993 resultados para categoria lexical
Previous work examining context effects in children has been limited to semantic context. The current research examined the effects of grammatical priming of word-naming in fourth-grade children. In Experiment 1, children named both inflected and uninflected noun and verb target words faster when they were preceded by grammatically constraining primes than when they were preceded by neutral primes. Experiment 1 used a long stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) interval of 750 msec. Experiment 2 replicated the grammatical priming effect at two SOA intervals (400 msec and 700 msec), suggesting that the grammatical priming effect does not reflect the operation of any gross strategic effects directly attributable to the long SOA interval employed in Experiment 1. Grammatical context appears to facilitate target word naming by constraining target word class. Further work is required to elucidate the loci of this effect.
Evidence for expectancy-based priming in the pronunciation task was provided in three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, a high proportion of associatively related trials produced greater associative priming and superior retrieval of primes in a subsequent test of memory for primes, whereas high- and low-proportion groups showed comparable repetition benefits in perceptual identification of previously presented primes. In Experiment 2, the low-proportion condition had few associatively related pairs hut many identity pairs. In Experiment 3, identity priming was greater in a high- than a low-identity proportion group, with similar repetition benefits and prime retrieval responses for the two groups. These results indicate that when the prime-target relationship is salient, subjects strategically vary their processing of the prime according to the nature of the prime-target relationship.
During a naming task, time pressure and a manipulation of the proportion of related prime-target pairs were used to induce subjects to generate an expectation to the prime. On some trials, the presented target was orthographically and generally phonologically similar to the expected tal-get. The expectancy manipulation was barely detectable in the priming data but was clearly evident on a final recognition test. In addition, the recognition data showed that the nearly simultaneous activation of an expectation and sensory information derived from the orthographically and phonologically similar target produced a false memory. It is argued that this represents a blend memory.
Nineteen persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 19 matched control participants completed a battery of online lexical decision tasks designed to isolate the automatic and attentional aspects of semantic activation within the semantic priming paradigm. Results highlighted key processing abnormalities in PD. Specifically, persons with PD exhibited a delayed time course of semantic activation. In addition, results suggest that experimental participants were unable to implicitly process prime information and, therefore, failed to engage strategic processing mechanisms in response to manipulations of the relatedness proportion. Results are discussed in terms of the 'Gain/Decay' hypothesis (Milberg, McGlinchey-Berroth, Duncan, & Higgins, 1999) and the dopaminergic modulation of signal to noise ratios in semantic networks.
The nature of the semantic memory deficit in dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) was investigated in a semantic priming task which was designed to assess both automatic and attention-induced priming effects. Ten DAT patients and 10 age-matched control subjects completed a word naming semantic priming task in which both relatedness proportion (RP) and stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) were varied. A clear dissociation between automatic and attentional priming effects in both groups was demonstrated; however, the DAT subjects pattern of priming deviated significantly from that of the normal controls. The DAT patients failed to produce any priming under conditions which encouraged automatic semantic processing and produced facilitation only when the RP was high. In addition, the DAT group produced hyperpriming, with significantly larger facilitation effects than the control group. These results suggest an impairment of automatic spreading activation in DAT and have implications for theories of semantic memory impairment in DAT as well as models of normal priming. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate neural responses associated with the semantic interference (SI) effect in the picture-word task. Independent stage models of word production assume that the locus of the SI effect is at the conceptual processing level (Levelt et al. [1999]: Behav Brain Sci 22:1-75), whereas interactive models postulate that it occurs at phonological retrieval (Starreveld and La Heij [1996]: J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 22:896-918). In both types of model resolution of the SI effect occurs as a result of competitive, spreading activation without the involvement of inhibitory links. These assumptions were tested by randomly presenting participants with trials from semantically-related and lexical control distractor conditions and acquiring image volumes coincident with the estimated peak hemodynamic response for each trial. Overt vocalization of picture names occurred in the absence of scanner noise, allowing reaction time (RT) data to be collected. Analysis of the RT data confirmed the SI effect. Regions showing differential hemodynamic responses during the SI effect included the left mid section of the middle temporal gyrus, left posterior superior temporal gyrus, left anterior cingulate cortex, and bilateral orbitomedial prefrontal cortex. Additional responses were observed in the frontal eye fields, left inferior parietal lobule, and right anterior temporal and occipital cortex. The results are interpreted as indirectly supporting interactive models that allow spreading activation between both conceptual processing and phonological retrieval levels of word production. In addition, the data confirm that selective attention/response suppression has a role in resolving the SI effect similar to the way in which Stroop interference is resolved. We conclude that neuroimaging studies can provide information about the neuroanatomical organization of the lexical system that may prove useful for constraining theoretical models of word production. