845 resultados para Local drug delivery system


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The obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is a gram negative bacterium which infects epithelial cells of the reproductive tract. C. trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide and a vaccine against this pathogen is highly needed. Many evidences suggest that both antigen specific-Th1 cells and antibodies may be important to provide protection against Chlamydia infection. In a previous study we have identified eight new Chlamydia antigens inducing CD4-Th1 and/or antibody responses that, when combined properly, can protect mice from Chlamydia infection. However, all selected recombinant antigens, upon immunization in mice, elicited antibodies not able to neutralize Chlamydia infectivity in vitro. With the aim to improve the quality of the immune response by inducing effective neutralizing antibodies, we used a novel delivery system based on the unique capacity of E. coli Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMV) to present membrane proteins in their natural composition and conformation. We have expressed Chlamydia antigens, previously identified as vaccine candidates, in the OMV system. Among all OMV preparations, the one expressing HtrA Chlamydia antigen (OMV-HtrA), showed to be the best in terms of yield and quantity of expressed protein, was used to produce mice immune sera to be tested in neutralization assay in vitro. We observed that OMV-HtrA elicited specific antibodies able to neutralize efficiently Chlamydia infection in vitro, indicating that the presentation of the antigens in their natural conformation is crucial to induce an effective immune response. This is one of the first examples in which antibodies directed against a new Chlamydia antigen, other than MOMP (the only so far known antigen inducing neutralizing antibodies), are able to block the Chlamydia infectivity in vitro. Finally, by performing an epitope mapping study, we investigated the specificity of the antibody response induced by the recombinant HtrA and by OMV-HtrA. In particular, we identified some linear epitopes exclusively recognized by antibodies raised with the OMV-HtrA system, detecting in this manner the antigen regions likely responsible of the neutralizing effect.


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Le nanoparticelle polimeriche offrono grandi vantaggi nella nanomedicina in quanto fungono da carrier per il Drug Delivery e possono essere molto utili per le malattie ancor oggi difficili da trattare quali le neurodegenerative come l’Alzheimer. In questo progetto di tesi sono stati creati nanocarrier polimerici utilizzando come polimero un copolimero a blocchi anfifilico noto come PLGA-b-PEG: con varie tecniche si sono ottenute micelle polimeriche nelle quali sono stati intrappolati come principi attivi sia un farmaco, il liraglutide, sia nanoparticelle di magnesio; il primo può ridurre le placche β-amiloidee, tipiche cause dell’Alzheimer, mentre le seconde possono aumentare la plasticità sinaptica anch’essa legata all’Alzheimer. Inoltre è stato sintetizzato e intrappolato anche un promettente agente diagnostico, ovvero nanoparticelle di ferro, utile per aumentare la sensibilità di tecniche di imaging quali MRI e per la rivelazione precoce di malattie. Tutti i sistemi sono stati caratterizzati con tecniche specifiche per valutare i parametri chiave quali dimensione, polidispersità, carica superficiale e concentrazione dei componenti e successivamente sono state utilizzate per studi biologici effettuati da collaboratori esterni. Tutto questo ha come obiettivo futuro la creazione di un carrier teranostico che racchiuderà al suo interno l’agente terapeutico e l’agente diagnostico per combinare i due effetti principali in un unico carrier.


