807 resultados para Ordination
The speed of manufacturing processes today depends on a trade-off between the physical processes of production, the wider system that allows these processes to operate and the co-ordination of a supply chain in the pursuit of meeting customer needs. Could the speed of this activity be doubled? This paper explores this hypothetical question, starting with examination of a diverse set of case studies spanning the activities of manufacturing. This reveals that the constraints on increasing manufacturing speed have some common themes, and several of these are examined in more detail, to identify absolute limits to performance. The physical processes of production are constrained by factors such as machine stiffness, actuator acceleration, heat transfer and the delivery of fluids, and for each of these, a simplified model is used to analyse the gap between current and limiting performance. The wider systems of production require the co-ordination of resources and push at the limits of human biophysical and cognitive limits. Evidence about these is explored and related to current practice. Out of this discussion, five promising innovations are explored to show examples of how manufacturing speed is increasing—with line arrays of point actuators, parallel tools, tailored application of precision, hybridisation and task taxonomies. The paper addresses a broad question which could be pursued by a wider community and in greater depth, but even this first examination suggests the possibility of unanticipated innovations in current manufacturing practices.
The process evaluation will consider the views of the appointed SUN workers and representatives from selected service user groups as regards the setting up and maintenance of the SUN network. This component of the evaluation will also examine the perceptions of stakeholders from a number of relevant organisations.
The outcome evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the SUN project in achieving the intended outcomes as outlined in the original Action Plans.
The following outcomes will be evaluated:
To ascertain the level to which the SUN has provided support, information and advice to existing service user groups.
To examine the SUN co-ordination of Trust and regional networks of service user groups.
To consider how the SUN assists organisations to establish and maintain service user groups.
To examine the level of current and future membership of service users on relevant groups, with a particular focus on engagement of hard to reach populations.
To gauge service user perceptions of the Service User Network.
To examine the levels of training provided and consider the efficacy of training.
O presente trabalho começa por analisar a evolução dos sistemas ao longo de vários períodos históricos, bem como os conceitos e tipologias que os sustentam, no quadro da problemática e da conceptualização teórica do ensino superior. A origem da universidade na idade média, na Europa e em outras partes do mundo, fundamenta-se, principalmente, na procura do saber e nas condicionantes socioeconómicas da época. A evolução da universidade sustentada pela narrativa da modernidade, resultou em modelos diferenciados de ensino superior, que mantinham, no entanto, a razão e a epistemologia do conhecimento académico, como fatores unificadores. O modelo utilizado para traduzir a referida evolução, é proposto por Scott (1995) e configura a relação que se estabelece entre a universidade e outras formas de ensino superior. Na sequência do desenvolvimento dos sistemas, suscitados pelas relações entre os diversos atores envolvidos no ensino superior, procurou-se evidenciar a relação entre o Estado o mercado e os académicos, bem como outros atores sociopolíticos, institucionais e da sociedade civil. O quadro de análise dos mecanismos de coordenação destas envolventes, baseou-se no “Triângulo de Clark”, complementado com o modelo da “Metáfora da Flutuação”. Desde o início da década de 80 do século XX, que a missão, o modo de organização e o funcionamento das IES têm vindo a ser questionadas, como resultado das mudanças económicas de cariz neoliberal. Este cenário, propiciador de crises e de transformações, não tem impedido, porém, de manter o papel fundamental da universidade como produtora e difusora do conhecimento. No contexto da globalização e da cada vez maior influência do mercado no ensino superior, procura-se impor um modelo hegemonizado de racionalidade económica, competitividade e eficiência - o managerialismo. Não obstante alguns êxitos, esta ideologia não tem sido completamente bem-sucedida. Aliás, à tentativa da globalização de gerar uma ordem uniformista, têm sido contrapostos modelos de recontextualização que procuram refletir as realidades locais. Embora num reduzido número de países, África, registou formas de ensino superior endógenas, no período pré-colonial. Depois do espectro colonial que mantém, ainda hoje, a sua influência, os sistemas debatem-se na atualidade com diferentes dilemas, originados pelas correntes da globalização. Porém, o ensino superior em África assume um papel central no contexto do desenvolvimento dos diferentes países contribuindo, igualmente, para a construção da Nação e da sua identidade. Esta dimensão, não é impeditiva do seu envolvimento, nos desafios da sociedade e da economia do conhecimento, buscando, ao mesmo tempo, modelos