609 resultados para forno microondas


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The decontamination of the materials has been subject of some studies. One of the factors that it increases the pollution is the lack of responsibility in the discarding of toxic trash, as for example the presence of PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) in the environment. In the Brazilian regulations, the material contaminated with PCB in concentrations higher than 50 ppm must be stored in special places or destroyed, usually by incineration in plasma furnace with dual steps. Due to high cost of the procedure, new methodologies of PCBs removal has been studied. The objective of this study was to develop an experimental methodology and analytical methodology for quantification of removal of PCBs through out the processes of extractions using supercritical fluid and Soxhlet method, also technical efficiency of the two processes of extraction, in the treatment of contaminated materials with PCBs. The materials studied were soils and wood, both were simulated contamination with concentration of 6.000, 33.000 and 60.000 mg of PCB/ kg of materials. Soxhlet extractions were performed using 100 ml of hexane, and temperature of 180 ºC. Extractions by fluid supercritical were performed at conditions of 200 bar, 70°C, and supercritical CO2 flow-rate of 3 g/min for 1-3 hours. The extracts obtained were quantified using Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The conventional extractions were made according to factorial experimental planning technique 22, with aim of study the influence of two variables of process extraction for the Soxhlet method: contaminant concentration and extraction time for obtain a maximum removal of PCB in the materials. The extractions for Soxhlet method were efficient for extraction of PCBs in soil and wood in both solvent studied (hexane and ethanol). In the experimental extraction in soils, the better efficient of removal of PCBs using ethanol as solvent was 81.3% than 95% for the extraction using hexane as solvent, for equal time of extraction. The results of the extraction with wood showed statistically it that there is not difference between the extractions in both solvent studied. The supercritical fluid extraction in the conditions studied showed better efficiency in the extraction of PCBs in the wood matrix than in soil, for two hours extractions the obtain percentual of 43.9 ± 0.5 % for the total of PCBs extracted in the soils against 95.1 ± 0,5% for the total of PCBs extracted in the wood. The results demonstrated that the extractions were satisfactory for both technical studied


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The nanostructures materials are characterized to have particle size smaller than 100 nm and could reach 1 nm. Due to the extremely reduced dimensions of the grains, the properties of these materials are significantly modified relatively when compared with the conventional materials. In the present work was accomplished a study and characterization of the molybdenum carbide, seeking obtain it with particles size in the nanometers order and evaluate its potential as catalyst in the reaction of partial methane oxidation. The method used for obtaining the molybdenum carbide was starting from the precursor ammonium heptamolybdate of that was developed in split into two oven, in reactor of fixed bed, with at a heating rate of 5ºC/min, in a flow of methane and hydrogen whose flow was of 15L/h with 5% of methane for all of the samples. The studied temperatures were 350, 500, 600, 650, 660, 675 and 700ºC and were conducted for 0, 60, 120 and 180 minutes, and the percent amount and the crystallite size of the intermediate phases were determined by the Rietveld refinement method. The carbide obtained at 660ºC for 3 hours of reaction showed the best results, 24 nm. Certain the best synthesis condition, a passivating study was accomplished, in these conditions, to verify the stability of the carbide when exposed to the air. The molybdenum carbide was characterized by SEM, TEM, elemental analysis, ICP-AES, TG in atmosphere of hydrogen and TPR. Through the elemental analysis and ICP-AES the presence carbon load was verified. TG in atmosphere of hydrogen proved that is necessary the passivating of the molybdenum carbide, because occur oxidation in room temperature. The catalytic test was accomplished in the plant of Fischer-Tropsch of CTGAS, that is composed of a reactor of fixed bed. Already the catalytic test showed that the carbide presents activity for partial oxidation, but the operational conditions should be adjusted to improve the conversion