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Inspiriert durch natürlich vorkommende Peptide, sind Poly(2-oxazoline) vielversprechende Kandidaten für Anwendungen in Bereichen des kontrollierten Wirkstoff- bzw. Gentransportes, wie die moderne Biomedizin dies fordert. Da Polyoxazoline als strukturisomere Amide von natürlichen Polypeptiden aufgefasst werden können, zeigen diese synthetischen Polymere in direktem Vergleich erhebliche Vorteile etwa hinsichtlich Zytotoxizät und Effizienz, was wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, aktuelle Hürden biomedizinischer Fragestellungen hinsichtlich Transport und Targeting zu überwinden. Darüber hinaus sollten zylindrische Polymerbürsten aufgrund ihrer molekularen, architekturbedingten Formanisotropie und jüngsten Ergebnissen insbesondere zur formabhängigen Endozytose sehr aussichtsreiche Kandidaten für den Einsatz zum Wirkstofftransport sein.rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit widmete sich deshalb der Synthese und Charakterisierung von biokompatiblen zylindrischen Poly(2-oxazolin)bürsten als potentielle Nanotransporter von Wirkstoffen, Biomolekülen oder genetischem Material. Als Monomer wurde zunächst 2-Isopropyloxazolin gewählt, da das Polymer eine Phasenübergangstemperatur von 37 °C besitzt, was für Konjugatsynthesen wie auch diverse biomedizinische Applikationen interessant sein kann. Durch terminierende Methacrylamid Funktionalisierung der lebenden kationischen Oxazolinpolymerisation bzw. nachfolgende Endgruppen Transferreaktionen sind Makromonomere im Bereich 1000-5000 g/mol zugänglich. Erstmals gelang es so 2-Oxazolin basierte, hochmolekulare zylindrische Bürsten mit Konturlängen im Bereich von 250 nm mittels „Grafting Through“ Technik in freier radikalischer Polymerisation herzustellen.rnrnAusgehend von der entwickelten Syntheseroute konnten so neben Homo- und Blockcopolymerbürsten von 2-Ethyl-2-oxazolin und 2-Isopropyl-2-oxazolin auch Bürstenmoleküle aus statistischen Copolymeren von 2-Ethyl-2-oxazolin und unsubstituiertem 2-Oxazolin hergestellt werden. Während letztere die Einführung kationischer Gruppen durch selektivere Abspaltmethoden der Formylreste erlauben und so etwa DNA/RNA Komplexierungen ermöglichen können, bietet andererseits der in dieser Arbeit erstmalig demonstrierte Einsatz Azid-funktionalisierter Initiatoren zur kationischen Oxazolinpolymerisation unter Beibehaltung aller anderen sonstigen Reaktionsschritte auch die Möglichkeit der Synthese Azid-Endgruppen-funktionalisierter Makromonomere. Die „Grafting Through“ Methodik der freien radikalischen Makromonomer Polymerisation ist selbst bei diesen funktionalisierten Systemen von großem Vorteil, erlaubt sie auch hier den Zugang zu hochmolekularen Substraten mit einem Pfropfungs- bzw. Funktionalisierungsgrad von 100 %, da jede Seitenkette dieser zylindrischen Bürsten die aussenliegende, und damit sterisch leichter zugängliche funktionale Gruppe trägt. Dabei gelang es die Syntheseroute so zu gestalten, dass es möglich war alle vorgestellten Polymerbürsten mittels statischer und dynamischer Lichtstreuung hinsichtlich absoluter Molmasse und molekularer Dimension zu charakterisieren.rnIn weitereren Reaktionen konnten dann reaktive Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe mit Hilfe kupferfreier 1,3 dipolarerer Addition (kupferfreie „Click-Chemie“) an die Azid-funktionalisierten Polymerbürsten angebunden werden, so dass eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Detektion in in vivo und in vitro Experimenten erfüllt werden kann. Darüber hinaus gelingt die quantitative polymeranaloge Umsetzung der Azid- zu Aminogruppen durch eine polymeranalog geführte Reduktion nach Staudinger; damit können an diesen Systemen auch etablierte Konjugationstechniken an Aminogruppen durchgeführt werden. Zudem erlauben die Aminogruppen-haltigen Polymerbürsten durch Protonierung schon bei physiologischem pH die Komplexierung von DNA oder RNA. rnrnErste Lichtstreumessungen in Blutserum zeigen im Falle der kationischen Aminogruppen tragenden Polymerbürsten zwar Aggregation, was aber durch entsprechende Umsetzung nach Konjugation wahrscheinlich unterdrückt werden kann, zeigen doch die entsprechenden Precursorpolymerbürsten mit Azidgruppen in Serum keinerlei Aggregation.rnrnZellaufnahmestudien in dendritische Zellen zeigen nur im Falle einer Azid-funktionalisierten Poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazolin)bürste eine unspezifische Aufnahme. Die hydrophileren Poly(2-oxazolin)bürsten weise keine unspezifische Aufnahme auf, was eine wichtige Anfoderung für die Verwendung als Polymercarrier in der Krebsimmuntherapie ist.rn