e práticas equilibradoras, que proporcionem uma resposta satisfatória às necessidades sociais e económicas, nacionais e regionais. Ao enquadrar o sistema de ensino superior em Moçambique merecem destaque as etapas do processo histórico, nomeadamente o surgimento dos estudos gerais universitários como primeira forma de ensino superior mais tarde transformada em universidade, a mudança de paradigma após a independência nacional, a abertura ao setor privado e, ainda, a expansão do sistema. A discussão sobre políticas e estratégias é sustentada pela análise dos respetivos planos estratégicos bem como, pela compreensão das leis fundamentais e respetivos documentos reguladores. Este conjunto de instrumentos concorre para a reforma do sistema, que se procura implementar em Moçambique. Nesta sequência, é de salientar o debate público realizado em torno das qualificações e graus oficialmente estabelecidos, que parece constituir uma problemática ainda não completamente resolvida. Numa outra parte do trabalho, procede-se à apresentação e análise dos resultados de uma investigação sobre o ensino superior em Moçambique. Seguindo uma metodologia de análise qualitativa, foi possível estruturar a informação obtida, em diferentes dimensões e categorias. A informação foi recolhida e tratada, a partir de entrevistas efetuadas a diferentes grupos de atores, direta ou indiretamente relacionados com o ensino superior em Moçambique. Os resultados da análise conduziram à sistematização de um conjunto de linhas de força e ao traçar de conclusões, contributivas para a melhoria do quadro de referência sobre políticas, conceções e práticas do ensino superior em Moçambique.
An aerobiological survey was conducted through five consecutive years (2006–2010) at Worcester (England).The concentration of 20 allergenic fungal spore types was measured using a 7-day volumetric spore trap. The relationship between investigated fungal spore genera and selected meteorological parameters (maximum, minimum, mean and dew point temperatures, rainfall, relative humidity, air pressure,wind direction) was examined using an ordination method(redundancy analysis) to determine which environmental factors favoured their most abundance in the air and whether it would be possible to detect similarities between different genera in their distribution pattern. Redundancy analysis provided additional information about the biology of the studied fungi through the results of the Spearman’s rank correlation. Application of the variance inflation factor in canonical correspondence analysis indicated which explanatory variables were auto-correlated and needed to be excluded from further analyses. Obtained information will be consequently implemented in the selection of factors that will be a foundation for forecasting models for allergenic fungal spores in the future.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-escolar e nos 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitaria
Do evaluation of the literature and a regional observational report support Dr. Feingold's claim that the K-P (Kaiser-Permanente) elimination diet improves the behaviours of hyperkinetic children, and others? Dr. Feingold suggests that some hyperkinetic children, and other children as well, are genetically predisposed to intolerance of food additives, particularly food colours and flavours. He claims that the K-P diet, that eliminates salicylates and artificial food colours and flavours, improves the hyperkinetic child's behaviour, muscle co-ordination, and scholastic performance. Public acceptance of the K-P diet has outstripped acceptance in the medical and scientific communities. Evaluation of available data and additional studies are needed to arrive at a conclusion of acceptance or rejection of the K-P diet for hyperkinetic children and others. My interest in the K-P elimination diet for hyperkinetic children is educational. My experience as an elementary school teacher in special education and in the classroom from K-8 has taught me that attentiveness is crucial to learning. Hyperkinesis appears to impair a child's ability to attend. Learning problems appear, followed by behavioural and social problems. l If we accept the possibility of a relationship between diet and attentiveness, and attentiveness and school behaviours, then the diet-behaviour link could be of lay importance. For instance, if a diet such as the K-P diet could do what is claimed, substantial benefits could accrue to the child. One could, for example, improve a child's behaviours. One could identify attending disturbances early in the child's education, possibly minimizing, or eliminating future difficulties in school. Finally, the greatest benefit may be the fulfillment of the basic goal of our Ontario schools, that the eh~ld-,lIla1p.evelop happily and competently within our educational framework. 2 This thesis reports evidence from the literature and from a regional observational investigation to determine the possibility of a link between the behaviours of children and Dr. Feingold's K-P elimination diet. The literature research examines (1) Dr. Feingold's concept of H-LD, (2) his K-P elimination diet, and (3) the response from three sectors, medicine, science, and the public. The regional investigation examines the observed behaviours of nine children in Regional Niagara during a nine-month period on the K-P diet.
