416 resultados para premonitory urge


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The rate- and state-dependent constitutive formulation for fault slip characterizes an exceptional variety of materials over a wide range of sliding conditions. This formulation provides a unified representation of diverse sliding phenomena including slip weakening over a characteristic sliding distance Dc, apparent fracture energy at a rupture front, time-dependent healing after rapid slip, and various other transient and slip rate effects. Laboratory observations and theoretical models both indicate that earthquake nucleation is accompanied by long intervals of accelerating slip. Strains from the nucleation process on buried faults generally could not be detected if laboratory values of Dc apply to faults in nature. However, scaling of Dc is presently an open question and the possibility exists that measurable premonitory creep may precede some earthquakes. Earthquake activity is modeled as a sequence of earthquake nucleation events. In this model, earthquake clustering arises from sensitivity of nucleation times to the stress changes induced by prior earthquakes. The model gives the characteristic Omori aftershock decay law and assigns physical interpretation to aftershock parameters. The seismicity formulation predicts large changes of earthquake probabilities result from stress changes. Two mechanisms for foreshocks are proposed that describe observed frequency of occurrence of foreshock-mainshock pairs by time and magnitude. With the first mechanism, foreshocks represent a manifestation of earthquake clustering in which the stress change at the time of the foreshock increases the probability of earthquakes at all magnitudes including the eventual mainshock. With the second model, accelerating fault slip on the mainshock nucleation zone triggers foreshocks.


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The friction of rocks in the laboratory is a function of time, velocity of sliding, and displacement. Although the processes responsible for these dependencies are unknown, constitutive equations have been developed that do a reasonable job of describing the laboratory behavior. These constitutive laws have been used to create a model of earthquakes at Parkfield, CA, by using boundary conditions appropriate for the section of the fault that slips in magnitude 6 earthquakes every 20-30 years. The behavior of this model prior to the earthquakes is investigated to determine whether or not the model earthquakes could be predicted in the real world by using realistic instruments and instrument locations. Premonitory slip does occur in the model, but it is relatively restricted in time and space and detecting it from the surface may be difficult. The magnitude of the strain rate at the earth's surface due to this accelerating slip seems lower than the detectability limit of instruments in the presence of earth noise. Although not specifically modeled, microseismicity related to the accelerating creep and to creep events in the model should be detectable. In fact the logarithm of the moment rate on the hypocentral cell of the fault due to slip increases linearly with minus the logarithm of the time to the earthquake. This could conceivably be used to determine when the earthquake was going to occur. An unresolved question is whether this pattern of accelerating slip could be recognized from the microseismicity, given the discrete nature of seismic events. Nevertheless, the model results suggest that the most likely solution to earthquake prediction is to look for a pattern of acceleration in microseismicity and thereby identify the microearthquakes as foreshocks.


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Finding that the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) currently lacks a strategic vision that would offer states in the southern Mediterranean substantial returns in exchange for making tough reforms, this CEPS Commentary suggests that this weakness can be overcome through a concrete prospect of regional integration pro-actively driven forward by the European Union. Taking inspiration from current projects such as the Energy Community Treaty, the authors urge the EU to explicitly incorporate “legally binding sectoral multilateralism” into the ENP. This would provide the Union’s partners with a tangible prospect of reaping real long-term benefits from EU cooperation and reinvigorate the ENP for the next decade.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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With the aim of averting the total collapse of the Ukrainian economy, Daniel Gros and Steven Blockmans urge the EU to ​offer a minimum of macro-financial assistance to improve governance, fight corruption and harmonise laws with the EU acquis, while beefing up financing channelled directly to the grass roots.


