405 resultados para Cyber-amoureux
Con l’avvento di Internet, il numero di utenti con un effettivo accesso alla rete e la possibilità di condividere informazioni con tutto il mondo è, negli anni, in continua crescita. Con l’introduzione dei social media, in aggiunta, gli utenti sono portati a trasferire sul web una grande quantità di informazioni personali mettendoli a disposizione delle varie aziende. Inoltre, il mondo dell’Internet Of Things, grazie al quale i sensori e le macchine risultano essere agenti sulla rete, permette di avere, per ogni utente, un numero maggiore di dispositivi, direttamente collegati tra loro e alla rete globale. Proporzionalmente a questi fattori anche la mole di dati che vengono generati e immagazzinati sta aumentando in maniera vertiginosa dando luogo alla nascita di un nuovo concetto: i Big Data. Nasce, di conseguenza, la necessità di far ricorso a nuovi strumenti che possano sfruttare la potenza di calcolo oggi offerta dalle architetture più complesse che comprendono, sotto un unico sistema, un insieme di host utili per l’analisi. A tal merito, una quantità di dati così vasta, routine se si parla di Big Data, aggiunta ad una velocità di trasmissione e trasferimento altrettanto alta, rende la memorizzazione dei dati malagevole, tanto meno se le tecniche di storage risultano essere i tradizionali DBMS. Una soluzione relazionale classica, infatti, permetterebbe di processare dati solo su richiesta, producendo ritardi, significative latenze e inevitabile perdita di frazioni di dataset. Occorre, perciò, far ricorso a nuove tecnologie e strumenti consoni a esigenze diverse dalla classica analisi batch. In particolare, è stato preso in considerazione, come argomento di questa tesi, il Data Stream Processing progettando e prototipando un sistema bastato su Apache Storm scegliendo, come campo di applicazione, la cyber security.
La tesi esplora la co-esistenza di computazioni embodied e disembodied nei moderni sistemi software, adottando come caso di studio il recente trend che vede sempre più coesi e integrati sistemi per l'Internet of Things e sistemi Cloud-based. Si analizzano i principali modelli di comunicazione, protocolli di comunicazione e architetture situate. Inoltre si realizza una piattaforma IoT Middleware cloud-based per mostrare come la computazione possa essere distribuita lato embodied e disembodied.
Gli impianti industriali moderni sono di tipo automatizzato, i processi sono cioè pilotati da un’unità di calcolo che fornisce i comandi necessari atti al corretto funzionamento dell’impianto. Queste tecnologie espongono le apparecchiature a problemi di Security, dunque attacchi volontari provenienti dall’esterno, al sistema di controllo. Esso può diventare la variabile manipolabile del terrorista informatico il quale può causare lo shut down del segnale o cambiare l’impostazione dei parametri di processo.Lo studio esposto si propone di identificare le possibili modalità di attacco e di individuare uno strumento sistematico che permetta di valutarne la vulnerabilità ad un possibile atto di sabotaggio. La procedura proposta è la PSC-SHaRP (Process System Cyber-Security Hazard Review Procedure) essa consta di due strutture chiamate rispettivamente Alpha e Beta. La metodologia è volta a individuare i potenziali pericoli posti dagli attacchi informatici piuttosto che a stimarne un profilo di rischio e/o probabilità di successo. La ShaRP Alpha, viene utilizzata per analizzare le conseguenze di deviazioni cyber su singole macchine presenti in impianto o sistemi modulari. La ShaRP Beta viene utilizzata per analizzare le conseguenze di attacchi cyber sul sistema costituito dall’impianto di processo. Essa è quindi in grado di analizzare le ripercussioni che manipolazioni su una o più apparecchiature possono avere sull’impianto nel suo complesso. Nell’ultima parte dell’elaborato sono state trattate le possibilità di accesso da parte del ‘’terrorista’’ al sistema di controllo e sicurezza, dunque i sistemi di gestione del DCS e del SIS e le barriere software e hardware che possono essere presenti.
