938 resultados para Tribunal


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En el presente trabajo académico analizamos la aplicación de la técnicas de litigación oral durante la audiencia de juzgamiento, respecto a la falta de aplicación de la reglas de esta disciplina y cómo puede influir en la administración de justicia. El análisis ha sido estructurado de la siguiente manera: en el primer capítulo se estudia la teoría de la litigación oral, estudiamos el alegato de apertura, la teoría del caso, la prueba, el interrogatorio, el contrainterrogatorio, las objeciones; y, el alegato final, con el propósito de conocer dogmáticamente la litigación oral. El segundo capítulo se recoge cual ha sido el accionar de los sujetos procesales (Fiscalía y Defensa) durante las audiencias de juzgamiento, se analiza jurídicamente la manera de presentación de cada una de las fases que se desarrollan durante la audiencia de juicio, se analiza los aciertos y errores que cometen los sujetos procesales; se analiza la presentación práctica del alegato de apertura, el alegato final, los interrogatorios con el propósito de descubrir la realidad pragmática de la litigación oral en el Tribunal Penal; con el propósito de evidenciar prácticas erradas que puedan determinar una afectación de los derechos que representan los sujetos procesales; el análisis fue realizado en base de las estadísticas obtenidas de la investigación de campo. El tercer capítulo tiene como propósito establecer como conclusiones la causas que menoscaban la defensa técnica que reciben las personas procesadas, cuya asesoría jurídica es brindada por abogados públicos o privados; establecer las posibles soluciones a fin de garantizar el derecho a la defensa técnica; ofrecer una fuente de consulta para la comunidad jurídica.


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This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental rights architecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a ‘fundamental rights tribunal’. The paper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of ‘third-party interventions’ by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as ‘interim relief measures’ when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals in cases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies. In view of the fundamental rights-sensitive nature of these domains, which often encounter shifts of accountability and responsibility in their practical application, and the Lisbon Treaty’s expansion of the jurisdiction of the CJEU to interpret and review EU AFSJ legislation, this area can be seen as an excellent test case for the analyses at hand. The final section puts forth a set of policy suggestions that can assist the CJEU in the process of adjusting itself to the new fundamental rights context in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting.


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No que se concerne á criação do Tribunal Penal Internacional pelo Estatuto de Roma, menciona os seus principais antecedentes políticos e jurídicos como por exemplo, o fim da guerra fria, a globalização e a interdependência, fatores que contribuíram para que a comunidade internacional criasse, em pouco tempo, os tribunais crimonais ah hoc, por meio de decisões do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas.Destaca também, como principais aspectos desse Estatuto, considerando o caráter sui generis e excepcional do TPI:o principio da complementaridade e a definição dos crimes, comparando o Estatuto a um código criminal internacional.Analisa em quais condições se processa o estabelecimento da Jurisdição desse Tribunal e além disso, elucida que a cooperação internacional e assistência judiciária dos Estados são elementos essenciais para o bom funcionamento do TPI.Esse regime estipula a obrigação geral dos Estados- parte de cooperar plenamente com o Tribunal.Assegurando que as legislações nacionais estipulem figuras processuais compat´veis com as formas de cooperação previstas no Estatuto.Não há intervenção em assuntos internos, tendo aplicação somente aos crimes cometidos após a entrada em vigor dos Estatutos.A criação do TPI atenderá a necessidade da ordem plítica e jurídica internacional no seu sentido mais amplo e contribuirá para o desenvolvimento do Direito Internacional


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de são Caetano do Sul


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Esta pesquisa objetiva buscar parâmetros que permitam avaliar a eficiência relativa de uma instituição, assim considerada a administração pública direta, de forma a subsidiar as decisões do gestor atendendo ao princípio da eficiência insculpido no artigo 37, caput, da Constituição Federal, considerado o tema oportuno, haja vista a tramitação do projeto de reforma do Judiciário, reforma esta que não pode desconsiderar os princípios que regem a atuação do gestor público, entre eles o da eficiência. O objetivo central da pesquisa, então, foi a estruturação de um modelo de avaliação da eficiência relativa das Varas do Trabalho no Paraná, desdobrado em objetivos específicos. Para alcance de tais objetivos foi adotado o método de pesquisa operacional e, na busca da solução, optou-se pelo modelo matemático oferecido pela DEA – Análise Envoltória de Dados, mais as técnicas como a TGN – Técnica Grupo Nominal, combinada com a de brainstorming e o Método de Análise Hierárquica, para refinamento dos dados obtidos, num total de 14h de reunião, divididas em sete encontros, um a cada semana, com o Corregedor e ex-corregedores da Justiça do Trabalho no Paraná. Os resultados finais foram confirmados, ainda que tenham surpreendido aos profissionais da instituição onde se validou o modelo, através de entrevista semi-estruturada, ficando patente, entre outras situações, a de que o gestor público não se socorre de técnicas de gestão e, em muitas situações, em face do princípio da estrita legalidade, vê -se constrangido na ação em busca de melhor eficiência.