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Current account deficits have caught the public’s attention as they have contributed to the European debt crisis. However, surpluses also constitute an issue as a deficit in any country must be financed through a surplus in another country. In 2013, Germany, now the world’s largest surplus economy, registered a record high US$273 billion surplus. This paper looks at what accounts for Germany’s surplus, revealing that the major driving factors include strong global demand for quality German exports, domestic wage restraint, an undervalued single currency, high domestic savings rate and interest rate convergence in the euro area. This paper echoes the US Treasury’s view that a persistent German surplus makes it harder for the eurozone as a whole and the southern peripheral economies in particular to recover from the current financial crisis by imposing a Europe-wide “deflationary bias” through pushing up the exchange rate of the euro, exporting feeble German inflation and projecting its ultra-tight macroeconomic policies onto crisis economies. This paper contends that Germany’s trade surplus is likely to endure as Germany and other eurozone countries uphold diverging views on the nature of the surplus engage in a blame-game amidst a sluggish rebalancing process. Prizing the surplus as a reflection of hard work and economic competitiveness, German authorities urge their southern eurozone colleagues to undertake bold structural reforms to correct the imbalance, while the hand-tied governments in crisis-stricken economies call on Germany to do its “homework” by boosting German demands for European goods and services.


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Por definição, todos os recursos são escassos e limitados. Acontece precisamente isso com a água e com o dinheiro. É neste sentido que urge controlar os consumos de água, sensibilizar para o seu uso racional e encontrar as soluções que permitam reduzir o valor faturado. O GTMI do ISEC, local onde foi realizado este estágio, percebeu que algo teria de ser feito rapidamente de modo a inverter a situação de grandes consumos de água que se verificavam. Procedeu-se ao levantamento da rede e à sua caraterização. Fez-se a monitorização dos consumos, com especial ênfase nas horas noturnas. Introduziram-se elementos na rede de modo a permitir definir zonamentos e mais rapidamente serem encontradas as anomalias existentes. Identificaram-se fugas de água e procedeu-se às respetivas reparações. Criou-se um ramal de abastecimento à “casa do guarda” com um contador independente. Tornou-se operacional o furo existente. Prepararam-se empreitadas para permitir o fornecimento independente de água, diretamente do sistema público de abastecimento, aos bares e cantina do ISEC. Estudou-se a possibilidade de, à exceção das zonas onde será impreterível o fornecimento de água potável, o abastecimento de água ter origem na captação própria e não com origem na rede pública (aguarda-se neste momento a decisão de colocar em prática esta opção). O ISEC já teve consumos de água muito superiores aos atuais, em boa parte explicados pelo crescimento da sua comunidade. Mas, com o trabalho agora desenvolvido percebeu-se que não era essa a razão exclusiva e que poderiam ser concretizadas muitas ações de melhoria. O presente já revela uma grande diminuição do consumo de água e da respetiva fatura. Muitas foram as ações postas em prática, que correspondiam à motivação base para a realização deste estágio, e que, sem dúvida, contribuíram de forma decisiva para aumentar a eficiência hídrica do ISEC. Porém, este é um esforço que carece ser continuado. O trabalho não está concluído e nunca estará. A existência de comportamentos negligentes e o natural envelhecimento dos materiais originarão sempre novas perdas de água. A solução passa por haver sempre alguém e (com) os recursos necessários para identificar e corrigir as anomalias à medida que estas forem ocorrendo.


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Sobredotação - um tema repleto de significado que carece de cooperação para se autoafirmar no seio de uma sociedade que teima em fechar os olhos perante a presença de indivíduos com capacidades acima da média. São ou não, os alunos sobredotados, crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais? Estão os professores preparados para identificar e trabalhar com estes alunos no contexto regular de sala de aula? A formação que os docentes possuem é suficiente para dar resposta às exigências e carências deste grupo de crianças especiais? Tomando como base este conjunto de questões e considerando a crise social e de paradigma que atravessa a sociedade portuguesa, foi desenvolvido o presente trabalho de investigação, com o objetivo de compreender se os professores que estão atualmente a lecionar nas escolas portuguesas estão ou não habilitados, com formação e conhecimentos devidos na área da sobredotação, a fim de trabalhar com este tipo de crianças, em contextos de ensino/aprendizagem regulares. Para a elaboração e desenvolvimento deste projeto foi estruturado um quadro teórico pormenorizado através do qual se fundamentou, intimamente, o conceito de sobredotação e a formação de professores em Portugal, sempre baseado em depoimentos de reconhecidos autores do panorama escolar atual e na literatura científica concernente ao tema - sobredotação. Procedeu-se à elaboração de um estudo empírico levado a cabo através da aplicação de um questionário por inquérito a uma amostra finita, representativa e não probabilística, por conveniência, composta por cento e três indivíduos. Os dados obtidos foram tratados de forma criteriosa através do programa Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows. A análise efetuada, se bem que de forma generalizada, está longe de refletir uma veracidade de que nos possamos ensoberbecer. Irei dar a conhecer uma realidade que está obstante daquilo que seria a ideal, confirmada com base nos resultados obtidos. Situação que nos leva a questionar sobre as múltiplas e danosas consequências que um mau atendimento, incompreensão ou negação educacional da criança sobredotada poderão gerar. Urge a necessidade de se atuar no campo da formação.