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In the picture-word interference task, naming responses are facilitated when a distractor word is orthographically and phonologically related to the depicted object as compared to an unrelated word. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the cerebral hemodynamic responses associated with this priming effect. Serial (or independent-stage) and interactive models of word production that explicitly account for picture-word interference effects assume that the locus of the effect is at the level of retrieving phonological codes, a role attributed recently to the left posterior superior temporal cortex (Wernicke's area). This assumption was tested by randomly presenting participants with trials from orthographically related and unrelated distractor conditions and acquiring image volumes coincident with the estimated peak hemodynamic response for each trial. Overt naming responses occurred in the absence of scanner noise, allowing reaction time data to be recorded. Analysis of this data confirmed the priming effect. Analysis of the fMRI data revealed blood oxygen level-dependent signal decreases in Wernicke's area and the right anterior temporal cortex, whereas signal increases were observed in the anterior cingulate, the right orbitomedial prefrontal, somatosensory, and inferior parietal cortices, and the occipital lobe. The results are interpreted as supporting the locus for the facilitation effect as assumed by both classes of theoretical model of word production. In addition, our results raise the possibilities that, counterintuitively, picture-word interference might be increased by the presentation of orthographically related distractors, due to competition introduced by activation of phonologically related word forms, and that this competition requires inhibitory processes to be resolved. The priming effect is therefore viewed as being sufficient to offset the increased interference. We conclude that information from functional imaging studies might be useful for constraining theoretical models of word production. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
University students spelled low-frequency words to dictation and subsequently made lexical decisions to them. In Experiment I, lexical decisions were slower on words students had spelled incorrectly relative to words they had spelled correctly, and there A as a larger repetition benefit 101 incorrectly spelled words. In experiment 2, the latency advantage for items spelled correctly was replicated when words were presented for only 200 ms and also in a spelling recognition task, In Experiment 3. masked identity and form priming effects were similar for words that had been spelled correctly and incorrectly, Item spelling accuracy tracked word frequency effects in the way chat it combined with repetition and priming effects. we inter that an individuals learning with a word's orthography underlies word frequency and item spelling accuracy effects and that a single orthographic lexicon serves visual word recognition and spelling. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science (USA).
The impact of basal ganglia dysfunction on semantic processing was investigated by comparing the performance of individuals with nonthalamic subcortical (NS) vascular lesions, Parkinson's disease (PD), cortical lesions, and matched controls on a semantic priming task. Unequibiased lexical ambiguity primes were used in auditory prime-target pairs comprising 4 critical conditions; dominant related (e.g., bank-money), subordinate related (e.g., bank-river), dominant unrelated (e.g.,foot-money) and subordinate unrelated (e.g., bat-river). Participants made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on targets using a go-no-go response. When a short prime-target interstimulus interval (ISI) of 200 ins was employed, all groups demonstrated priming for dominant and subordinate conditions, indicating nonselective meaning facilitation and intact automatic lexical processing. Differences emerged at the long ISI (1250 ms), where control and cortical lesion participants evidenced selective facilitation of the dominant meaning, whereas NS and PD groups demonstrated a protracted period of nonselective meaning facilitation. This finding suggests a circumscribed deficit in the selective attentional engagement of the semantic network on the basis of meaning frequency, possibly implicating a disturbance of frontal-subcortical systems influencing inhibitory semantic mechanisms.
O caso trata das dificuldades de tomada de decis??o por parte de uma autoridade federal ao serem constatados erros no repasse de subs??dios para agricultores em um programa governamental. O texto relata o conflito entre as posi????es da auditoria e da ??rea t??cnica a respeito das a????es a serem desenvolvidas; a primeira, considerando a quest??o sob o ponto de vista legal e do interesse p??blico, e a segunda, priorizando o interesse dos agricultores e os impactos pol??ticos de uma decis??o contr??ria ?? categoria. O caso tem sido usado em cursos para subsidiar discuss??es sobre ??tica, accountability, conflito de interesses e gest??o de erros n??o previstos