Este estudo tem como objetivo a comprovação da existência de interferência dos formadores de opinião na comunicação da marca com seus consumidores (formadores de opinião, aqui neste estudo, entendemos como pessoas que geram influência em grupos de pessoas que debatem um determinado assunto). Mapeamos o impacto desta interferência supra citada e encontramos cinco grandes eventos significativos dos reflexos na marca. O quadro teórico de referência é formado por autores contemporâneos, e baseia-se na perspectiva do estudo da comunicação mercadológica, cibercultura, micropoder, maquinodependência e psicotecnologia. A forma de comprovação do estudo foi composta de metodologias que compreende estudo historiográfico, estudo de caso e grupos focais. (vem antes da metodologia). Alcançamos os objetivos iniciais e comprovamos a existência da interferência do formador de opinião na comunicação da marca com seus consumidores.
The protection of cyberspace has become one of the highest security priorities of governments worldwide. The EU is not an exception in this context, given its rapidly developing cyber security policy. Since the 1990s, we could observe the creation of three broad areas of policy interest: cyber-crime, critical information infrastructures and cyber-defence. One of the main trends transversal to these areas is the importance that the private sector has come to assume within them. In particular in the area of critical information infrastructure protection, the private sector is seen as a key stakeholder, given that it currently operates most infrastructures in this area. As a result of this operative capacity, the private sector has come to be understood as the expert in network and information systems security, whose knowledge is crucial for the regulation of the field. Adopting a Regulatory Capitalism framework, complemented by insights from Network Governance, we can identify the shifting role of the private sector in this field from one of a victim in need of protection in the first phase, to a commercial actor bearing responsibility for ensuring network resilience in the second, to an active policy shaper in the third, participating in the regulation of NIS by providing technical expertise. By drawing insights from the above-mentioned frameworks, we can better understand how private actors are involved in shaping regulatory responses, as well as why they have been incorporated into these regulatory networks.
The Online Romance Scam is a relatively new form of fraud that became apparent in about 2008. In this crime, criminals pretend to initiate a relationship through online dating sites then defraud their victims of large sums of money. This paper presents some descriptive statistics about knowledge and victimization of the online dating romance scam in Great Britain. Our study found that despite its newness, an estimated 230,000 British citizens may have fallen victim to this crime. We conclude that there needs to be some rethinking about providing avenues for victims to report the crime or at least making them more comfortable when doing so.
Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.
Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.
El ciberespacio es un escenario de conflicto altamente complejo al estar en constante evolución. Ni la Unión Europea ni ningún otro actor del sistema internacional se encuentra a salvo de las amenazas procedentes del ciberespacio. Pero los pasos dados desde la UE en el mundo de la ciberseguridad no son en absoluto suficientes. Europa necesita que su Estrategia de ciberseguridad sea realmente capaz de integrar a las diferentes Estrategias nacionales. Es urgente una mayor determinación, unos mayores recursos y unos mejores instrumentos que permitan a la Unión implementar una gestión de crisis y una prevención de ciberconflictos verdaderamente eficaz.
Wessels, N. (2016). Ik ben een gelukkeling! Exploratief Onderzoek naar het Geluk van Basisschoolleerlingen binnen de Schoolcontext. Juli, 26, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.
Executive summary
Digital systems have transformed, and will continue to transform, our world. Supportive government policy, a strong research base and a history of industrial success make the UK particularly well-placed to realise the benefits of the emerging digital society. These benefits have already been substantial, but they remain at risk. Protecting the benefits and minimising the risks requires reliable and robust cybersecurity, underpinned by a strong research and translation system.
Trust is essential for growing and maintaining participation in the digital society. Organisations earn trust by acting in a trustworthy manner: building systems that are reliable and secure, treating people, their privacy and their data with respect, and providing credible and comprehensible information to help people understand how secure they are.
Resilience, the ability to function, adapt, grow, learn and transform under stress or in the face of shocks, will help organisations deliver systems that are reliable and secure. Resilient organisations can better protect their customers, provide more useful products and services, and earn people’s trust.
Research and innovation in industry and academia will continue to make important contributions to creating this resilient and trusted digital environment. Research can illuminate how best to build, assess and improve digital systems, integrating insights from different disciplines, sectors and around the globe. It can also generate advances to help cybersecurity keep up with the continued evolution of cyber risks.
Translation of innovative ideas and approaches from research will create a strong supply of reliable, proven solutions to difficult to predict cybersecurity risks. This is best achieved by maximising the diversity and number of innovations that see the light of day as products.
