807 resultados para Aesthetics of reception
Berlim e a sua paisagem sonora suscitam emoções diversas capazes de desencadear um processo criativo. As palavras que se seguem são a expressão de um projeto que se quis catalisador de um olhar muito pessoal sobre esta cidade. Tendo como base, na criação, a estética da colagem, este projeto materializa-se numa performance final onde uma atriz, uma bailarina e um trombonista dão corpo a diversas emoções. Ainda na criação, é importante salientar o papel das técnicas de síntese na busca de novas sonoridades e o uso de tecnologias da música na composição e edição musical. Está patente, neste projeto, um clin-d’oeil ao serialismo e a corrente espectral francesa. As anotações dramatúrgicas foram também essenciais ao longo da composição musical e da encenação de toda a performance.
This essay focuses on issues related to internal problems of the architecture discipline, specially those related to the aesthetics of the buildings. The universe analyzed in this research is constituted of some of the vertical housing built in Natal from the period of 1969 to 2000. As we could observe there are many different aspects in these apartment buildings external appearance, denoting increasing preoccupations in their formal elaboration in the battlefield for diversity against monotony of the simple prismatic volumetric forms.
Se señala la pertinencia, cultural e histórica de las letras costarricenses, y el escaso conocimiento en el entorno europeo. A partir del análisis de la traducción al alemán de la novela Los Peor, de Fernando Contreras, se estudian dos aspectos: la localidad esencial en la discursividad literaria del texto original, y las operaciones respectivas que desde ese mismo punto de vista se ejerce en la traducción. Se comenta como rasgo destacado el efecto de extrañamiento que emite la obra, favorable como expectativa estética en el lector europeo; ello propicia interés literario, traductológico y editorial.Reference i s made to the cultural and historical relevance of Costa Rican literature and the fact that it is not well known in Europe. With the analysis of the German translation of Los Peor by Fernando Contreras, two aspects are addressed: the essential place of the literary discourse of the original text and the respective operations which take place from that same perspective in the translation. One outstanding feature mentioned is the effect of estrangement that this novel conveys; this is considered positive by the European reader and promotes interest from the perspective of literature, translation and publishers.
El siguiente texto intenta ser una aportación a la historia de la traducción. Más concretamente, se analizan aspectos sobre la recepción de Mamita Yunai de Carlos Luis Fallas en Italia y Francia. Con la observación, en un primer estadio, de las condiciones de recepción de la obra en estos países se da una idea sobre el ámbito cultural en que se movieron las traducciones. En una segunda parte, se describen las traducciones (sobre todo, en sus factores culturales) para observar si el patrimonio cultural costarricense se ha mantenido en las versiones francesa e italiana.The following text is intended as a contribution to the history of translation. Specifically, we will analyze the reception of Mamita Yunai by Carlos Luis Fallas in Italy and France. In the first part, the observation of the conditions of reception of the novel in each of the countries provides an idea about the cultural environment where the translated versions were published. In the second part we will analyze the translations (their cultural elements, in particular) in order to observe whether the Costa Rican cultural heritage has been kept alive in the Italian and French versions.
El periodismo ha dado grandes saltos hacia la modernidad digital pasando por la multimedialidad, convergencia digital y transmedialidad. La hipertextualidad e interactividad son características que definen a la Web 2.0 que rompen con la comunicación lineal y unidireccional permitiendo a los periodistas, medios de comunicación y usuarios estar estrechamente conectados. Para la investigación se realizó un análisis de las narrativas transmedia, el ciberperiodismo y las características que definen a un periodista digital. Se procedió a conocer y posteriormente a realizar un estudio de recepción del medio de comunicación Comunica-Girón, que asienta su estructura funcional en la esfera digital, para lo cual se aplicaron métodos y técnicas de investigación de alcance descriptivo-exploratorio, proceso de observación, recopilación documental y tabulación de la información.
