351 resultados para Sardine Lipases


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The Russell Cycle is one of the classical examples of climate influence on biological oceanography, represented as shifts in the marine plankton over several decades with warm and cool conditions. While the time-series data associated with the phenomenon indicate cyclical patterns, the question remains whether or not the Russell Cycle should be considered a “true cycle”. Zooplankton time-series data from 1924 to 2011 from the western English Channel were analysed with principal component (PC), correlation and spectral analyses to determine the dominant trends, and cyclic frequencies of the Russell Cycle indicators in relation to long-term hydroclimatic indices. PC1 accounted for 37.4% of the variability in the zooplankton data with the main contributions from non-clupeid fish larvae, southwestern zooplankton, and overall zooplankton biovolume. For PC2 (14.6% of data variance), the dominant groups were northern fish larvae, non-sardine eggs, and southern fish larvae. Sardine eggs were the major contributors to PC3 (representing 12.1% of data variance). No significant correlations were observed between the above three components and climate indices: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation, and local seawater temperature. Significant 44- and 29-year frequencies were observed for PC3, but the physical mechanisms driving the cycles are unclear. Harmonic analysis did not reveal any significant frequencies in the physical variables or in PCs 1 and 2. To a large extent, this is due to the dominant cycles in all datasets generally being long term (>50 years or so) and not readily resolved in the examined time frame of 88 years, hence restricting the ability to draw firm conclusions on the multidecadal relationship between zooplankton community dynamics in the western English Channel and environmental indices. Thus, the zooplankton time-series often associated and represented as the Russell Cycle cannot be concluded as being truly cyclical.


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The Russell Cycle is one of the classical examples of climate influence on biological oceanography, represented as shifts in the marine plankton over several decades with warm and cool conditions. While the time-series data associated with the phenomenon indicate cyclical patterns, the question remains whether or not the Russell Cycle should be considered a “true cycle”. Zooplankton time-series data from 1924 to 2011 from the western English Channel were analysed with principal component (PC), correlation and spectral analyses to determine the dominant trends, and cyclic frequencies of the Russell Cycle indicators in relation to long-term hydroclimatic indices. PC1 accounted for 37.4% of the variability in the zooplankton data with the main contributions from non-clupeid fish larvae, southwestern zooplankton, and overall zooplankton biovolume. For PC2 (14.6% of data variance), the dominant groups were northern fish larvae, non-sardine eggs, and southern fish larvae. Sardine eggs were the major contributors to PC3 (representing 12.1% of data variance). No significant correlations were observed between the above three components and climate indices: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation, and local seawater temperature. Significant 44- and 29-year frequencies were observed for PC3, but the physical mechanisms driving the cycles are unclear. Harmonic analysis did not reveal any significant frequencies in the physical variables or in PCs 1 and 2. To a large extent, this is due to the dominant cycles in all datasets generally being long term (>50 years or so) and not readily resolved in the examined time frame of 88 years, hence restricting the ability to draw firm conclusions on the multidecadal relationship between zooplankton community dynamics in the western English Channel and environmental indices. Thus, the zooplankton time-series often associated and represented as the Russell Cycle cannot be concluded as being truly cyclical.


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O crescente consumo de energia, bem como a possibilidade de esgotamento dos recursos não renováveis, tem fomentado a busca de fontes de energia alternativas. O biodiesel é um biocombustível obtido a partir de fontes renováveis e a sua utilização permite reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Nos últimos anos tem-se produzido biodiesel a partir de óleos alimentares usados (OAU), sendo que com esta aplicação valoriza-se um resíduo e simultaneamente produz-se um combustível “verde”. O biodiesel é produzido através das reações de transesterificação e/ou esterificação entre triglicerídeos e/ou ácidos gordos livres e um álcool, na presença de um catalisador. O rendimento do processo está estritamente relacionado com o tipo de catalisador e as condições que este opera. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação do efeito de alguns parâmetros operacionais no desempenho de uma lípase imobilizada (Novozyme® 435), nomeadamente: (i) índice de acidez do óleo, (ii) razão mássica de enzima/óleo e (iii) método regeneração da enzima com vista à sua reutilização. Também foi objeto de estudo do presente trabalho a produção em contínuo, num (bior)reator tubular de leito fixo, de ésteres metílicos de ácidos gordos (FAME) usando a referida enzima. Registou-se um aumento rendimento em com o incremento do índice de acidez do óleo usado, o que indicia que a enzima catalisa simultaneamente as reações de esterificação e transesterificação. Relativamente à razão mássica de enzima/óleo, dentro da gama testada verificou-se um aumento do rendimento em FAME com a concentração da enzima em meio reacional. Dos vários solventes testados, a aplicação de solvente tert-butanol na regeneração (com incubação) da enzima foi o que melhores resultados teve. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos no ensaio de produção de FAME num biorreator contínuo são motivadores, criando expectativas de uma possível aplicação industrial no futuro.