Body image refers to an individual's internal representation ofhis/her outer self (Cash, 1994; Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, & Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). It is a multidimensional construct which includes an individual's attitudes towards hislher own physical characteristics (Bane & McAuley, 1998; Cash, 1994; Cash, 2004; Davison & McCabe, 2005; Muth & Cash, 1997; Sabiston, Crocker, & Munroe-Chandler, 2005). Social comparison is the process of thinking about the self in relation to others in order to determine if one's opinions and abilities are adequate and to assess one's social status (Festinger, 1954; Wood, 1996). Research investigating the role of social comparisons on body image has provided some information on the types and nature of the comparisons that are made. The act of making social comparisons may have a negative impact on body image (van den Berg et ai., 2007). Although exercise may improve body image, the impact of social comparisons in exercise settings may be less positive, and there may be differences in the social comparison tendencies between non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. The present study examined the nature of social comparisons that female collegeaged non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers made with respect to their bodies, and the relationship of these social comparisons to body image attitudes. Specifically, the frequency and direction of comparisons on specific tal-gets and body dimensions were examined in both non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Finally, the relationship between body-image attitudes and the frequency and direction with which body-related social comparisons were made for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers were examined. One hundred and fifty-two participants completed the study (n = 70 non or ill infrequent exercisers; n = 82 exercisers). Participants completed measures of social physique anxiety (SPA), body dissatisfaction, body esteem, body image cognitions, leisure time physical activity, and social comparisons. Results suggested that both groups (non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers) generally made social comparisons and most frequently made comparisons with same-sex friends, and least frequently with same-sex parents. Also, both groups made more appearance-related comparisons than non-appearance-related comparisons. Further, both groups made more negative comparisons with almost all targets. However, non or infrequent exercisers generally made more negative comparisons on all body dimensions, while exercisers made negative comparisons only on weight and body shape dimensions. MANOV As were conducted to examine if any differences on social comparisons between the two groups existed. Results of the MANOVAs indicated that frequency of comparisons with targets, the frequency of comparisons on body dimensions, and direction of comparisons with targets did not differ based on exercise status. However, the direction of comparison of specific body dimensions revealed a significant (F (7, 144) = 3.26,p < .05; 1]2 = .132) difference based on exercise status. Follow-up ANOVAs showed significant differences on five variables: physical attractiveness (F (1, 150) = 6.33,p < .05; 1]2 = .041); fitness (F(l, 150) = 11.89,p < .05; 1]2 = .073); co-ordination (F(I, 150) = 5.61,p < .05; 1]2 = .036); strength (F(I, dO) = 12.83,p < .05; 1]2 = .079); muscle mass or tone (F(l, 150) = 17.34,p < .05; 1]2 = 1.04), with exercisers making more positive comparisons than non or infrequent exercisers. The results from the regression analyses for non or infrequent exercisers showed appearance orientation was a significant predictor of the frequency of social comparisons N (B = .429, SEB = .154, /3 = .312,p < .01). Also, trait body image measures accounted for significant variance in the direction of social comparisons (F(9, 57) = 13.43,p < .001, R2adj = .68). Specifically, SPA (B = -.583, SEB = .186, /3 = -.446,p < .01) and body esteem-weight concerns (B = .522, SEB = .207, /3 = .432,p < .01) were significant predictors of the direction of comparisons. For exercisers, regressions revealed that specific trait measures of body image significantly predicted the frequency of comparisons (F(9, 71) = 8.67,p < .001, R2adj = .463). Specifically, SPA (B = .508, SEB = .147, /3 = .497,p < .01) and appearance orientation (B = .457, SEB = .134, /3 = .335,p < .01) were significant predictors of the frequency of social comparisons. Lastly, for exercisers, the results for the regression of body image measures on the direction of social comparisons were also significant (F(9, 70) = 14.65,p < .001, R2adj = .609) with body dissatisfaction (B = .368, SEB = .143, /3 = .362,p < .05), appearan.ce orientation (B = .256, SEB = .123, /3 = .175,p < .05), and fitness orientation (B = .423, SEB = .194, /3 = .266,p < .05) significant predictors of the direction of social comparison. The results indicated that young women made frequent social comparisons regardless of exercise status. However, exercisers m,a de more positive comparisons on all the body dimensions than non or infrequent exercisers. Also, certain trait body image measures may be good predictors of one's body comp~son tendencies. However, the measures which predict comparison tendencies may be different for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Future research should examine the effects of social comparisons in different populations (i.e., males, the obese, older adults, etc.). Implications for practice and research were discussed.
