682 resultados para cross-cultural learning
If a church reflects its larger community, it will have more dynamic interactions among different people. Current U.S. communities consist of very diverse people who have different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. Since the mid 20th century, various immigrant communities who have dissimilar cultural, religious, and linguistic traditions have accelerated the need of change in American churches. The drastic cultural change has demanded churches to equip their lay and clergy leaders with multicultural competencies for effective ministries.
My thesis explores imaginative leadership in cultural crossroads. Emphasizing the leadership imagination of cross-cultural ministry, I approach it in biblical, theological, and missional perspectives. In this dynamic cultural milieu, the study topic may help the church renew its ecclesial purpose by seeing cross-cultural ministry as a creative opportunity to reach out to more diverse people of God. I begin with a conceptual framework for cross-cultural ministry and cultural intelligence. Then I explain why cross-cultural ministry is significant and how it enhances the spirit of Christ Jesus. As I develop the thesis, I discuss leadership challenge and development in the cross-cultural ministry context. This thesis may contribute to equipping lay and clergy leaders by overcoming the homogeneous ‘in-group’ mindset in the church.
The primary focus is on developing marginal leadership of church in the post-Christendom era. Church leaders must creatively hold the tension between the current church context and Christian faith resources and seek a hopeful resolution as a third way through integrative thought process. While conventional leadership emphasizes a better choice out of the given options, marginal leadership takes time for integrative thought process to seek a new direction for the future. Conventional leaders take the center with their power, status, and prestige, but marginal leaders position themselves on the edge. Leading from the edge is a distinctive cross-cultural leadership and is based on the servant leadership of Jesus Christ who put himself as a servant for the marginalized. By serving and relating to others on the margin, this imaginative leadership may make appropriate changes desired in today’s American churches.
In addition to academic research, I looked into the realities of cross-cultural leadership in the local churches through congregational studies. I speculated that church leadership involves both laity and clergy and that it can be enhanced. All Christians are called to serve the Lord according to their gifts, and it is crucial for lay and clergy persons to develop their leadership character and skills. In particular, as humans are contextualized with their own cultures, church leaders often confront great challenges in cross-cultural or multicultural situations. Through critical thoughts and imaginative leadership strategies, however, they can overcome intrinsic human prejudice and obstacles.
Through the thesis project, I have reached four significant conclusions. First, cultural intelligence is an essential leadership capacity for all church leaders. As the church consists of more diverse cultural people today, its leaders need to have cultural competencies. In particular, cross-cultural leaders must be equipped with cultural intelligence. Cross-cultural ministry is not a simple byproduct of social change, but a creative strategy to open a door to bring God’s reconciliation among diverse people. Accordingly, church leaders are to be well prepared to effectively cope with the challenges of cultural interactions. Second, both lay and clergy leaders’ imaginative leadership is crucial for leading the congregation. While conventional leadership puts an emphasis on selecting a better choice based on the principle of opportunity cost, imaginative leaders critically consider the present church situations and Christian faith values together in integrative thoughts and pursue a third way as the congregation’s future hope. Third, cross-cultural leadership has a unique characteristic of leading from the edge and promotes God’s justice and peaceable relationships among different people. By leading the congregation from the edge, church leaders may experience the heart of Christ Jesus who became the friend of the marginalized. Fourth, the ‘homogeneous unit principle’ theory has its limit for today’s complex ‘inter-group’ community context. The church must be a welcoming and embracing faith community for all people. Cross-cultural ministry may become an entrance door for a more peaceable and reconciling life among different people. By building solidarity with others, the church may experience a kingdom reality.
This thesis focuses on the mission of the church and marginal leadership of church leaders in ever-changing cultural crossroads. The church becomes a hope in the broken and apathetic world, and Christians are called to build relationships inside and beyond the church. It is significant for church leaders to be faithfully present on the margin and relate to diverse people. By consistently positioning themselves on the margin, they can build relationships with new and diverse people and shape a faithful life pattern for others.