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Polymere Nanopartikel sind kleine Teilchen, die vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten für den Transport von Wirkstoffen bieten. Da Nanomaterialien in diesen biomedizinischen Anwendungen oft mit biologischen Systemen in Berührung kommen, erfordert das eine genaue Untersuchung ihrer gegenseitigen Wechselwirkungen. In diesem speziellen Forschungsgebiet, welches sich auf die Interaktionen von Nanomaterialien mit biologischen Komponenten konzentriert, wurde bereits eine Vielzahl verschiedener Nanopartikel-Zell-Interaktionen (z. B. Nanotoxizität, Wirkstofftransport-mechanismen) analysiert. Bezüglich der Untersuchungen zu nanopartikulären Wirkstofftransport-mechanismen ist es im Allgemeinen akzeptiert, dass ein erfolgreicher zellulärer Transport hauptsächlich von der Aufnahme des Nanotransporters abhängt. Deshalb analysieren wir in dieser Arbeit (1) den Wirkstofftransportmechanismus für biologisch-abbaubare eisenhaltige Poly-L-Milchsäure Nanopartikel (PLLA-Fe-PMI) sowie (2) die Aufnahmemechanismen und die intrazellulären Transportwege von nicht-abbaubaren superparamagnetischen Polystyrolnanopartikeln (SPIOPSN). rnIn dieser Arbeit identifizieren wir einen bisher unbekannten und nicht-invasiven Wirkstoff-transportmechanismus. Dabei zeigt diese Studie, dass der subzelluläre Transport der nanopartikulärer Fracht nicht unbedingt von einer Aufnahme der Nanotransporter abhängt. Der identifizierte Arzneimitteltransportmechanismus basiert auf einem einfachen physikochemischen Kontakt des hydrophoben Poly-L-Milchsäure-Nanopartikels mit einer hydrophoben Oberfläche, wodurch die Freisetzung der nanopartikulären Fracht ausgelöst wird. In Zellexperimenten führt die membranvermittelte Freisetzung der nanopartikulären Fracht zu ihrem sofortigen Transport in TIP47+- und ADRP+- Lipidtröpfchen. Der Freisetzungsmechanismus („kiss-and-run") kann durch die kovalente Einbindung des Frachtmoleküls in das Polymer des Nanopartikels blockiert werden.rnWeiterhin wird in Langzeitversuchen gezeigt, dass die Aufnahme der untersuchten polymeren Nanopartikel von einem Makropinozytose-ähnlichen Mechanismus gesteuert wird. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit werden mehrere Faktoren identifiziert, die in diesem Aufnahmemechanismus eine Rolle spielen. Darunter fallen unter anderem die kleinen GTPasen Rac1 und ARF1, die die Aufnahme von SPIOPSN beeinflussen. Darauffolgend werden die intrazellulären Transportwege der Nanopartikel untersucht. Mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Massenspektrometrieansatzes wird der intrazelluläre Transport von nanopartikelhaltigen endozytotischen Vesikeln rekonstruiert. Intensive Untersuchungen identifizieren Marker von frühen Endosomen, späten Endosomen/ multivesikulären Körpern, Rab11+- Endosomen, Flotillin-Vesikeln, Lysosomen und COP-Vesikeln. Schließlich wird der Einfluss des lysosomalen Milieus auf die Proteinhülle der Nanopartikel untersucht. Hier wird gezeigt, dass die adsorbierte Proteinhülle auf den Nanopartikeln in die Zelle transportiert wird und anschließend im Lysosom abgebaut wird. rnInsgesamt verdeutlicht diese Arbeit, dass die klassische Strategie des nanopartikulären und invasiven Wirkstofftransportmechanismuses überdacht werden muss. Weiterhin lässt sich aus den Daten schlussfolgern, dass polymere Nanopartikel einem atypischen Makropinozytose-ähnlichen Aufnahmemechanismus unterliegen. Dies resultiert in einem intrazellulären Transport der Nanopartikel von Makropinosomen über multivesikuläre Körperchen zu Lysosomen.rn