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The non-standard decoding of the CUG codon in Candida cylindracea raises a number of questions about the evolutionary process of this organism and other species Candida clade for which the codon is ambiguous. In order to find some answers we studied the transcriptome of C. cylindracea, comparing its behavior with that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (standard decoder) and Candida albicans (ambiguous decoder). The transcriptome characterization was performed using RNA-seq. This approach has several advantages over microarrays and its application is booming. TopHat and Cufflinks were the software used to build the protocol that allowed for gene quantification. About 95% of the reads were mapped on the genome. 3693 genes were analyzed, of which 1338 had a non-standard start codon (TTG/CTG) and the percentage of expressed genes was 99.4%. Most genes have intermediate levels of expression, some have little or no expression and a minority is highly expressed. The distribution profile of the CUG between the three species is different, but it can be significantly associated to gene expression levels: genes with fewer CUGs are the most highly expressed. However, CUG content is not related to the conservation level: more and less conserved genes have, on average, an equal number of CUGs. The most conserved genes are the most expressed. The lipase genes corroborate the results obtained for most genes of C. cylindracea since they are very rich in CUGs and nothing conserved. The reduced amount of CUG codons that was observed in highly expressed genes may be due, possibly, to an insufficient number of tRNA genes to cope with more CUGs without compromising translational efficiency. From the enrichment analysis, it was confirmed that the most conserved genes are associated with basic functions such as translation, pathogenesis and metabolism. From this set, genes with more or less CUGs seem to have different functions. The key issues on the evolutionary phenomenon remain unclear. However, the results are consistent with previous observations and shows a variety of conclusions that in future analyzes should be taken into consideration, since it was the first time that such a study was conducted.


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O golfinho-comum (Delphinus delphis) é uma das espécies de cetáceos mais abundantes e mais amplamente distribuídas em todo o planeta, sendo a espécie mais abundante ao longo da costa continental portuguesa. Algumas das suas principais presas apresentam um elevado interesse comercial estando por isso, muitas vezes, associado a capturas acidentais em artes de pesca. Contudo, estudos mais recentes sobre os hábitos alimentares desta espécie na costa portuguesa são escassos. Assim, este estudo visa contribuir para a avaliação da ecologia alimentar deste cetáceo na costa portuguesa através de índices de importância numérica, ocorrência e do peso estimado, permitindo descrever a dieta não só em termos qualitativos, mas também em termos quantitativos. Foram examinados os conteúdos estomacais de 55 golfinhoscomuns arrojados na costa continental portuguesa (norte e centro) entre 2004 e 2015. De um total de 6699 presas identificadas, 66% pertenciam à classe dos peixes, 32% eram cefalópodes e 3% eram crustáceos. As espécies-presa de peixes mais importantes em termos de importância numérica foram os góbios (Gobiidae) e o carapau (Trachurus sp.). Em relação à ocorrência foram o góbio (Gobiidae) e a sardinha (Sardina pilchardus), seguidas de carapau, as espécies predominantes. Relativamente ao peso, a sardinha foi a espécie-presa predominante, seguida de faneca (Trisopterus luscus) e carapau. Quanto aos cefalópodes, a lula-bicuda (Alloteuthis sp.) foi a espécie mais importante, tanto em termos de importância numérica como em termos de ocorrência. A lula-comum (Loligo sp.) foi a mais importante em termos de peso total estimado. As espécies demersais dominaram a dieta do golfinho-comum, com uma percentagem numérica de 40%. Foram detetadas diferenças entre machos e fêmeas na composição da dieta relativamente à sardinha. Foram detetadas diferenças entre indivíduos maturos e imaturos na composição da dieta relativamente à lula-bicuda. A diversidade de presas observada nos conteúdos estomacais do golfinho-comum sugere um comportamento oportunista, consumindo as presas mais abundantes, localmente. As interações com as artes de pesca podem levar a uma elevada mortalidade destes mamíferos marinhos. Deste modo, a realização de estudos sobre os hábitos alimentares de cetáceos permitem uma melhor compreensão das possíveis interações com a pesca, e a melhoria de estratégias de conservação para evitar a morte destes animais.


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Dissertação submetida à Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Microbiologia Aplicada.


