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The theoretical analysis and experimental measurement on the angle dependence of quantum efficiency of GaAs based resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector is presented. By changing the angle of incoming light, about 40mn wavelength variation of peak quantum efficiency has been experimentally obtained. The peak quantum efficiency and optical bandwidth at different mode corresponding to different angle incidence have been characterized with different absorption dependence on wavelength. The convenient angle tuning of resonant mode will be helpful to relax the strict constraint of RCE photodetector to light source with narrow emission spectrum while especially applied in space optical detections and communications.


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Wafer bonding is regardless of lattice mismatch in the integration of dissimilar semiconductor materials. This technology differs from the heteroepitaxy mainly in the mechanism of generating dislocations at the interface. A model of dislocations at the bonded interface is proposed in this paper. Edge-like dislocations, which most efficiently relax the strain, are predominant at the bonded interface. But the thermal stress associated with large thermal expansion misfit may drive dislocations away from the bonded interface upon cooling.


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Deuterated polyethylene tracer molecules with small amount of branches (12 C2H5- branches per 1000 backbone carbon atoms) were blended with a hydrogenated polyethylene matrix to form a homogenous mixture. The conformational evolution of the deuterated chains in a stretched semi-cry stall me film was observed via online small angle neutron scattering measurements during annealing at high temperatures close to the melting point. Because the sample was annealed at a temperature closely below its melting point, the crystalline lamellae were only partially molten and the system could not fully relax. The global chain dimensions were preserved during annealing. Recrystallization of released polymeric chain segments allows for local phase separation thus driving the deuterated chain segments into the confining interlamellar amorphous layers giving rise to an interesting intra-molecular clustering effect of the long deuterated chain. This clustering is deduced from characteristic small angle neutron scattering patterns. The confined phase separation has its origin in primarily the small amount of the branches on the deuterated polymers which impede the crystallization of the deuterated chain segments.


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We have investigated the hole nucleation and growth induced by crystallization of thin crystalline-coil diblock copolymer films. Semicrystalline rodlike assemblies from neutral/selective binary solvent are used as seeds to nucleate crystallization at temperatures above the glass transition temperature (T-g) but below melting point (T-m). The crystallization of nanorods drives neighboring copolymer chains to diffuse into the growing nanorods. Depletion of copolymer chains yields hole nucleation and growth at the edge of the nanorods. Simultaneously, the polymer chains unassociated into the nanorods were oriented by induction from the free surface and the substrate, leading to limitation of the hole depth to the lamellar spacing, similar to20 nm. The holes, as well as the nanorods, grow as t(alpha), where t is the annealing time and a crossover in the exponent a. is found. The orientation and stretching of the copolymer chains by the surface and interface are believed to accelerate the crystallization, and in turn, the latter accelerates the growth rate of the holes. At T > T-m, the grains melt and the copolymer chains relax and flow into the first layer of the film.


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A new side chain liquid crystalline poly[4-(methacryloxy)hexanoloxy-4'-benzyloxy biphenyl] was synthesized. The phase behavior of the monomer and homopolymer was studied. The monomer shows a smectic B phase, while the homopolymer shows a nematic phase. The nonmesogenic nonlinear optical group was introduced to synthesize a series of side chain liquid crystalline copolymers which also show a nematic phase. Owing to the liquid crystallinity of the copolymer has been the orientational stability improved, down the relax of the orientation slowed and the nonlinear optical properties enhanced.


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Shrinkage, retractive stress, and infrared dichroism of the drawn low-density polyethylene (LDPE) as-drawn and irradiated by Co-60-ray have been measured under different annealing conditions. The shrinkage and the disorientation of the irradiated sample was undergone more rapidly than that of unirradiated one as the temperature was continuously increased, surpassing a certain value, and a higher degree of shrinkage and disorientation was achieved finally for the irradiated sample when the samples were annealed with free ends. For the samples heated isothermally with fixed ends, the retractive stress went through a maximum and then attenuated to a limited value, and the degree of such a stress attenuation for the unirradiated sample was much more than that for the irradiated sample. These results show that the taut tie molecules (TTMs) in drawn PE can relax by the pulling of chain segments out of crystal blocks that they anchored in at elevated temperatures higher than the a transition and also by the displacing of microfibrils if the samples were annealed with free ends. The cross-links produced by irradiation prohibit the former process. It was further observed that the dependence of the average extinction coefficient of the band at 2016 cm-1 on that of the band at 1894 cm-1 is related to irradiation and annealing conditions, which has also been explained by the relaxation of TTMs and the function of irradiation-induced cross-linking on the relaxation.


