996 resultados para Procediment penal-València (Regne)-S. XVII
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Antropologia
Mestrado em História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão Portuguesa (Séculos XV-XVIII)
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.3 (2007), pp.326-327
O artigo apresenta nova documentação relativa ao episódio do primeiro ataque a uma nau da Carreira da Índia, a nau de Job Queimado, e o papel desempenhado por Duarte Pacheco Pereira na perseguição do pirata Mondragón. Primeiramente, mostraremos como o pirata não chegou a ser capturado pelos portugueses. Duarte Pacheco Pereira tornou-se capitão-mor de várias armadas enviadas ao Estreito de Gibraltar. O seu desempenho no estreito nos anos de 1509, 1510, 1511 e 1513 vem complementar a lacuna documental sobre as suas actividades após a redacção do Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis. Em seguida, mostraremos como a documentação régia enviada por D. Manuel I a Duarte Pacheco Pereira foi preservada pelos seus descendentes e utilizada para obter da Coroa mercês adicionais, baseadas no seu serviço, durante mais de um século. O artigo é complementado por um apêndice documental onde se apresentam as transcrições da documentação existente no Arquivo Almada Lencastre Basto, na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
Durante uma intervenção arqueológica numa conduta do Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória na Batalha, foram encontrados diversos objetos de vidro e cerâmica dos quais foram escolhidos setenta e oito fragmentos de vidro datados dos séculos XVII- XVIII, com o objetivo de serem estudados e caracterizados na sua composição e a possível união dos fragmentos para a determinação das formas dos objetos, o que não se mostrou possível. Para a caracterização recorreu-se às técnicas de espetrometria de microfluorescência de raios X dispersiva de energias (μ-EDXRF) e espetroscopia de absorção UV‐Vis. A maioria dos vidros são silicatados sodo‐cálcicos, à exceção de dezasseis que são alcalinos mistos e um plúmbico. Identificaram-se dois cromóforos responsáveis pela cor azul, cobalto (encontrado apenas num objeto) e o conjunto cobre/ferro nos vidros azul-turquesa. Da coleção faz ainda parte um objeto com decoração vermelha opaca obtida com um pigmento de cobre. Os vidros com coloração natural (amarelo e verde) devem as suas tonalidades à presença de ferro. Realizou‐se a comparação das composições obtidas, formas e decorações com as coleções do Mosteiro de São João de Tarouca, com dois casos particulares do Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha, com um caso da Real Fábrica de Vidros Cristalinos de Coina e Real Fábrica da Marinha Grande e ainda com as composições publicadas de vidros venezianos e façon-de‐Venise. Esta comparação permitiu realçar semelhanças e diferenças a nível de composição e formal, entre as diferentes coleções.
Os estudos na área da Performance Practice têm conhecido, nos últimos dez anos, uma grande expansão no meio académico. Os trabalhos, neste campo, repartem-se por três grandes temas que reflectem a diversidade de metodologias e perspectivas deste campo de estudos: teoria da interpretação, prática interpretativa e interpretação historicamente informada. O tema desta dissertação recai sobre este último tópico. O projecto incide sobre a interpretação histórica e os pressupostos teóricos que fundamentam as práticas interpretativas da musica coral seiscentista ibérica. Através da recolha e análise de um corpus de registos fonográficos da polifonia dos compositores que se formaram na Escola de Música da Sé de Évora, pretende-se compreender qual o peso da evidência documental nas opções interpretativas. Além da análise das gravações, foi realizado um questionário aos directores corais sobre os critérios na escolha de diversos parâmetros como transposição, tactus, articulação, dimensão do coro, entre outros.
Recordings and photographs obtained by private individuals can be two of the most relevant evidences in helping finding the truth; however, they can also conflict with fundamental rights such as privacy, spoken word or image of the targets. It is not enough that only the violation of the right to privacy is withdrawn because rights to spoken word or image, unattached from the first one, show up independently as the main violated rights and are criminally protected in article 199º of the criminal code. Its use as evidence is, on a first moment, dependent on the private's conduct lawfulness, as it is stated in article 167º of the criminal procedure code. In order to consider its lawfulness, and accept its use as evidence, portuguese higher courts have been defending constructions mostly based on legal causes of defense. Although agreeing with a more flexible position of weighing all the interests at stake instead of denying its use as evidence, we believe notwithstanding that some of these solutions are misleading and shall not be spared from critics. Lastly, even if we reach a positive conclusion about the lawfulness of obtaining and using recordings and photogtaphs carried out to court by private individuals, they must not be however automatically admitted as evidence, still being necessary to proceed to a separate weighting, within the criminal procedure and its own legal rules, about their real purposes in the case.