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An increasing number of bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements (or regional trade agreements: RTAs) include "labor clauses" that require or urge the signatory countries to commit to maintaining a certain level of labor standards. This paper performs an empirical analysis of the impacts of such labor clauses provided in RTAs on working conditions that laborers in the RTA signatory countries actually face, using macro-level data for a wide variety of countries. The paper first examines the texts of labor provisions in more than 220 effective RTAs and (re-)classifies "RTAs with labor clauses" according to two criteria: (i) the agreement urges or expects the signatory countries to harmonize their domestic labor standards with internationally recognized standards, and (ii) the agreement stipulates the procedures for consultations and/or dispute settlement on labor-condition issues between the signatory countries. Based on this labor-clause RTA classification, the paper estimates the impacts of RTA labor clauses on working conditions in countries with two empirical specifications using the sample covering 136 countries or economies and years from 1995 through 2011. The estimation is extended to takes into account possible lags in the labor-condition effects of labor clauses as well as to consider potential difference in the impacts for countries in different income levels. The empirical results for the four measures of labor conditions (mean monthly real earnings, mean weekly work hours per employee, fatal occupational injury rate, and the number of the ILO's Core Conventions ratified) find no evidence for possible pro-labor-condition effects of RTA labor clauses overall, which should be consistent with the view of economics literature that questions the relevance of linking trade policy with issues in the domestic labor standards.


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An appeal to the colonial societies of Pennsylvania to urge the founding of a state park in memory of Johan Prinz, governor of New Sweden, 1643-1653, who established at Tinicum Island, the first permanent seat of government in Pennsylvania.


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As Flora slept / John Hilton -- A shepherd in a shade ; Come again / John Dowland -- Come, Phillis / Thomas Ford -- Deare, if you change / John Dowland -- Deare, though you mind / WIlliam Corkine -- Diaphenia / Francis Pilkington -- Fain would I change that note / Tobias Hume -- Faire, sweet, cruell / Thomas Ford -- Fine knacks for ladies ; Flow not so fast, ye fountains / John Dowland -- Go to bed, sweet muse / Robert Jones -- Here she her sacred bower adornes / Thomas Campion -- If I urge my kind desires ; If she forsake me / Philip Rosseter -- On a time / John Attey -- Phillis was a faire maide / Giles Earle's ms. -- Shaded with olive trees / Thomas Greaves -- Shall I come, sweet love, to thee? / Thomas Campion -- Sleepe, sleepe / Giles Earle's ms. -- Sweet cupid, ripen her desire / William Corkine -- Sweet Kate / Robert Jones -- Sweet nymph, come to thy lover / Thomas Morley -- There is a garden in her face / Thomas Campion -- Underneath a cypress tree / Francis Pilington -- What if I seek for love / Robert Jones -- When Laura smiles / Philip Rosseter -- When lo! by breake of morning / Thomas Morley -- Why dost thou turn away? / Giles Earl's ms. -- Woeful heart with grief oppressed / John Dowland.


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[ on verso "Steger Crashes Through Illinois Line" Steger's efforts in the loss to Illinois and Red Grange led coaches to urge later players to "Run Like Steger".