925 resultados para massive open online courses – MOOC


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This paper presents an online C compiler designed so that students can program their practical assignments in Programming courses. What is really innovative is the self-assessment of the exercises based on black-box tests and train students’ skill to test software. Moreover, this tool lets instructors, not only proposing and classifying practical exercises, but also evaluating automatically the efforts dedicated and the results obtained by the students. The system has been applied to the 1st-year students at the Industrial Engineering specialization at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Results show that the students obtained better academic performance, reducing the failure rate in the practical exam considerably with respect to previous years, in addition that an anonymous survey proved that students are satisfied with the system because they get instant feedback about their programs.


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VIDA is a new virus database that organizes open reading frames (ORFs) from partial and complete genomic sequences from animal viruses. Currently VIDA includes all sequences from GenBank for Herpesviridae, Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae. The ORFs are organized into homologous protein families, which are identified on the basis of sequence similarity relationships. Conserved sequence regions of potential functional importance are identified and can be retrieved as sequence alignments. We use a controlled taxonomical and functional classification for all the proteins and protein families in the database. When available, protein structures that are related to the families have also been included. The database is available for online search and sequence information retrieval at http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/virus_database/VIDA.html.


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This paper analyzes the learning experiences and opinions obtained from a group of undergraduate students in their interaction with several on-line multimedia resources included in a free on-line course about Computer Networks. These new educational resources employed are based on the Web 2.0 approach such as blogs, videos and virtual labs which have been added in a web-site for distance self-learning.


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We present an algorithm to process images of reflected Placido rings captured by a commercial videokeratoscope. Raw data are obtained with no Cartesian-to-polar-coordinate conversion, thus avoiding interpolation and associated numerical artifacts. The method provides a characteristic equation for the device and is able to process around 6 times more corneal data than the commercial software. Our proposal allows complete control over the whole process from the capture of corneal images until the computation of curvature radii.


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Discoveries during the last two years have revealed the existence of a vast region of star formation close to the base of the Scutum Arm, where at least five clusters of red supergiants have been found. In order to understand the nature of this region, we need to determine accurate distances to the clusters. We present here the first results of an ongoing program to derive fundamental parameters (such as age, distance, etc.) to the massive cluster Stephenson 2 studying for the first time its main sequence stars.


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We present UBV photometry of the highly reddened and poorly studied open cluster Berkeley 55, revealing an important population of B-type stars and several evolved stars of high luminosity. Intermediate-resolution far-red spectra of several candidate members confirm the presence of one F-type supergiant and six late supergiants or bright giants. The brightest blue stars are mid-B giants. Spectroscopic and photometric analyses indicate an age 50 ± 10 Myr. The cluster is located at a distance d ≈ 4 kpc, consistent with other tracers of the Perseus Arm in this direction. Berkeley 55 is thus a moderately young open cluster with a sizable population of candidate red (super)giant members, which can provide valuable information about the evolution of intermediate-mass stars.


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Context. There is growing evidence that a treatment of binarity amongst OB stars is essential for a full theory of stellar evolution. However the binary properties of massive stars frequency, mass ratio & orbital separation are still poorly constrained. Aims. In order to address this shortcoming we have undertaken a multiepoch spectroscopic study of the stellar population of the young massive cluster Westerlund 1. In this paper we present an investigation into the nature of the dusty Wolf-Rayet star and candidate binary W239. Methods. To accomplish this we have utilised our spectroscopic data in conjunction with multi-year optical and near-IR photometric observations in order to search for binary signatures. Comparison of these data to synthetic non-LTE model atmosphere spectra were used to derive the fundamental properties of the WC9 primary. Results. We found W239 to have an orbital period of only ~5.05 days, making it one of the most compact WC binaries yet identified. Analysis of the long term near-IR lightcurve reveals a significant flare between 2004-6. We interpret this as evidence for a third massive stellar component in the system in a long period (>6 yr), eccentric orbit, with dust production occuring at periastron leading to the flare. The presence of a near-IR excess characteristic of hot (~1300 K) dust at every epoch is consistent with the expectation that the subset of persistent dust forming WC stars are short (<1 yr) period binaries, although confirmation will require further observations. Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of the spectrum reveals the physical properties of the WC9 component to be fully consistent with other Galactic examples. Conclusions. The simultaneous presence of both short period Wolf-Rayet binaries and cool hypergiants within Wd 1 provides compelling evidence for a bifurcation in the post-Main Sequence evolution of massive stars due to binarity. Short period O+OB binaries will evolve directly to the Wolf-Rayet phase, either due to an episode of binary mediated mass loss likely via case A mass transfer or a contact configuration or via chemically homogenous evolution. Conversely, long period binaries and single stars will instead undergo a red loop across the HR diagram via a cool hypergiant phase. Future analysis of the full spectroscopic dataset for Wd 1 will constrain the proportion of massive stars experiencing each pathway; hence quantifying the importance of binarity in massive stellar evolution up to and beyond supernova and the resultant production of relativistic remnants.