Policy, practice and research will all need to adapt. The recommendations made in this report seek to set up a trustworthy, self-improving and resilient digital environment that can thrive in the face of unanticipated threats, and earn the trust people place in it.
Innovation and research will be particularly important to the UK’s economy as it establishes a new relationship with the EU. Cybersecurity delivers important economic benefits, both by underpinning the digital foundations of UK business and trade and also through innovation that feeds directly into growth. The findings of this report will be relevant regardless of how the UK’s relationship to the EU changes.
Headline recommendations
● Trust: Governments must commit to preserving the robustness of encryption, including end-to-end encryption, and promoting its widespread use. Encryption is a foundational security technology that is needed to build user trust, improve security standards and fully realise the benefits of digital systems.
● Resilience: Government should commission an independent review of the UK’s future cybersecurity needs, focused on the institutional structures needed to support resilient and trustworthy digital systems in the medium and longer term. A self-improving, resilient digital environment will need to be guided and governed by institutions that are transparent, expert and have a clear and widely-understood remit.
● Research: A step change in cybersecurity research and practice should be pursued; it will require a new approach to research, focused on identifying ambitious high-level goals and enabling excellent researchers to pursue those ambitions. This would build on the UK's existing strengths in many aspects of cybersecurity research and ultimately help build a resilient and trusted digital sector based on excellent research and world-class expertise.
● Translation: The UK should promote a free and unencumbered flow of cybersecurity ideas from research to practical use and support approaches that have public benefits beyond their short term financial return. The unanticipated nature of future cyber threats means that a diverse set of cybersecurity ideas and approaches will be needed to build resilience and adaptivity. Many of the most valuable ideas will have broad security benefits for the public, beyond any direct financial returns.
Network security monitoring remains a challenge. As global networks scale up, in terms of traffic, volume and speed, effective attribution of cyber attacks is increasingly difficult. The problem is compounded by a combination of other factors, including the architecture of the Internet, multi-stage attacks and increasing volumes of nonproductive traffic. This paper proposes to shift the focus of security monitoring from the source to the target. Simply put, resources devoted to detection and attribution should be redeployed to efficiently monitor for targeting and prevention of attacks. The effort of detection should aim to determine whether a node is under attack, and if so, effectively prevent the attack. This paper contributes by systematically reviewing the structural, operational and legal reasons underlying this argument, and presents empirical evidence to support a shift away from attribution to favour of a target-centric monitoring approach. A carefully deployed set of experiments are presented and a detailed analysis of the results is achieved.
The BlackEnergy malware targeting critical infrastructures has a long history. It evolved over time from a simple DDoS platform to a quite sophisticated plug-in based malware. The plug-in architecture has a persistent malware core with easily installable attack specific modules for DDoS, spamming, info-stealing, remote access, boot-sector formatting etc. BlackEnergy has been involved in several high profile cyber physical attacks including the recent Ukraine power grid attack in December 2015. This paper investigates the evolution of BlackEnergy and its cyber attack capabilities. It presents a basic cyber attack model used by BlackEnergy for targeting industrial control systems. In particular, the paper analyzes cyber threats of BlackEnergy for synchrophasor based systems which are used for real-time control and monitoring functionalities in smart grid. Several BlackEnergy based attack scenarios have been investigated by exploiting the vulnerabilities in two widely used synchrophasor communication standards: (i) IEEE C37.118 and (ii) IEC 61850-90-5. Specifically, the paper addresses reconnaissance, DDoS, man-in-the-middle and replay/reflection attacks on IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850-90-5. Further, the paper also investigates protection strategies for detection and prevention of BlackEnergy based cyber physical attacks.
Malware detection is a growing problem particularly on the Android mobile platform due to its increasing popularity and accessibility to numerous third party app markets. This has also been made worse by the increasingly sophisticated detection avoidance techniques employed by emerging malware families. This calls for more effective techniques for detection and classification of Android malware. Hence, in this paper we present an n-opcode analysis based approach that utilizes machine learning to classify and categorize Android malware. This approach enables automated feature discovery that eliminates the need for applying expert or domain knowledge to define the needed features. Our experiments on 2520 samples that were performed using up to 10-gram opcode features showed that an f-measure of 98% is achievable using this approach.