The Opportunities for Youth Program was a summer employment program for students funded by the federal government. During the summer of 1971, Brock University received funding from this program to hire 56 students to work on five different projects. These projects included a Land Use Survey and Data Mapping, a Guide to the Research Resources for the Niagara Region, work with the Association for Retarded Children, Co-ordinated Community Services for Youth, and Student Direction and Co-ordination of the Program.
Many position stands and review papers have refuted the myths associated with resistance training (RT) in children and adolescents. With proper training methods, RT for children and adolescents can be relatively safe and improve overall health. The objective of this position paper and review is to highlight research and provide recommendations in aspects of RT that have not been extensively reported in the pediatric literature. In addition to the well-documented increases in muscular strength and endurance, RT has been used to improve function in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy and burn victims. Increases in children’s muscular strength have been attributed primarily to neurological adaptations due to the disproportionately higher increase in muscle strength than in muscle size. Although most studies using anthropometric measures have not shown significant muscle hypertrophy in children, more sensitive measures such as magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound have suggested hypertrophy may occur. There is no minimum age for RT for children. However the training and instruction must be appropriate for children and adolescents involving a proper warm-up, cool-down and an appropriate choice of exercises. It is recommended that low-to-moderate intensity resistance should be utilized 2-3 times per week on non-consecutive days, with 1-2 sets initially, progressing to 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions for 8-12 exercises. These exercises can include more advanced movements such as Olympic style lifting, plyometrics and balance training, which can enhance strength, power, co-ordination and balance. However specific guidelines for these more advanced techniques need to be established for youth. In conclusion, a RT program that is within a child’s or adolescent’s capacity, involves gradual progression under qualified instruction and supervision with appropriately sized equipment can involve more advanced or intense RT exercises which can lead to functional (i.e. muscular strength, endurance, power, balance and co-ordination) and health benefits.
The present study was an attempt to analytically approach the problem of farm
poverty in Kerala from an entirely different angle by incorporating an independently
developed and reformulated definition of poverty line in terms of physical units of
operational holdings (say, acre). The entire discussion on farm poverty emerged out of
proper co-ordination of two important factors popularly considered as the distinct
features of I
Semantic Web: Software agents on the Semantic Web may use commonly agreed service language, which enables co-ordination between agents and proactive delivery of learning materials in the context of actual problems. The vision is that each user has his own personalized agent that communicates with other agents.