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Context. The open cluster NGC 7419 is known to contain five red supergiants and a very high number of Be stars. However, there are conflicting reports about its age and distance that prevent a useful comparison with other clusters. Aims. We intend to obtain more accurate parameters for NGC 7419, using techniques different from those of previous authors, so that it may be used as a calibrator for more obscured clusters. Methods. We obtained Strömgren photometry of the open cluster NGC 7419, as well as classification spectroscopy of ~20 stars in the area. We then applied standard analysis and classification techniques. Results. We find a distance of 4 ± 0.4 kpc and an age of 14 ± 2 Myr for NGC 7419. The main-sequence turn-off is found at spectral type B1, in excellent agreement. We identify 179 B-type members, implying that there are more than 1200 M⊙ in B stars at present. Extrapolating this to lower masses indicates an initial cluster mass of between 7000 and 10 000 M⊙, depending on the shape of the initial mass function. We find a very high fraction (≈40%) of Be stars around the turn-off, but very few Be stars at lower masses. We also report for the first time a strong variability in the emission characteristics of Be stars. We verified that the parameters of the red supergiant members can be used to obtain accurate cluster parameters. Conclusions. NGC 7419 is sufficiently massive to serve as a testbed for theoretical predictions and as a template to compare more obscured clusters. The distribution of stars above the main-sequence turn-off is difficult to accommodate with current evolutionary tracks. Though the presence of five red supergiants is marginally consistent with theoretical expectations, the high number of Be stars and very low number of luminous evolved B stars hint at some unknown physical factor that is not considered in current synthesis models.


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Los cambios tecnológicos producidos en la sociedad de la información, con especial atención a Internet, inciden también en el sistema educativo. Esta situación es especialmente significativa en aquellas carreras con perfiles profesionales definidos y que utilizan los medios para llegar a sus públicos, como es el caso de la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas. Se plantea un estudio exploratorio que pretende averiguar si la actual oferta educativa integra las competencias relacionadas con los perfiles profesionales en torno al medio online. Se utilizan las definiciones y competencias de los perfiles centrados en el medio online (ej. Community Manager, SEO, SEM) y otras ampliamente conocidas por el sector publicitario (planificador en Internet). La investigación se centra en las cinco universidades españolas con más alumnos en estudios de publicidad y relaciones públicas: UCM, RJC, UVA, UA y UOC. Se analizan los cursos de licenciatura aún vigentes, títulos propios, masteres universitarios y doctorado. Todos ellos en relación directa con la publicidad y las relaciones públicas. Los resultados permiten evaluar tanto la información disponible como la oferta educativa para el aprendizaje de las competencias de estos perfiles en el marco de la EEES.


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Los medios online representan actualmente una gran apuesta para la publicidad. Desde la planificación de medios publicitarios, los nuevos medios ofrecen otros caminos para llegar al público, pero añaden mayor complejidad. La capacidad comunicativa de los medios online y el mayor consumo de esos medios por parte de la población abre el debate de la necesidad de replantear el enfoque de la planificación de medios, digamos, tradicional, cuya estructura y procesos de trabajo se desarrollaron cuando los medios eran offline. Así, este artículo proporciona una panorámica general de la influencia de los nuevos medios en la planificación. Para ello, en primer lugar, describe el escenario actual, analizando la penetración y las inversiones publicitarias en Internet. Además, expone los principales soportes online según su proximidad a la concepción de la planificación de medios offline. En segundo lugar, aborda los retos actuales en la medición de los nuevos medios como síntoma del impulso del cambio de modelo. Finalmente, el artículo termina exponiendo algunas tendencias que se presentan como motores de cambio. Sin embargo, tras este análisis se advierte que tales aspectos no modificarían la esencia de la planificación de medios, por lo que cabe cuestionarse si se puede hablar de crisis, o si los nuevos medios están mostrando la necesidad de que la investigación y planificación se comprometa con este nuevo escenario.