We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater
Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une étude de la réception des albums publiés en Colombie ou par des auteurs et illustrateurs colombiens dans la période allant de 2000 à 2013. À partir de la définition de l'album qui va s'exposer, nous comprenons qu'il s'agit d'un objet culturel qui est conçu et fabriqué, qui soutient et est impliqué dans le récit et qui est partagé pendant la lecture. En ce sens, nous allons considérer non seulement les dynamiques qui le définissent, mais nous allons aussi le lier à une conception de l'enfant, de la lecture et du livre auxquels ce type d'expression artistique semble répondre. C'est à dire, à une vision esthétique du livre pour les enfants, à la lecture comme une fin en elle-même et à l'enfant lecteur comme un récepteur actif. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous servir de la notion de communautés interprétatives proposée par Stanley Fish pour inclure dans l'analyse le contexte de la médiation esthétique de lecture en Colombie comme le cadre définissant les stratégies interprétatives qui dirigent la construction du sens dans les expériences de lecture de notre corpus.
La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.
Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une étude de la réception des albums publiés en Colombie ou par des auteurs et illustrateurs colombiens dans la période allant de 2000 à 2013. À partir de la définition de l'album qui va s'exposer, nous comprenons qu'il s'agit d'un objet culturel qui est conçu et fabriqué, qui soutient et est impliqué dans le récit et qui est partagé pendant la lecture. En ce sens, nous allons considérer non seulement les dynamiques qui le définissent, mais nous allons aussi le lier à une conception de l'enfant, de la lecture et du livre auxquels ce type d'expression artistique semble répondre. C'est à dire, à une vision esthétique du livre pour les enfants, à la lecture comme une fin en elle-même et à l'enfant lecteur comme un récepteur actif. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous servir de la notion de communautés interprétatives proposée par Stanley Fish pour inclure dans l'analyse le contexte de la médiation esthétique de lecture en Colombie comme le cadre définissant les stratégies interprétatives qui dirigent la construction du sens dans les expériences de lecture de notre corpus.
La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade em Psicologia Social e das Organizações
Na actualidade, face ao desenvolvimento de betões de alto desempenho caracterizados por apresentarem muito baixa razão água cimento (A/C), tornou-se pertinente o estudo da retracção autogénea, por motivos relacionados com a resistência, durabilidade e estética destes materiais. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado um estudo prático com o intuito de avaliar o impacto da adição de agregado na redução da retracção autogénea, em seis misturas cimentícias. Através de ensaios foram obtidos valores reais de retracção autogénea, sendo estes posteriormente comparados com os valores obtidos teoricamente com recurso ao modelo proposto por Hobbs na década de 70. Tendo em consideração os valores teóricos e sua comparação com os valores reais obtidos nos ensaios é proposta uma alteração ao modelo teórico, que tem em conta a maior resistência à compressão dos betões actuais. Esta modificação permitiu estimar com maior exactidão os valores de retracção autogénea nas diferentes misturas. /ABSTRACT: Nowadays the development of high performance concretes characterized by a low water-to cement ratio (W/C), it became relevant to study the autogenous shrinkage, for reasons relating to the strength, durability and aesthetics of these materials. ln this study the effect of adding aggregate in six cementitious mixtures was evaluated. The results obtained in the experimental test were compared with theoretical values from a model propose by Hobbs in the 70's for autogenous shrinkage. Given the theoretical values and its comparison with the actual values obtained in the tests an amendment is proposed to the theoretical model that takes into account the higher compressive strength of actual concrete. This modification allowed us to estimate accurately the values of autogenous shrinkage in the different mixtures.
The impact and content of English as a subject on the curriculum is once more the subject of lively debate. Questions of English sets out to map the development of English as a subject and how it has come to encompass the diversity of ideas that currently characterise it. Drawing on a combination of historical analysis and recent research findings Robin Peel, Annette Patterson and Jeanne Gerlach bring together and compare important new insights on curriculum development and teaching practice from England, Australia and the United States. They also discuss the development of teacher training, highlighting the variety of ways in which teachers build their own beliefs and knowledge about English.