Historicamente o processo de pagamento de benef??cios da Previd??ncia Social, pela rede banc??ria, desenvolvia-se sem nenhuma fiscaliza????o por parte do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - INSS. N??o havia preocupa????o com o controle da Qualidade do atendimento, nem t??o pouco, cobrava-se o compromisso e a responsabilidade dos bancos com a efici??ncia na presta????o dos servi??os. Antes do advento do Projeto SAAB, os clientes enfrentavam longas, cansativas e humilhantes filas, ficando expostos ao sol e chuva. Muitos madrugavam, outros dormiam diante das portas do bancos, para marcar vaga na tentativa de estarem entre os primeiros a receber o pagamento. Os aposentados e pensionistas eram considerados, pelos bancos, clientes de segunda categoria. Na maioria das ag??ncias, o pagamento dos benef??cios era feito separadamente dos demais clientes, em garagens, subsolos ou em outros locais inadequados, sem as m??nimas condi????es de acomoda????o. Em alguns casos eram obrigados a entrar pelas portas dos fundos. Um exemplo de desrespeito ?? cidadania dos aposentados. A partir de 1992, o INSS passou a oferecer um servi??o com mais qualidade, criando o Sistema de Acompanhamento ao Atendimento Banc??rio - SAAB, resultado do contrato que o INSS firmou com a Federa????o Brasileira do Bancos - Febraban
O paper estuda o caso da recente reforma da Previd??ncia na It??lia, ilustrando a possibilidade de uma participa????o positiva dos sindicatos ??? tradicionalmente contr??rios ??s reformas ??? no processo de transforma????o do setor p??blico. Ap??s uma revis??o do sistema previdenci??rio italiano, altamente fragmentado e particularista na opini??o dos autores, e o apontamento de suas principais defici??ncias, o estudo concentra-se na an??lise de tr??s propostas de reforma ligadas aos governos de Amato (1992-93), Berlusconi (1994) e Dini (1995), respectivamente. O texto aborda tanto as propostas concretas de mudan??a, trazendo contribui????es sobre uma variedade consider??vel de medidas, seu impacto e aceita????o sociais e por categoria, como os objetivos visados e o processo pol??tico relacionado ?? sua discuss??o e tramita????o. Uma preocupa????o constante dos autores ?? a correla????o entre a postura e a participa????o dos sindicatos em mat??ria de reforma previdenci??ria, por um lado, e o avan??o das propostas governamentais, por outro. Segundo o estudo, a ampla participa????o da for??a sindical na negocia????o do projeto de reforma previdenci??ria do governo Dini representou um fator decisivo para sua aprova????o e implementa????o bem-sucedidas. Ao mesmo tempo, a delibera????o democr??tica para concilia????o de prefer??ncias e interesses (m??ltiplos no caso de assuntos norteados pela dicotomia bem comum/interesse particular) ??? objeto da ??ltima sess??o do estudo ??? ?? vista como uma forma de ampliar a participa????o sindical al??m das lideran??as, passando a incluir os rank-and-file trabalhadores, um procedimento que traz, igualmente, a for??a de uma decis??o majorit??ria. A an??lise da reforma da Previd??ncia italiana ?? ilustrada no paper com tabelas que trazem e comparam dados referentes ?? contribui????o previdenci??ria, ??s categorias de beneficiados e ??s diferentes propostas de reforma formuladas por sucessivos governos italianos.
Com base neste trabalho, poder-se-ia hoje afirmar com maior seguran??a que: i) o movimento de recomposi????o de pessoal no setor p??blico brasileiro, observado durante toda a primeira d??cada de 2000, mostrou-se apenas suficiente para repor praticamente o mesmo estoque de servidores ativos existentes em meados da d??cada de 1990; ii) tampouco se deduz dos dados analisados que os gastos com pessoal tenham sa??do do controle do governo federal, pois, em termos percentuais, essa rubrica permaneceu praticamente constante ao longo da primeira d??cada de 2000, em um contexto de retomada relativa do crescimento econ??mico e tamb??m da arrecada????o tribut??ria; e iii) do ponto de vista qualitativo, evid??ncias da pesquisa indicam que esse movimento atual deve trazer melhorias gradativas ao desempenho institucional, pois vem sendo promovido a partir de crit??rios meritocr??ticos de sele????o (concursos p??blicos), e diante disso as atividades-fim, que exigem n??vel superior de escolariza????o, s??o mais contempladas do que as atividades-meio, indicando a possibilidade de maiores impactos sobre a produtividade agregada do setor p??blico; e tem assumido a forma de vincula????o estatut??ria, em detrimento do padr??o celetista ou de v??rias formas de contrata????o prec??rias, o que coloca o novo contingente sob direitos e deveres comuns e est??veis, podendo com isso gerar maior coes??o e homogeneidade no interior da categoria como um todo, aspecto considerado essencial para um desempenho satisfat??rio do Estado a longo prazo.
Este artigo tem um car??ter explorat??rio. ?? parte inicial de um estudo sobre a forma????o de elites no setor p??blico brasileiro nas ??ltimas d??cadas. Envolve breves exerc??cios de reconstru????o hist??rica e problematiza????o te??rico-metodol??gica. Questiona em que medida as tend??ncias de democratiza????o pol??tica e moderniza????o administrativa que se seguiram ao fim do Regime Militar no Brasil tiveram impactos sobre a composi????o, identidade e modos t??cnicos e pol??ticos de atua????o do alto funcionariado do poder executivo federal. Tem como alvo espec??fico de an??lise a categoria dos Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental, EPPGG, pela singularidade de seu formato e atribui????es e por sua proximidade com os modelos mais recentes de reforma e racionaliza????o administrativa. O texto foca as condi????es ligadas ?? cria????o e inser????o dessa carreira no campo burocr??tico, mas tem a pretens??o de, em um plano micro-sociol??gico, elucidar alguns aspectos relativos ?? socializa????o de decisores e forma????o de mandatos e circunscri????es profissionais na ??rea de gest??o p??blica. Finaliza com algumas quest??es sobre dois cen??rios fundamentais: os Minist??rios da Fazenda e da Educa????o, pela import??ncia relativa de cada um deles na coordena????o das pol??ticas governamentais na ??rea econ??mica e social, e pelos significativos contrastes organizacionais entre ambos.
Denise Meyrelles de Jesus, Claudio Roberto Baptista, Sonia Lopes Victor, organizadores.