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En este trabajo, pretendemos identificar problemas derivados de dinámicas familiares internas (de conflicto, problemas económicos, dificultades laborales, etc.), además de las provocadas por inadaptación lingüística, social y cultural, influyen para que el alumnado que llega a un aula de “atención a la diversidad” a los denominados Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI) presente problemas de convivencia en el aula. En primer lugar hemos elaborado un marco teórico de los problemas más representativos en el aula y su relación con factores sociales, familiares y de inadaptación. En segundo lugar se plantea un proceso de InvestigacióniAcción en un aula concreta que permite identificar variables potencialmente condicionantes de la vida académica, empleando herramientas reflexivas, de relato autobiográfico, entrevista grupal, que favorecen la concienciación individual y grupal y permiten reacomodar tensiones emocionales y aceptar retos de conducta adaptada. A modo de conclusión se hace un análisis sobre resiliencia en este alumnado


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais.


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One-and two-dimensional cellular automata which are known to be fault-tolerant are very complex. On the other hand, only very simple cellular automata have actually been proven to lack fault-tolerance, i.e., to be mixing. The latter either have large noise probability ε or belong to the small family of two-state nearest-neighbor monotonic rules which includes local majority voting. For a certain simple automaton L called the soldiers rule, this problem has intrigued researchers for the last two decades since L is clearly more robust than local voting: in the absence of noise, L eliminates any finite island of perturbation from an initial configuration of all 0's or all 1's. The same holds for a 4-state monotonic variant of L, K, called two-line voting. We will prove that the probabilistic cellular automata Kε and Lε asymptotically lose all information about their initial state when subject to small, strongly biased noise. The mixing property trivially implies that the systems are ergodic. The finite-time information-retaining quality of a mixing system can be represented by its relaxation time Relax(⋅), which measures the time before the onset of significant information loss. This is known to grow as (1/ε)^c for noisy local voting. The impressive error-correction ability of L has prompted some researchers to conjecture that Relax(Lε) = 2^(c/ε). We prove the tight bound 2^(c1log^21/ε) < Relax(Lε) < 2^(c2log^21/ε) for a biased error model. The same holds for Kε. Moreover, the lower bound is independent of the bias assumption. The strong bias assumption makes it possible to apply sparsity/renormalization techniques, the main tools of our investigation, used earlier in the opposite context of proving fault-tolerance.


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Recent advances in processor speeds, mobile communications and battery life have enabled computers to evolve from completely wired to completely mobile. In the most extreme case, all nodes are mobile and communication takes place at available opportunities – using both traditional communication infrastructure as well as the mobility of intermediate nodes. These are mobile opportunistic networks. Data communication in such networks is a difficult problem, because of the dynamic underlying topology, the scarcity of network resources and the lack of global information. Establishing end-to-end routes in such networks is usually not feasible. Instead a store-and-carry forwarding paradigm is better suited for such networks. This dissertation describes and analyzes algorithms for forwarding of messages in such networks. In order to design effective forwarding algorithms for mobile opportunistic networks, we start by first building an understanding of the set of all paths between nodes, which represent the available opportunities for any forwarding algorithm. Relying on real measurements, we enumerate paths between nodes and uncover what we refer to as the path explosion effect. The term path explosion refers to the fact that the number of paths between a randomly selected pair of nodes increases exponentially with time. We draw from the theory of epidemics to model and explain the path explosion effect. This is the first contribution of the thesis, and is a key observation that underlies subsequent results. Our second contribution is the study of forwarding algorithms. For this, we rely on trace driven simulations of different algorithms that span a range of design dimensions. We compare the performance (success rate and average delay) of these algorithms. We make the surprising observation that most algorithms we consider have roughly similar performance. We explain this result in light of the path explosion phenomenon. While the performance of most algorithms we studied was roughly the same, these algorithms differed in terms of cost. This prompted us to focus on designing algorithms with the explicit intent of reducing costs. For this, we cast the problem of forwarding as an optimal stopping problem. Our third main contribution is the design of strategies based on optimal stopping principles which we refer to as Delegation schemes. Our analysis shows that using a delegation scheme reduces cost over naive forwarding by a factor of O(√N), where N is the number of nodes in the network. We further validate this result on real traces, where the cost reduction observed is even greater. Our results so far include a key assumption, which is unbounded buffers on nodes. Next, we relax this assumption, so that the problem shifts to one of prioritization of messages for transmission and dropping. Our fourth contribution is the study of message prioritization schemes, combined with forwarding. Our main result is that one achieves higher performance by assigning higher priorities to young messages in the network. We again interpret this result in light of the path explosion effect.