Este artículo describe una propuesta de innovación docente basada en la corriente educativa de la Educación para el Desarrollo, así como la mejora de Competencia Comunicativa en L2 y de las Competencias Literarias e Interculturales por medio de un taller diseñado para tal fin. El propósito de este artículo es doble: por un lado mostrar las posibilidades que ofrece el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa para el desarrollo de las Competencias Literaria, Intercultural y Comunicativa en L2. Se muestra cómo el taller cumple con las directrices marcadas por la Educación para el Desarrollo que se describe en el marco teórico. El segundo objetivo es narrar cómo se han organizado, coordinado e implementado el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa en la Universidade Federal do Amazonas en Manaos (Brasil), basándose en la metodología del aprendizaje basado en tareas, y cómo se ha conseguido (i) promover la creación de puentes para la consolidación de las relaciones bilaterales entre universidades; (ii) motivar la colaboración científica con los centros brasileños que cuentan con un departamento de español, y (iii) emplear y crear herramientas que permitan incluir la Educación para el Desarrollo.
The removal of trade impediments is expected to cause companies to integrate more of their operations among countries; however, experience shows that behavioral factors often impede the requisite cooperation and commitment among managers from different countries. This paper discusses these behavioral problems from a national perspective and examines an approach to integration, value networks, which is not bounded by nation-states and their differences or similarities.
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar e interpretar o currículo que é proporcionado nas escolas secundárias da Região de Lisboa e de como o currículo operacional está relacionado com as orientações educacionais (OE) dos professores. Assim, por um lado quisemos saber como as OE se relacionam com os diferentes níveis de currículo e por outro como é que a finalidade curricular de promover estilos de vida ativos nos alunos é percecionada pelos professores. Este objetivo geral deu origem a cinco objetivos específicos de pesquisa que foram estudados em diferentes etapas da investigação numa abordagem quantitativa/qualitativa com a utilização de diferentes técnicas estatísticas. Na etapa extensiva estudou-se as OE de 352 professores de EF de 79 escolas com o ensino secundário geral através do VOI-SF (value orientation inventory – short form) validado através de uma técnica transcultural permitindo encontrar valores de referência das OE para Portugal. Os professores revelaram alta prioridade em Integração ecológica e Auto-realização e baixa prioridade nas restantes OE. O currículo operacional de EF revelou-se essencialmente desportivo e existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação às variáveis independentes estudadas (idade e experiência profissional). Através de regressões lineares múltiplas comprovou-se que existe uma relação entre as OE e a oferta curricular. Na etapa intensiva estudou-se 14 professores com perfis representativos das suas OE, examinando-se dez dimensões de análise representativas da interpretação e operacionalização do CNEF (análise de conteúdo). Constata-se que as OE influenciam a leitura, interpretação e operacionalização do currículo (e.g., a coeducação no ensino da EF). Dos 14 professores investigados foram selecionados dois professores com perfis de OE opostos para percebermos o comportamento das OE em contexto de sala de aula. Depois das entrevistas, observação e análise do planeamento constatou-se que os dois professores operacionalizam o conhecimento e o ensino/aprendizagem de forma diferenciada e de acordo com as suas OE.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
The outcome of the inductive decision -making process of the leading project management group (PMG) was the proposal to develop three modules, Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, Quality Management and Intercultural management, each for 10 ECTS credits. As a result of the theoretical and organisational framework and analytical phase of the project, four strategies informed the development and implemen- tation of the modules: 1. Collaboration as a principle stemming from EU collaborative policy and receiving it’s expression on all implementation levels (designing the modules, modes of learning, delivering the modules, evaluation process). 2. Building on the Bologna process masters level framework to assure ap- propriate academic level of outputs. 3. Development of value -based leadership of students through transforma- tional learning in a cross -cultural setting and continual reflection of theory in practice. 4. Continual evaluation and feedback among teachers and students as a strategy to achieve a high quality programme. In the first phase of designing the modules the collaborative strategy in particular was applied, as each module was led by one university, but members from all other universities participated in the discussions and development of the mod- ules. The Bologna process masters level framework and related standards and guidelines informed the form and method of designing the modules.