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Endogenous and environmental variables are fundamental in explaining variations in fish condition. Based on more than 20 yr of fish weight and length data, relative condition indices were computed for anchovy and sardine caught in the Gulf of Lions. Classification and regression trees (CART) were used to identify endogenous factors affecting fish condition, and to group years of similar condition. Both species showed a similar annual cycle with condition being minimal in February and maximal in July. CART identified 3 groups of years where the fish populations generally showed poor, average and good condition and within which condition differed between age classes but not according to sex. In particular, during the period of poor condition (mostly recent years), sardines older than 1 yr appeared to be more strongly affected than younger individuals. Time-series were analyzed using generalized linear models (GLMs) to examine the effects of oceanographic abiotic (temperature, Western Mediterranean Oscillation [WeMO] and Rhone outflow) and biotic (chlorophyll a and 6 plankton classes) factors on fish condition. The selected models explained 48 and 35% of the variance of anchovy and sardine condition, respectively. Sardine condition was negatively related to temperature but positively related to the WeMO and mesozooplankton and diatom concentrations. A positive effect of mesozooplankton and Rhone runoff on anchovy condition was detected. The importance of increasing temperatures and reduced water mixing in the NW Mediterranean Sea, affecting planktonic productivity and thus fish condition by bottom-up control processes, was highlighted by these results. Changes in plankton quality, quantity and phenology could lead to insufficient or inadequate food supply for both species.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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A modificação estrutural de óleos e gorduras é uma das principais áreas de interesse de pesquisa em diferentes setores industriais. No caso da indústria de alimentos, a interesterificação é empregada para melhorar propriedades nutricionais e funcionais, em que se obtêm compostos diferentes dos que lhes deram origem. As lipases microbianas são os biocatalisadores mais utilizados industrialmente, por serem mais estáveis, específicas e com propriedades bem mais diversificadas que as lipases de outras fontes. Este trabalho objetivou, primeiramente, a caracterização da gordura da pele de frango (GPF) e sua comparação com óleo de soja, como referência, visando a utilização de GPF em reações de interesterificação. Para isto foram caracterizados quanto aos índices de rancidez hidrolítica e oxidativa, bem como de matéria insaponificável, índices de saponificação, refração e iodo. Foi realizado ainda o fracionamento e perfil de ácidos graxos destes lipídios e suas frações, com o cálculo de seus índices nutricionais. Foi verificado que a GPF apresentou qualidade satisfatória devido aos baixos índices de acidez (0,65 g ácido oleico.100 g -1 ), peróxido (2,14 meq.kg-1 ), p-anisidina (0,70 unidades de absorvância.g-1 ), além de fonte de ácidos graxos mono-insaturados (40%), sendo fonte promissora para estudos de interesterificação. Em um segundo momento o objetivo foi produzir lipídios modificados ricos em ácidos graxos essenciais a partir da gordura da pele de frango e ácidos graxos ramificados, utilizando lipase sn-1,3 específica e interesterificação do tipo acidólise. Foram estudados os fatores concentração de enzima, adição de água, proporção de substratos e tempo, segundo um planejamento experimental fatorial completo 2 4 . As separações analíticas foram executadas em placas de cromatografia de camada delgada, sendo as frações posteriormente extraídas, ressuspensas e injetadas no cromatógrafo a gás. Foi verificado que a adição de água ao meio reacional apresentou efeito significativo (p<0,05) para todos ácidos graxos avaliados dos triacilgliceróis, sendo que para o ácido essencial linoleico (C18:2) o efeito do tempo de reação também foi significativo, sendo verificado que quanto maior o tempo de reação, menor a quantidade de água a ser adicionada. Em um terceiro momento, o objetivo foi produzir éster fenólico a partir do DHCA, além de realizar reações de transesterificação deste éster com tricaprilina. Para a reação de transesterificação, foi utilizado um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR) variando a quantidade de enzima, tempo de reação e temperatura sobre a resposta (%) dos reagentes consumidos. A lipase Novozym® 435 de Candida antarctica foi utilizada como catalisador de todas reações. Foi verificado que a maior produção de éster (50%) ocorreu em oito dias. Nas reações de transesterificação, as relações molares em que houve maior consumo do éster produzido foram 1:5 e 1:10, sendo obtidos 21,1% e 29,6% de residual de dihidrocafeato de octila, respectivamente em 24 h. Foi observado que em altas temperaturas e tempo superior a 26 h, houve o menor residual de dihidrocafeato de octila (18,2%). Foram identificados três diferentes compostos fenólicos, contendo em sua estrutura dihidrocafeato de octila e ácido caprílico.