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El reciente crecimiento masivo de medios on-line y el incremento de los contenidos generados por los usuarios (por ejemplo, weblogs, Twitter, Facebook) plantea retos en el acceso e interpretación de datos multilingües de manera eficiente, rápida y asequible. El objetivo del proyecto TredMiner es desarrollar métodos innovadores, portables, de código abierto y que funcionen en tiempo real para generación de resúmenes y minería cross-lingüe de medios sociales a gran escala. Los resultados se están validando en tres casos de uso: soporte a la decisión en el dominio financiero (con analistas, empresarios, reguladores y economistas), monitorización y análisis político (con periodistas, economistas y políticos) y monitorización de medios sociales sobre salud con el fin de detectar información sobre efectos adversos a medicamentos.


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Context. It has been suggested that the compact open cluster VdBH 222 is a young massive distant object. Aims. We set out to characterise VdBH 222 using a comprehensive set of multi-wavelength observations. Methods. We obtained multi-band optical (UBVR) and near-infrared (JHKS) photometry of the cluster field, as well as multi-object and long-slit optical spectroscopy for a large sample of stars in the field. We applied classical photometric analysis, as well as more sophisticated methods using the CHORIZOS code, to determine the reddening to the cluster. We then plotted dereddened HR diagrams and determined cluster parameters via isochrone fitting. Results. We have identified a large population of luminous supergiants confirmed as cluster members via radial velocity measurements. We find nine red supergiants (plus one other candidate) and two yellow supergiants. We also identify a large population of OB stars. Ten of them are bright enough to be blue supergiants. The cluster lies behind ≈7.5 mag of extinction for the preferred value of RV = 2.9. Isochrone fitting allows for a narrow range of ages between 12 and 16 Ma. The cluster radial velocity is compatible with distances of ~6 and ~10 kpc. The shorter distance is inconsistent with the age range and Galactic structure. The longer distance implies an age ≈ 12 Ma and a location not far from the position where some Galactic models place the far end of the Galactic bar. Conclusions. VdBH 222 is a young massive cluster with a likely mass >20 000 M⊙. Its population of massive evolved stars is comparable to that of large associations, such as Per OB1. Its location in the inner Galaxy, presumably close to the end of the Galactic bar, adds to the increasing evidence for vigorous star formation in the inner regions of the Milky Way.


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En este trabajo se analiza el uso que se hace de un conjunto de recursos multimedia incluidos en un curso en línea de acceso libre y gratuito sobre Redes de Computadores. Este estudio se lleva a cabo a partir de la interacción que un grupo de estudiantes de ingenierías tienen con estos recursos durante su proceso de aprendizaje. Estos recursos educacionales se basan en una aproximación Web 2.0 y por si solos forman parte de una metodología docente fundamentada en el autoaprendizaje a distancia. Entre estos recursos destaca el uso de un blogs, OCW, videos y simulaciones. Estos recursos educativos ‘open-free’ han sido diseñados como elementos que facilitan la aplicación de una metodología de enseñanza a distancia basada en muchos casos en el auto-aprendizaje y en potenciar el aprendizaje autónomo. Además, la percepción que se tiene sobre estos recursos juega un papel relevante en la aceptación de estos por parte del estudiante. Cualquier nuevo recurso educativo que se diseñe, además de didáctico, tiene que ser atractivo y de un uso sencillo e interactivo para el estudiante. El trabajo que aquí se presenta, busca analizar la usabilidad de estos recursos por parte del estudiante para desarrollar futuras mejoras.


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We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital parameters for the highly eccentric σ Ori Aa, Ab spectroscopic binary. We compiled a spectroscopic data set comprising 90 high-resolution spectra covering a total time span of 1963 days. We applied the Lehman-Filhés method for a detailed orbital analysis of the radial velocity curves and performed a combined quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B system by means of the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND. We used our own plus other available information on photometry and distance to the system for measuring the radii, luminosities, and spectroscopic masses of the three components. We also inferred evolutionary masses and stellar ages using the Bayesian code BONNSAI. The orbital analysis of the new radial velocity curves led to a very accurate orbital solution of the σ Ori Aa, Ab pair. We provided indirect arguments indicating that σ Ori B is a fast-rotating early B dwarf. The FASTWIND+BONNSAI analysis showed that the Aa, Ab pair contains the hottest and most massive components of the triple system while σ Ori B is a bit cooler and less massive. The derived stellar ages of the inner pair are intriguingly younger than the one widely accepted for the σ Orionis cluster, at 3 ± 1 Ma. The outcome of this study will be of key importance for a precise determination of the distance to the σ Orionis cluster, the interpretation of the strong X-ray emission detected for σ Ori Aa, Ab, B, and the investigation of the formation and evolution of multiple massive stellar systems and substellar objects.