This monograph outlines the process and results of development of a common educational programme at masters level in health and social care management, which was supported by the Erasmus Life Long Education project CareMan (Cul- ture and Care Management). The CareMan project brought together university partners actively involved in educating social and health care professionals in leadership and management at master’s level in Europe. The five partners of the consortium were Lahti University of Applied Sciences – Lahti UAS (administra- tive and academic coordinator, Finland), Charles University – CU (the Czech Republic), Edinburgh Napier University – ENU (Scotland), Hammeline University of Applied Sciences – HAMK (Finland), and University of Évora – UoE (Portugal). The objectives of the project were to achieve lower -level educational goals that included the development through education cultural and value -driven leadership, quality of care and quality management to effectively manage an integrated health and social care service. Through mapping the situation in the field and comparing curricula of all participating universities the overall aim was to develop a joint masters programme in social and healthcare management. After the detailed understanding of national and institutional specifics of each of the individual academic entities it was recognised that, due to a number of regulation issues, the original aim was not achievable. Following subsequent analytical work, it was decided to develop a set of three master’s level modules. At the end of the project it was intended that all created modules would be available virtually to the participating programmes and would contribute some added value to existing curricula. In the future these ready -to -use modules are intended to be taught in cooperation with the participating universities or as a separate module in each university. The chosen theoretical framework of the project that underpinned the devel- opment, management and evaluation of the inter -cultural educational provision relied on the combination of two learning theories – ‘cooperative collaborative and social learning’ and ’transformational’ (Mezirow, 2009). This theoretical framework helped to align with European collaborative policy and its application on all levels of implementation of the project.
Globalization has increasingly brought permanent contact with people whose cultural background is different from what many would consider their ‘own’ culture. The area of intercultural management is of critical interest due to the impact of increased European and global migration, which has required health and social care leaders and managers to develop competency to respond to the diversity and changing needs of their workforce and service users. The communities within the European Union are now often characterised by significant diversity whether at cultural, social, or psychological levels. The purpose of this chapter is to enable health and social care practitioners to assume a clinical/ professional leadership role in quality intercultural management in the health and social care sector. This chapter will focus on developing health and social care practitioners’ knowledge and understanding in the area of intercultural management within contemporary health and social care organisations. It will focus on the critical application of knowledge to practice through the provision of underpinning knowledge, understanding and debates surrounding contemporary issues and practices in the areas of intercultural management. Many practitioners accessing this information may already work in the heath/social sector and this critical focus on intercultural and diversity management has the potential to improve the quality in health and social care services through the critical application to practice.
As experiências traumáticas precoces são um fator de risco preditivo de problemas psicopatológicos futuros. O Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) é um instrumento que avalia em indivíduos adultos experiências traumáticas ocorridas antes dos 18 anos de idade. Tal instrumento foi traduzido, transculturalmente adaptado e sua consistência interna foi avaliada. Vítimas de violência que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram submetidas a uma entrevista diagnóstica (SCID-I) e ao ETI. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes com o transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT). O alfa de Cronbach nos diferentes domínios variou de 0,595-0,793, e o escore total foi de 0,878. A maior parte dos itens nos vários domínios, com exceção do abuso emocional, apresentou índices de correlação interitem entre 0,51-0,99. A versão adaptada foi útil tanto na clínica quanto na pesquisa. Apresentou boa consistência interna e na correlação interitem. O ETI é um instrumento válido, com boa consistência para se avaliar a presença de história de traumas precoces em indivíduos adultos.
Há lacuna de questionários de atividade física para crianças brasileiras. O Physical Activity Checklist Interview (PACI), desenvolvido em crianças americanas, permite aferir atividade física do dia anterior. Constituem objetivos do estudo: (i) descrever os procedimentos envolvidos na escolha do PACI a ser submetido à adaptação transcultural; (ii) avaliar equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica da versão adaptada para uso em crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Identificou-se o PACI pela revisão sistemática na qual foram incluídos dezoito questionários. Foram realizadas, no processo de escolha do instrumento, discussões com pesquisadores da área de atividade física. Verificou-se que o PACI permite aferir o construto e dimensões nas populações de origem e alvo, sendo necessário suprimir algumas atividades por não serem comuns na população alvo. Na equivalência semântica, realizou-se tradução, retradução e avaliação dos significados conotativo e referencial, com pré-teste em 24 crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Apresenta-se a versão do PACI adaptada, denominada Lista de Atividades Físicas (LAF).