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The constant search for biodegradable materials for applications in several fields shows that carnauba wax can be a viable alternative in the manufacturing of biolubricants. Carnauba wax is the unique among the natural waxes to have a combination of properties of great importance. In previous studies it was verified the presence of metals in wax composition that can harm the oxidative stability of lubricants. Considering these factors, it was decided to develop a research to evaluate iron removal from carnauba wax, using microemulsion systems (Me) and perform the optimization of parameters, such as: extraction pH, temperature, extraction time, among others. Iron concentration was determined by atomic absorption and, to perform this analysis, sample digestion in microwave oven was used, showing that this process was very efficient. It was performed some analysis in order to characterize the wax sample, such as: attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR), thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and melting point (FP). The microemulsion systems were composed by: coconut oil as surfactant, n-butanol as cosurfactant, kerosene and/or heptanes as oil phase, distilled water as water phase. The pH chosen for this study was 4.5 and the metal extraction was performed in finite experiments. To evaluate Me extraction it was performed a factorial design for systems with heptane and kerosene as oil phase, also investigating the influence of temperature time and wax/Me ratio, that showed an statistically significant answer for iron extraction at 95% confidence level. The best result was obtained at 60°C, 10 hours contact time and 1: 10 wax/Me ratio, in both systems with kerosene and heptanes as oil phase. The best extraction occurred with kerosene as oil phase, with 54% iron removal


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During the process of the salt production, the first the salt crystals formed are disposed of as industrial waste. This waste is formed basically by gypsum, composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O), known as carago cru or malacacheta . After be submitted the process of calcination to produce gypsum (CaSO4.0,5H2O), can be made possible its application in cement industry. This work aims to optimize the time and temperature for the process of calcination of the gypsum (carago) for get beta plaster according to the specifications of the norms of civil construction. The experiments involved the chemical and mineralogical characterization of the gypsum (carago) from the crystallizers, and of the plaster that is produced in the salt industry located in Mossoró, through the following techniques: x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS. For optimization of time and temperature of the process of calcination was used the planning three factorial with levels with response surfaces of compressive mechanical tests and setting time, according norms NBR-13207: Plasters for civil construction and x-ray diffraction of plasters (carago) beta obtained in calcination. The STATISTICA software 7.0 was used for the calculations to relate the experimental data for a statistical model. The process for optimization of calcination of gypsum (carago) occurred in the temperature range from 120° C to 160° C and the time in the range of 90 to 210 minutes in the oven at atmospheric pressure, it was found that with the increase of values of temperature of 160° C and time calcination of 210 minutes to get the results of tests of resistance to compression with values above 10 MPa which conform to the standard required (> 8.40) and that the X-ray diffractograms the predominance of the phase of hemidrato beta, getting a beta plaster of good quality and which is in accordance with the norms in force, giving a by-product of the salt industry employability in civil construction


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The disposal of sewage sludge is a growing problem face up to management of sanitary sevices. Otherwise, because its making process characteristic, the Ceramic Industry can tolerate the presence of this wastes as raw material. This study has as object to confirm the use of the sewage sluge in the Ceramic Industry like a sustentable alternative for its disposal. Futhermore, this study quests to evaluate the maximum proportion for incorporation of sludge wich result in technically and enviromentally suitable bricks. For found this proportion, the research consisted of (1) making of bricks in full scale, adde up 0%, 5%,10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,30%, 35% e 40% sludge, with size 220x105x45 mm, hand-molded by rammer and baked by industrial kiln; and (2) tecnical and enviromental evaluation of this bricks, according to Brazilian norms. The raw material uses were two distinct clays come from Goianinha/RN and sewage comes from a septic system tank and pumped into tank vehicle, of Natal/RN. The technical evaluation allowed to conclude the addiotion of the sludge brings about signifcant lost of mass and the water absorption grew up according to increase of sludge: every sludge-amended clay bricks absorved more water than control group. Thus, the compressive strength was signicantly decreased because the increase of sludge: bricks with 5% sludge added lost 45% of strength achieved at control group; the bricks made with 10 and 20% lost almost 70% of bigger strength. With up to 25% sludge added to the bricks, the streght decreased over 90%. Concerning heavy metal leaching, the two maximum proportion wich have tecnical approval, it means bricks sludge added with 15 and 20%, can say there is no risk of enviromental contamination using those bricks. This way, in this work context, it can to conclude the maximum proportion atends the technical and enviromental criterion is 20%


