impairment). Indeed, the AT can be accessed with several input devices either conventional (mouse, touchscreen) or alterative (switches, headtracker) up to a P300-based BCI.


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Tesi riguardante la creazione di tutte le risorse grafiche necessarie ad un videogioco tridimensionale in prima persona con Blender e Unity3D. Gli argomenti trattati sono: prgettazione, 3D modeling, texturing e shading.


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La tesi riguarda tutto il processo di progettazione di un videogioco e l'implementazione dello stesso. Gli argomenti trattati sono: Unity, Design & Gameplay e l'implementazioni del progetto.


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The mixing of nanoparticles with polymers to form composite materials has been applied for decades. They combine the advantages of polymers (e.g., elasticity, transparency, or dielectric properties) and inorganic nanoparticles (e.g., specific absorption of light, magneto resistance effects, chemical activity, and catalysis etc.). Nanocomposites exhibit several new characters that single-phase materials do not have. Filling the polymeric matrix with an inorganic material requires its homogeneous distribution in order to achieve the highest possible synergetic effect. To fulfill this requirement, the incompatibility between the filler and the matrix, originating from their opposite polarity, has to be resolved. A very important parameter here is the strength and irreversibility of the adsorption of the surface active compound on the inorganic material. In this work the Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was applied as a method to quantify and investigate the adsorption process and binding efficiencies in organic-inorganic–hybrid-systems by determining the thermodynamic parameters (ΔH, ΔS, ΔG, KB as well as the stoichiometry n). These values provide quantification and detailed understanding of the adsorption process of surface active molecules onto inorganic particles. In this way, a direct correlation between the adsorption strength and structure of the surface active compounds can be achieved. Above all, knowledge of the adsorption mechanism in combination with the structure should facilitate a more rational design into the mainly empirically based production and optimization of nanocomposites.