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Nesse estudo busco apresentar uma perspectiva além da retórica “a favor” ou “contra” o Júri. A partir da minha pesquisa de campo no Foro de Porto Alegre, trabalho com a hipótese de que apesar de ser pautado como instrumento amplamente democrático e participativo, e que abra um espaço para o sentimento de justiça do leigo, o Tribunal do Júri é estruturado de tal forma a deixar relativamente pouco espaço a qualquer lógica que não seja a do sistema institucional legal. Desse modo, os jurados, que deveriam representar a perspectiva leiga, acabam reproduzindo e reforçando a lógica jurídica. Uma lógica que, por sinal, longe de pender pela absolvição, parece pesar contra o réu. Examino a hierarquia do campo jurídico, buscando, numa visão de dentro para fora, perceber qual a noção de justiça dos jurados e como o fato de existir jurados veteranos interfere no resultado dos julgamentos. Não se trata de encontrar um culpado pelo fato de a lógica do sistema se impor aos jurados leigos, posto que tal situação decorre mais da composição de forças que está presente no campo jurídico, do que da perpetuação na função de jurado. Entretanto, percebe-se que essa longevidade submete os leigos a uma super exposição à hierarquia vigente no Júri, favorecendo, nas palavras de Pierre Bourdieu, a “adesão dos profanos” à lógica jurídica.


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The Brazilian public administration must act with efficiency, developing its activities with readiness and minimizing the use of resources. However, it has not been being able to work with increasing demand in solve complex problems. Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ) is the entity responsible for the operational audit of the public institutions of Rio de Janeiro State and its Municipals districts, except for the Capital. It has detected itself that the society demand is superior to its operational capacity of assistance. This dissertation tries to know if the public works audits system adopted by TCERJ could be considered a viable system. Considering that the systems approaches represents the key to work with a reality more and more complex, the Viable System Modelo (VSM) was adopted as reference, having been developed by Stafford Beer with cybernetics basis. Finally, taking VSM as reference in the normative level, it could be affirmed that the studied system is not a viable system to verify that, the studied system is not a viable system yet.


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The Court of Auditors for the State of Pernambuco (know as TCE-PE), during its strategic planning process, realized its need to be recognized by Pernambuco society as an effective instrument in the improvement of public management. This objective is present in its mission statement and in its strategic vision, as declared in the Strategic Plan for the 2008- 2012 period. Withing its pages, we can verify that it is not only the effectiveness of TCE-PE's institutional results that needs to be recognized by society. What we look forward to is that all the results from public management, within its jurisdiction, are also effective. In other words, our goal is to have TCE-PE intervene in Pernambuco's public management sphere in order to improve it, or for it to become more effective. Along the way, some variables will act in its favor, facilitating, while others will act in against it, complicating the attainment of this strategic binomial. The goal of this research is to identify, from the point of view of a management variable, which are the institutional and organizational elements that facilitate or complicate this process.


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The present work aims to identify emerging organizational changes in the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro - TCE/RJ that are happening in the contemporary scenery known as the Age of Information. The search for the comprehension of the institutional dynamics is oriented by concepts originated from the theory of complexity, which believe that the public services external control system can be understood in a political, technical and legal environment with growing levels of learning and innovation. While chasing the possible causes of these changes, we try to prove the hypothesis that the TCE/RJ is turning into a more transparent organization. For this purpose, we define the outlines and reaches of the principle of transparency, based in bibliographical and documental researches, and analyze the phenomenon perceived in a explanation research through semi-structured interviews performed with two groups: a sample representing the universe under jurisdiction entities top level directors and the other obtained in the universe of formal and informal leaderships existing in the educational body of the institution. The conclusion of the present work confirms the initial questions, indicating that the organization is really becoming more and more transparent. The social-technical changes that are happening today at the TCE/RJ are caused by the growing social pressure for more effective results in the control of public expenditures. Under the systemic point of view, we observe cracks in the protective bell-glass that evolves the institution - previously hermetic to the external contingencies and that works today as a SAC - Adaptive Complex System. Aspects such as organization structural changes, the introduction of strategic planning and the growing democratization of the decision process are producing a new organizational culture. The seniority of the Technical Headcount contributes to establish the pre-conditions for the development of a administration where the participation of the TCE/RJ technical employees adds importance to its development as an institution that generates republican effects in the society from its less hermetic decision process.


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With the consolidation of democracy, the society being more aware of their rights as citizens, demands from the public administration services of more quality as well as efficiency and transparency when it comes to what is being done with the money of the tax payer. In order to have that, the public administration needs competent, highly-motivated and well-qualified civil servants. In this project, we describe the importance of a career plan motivating the civil servants, especially those who work for the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the Law of Fiscal Responsibility and on the legal rules, we¿ve measured the sustainability of TCE-RJ plan, based in another project developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas for a federal administrative body. Having evaluated the sustainability of the plan, we offer the administration of TCE-RJ a study which is able to signal for moments of the cut on costs as well as those of the revenue available for investments which are destined for the capacitation of their civil servants, always complying with the legal rules.