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to quantify the presence of major and minor elements in the sediments of the Jundiaí-Potengi estuary, bordering the municipalities of Macaíba, Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, considering the evidence of anthropic activity along this estuary, resulting in pollution by treated and untreated wastewaters as well as those produced by industry and shrimp farming. The assessment of the environmental status of this estuary was based on physical-chemical parameters, such as granulometry, organic matter and the major (Al, Fe, Mn and P) and minor (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) elements found in sediment samples. Two collections were made at 12 georeferenced points along the channel of the estuary at different times. Granulometric analysis was carried out and the percentage of organic matter was determined. The sediments were microwave digested using acid digestion and quantitative analyses of the elements Al, Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, P, Pb and Zn were performed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Sediment analysis followed the methodology proposed by US EPA 3051A for total elements analysis. The small correlation between the organic matter and the elements studied here suggests that they are of geochemical rather than anthropic origin. The analytical results obtained from the bottom sediment samples in the study area show that the concentration of elements was below the reference values for standard shales (Turekian & Wedepohl, 1961) at the vast majority of points analyzed, ruling out a possible contamination by metals


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The aim of this study is to quantify the presence of major and minor elements in the sediments of estuary Potengi. Four georeferenced sampling points were used in the study, at which sediment samples were collected in the channel of the river and on the right and left banks. In addition, dissolved oxygen, salinity and water conductivity were taken in situ at the time of sample collection. The percentage of organic matter, determined by gravimetry, and granulometric analysis of the sediment samples were conducted in the laboratory. To quantify the major and minor elements a prior test to open the sample was conducted with standard NIST 1646ª estuarine sediment to choose the best methodology to be adopted. The sediment samples were dissolved in microwaves with nitric acid and chloridric acid, according to methodology proposed by US EPA 3051ª. Quantitative analyses of the elements Al, Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were conducted by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). The results showed that the partial concentrations of the elements analyzed are below average worldwide shale levels, the standard described by Turekian and Wedepohl (1961)


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PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) are a group of organic substances which receive considerable attention because of the carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of some of them. It is therefore important to determine the PAHs in different environmental matrices. Several studies have shown the use of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry as a technique for quantification of PAHs by presenting excellent detection limits. This study aimed to develop an analytical methodology for the determination of 16 PAHs listed by the USEPA, test two methods for extraction of PAHs in water from a 23 factorial design, quantify them through the analytical technique coupled to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) using the method developed, and finally apply the results in chemometrics. The sample was synthesized and subjected to tests of the 23 factorial design, which has the factors: the type of extraction technique (ultrasound and digester), the ratio solvent / sample (1:1 and 1:3) and the type of solvent (dichloromethane / hexane and acetone / dichloromethane). The responses of eight combinations of the factorial design were obtained from the quantification by external calibration in GC/MS. The quantification method was developed from an optimized adaptation of the USEPA Method 8270. We used the full scan mode as a way of acquiring the mass spectra of 16 PAHs. The time in which the samples were subjected to ultrasound was fixed at 10 min and held an investigation to establish the conditions of power and time in the digester. We had the best response in the investigation of the digester power of 100 watts and the time of six minutes. The factorial design of liquid-liquid extraction showed that the most representative factors were: the use of the digester as extraction technique, the ratio solvent / sample 1:1 and the use of a 1:1 mixture of dichloromethane / hexane as a solvent more suitable. These results showed that the 1:1 mixture of dichloromethane / hexane is an excellent mixture to recover the extraction of PAHs an aqueous sample using the microwave digester. The optimization of the method of separation, identification and quantification of PAHs in the GC/MS was valid for 16 PAHs present in each chromatogram of the samples


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Were synthesized ferrites of NiZn on systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350ºC/3h, 600, 1000 and 1100ºC/2h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement method for better identification os structures formed. Was observed for samples calcined at different temperatures increased crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, being observed for the samples calcined at 900 and 1100 º C/2h was the precipitation of a secondary phase, the phase hematite. The ferrocarbonila of industrial origin was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and Rietveld for the identification of its structure. The carbonyl iron was added NiZn ferrite calcined at 350ºC/3h, 600, 900, 1000 and 1100ºC/2h to the formation of hybrid mixtures. They were then analyzed by Xray diffraction and Rietveld. The NiZn ferrite and ferrocarbonila as well as the hybrid mixtures were subjected to analysis of scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and reflectivity. The magnetic measurements indicated that the ferrite, the ferrocarbonila, as well as hybrid mixtures showed characteristics of soft magnetic material. The addition of ferrocarbonila in all compositions showed an increase in the results of magnetic measurements and reflectivity. Best result was observed in the increase of the magnetization for the hybrid mixture of Ferrocarbonila / ferrite of NiZn calcined at 600ºC/2h. The mixture Ferrocarbonila / ferrite calcined 1000°C/2h presented better absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave