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Sardines and other Microfilidae have very important ecological role in marine ecosystems because they are first consumers in marine food chain and they are the main food of valuable species as tuna. So decries in their population will decline fishing of these spices. There are 10 genus of Clupeidae in south of Iran and Sardinella is the one of the most abundant of them. In this study we investigated about morphological and genetically differences in population of 3 species: Sardinella sindensis, Sardinella abella, Dussomieria acuta. About 65 specimens of Sardinella sindensis, 61 specimens of Sardinella albella and 63 specimens of, Dussomieria acuta from three regions of their distribution: Jask (Oman Sea), Qeshm (Hormoz) and Lengeh (Pearsian Gulf) have been collected. Morphological research of their characters and statistical studies were done. To determine the genetically structure of specie's population we sequenced 500 bp of mitochondrial control region. Genetical studies determine meaningful difference in alleles and heterozigosity frequency of Sardinella sindensis. This must be the result of divergence in population of this species. Morphological investigation of Sardinella albella shows the meaningful difference. But detailed studies diffused it. Genetical studies show a meaningful variance in allele and heterosigosity frequency. This may be an aspect of sardine tendency to live in estuaries. Morphological research of Dussomieria acuta in Jask and Lengeh show a meaningful variance in these regions. Such a situation might be result of Monsoon, upwelling and better weather which occur in Oman Sea in spite of Persian Gulf.


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Sardine oil is provided by the Dorosoma nasus Bloch, from the Clupeidae family, subfamily of Dorosomatinae. This note deals with a study on the sardine oil processing methods, physic-chemical composition and industrial uses.


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The biochemistry of cheese ripening involves mechanisms such as glycolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis. Fatty acids are released by the action of lipases from different sources, milk, rennet, bacteria, moulds included as secondary starters, and other exogenous lipases, during lipolysis [1]. The composition of the lipid fraction contributes positively to the flavour of cheese, for being precursors of more complex aroma compounds responsible for the characteristic “goaty flavour” of goat cheeses [2]. Goat milk is recognized by its easier digestibility, alkalinity, buffering capacity and certain therapeutic values in medicine and human nutrition [3]. A high total content of fatty acids is strongly linked to a rancid and tart off flavour in goat milk and may be considered undesirable in most cheese varieties [4]. In this sense, the purpose of the present study was to examine the composition and changes in fatty acids and saponification value of goat cheese during curing period (2, 7 and 12 months). Goat cheese was made in industrial unit of Cachão - Mirandela (Trás-os- Montes) with raw milk Serrana goats’ race, salt and rennet from animal origin. During the first two months, the samples were stored in a ripening chamber (9.5-11 °C and RH 75-85%). From the second month to one year, the samples were stored in a preservation chamber (10.5-12 °C and RH 75-85%). The fatty acids profile of the inner part of the cheese was analyzed by gas-chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The degree of saponification was determined both in the crust and inside the cheese by HCl titration of ethanol KOH solution of the samples. Twenty-six fatty acids (FA) were identified and quantified in the inner part of the cheese (total fat was 45-46 g/100 g during the curing period). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) did not change up to 7 months of curing, increasing only after 12 months, being palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), myristic (C14:0) and capric (C10:0) acids the most abundant FA in this class. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased only after 12 months, and oleic acid (C18:1) was the predominant FA. In polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) class, the most abundant were linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids, and followed the same tendency of MUFA. This is corroborated by an increase in the degree of saponification, either in the crust as in the inner part of the cheese, after 12 months of curing, probably related with the saturation of the fatty acids [3]. Extra-long curing can be done in cheeses produced with goat milk up to seven months of storage without changing the total fat and individual FA content.


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The Pelgas16 acoustic survey has been carried out with very good weather conditions (regular low wind, medium temperatures) for the whole area, from the South of the bay of Biscay to the west of Brittany. The help of commercial vessels (two pairs of pelagic trawlers and a single one) during 18 days provided about 120 valid identification hauls instead of about 60 before 2007 when Thalassa was alone to identify echotraces. Their participation increased the precision of identification of echoes and some double hauls permitted to confirm that results provided by the two types of vessels (R/V and Fishing boats) were comparable and usable for biomass estimate purposes. These commercial vessels participated to the PELGAS survey in a very good spirit of collaboration, with the financial help of "France Filière Pêche" which is a groupment of French fishing organisations. The PELGAS16 survey observed a medium level of anchovy biomass, which seems to be a medium biomass compared to previous year's, comparable to 2010 and far away from the 2015 biomass. The biomass estimate of sardine observed during PELGAS16 is decreasing compared to the last years level of biomass. It confirms that this specie shows a variable abundance in the bay of Biscay at this period.