In the present thesis, we examine the approach to the so-called “informal conversations”, especially between a suspect or defendant and criminal police authorities. Our goal is to understand if criminal police authorities are allowed to testify about the content of these conversations, revealing facts that the suspect or defendant may have shared with them, as well as about evidence that they may have acquired through these statements. Firstly, we briefly present the notion of “informal conversations” and the great variety of situations they may encompass: intra or extra-procedural; prior or subsequent to someone acquires the status of defendant. Secondly, we analyse some of the principles and rules that are involved in this controversial issue: principles concerning the procedural structure, organization and dynamic; principles concerning the production and assessment of evidence in the trial hearing; principles concerning the prosecution and the powers of criminal police authorities; the procedural status of the defendant; the rules concerning the reading of statements in the trial hearing; the rules concerning hearsay testimonies. Thirdly, we go through the great amount of case law on the so-called “informal conversations” and related matters, analysing the most relevant cases and the arguments that sustain them, as well as the legal literature. Our goal is to understand the evolution, throughout the last two decades, of the different opinions regarding the approach to the various situations in which “informal conversations” may occur and in which the admissibility of a testimony by criminal police authorities is questioned. Finally, we defend a different approach for testimonies by criminal police authorities prior and subsequent to someone acquiring the status of defendant. We see the moment when someone acquires the status of defendant as a border area in the admissibility of “informal conversations”, because from then on the statements have to be collected and assessed according to the law, so all the other conversations (or any other evidence) collected informally are irrelevant. As to the specific case of the testimony about the re-enactment of the crime, given the high degree of difficulty in separating the defendant’s contributions that may be considered essential and those that may be considered less useful, but still relevant, we support the qualification of the defendant’s contributions as inseparable from the re-enactment, allowing it to be replicated and assessed in the trial hearing with no restrictions.
O património artístico na vila de Torre de Moncorvo, distrito de Bragança, é muito diversificado e riquíssimo, na medida em que encontramos inúmeros testemunhos de diversas épocas e estilos. Deste universo, salientamos a arquitetura civil doméstica erudita, através de solares e casas nobres edificados ao longo de um largo período histórico, entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, e que nos dão uma ideia evolutiva da arquitetura maneirista e barroca edificada na região norte, e em particular naquela vila. Neste artigo procura-se analisar um pequeno grupo de solares e casas nobres de Torre de Moncorvo, destacando os seus principais aspetos históricos e artísticos.
Este livro, assim como o seminário internacional que o antecedeu, pretende analisar questões relativas à administração nas monarquias ibéricas nos séculos XVII e XVIII abordando aspectos que merecem ainda pesquìsas aprofundadas. Os investigadores de diversas instituições espanholas e portuguesas que participaram do evento ocorrido no CHAM/UNL-UAç , que ulteriormente contribuíram para com este volume, pertencem ao grupo dos historiadores que se dedicam a estudar três aspetos específicos da história administrativa e institucional: o provimento dos ofícios nos Reinos ibéricos e nas suas conquistas, o controle que exerciam as Coroas sobre a atuação destes homens nomeados para as representar, e por fim, a venalidade régia ou particular desses mesmos cargos "públicos". São temas que aqui ganham análises isoladas, mas que se entrelaçam e reciprocamente se condicionam. Espera-se que os resultados das investigações aqui reunidos, alguns reportando-se a temas antes escassamente conhecidos, ajudem a lançar uma nova luz sobre a «administração pública» do passado.
A Casa Senhorial: Em Lisboa e no Rio de Janeiro (séculos XVII, XVIII e XIX). Anatomia dos Interiores
Livro de Resumos - O colóquio A Casa Senhorial em Lisboa e no Rio de Janeiro (séculos XVII, XVIII e XIX). Anatomia dos Interiorespretende chamar a atenção para um dos aspectos menos conhecidos do património artístico luso-brasileiro: a Casa Senhorial em contexto urbano e rural, escrutinada através da organização e da articulação dos espaços e da decoração dos seus interiores, testemunho do dia-a-dia das famílias que a habitaram.