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Were synthesized systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, i0,2Zn0,5Mn0,3Fe2O4, Mn0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,5Mg0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Fe2O4 and Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Mg0,08Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350, 500, 900 and 1100ºC/3h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement to better identify the structures formed. The materials were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and analysis of the reflectivity of the material. The samples calcined at different temperatures showed an increase of crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, verifying that for some compositions at temperatures above 500°C precipitates of second phase such as hematite and CuO. The compositions of manganese present in the structure diffusion processes slower due to the ionic radius of manganese is greater than for other ions substitutes, a fact that delays the stabilization of spinel structure and promotes the precipitation of second phase. The compositions presented with copper precipitation CuO phase at a temperature of 900 and 1100ºC/3h This occurs according to the literature because the concentration of copper in the structure is greater than 0.25 mol%. The magnetic measurements revealed features of a soft ferrimagnetic material, resulting in better magnetic properties for the NiZn ferrite and NiCuZnMg at high temperatures. The reflectivity measurements showed greater absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band for the samples calcined at 1100ºC/3h, which has higher crystallite size and consequently the formation of multi-domain, increasing the magnetization of the material. The results of absorption agreed with the magnetic measurements, indicating among the ferrites studied, those of NiZn and NiCuZnMg as better absorbing the incident radiation.


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Orthoferrites AFeO3 (A = rare earth) are an important class of perovskite oxides that exhibit weak ferromagnetism. These materials find numerous applications as chemical sensors, cathodes for fuel cells and catalysis, which make them interesting from the standpoint of science and technology. Their structural, electrical and magnetic properties are dependent on many factors such as the preparation method, heat treatment conditions, chemical composition and replacement of cations in sites A and/or B. In this paper, LaFe1-xMnxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) orthoferrites-type was prepared by Pechini method and Microwave-assisted combustion reaction in order to evaluate the influence of synthesis route on the formation of oxide, as well as the effect of parcial replacement of iron by manganese and heat treatment on the magnetic properties. The precursor powders were calcined at 700°C, 900°C, 1100°C and 1300°C for 4 hours and they were characterized by the techniques: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X ray diffraction (XRD), Refinement by Rietveld method, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Reduction temperature programmed (RTP) and Magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at room temperature. According to the XRD patterns, the formation of perovskite phase with orthorhombic structure was observed for the systems where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and rhombohedral for x = 1. The results also showed a decrease of lattice parameters with the parcial replacement of iron by manganese and consequently a reduction in cell volume. The hysteresis curves exhibited weak ferromagnetism for the systems prepared by both synthesis methods. However, a dependence of magnetization as a function of dopant content was observed for samples produced by Pechini method. As for the systems prepared by combustion reaction, it was found that the secondary phases exert a strong influence on the magnetic behavior