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We propose a multi-object multi-camera framework for tracking large numbers of tightly-spaced objects that rapidly move in three dimensions. We formulate the problem of finding correspondences across multiple views as a multidimensional assignment problem and use a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure to solve this NP-hard problem efficiently. To account for occlusions, we relax the one-to-one constraint that one measurement corresponds to one object and iteratively solve the relaxed assignment problem. After correspondences are established, object trajectories are estimated by stereoscopic reconstruction using an epipolar-neighborhood search. We embedded our method into a tracker-to-tracker multi-view fusion system that not only obtains the three-dimensional trajectories of closely-moving objects but also accurately settles track uncertainties that could not be resolved from single views due to occlusion. We conducted experiments to validate our greedy assignment procedure and our technique to recover from occlusions. We successfully track hundreds of flying bats and provide an analysis of their group behavior based on 150 reconstructed 3D trajectories.


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Constraint programming has emerged as a successful paradigm for modelling combinatorial problems arising from practical situations. In many of those situations, we are not provided with an immutable set of constraints. Instead, a user will modify his requirements, in an interactive fashion, until he is satisfied with a solution. Examples of such applications include, amongst others, model-based diagnosis, expert systems, product configurators. The system he interacts with must be able to assist him by showing the consequences of his requirements. Explanations are the ideal tool for providing this assistance. However, existing notions of explanations fail to provide sufficient information. We define new forms of explanations that aim to be more informative. Even if explanation generation is a very hard task, in the applications we consider, we must manage to provide a satisfactory level of interactivity and, therefore, we cannot afford long computational times. We introduce the concept of representative sets of relaxations, a compact set of relaxations that shows the user at least one way to satisfy each of his requirements and at least one way to relax them, and present an algorithm that efficiently computes such sets. We introduce the concept of most soluble relaxations, maximising the number of products they allow. We present algorithms to compute such relaxations in times compatible with interactivity, achieving this by indifferently making use of different types of compiled representations. We propose to generalise the concept of prime implicates to constraint problems with the concept of domain consequences, and suggest to generate them as a compilation strategy. This sets a new approach in compilation, and allows to address explanation-related queries in an efficient way. We define ordered automata to compactly represent large sets of domain consequences, in an orthogonal way from existing compilation techniques that represent large sets of solutions.


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Wind energy is predominantly a nonsynchronous generation source. Large-scale integration of wind generation with existing electricity systems, therefore, presents challenges in maintaining system frequency stability and local voltage stability. Transmission system operators have implemented system operational constraints (SOCs) in order to maintain stability with high wind generation, but imposition of these constraints results in higher operating costs. A mixed integer programming tool was used to simulate generator dispatch in order to assess the impact of various SOCs on generation costs. Interleaved day-ahead scheduling and real-time dispatch models were developed to allow accurate representation of forced outages and wind forecast errors, and were applied to the proposed Irish power system of 2020 with a wind penetration of 32%. Savings of at least 7.8% in generation costs and reductions in wind curtailment of 50% were identified when the most influential SOCs were relaxed. The results also illustrate the need to relax local SOCs together with the system-wide nonsynchronous penetration limit SOC, as savings from increasing the nonsynchronous limit beyond 70% were restricted without relaxation of local SOCs. The methodology and results allow for quantification of the costs of SOCs, allowing the optimal upgrade path for generation and transmission infrastructure to be determined.


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We describe a general technique for determining upper bounds on maximal values (or lower bounds on minimal costs) in stochastic dynamic programs. In this approach, we relax the nonanticipativity constraints that require decisions to depend only on the information available at the time a decision is made and impose a "penalty" that punishes violations of nonanticipativity. In applications, the hope is that this relaxed version of the problem will be simpler to solve than the original dynamic program. The upper bounds provided by this dual approach complement lower bounds on values that may be found by simulating with heuristic policies. We describe the theory underlying this dual approach and establish weak duality, strong duality, and complementary slackness results that are analogous to the duality results of linear programming. We also study properties of good penalties. Finally, we demonstrate the use of this dual approach in an adaptive inventory control problem with an unknown and changing demand distribution and in valuing options with stochastic volatilities and interest rates. These are complex problems of significant practical interest that are quite difficult to solve to optimality. In these examples, our dual approach requires relatively little additional computation and leads to tight bounds on the optimal values. © 2010 INFORMS.