The present work aims to develop the theme "The summary procedure and the reform of 2013". The purpose of its analysis serves the interest to understand the virtues and disadvantages of the changes introduced by Act n.º 20/2013 to our Code of Criminal Procedure, and the main focus of the present reflection is to further the impact of the measures taken by the legislator to the summary proceedings. The opening of the most serious crimes to summary procedure is a reform measure duly highlighted because it is a true innovation in the Portuguese penal system. Therefore, it urges to analyse not only the consequences of this measure, as well as if the objectives of its introduction in the summary procedure system are met. It should be noted that the legislator intends to promote speedy trial, and at the same time, ensure compliance with the Constitutional rights associated to the accused. At this point it is important to realize if there is a restriction of the accused essential guarantees. On the other hand, it should be noted that the typical characteristics of summary proceedings might have been invariably modified, due to the innovative aspect of the reform. That said, the changes might have fostered a mischaracterization of the typical format of the summary procedure, both in terms of the nature of the proceedings and in terms of its space and objectives within the penal system. Reflecting on the above will provide a deeper understanding of the volatile balance between the Portuguese governing prosecution efficiency and the Constitution, as well as the future of the criminal policy in Portugal.
This study analyses the principle of presumption of innocence in the preliminary stages of the Portuguese criminal process, its procedural aspect related with the principle of in dubio pro reo and its material aspect concerning the treatment of the defendant during the proceedings. The consequences and manifestations of the principle of presumption of innocence are analysed in the decisions of the closing stages of the preliminary criminal procedure and the application of the principle of in dubio pro reo is analysed in the judgement of sufficiency of evidence for the procedure to continue. It addresses the question of circumstantial evidence, its particular relevance in economic and financial crime, highly organized crime, the grounds for the indictment in general and when the sufficiency of evidence criteria is based on that evidence. It analyses the scope of the principle of presumption of innocence in the application of coercive measures, with reference to the arrest, first interrogation of the accused under detention and reasons for the subsequent dispatch about the measures. The asset assurance measures of preventive seizure and the preventive seizure to ensure confiscation are analysed and principle of presumption of innocence is considered non applicable to those measures.
The means of obtaining evidence, the amount of evidence obtained, the number of defendants related to each criminal case and the gravity of the crimes for which the magistrates of the Department are holders of penal action, define its real importance to the Rule of Law. I have deeply studied the subject of the institution of hierarchical intervention required by the assistant and the application of an opening statement by the defendant, starting from a hypothetical case, provided when the query of an investigation with the subject of the crime of active corruption, where this institution was called as a reaction to the archiving dispatch delivered by the Public Ministry. I have study about the implementation of the institution of provisional suspension of the process, specifically in the scope of fiscal criminality, analyzing the effective satisfaction of the purposes of the sentences in two slopes: general prevention and special prevention. I went for my first time to a Central Court of Criminal Instruction, where I attended the measures of inquiry and instructive debate of a process that culminated with the prosecution and pronunciation of the defendants. In addition to this criminal experience, I have deepened and consolidated the academic knowledge with the study of various criminal cases from various fields in the scope of criminality investigated by the Department. I could therefore check the basis of procedural delays, regarding to our legal system, especially in this type of crime, raising issues that I analyzed and discussed, always in a critical and academic way. I had the opportunity to attend and witness a seminar in the Lisbon Directorate of Finance as well of entering the Centre for Judicial Studies to attend a conference on the International Anti-Corruption Day. Focus on the investigatory importance of the international judicial cooperation, through the various organs, with special interest to EUROJUST. I comprehended the organization and functioning of these communitarian organs and means of communication of procedural acts, in particular, the rogatory letters and european arrest warrants. This involvement is motivated by the moratorium factor of the investigations where rogatory letters are necessary for the acquisition of evidence or information relevant to the good continuation of the process. For this reason the judicial cooperation through the relevant communitarian organs, translates a streamlined response between the competent judicial authorities of the Member States, through the National Member that integrates EUROJUST. This report aims to highlight some of the difficulties and procedural issues that Public Prosecutors of DCIAP and criminal police bodies that assist them, face in combating violent and organized crime, of national and transnational nature, of particular complexity, according to the specifics of criminal types.
Study of the problems involved in the application of the right of refusal to testify (Article 134. º CPP) to criminal charges of domestic violence, namely in situations of violence between spouses. Drawing attention, to some of the contingencies of the exercise of the right of refusal in such proceedings, a matter never before examined under Portuguese law, and also to the need to reconsider, based on the North American experience, the application of the law in these cases.