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Topics of research related to energy and environment have significantly grown in recent years, with the need of its own energy as hydrogen. More particularly, numerous researches have been focused on hydrogen as energy vector. The main portion of hydrogen is presently obtained by reforming of methane or light hydrocarbons (steam, oxy, dry or auto reforming). During the methane steam reforming process the formation of CO2 undesirable (the main contributor to the greenhouse effect) is observed. Thus, an oxide material (sorbent) can be used to capture the CO2 generated during the process and simultaneously shifting the equilibrium of water gas shift towards thermodynamically more favorable production of pure hydrogen. The aim of this study is to develop a material with dual function (catalyst/sorbent) in the reaction of steam reforming of methane. CaO is well known as CO2 sorbent due to its high efficiency in reactions of carbonation and easy regeneration through calcination. However the kinetic of carbonation decreases quickly with time and carbonation/calcination cycles. A calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33) should be used to avoid sintering and increase the stability of CaO sorbents for several cycles. Nickel, the industrial catalyst choice for steam reforming has been added to the support from different manners. These bi-functional materials (sorbent/catalyst) in different molar ratios CaO.Ca12Al14O33 (48:52, 65:35, 75:25, 90:10) were prepared by different synthesis methodologies, among them, especially the method of microwave assisted self-combustion. Synthesis, structure and catalytic performances of Ni- CaO.Ca12Al14O33 synthesized by the novel method (microwave assisted selfcombustion) proposed in this work has not being reported yet in literature. The results indicate that CO2 capture time depends both on the CaO excess and on operating conditions (eg., temperature and H2O/CH4 ratio). To be efficient for CO2 sorption, temperature of steam reforming needs to be lower than 700 °C. An optimized percentage corresponding to 75% of CaO and a ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 provides the most promising results since a smaller amount of water avoids competition between water and CO2 to form carbonate and hydroxide. If this competition is most effective (H2O/CH4 = 3) and would have a smaller amount of CaO available for absorption possibly due to the formation of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, the capture time was higher (16h) for the ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 than H2O/CH4 = 3 (7h) using as catalyst one prepared by impregnating the support obtained by microwave assisted self-combustion. Therefore, it was demonstrated that, with these catalysts, the CO2 sorption on CaO modifies the balance of the water gas-shift reaction. Consequently, steam reforming of CH4 is optimized, producing pure H2, complete conversion of methane and negligible concentration of CO2 and CO during the time of capture even at low temperature (650 °C). This validates the concept of the sorption of CO2 together with methane steam reforming


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The great interest observed in wireless communication systems has required the development of new configurations of microstrip antennas, because they are easily built and integrated to other microwave circuit components, which is suitable for the construction and development of planar antenna arrays and microwave integrated circuits. This work presents a new configuration of tapered microstrip antenna, which is obtained by impressing U-slots on the conducting patch combined with a transmission line matching circuit that uses an inset length. It is shown that the use of U-slots in the microstrip antenna conducting patch excites new resonating modes, that gives a multiband characteristic for the slotted microstrip antenna, that is suitable for applications in communication systems that operates several frequencies simultaneously. Up to this date, the works reported in the literature deals with the use of Uslotted microstrip rectangular antennas fed by a coaxial probe. The properties of a linear array of microstrip patch tapered antennas are also investigated. The main parameters of the U slotted tapered microstrip antennas are investigated for different sizes and locations of the slots impressed on the conducting patch. The analysis of the proposed antenna is performed by using the resonant cavity and equivalent transmission line methods, in combination with a parametric study, that is conducted by the use of the Ansoft Designer, a commercial computer aided microwave software well known by its accuracy and efficiency. The mentioned methods are used to evaluate the effect in the antennas parameters, like resonant frequency and return loss, produced by variations of the antenna structural parameters, accomplished separately or simultaneously. An experimental investigation is also developed, that consists of the design, construction and measurement of several U slotted microstrip antenna prototypes. Finally, theoretical and simulated results are presented that are in agreement with the measured ones. These results are related to the resonating modes identification and to the determination of the main characteristics of the investigated antennas, such as resonant frequency, return loss, and radiation pattern


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In this work we obtain nickel ferrite by the combustion synthesis method whcih involves synthesising in an oven at temperatures of 750oC, 950oC and 125oC. The precursors oxidizing used were nickel nitrate, ferric as an oxidizing and reducing urea (fuel). After obtaining the mixture, the product was deagglomerated and past through a 270 mesh sieve. To assess the structure, morphology, particle size, magnetic and electrical properties of nanoparticles obtained the samples were sintered and characterized by x-ray distraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (FRX); scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), vibrating sample magnetometer (MAV ) and electrical permittivity. The results indicated the majority of phase inverse spinel ferrite and Hematite secondary phase nickel and nickel oxide. Through the intensity of the distraction, the average size of the crystallization peaks were half-height width which was calculated using the Scherrer equation. From observing the peaks of all the reflections, it appears that samples are crystal clear with the formation of nanoparticles. Morphologically, the nanoferritas sintered nickel pellet formation was observed with three systems of particle size below 100mn, which favored the formation of soft pellets. The average size of the grains in their micrometric scale. FRX and EDS showed qualitatively the presence of iron elements nickel and oxygen, where through quantitative data we can observe the presence of the secondary phase. The magnetic properties and the saturation magnetization and the coercive field are in accordance with the nickel, ferrite where the curve of hysteresis has aspects of a soft material. Dielectric constant values are below 10 and low tangent loss