Cell-cell interactions during embryonic development are crucial in the co-ordination of growth, differentiation and maintenance of many different cell types. To achieve this co-ordination each cell must properly translate signals received from neighbouring cells, into spatially and temporally appropriate developmental responses. A surprisingly limited number of signal pathways are responsible for the differentiation of enormous variety of cell types. As a result, pathways are frequently 'reused' during development. Thus, in mammals the JAK/STAT pathway is required during early embryogenesis, mammary gland formation, hematopoiesis and, finally, plays a pivotal role in immune response. In the canonical way, the JAK/STAT pathway is represented by a transmembrane receptor associated with a Janus kinase (JAK), which upon stimulation by an extra-cellular ligand, phosphorylates itself, the receptor and, finally, the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) molecules. Phosphorylated STATs dimerise and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription of target genes. The JAK/STAT pathway has been conserved throughout evolution, and all known components are present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Besides hematopoietic and immunity functions, the pathway is also required during development for processes including embryonic segmentation, tracheal morphogenesis, posterior spiracle formation etc. This study describes Drosophila Ken&Barbie (Ken) as a selective regulator of JAK/STAT signalling. ken mutations identified in a screen for modulators of an eye overgrowth phenotype, caused by over-expression of the pathway ligand unpaired, also interact genetically with the pathway receptor domeless (dome) and the transcription factor stat92E. Over-expression of Ken can phenocopy developmental defects known to be caused by the loss of JAK/STAT signalling. These genetic interactions suggest that Ken may function as a negative regulator of the pathway. Ken has C-terminal Zn-finger domain, presumably for DNA binding, and N-terminal BTB/POZ domain, often found in transcriptional repressors. Using EGFP-fused construct expressed in vivo revealed nuclear accumulation of Ken. Therefore, it is proposed that Ken may act as a suppresser of STAT92E target genes. An in vitro assay, termed SELEX, determined that Ken specifically binds to a DNA sequence, with the essential for DNA recognition core overlapping that of STAT92E. This interesting observation suggests that not all STAT92E sites may also allow Ken binding. Strikingly, when effects of ectopic Ken on the expression of putative JAK/STAT pathway target genes were examined, only a subset of the genes tested, namely vvl, trh and kni, were down-regulated by Ken, whereas some others, such as eve and fj, appeared to be unresponsive. Further analysis of vvl, one of the genes susceptible to ectopic Ken, was undertaken. In the developing hindgut, expression of vvl is JAK/STAT pathway dependent, but remains repressed in the posterior spiracles, despite the stimulation of STAT92E by Upd in their primordia. Importantly, ken is also expressed in the developing posterior spiracles. Strikingly, up-regulation of vvl is observed in these tissues in ken mutant embryos. These imply that while ectopic Ken is sufficient to repress the expression of vvl in the hindgut, endogenous Ken is also necessary to prevent its activation in the posterior spiracles. It is therefore conceivable that ectopic vvl expression in the posterior spiracles of the ken mutants may be the result of de-repression of endogenous STAT92E activity. Another consequence of these observations is a fine balance that must exist between STAT92E and Ken activities. Apparently, endogenous level of Ken is sufficient to repress vvl, but not other, as yet unidentified, JAK/STAT pathway targets, whose presumable activation by STAT92E is required for posterior spiracle development as the embryos mutant for dome, the receptor of the pathway, show severe spiracle defects. These defects are also observed in the embryos mis-expressing Ken. Though it is possible that the posterior spiracle phenotype caused by higher levels of Ken results from a JAK/STAT pathway independent activity, it seems to be more likely that Ken acts in a dosage dependent manner, and extra Ken is able to further antagonise JAK/STAT pathway target genes. While STAT92E binding sites required for target gene expression have been poorly characterised, the existence of genome data allows the prediction of candidate STAT92E sites present in target genes promoters to be attempted. When a 6kb region containing the putative regulatory domains flanking the vvl locus are examined, only a single potential STAT92E binding site located 825bp upstream of the translational start can be detected. Strikingly, this site also includes a perfect Ken binding sequence. Such an in silico observation, though consistent with both Ken DNA binding assay in vitro and regulation of STAT92E target genes in vivo, however, requires further analysis. The JAK/STAT pathway is implicated in a variety of processes during embryonic and larval development as well as in imago. In each case, stimulation of the same transcription factor results in different developmental outcomes. While many potential mechanisms have been proposed and demonstrated to explain such pleiotropy, the present study indicates that Ken may represent another mechanism, with which signal transduction pathways are controlled. Ken selectively down-regulates a subset of potential target genes and so modifies the transcriptional profile generated by activated STAT92E - a mechanism, which may be partially responsible for differences in the morphogenetic processes elicited by JAK/STAT signalling during development.
A high demand exists to increase the efficiency of present airport ground facilities and the co-ordination of traffic and services. The Traffic Office plays a crucial role in managing the airport. The main tasks of the Traffic Office is management of equipment, services, and ressources based on the flight schedule and resolving conflicts arising from deviations from the schedule. A new tool will support information exchange between Traffic Office and other facilities on the airport.