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Solid oral dosage form disintegration in the human stomach is a highly complex process dependent on physicochemical properties of the stomach contents as well as on physical variables such as hydrodynamics and mechanical stress. Understanding the role of hydrodynamics and forces in disintegration of oral solid dosage forms can help to improve in vitro disintegration testing and the predictive power of the in vitro test. The aim of this work was to obtain a deep understanding of the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form performance. Therefore, the hydrodynamic conditions and forces present in the compendial PhEur/USP disintegration test device were characterized using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Furthermore, a modified device was developed and the hydrodynamic conditions present were simulated using CFD. This modified device was applied in two case studies comprising immediate release (IR) tablets and gastroretentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS). Due to the description of movement provided in the PhEur, the movement velocity of the basket-rack assembly follows a sinusoidal profile. Therefore, hydrodynamic conditions are changing continually throughout the movement cycle. CFD simulations revealed that the dosage form is exposed to a wide range of fluid velocities and shear forces during the test. The hydrodynamic conditions in the compendial device are highly variable and cannot be controlled. A new, modified disintegration test device based on computerized numerical control (CNC) technique was developed. The modified device can be moved in all three dimensions and radial movement is also possible. Simple and complex moving profiles can be developed and the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on oral solid dosage form performance can be evaluated. Furthermore, a modified basket was designed that allows two-sided fluid flow. CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics and forces in the modified device revealed significant differences in the fluid flow field and forces when compared to the compendial device. Due to the CNC technique moving velocity and direction are arbitrary and hydrodynamics become controllable. The modified disintegration test device was utilized to examine the influence of moving velocity on disintegration times of IR tablets. Insights into the influence of moving speed, medium viscosity and basket design on disintegration times were obtained. An exponential relationship between moving velocity of the modified basket and disintegration times was established in simulated gastric fluid. The same relationship was found between the disintegration times and the CFD predicted average shear stress on the tablet surface. Furthermore, a GRDDS was developed based on the approach of an in situ polyelectrolyte complex (PEC). Different complexes composed of different grades of chitosan and carrageenan and different ratios of those were investigated for their swelling behavior, mechanical stability, and in vitro drug release. With an optimized formulation the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the swelling behavior and the drug release profile was demonstrated using the modified disintegration test device. Both, swelling behavior and drug release, were largely dependent on the hydrodynamic conditions. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of the modified disintegration test device allows for detailed insights into the influence of hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form disintegration and dissolution. By the application of appropriate test conditions, the predictive power of in vitro disintegration testing can be improved using the modified disintegration test device. Furthermore, CFD has proven a powerful tool to examine the hydrodynamics and forces in the compendial as well as in the modified disintegration test device. rn


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The pre-treatment of tumour neovessels by low-level photodynamic therapy (PDT) improves the distribution of concomitantly administered systemic chemotherapy. The mechanism by which PDT permeabilizes the tumour vessel wall is only partially known. We have recently shown that leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is essential for photodynamic drug delivery to normal tissue. The present study investigates whether PDT enhances drug delivery in malignant mesothelioma and whether it involves comparable mechanisms of actions.


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The objective of this research was to develop a high-fidelity dynamic model of a parafoilpayload system with respect to its application for the Ship Launched Aerial Delivery System (SLADS). SLADS is a concept in which cargo can be transfered from ship to shore using a parafoil-payload system. It is accomplished in two phases: An initial towing phase when the glider follows the towing vessel in a passive lift mode and an autonomous gliding phase when the system is guided to the desired point. While many previous researchers have analyzed the parafoil-payload system when it is released from another airborne vehicle, limited work has been done in the area of towing up the system from ground or sea. One of the main contributions of this research was the development of a nonlinear dynamic model of a towed parafoil-payload system. After performing an extensive literature review of the existing methods of modeling a parafoil-payload system, a five degree-of-freedom model was developed. The inertial and geometric properties of the system were investigated to predict accurate results in the simulation environment. Since extensive research has been done in determining the aerodynamic characteristics of a paraglider, an existing aerodynamic model was chosen to incorporate the effects of air flow around the flexible paraglider wing. During the towing phase, it is essential that the parafoil-payload system follow the line of the towing vessel path to prevent an unstable flight condition called ‘lockout’. A detailed study of the causes of lockout, its mathematical representation and the flight conditions and the parameters related to lockout, constitute another contribution of this work. A linearized model of the parafoil-payload system was developed and used to analyze the stability of the system about equilibrium conditions. The relationship between the control surface inputs and the stability was investigated. In addition to stability of flight, one more important objective of SLADS is to tow up the parafoil-payload system as fast as possible. The tension in the tow cable is directly proportional to the rate of ascent of the parafoil-payload system. Lockout instability is more favorable when tow tensions are large. Thus there is a tradeoff between susceptibility to lockout and rapid deployment. Control strategies were also developed for optimal tow up and to maintain stability in the event of disturbances.