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a confiabilidade do questionário Lista de Atividades Físicas em crianças. MÉTODOS: O estudo é parte da adaptação transcultural do questionário, realizado com 83 escolares de sete a dez anos, matriculados do segundo ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental da cidade de São Paulo, SP, em 2008. O questionário foi respondido pela criança por meio de entrevista individual, apresenta lista com 21 atividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas realizadas no dia anterior, é dividido em períodos (antes, durante e após a escola) e possui seção de avaliação da entrevista. O questionário permite quantificar: tempo em atividades físicas e sedentárias; e custos metabólicos total e ponderado. A confiabilidade foi avaliada comparando-se duas entrevistas realizadas com intervalo médio de três horas. Para a seção C (avaliação da entrevista), compararam-se dados da primeira entrevista e de um avaliador externo. Utilizaram-se a proposta de Bland & Altman e os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse e de correlação de concordância de Lin na avaliação da confiabilidade. RESULTADOS: Os limites inferiores dos coeficientes de correlação intraclasse para os desfechos analisados variaram de 0,84 a 0,96. A precisão e concordância variaram, respectivamente, de 0,83 a 0,97 e de 0,99 a 1. A reta estimada a partir de pares de valores obtidos nas duas aplicações para atividade física indica elevada precisão dos dados. O item da entrevista com pior resultado foi a habilidade em estimar tempo (regular em 27,7% das entrevistas). Os itens da seção C apresentaram coeficientes de correlação intraclasse entre 0,60 e 0,70, exceto o nível de cooperação (0,46). CONCLUSÕES: A Lista de Atividades Físicas apresenta alta confiabilidade para aferir atividade física e sedentária do dia anterior em crianças.
Background: A cross-cultural, randomized study was proposed to observe the effects of a school-based intervention designed to promote physical activity and healthy eating among high school students in 2 cities from different regions in Brazil: Recife and Florianopolis. The objective of this article is to describe the methodology and subjects enrolled in the project. Methods: Ten schools from each region were matched and randomized into intervention and control conditions. A questionnaire and anthropometry were used to collect data in the first and last month of the 2006 school year. The sample (n = 2155 at baseline; 55.7% females; 49.1% in the experimental group) included students 15 to 24 years, attending nighttime classes. The intervention focused on simple environmental/organizational changes, diet and physical activity education, and personnel training. Results: The central aspects of the intervention have been implemented in all 10 intervention schools. Problems during the intervention included teachers' strikes in both sites and lack of involvement of the canteen owners in schools. Conclusions: The Saude no Boa study provides evidence that public high schools in Brazil represent an important environment for health promotion. Its design and simple measurements increase the chances of it being sustained and disseminated to similar schools in Brazil.
There is evidence that cognitions (beliefs) and mood contribute to physical disability and work status in people with chronic pain. However, most of the current evidence comes from North America and Europe. This study examined the contribution of demographic, pain and psychosocial factors to disability and work status in chronic pain patients in two matched samples from quite different countries (Australia and Brazil). Data were collected from 311 chronic pain patients in each country. The results suggest that although demographic and pain variables (especially pain levels) contribute disability, self-efficacy beliefs made a significant contribution to disability in both samples. Age and educational level also contributed to unemployment in both samples. But there were some differences, with self-efficacy and physical disability contributing to work status only in the Brazilian sample. In contrast, depression was the only psychological risk factor for unemployment in the Australian sample. Catastrophising and pain acceptance did not contribute to disability or unemployment in either sample. These findings confirm key aspects of biopsychosocial models of pain in two culturally and linguistically different chronic pain samples from different countries. They suggest that different chronic pain populations may share more similarities than differences. (C) 2008 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published