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The human colon tumor cell line, LS174T, has been shown to have four major components of the drug metabolizing system; cytochrome b$\sb5$ reductase, cytochrome b$\sb5$, cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450, by activity measurements, spectral studies and antibody cross-reactivity. Cytochrome P450IA1 is induced by benzanthracene in these cells as shown by activity with the specific substrate, ethoxyresorufin, cross-reactivity with rabbit antibodies to rat IA1, and by a hybridizing band on a Northern blot to a rat IA1 probe.^ Further, this system has proven responsive to various inducers and conditions of growth. The enzyme activities were found stable over limited cell passages with control values of 0.03 and 0.13 $\mu$mol/min/mg protein for NADPH and NADH cytochrome c (cyt c) reducing activity, 0.05 nmol cyt b$\sb5$ per milligram and 0.013 nmol cytochrome P450 per milligram of microsomal protein. Phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treatment showed a consistent, but not always significant increase in the NADPH and NADH cyt c reducing activity and benzanthracene treatment an increase in the NADH cyt c reducing activity. Delta-aminolevulinic acid (0.5mM) caused a significant decrease in the specific activity of all enzyme contents and activities tested.^ Finally, the cytochrome b$\sb5$ to cytochrome P450, by the coordinate induction of the cytochrome b$\sb5$ pathway by P450 inducers, by the high ratio of NADH to NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity in uninduced cell microsomes, and by the increase in NADH and NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity when the microsomes were treated with potassium cyanide, a desaturase inhibitor. ^


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The circulating, endocrine renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important to circulatory homeostasis, while ubiquitous tissue and cellular RAS play diverse roles, including metabolic regulation. Indeed, inhibition of RAS is associated with improved cellular oxidative capacity. Recently it has been suggested that an intra-mitochondrial RAS directly impacts on metabolism. Here we sought to rigorously explore this hypothesis. Radiolabelled ligand-binding and unbiased proteomic approaches were applied to purified mitochondrial sub-fractions from rat liver, and the impact of AngII on mitochondrial function assessed. Whilst high-affinity AngII binding sites were found in the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) fraction, no RAS components could be detected in purified mitochondria. Moreover, AngII had no effect on the function of isolated mitochondria at physiologically relevant concentrations. We thus found no evidence of endogenous mitochondrial AngII production, and conclude that the effects of AngII on cellular energy metabolism are not mediated through its direct binding to mitochondrial targets.


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Cochlear implants are neuroprostheses that are inserted into the inner ear to directly electrically stimulate the auditory nerve, thus replacing lost cochlear receptors, the hair cells. The reduction of the gap between electrodes and nerve cells will contribute to technological solutions simultaneously increasing the frequency resolution, the sound quality and the amplification of the signal. Recent findings indicate that neurotrophins (NTs) such as brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) stimulate the neurite outgrowth of auditory nerve cells by activating Trk receptors on the cellular surface (1–3). Furthermore, small-size TrkB receptor agonists such as di-hydroxyflavone (DHF) are now available, which activate the TrkB receptor with similar efficiency as BDNF, but are much more stable (4). Experimentally, such molecules are currently used to attract nerve cells towards, for example, the electrodes of cochlear implants. This paper analyses the scenarios of low dose aspects of controlled release of small-size Trk receptor agonists from the coated CI electrode array into the inner ear. The control must first ensure a sufficient dose for the onset of neurite growth. Secondly, a gradient in concentration needs to be maintained to allow directive growth of neurites through the perilymph-filled gap towards the electrodes of the implant. We used fluorescein as a test molecule for its molecular size similarity to DHF and investigated two different transport mechanisms of drug dispensing, which both have the potential to fulfil controlled low-throughput drug-deliverable requirements. The first is based on the release of aqueous fluorescein into water through well-defined 60-μm size holes arrays in a membrane by pure osmosis. The release was both simulated using the software COMSOL and observed experimentally. In the second approach, solid fluorescein crystals were encapsulated in a thin layer of parylene (PPX), hence creating random nanometer-sized pinholes. In this approach, the release occurred due to subsequent water diffusion through the pinholes, dissolution of the fluorescein and then release by out-diffusion. Surprisingly, the release rate of solid fluorescein through the nanoscopic scale holes was found to be in the same order of magnitude as for liquid fluorescein release through microscopic holes.