909 resultados para reported domestic violence
The defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 transformed Vietnamese men into fleeing refugees, boat people, and state-sponsored asylees. Writing against the popular and scholarly representations of Vietnamese refugee men as incapacitated objects of rescue, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the intimate, insightful, and intense portrayal of Vietnamese masculinities in lê thi diem thúy’s novel, The Gangster We Are All Looking For. Focusing on the “sad and broken” father in the novel, the article conceptualizes his bouts of domestic violence neither as a private family matter nor an example of individual failing, but as a social, historical, and transnational affair that exposes the conditions—war, urban neglect, poverty—under which Vietnamese masculinity is continually produced, negotiated and transformed.
Grounded in the intersection between gender politics and electoral studies, this dissertation examines the demobilizing effects of violations of personal space (in the form of domestic violence, control over mobility, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment) on the propensity to vote. Using quantitative methods across four survey datasets concerning Lebanon, the United States, Morocco, and Yemen, this research concludes that cross-regionally, familial control over mobility reduces the propensity to vote among women. Conversely, mechanisms of empowerment such as education and employment increase the propensity to vote.
Poster apresentado no VII Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Psicologia da Justiça. Centro Hosp. Conde de Ferreira, Porto, 26 e 27 de Novembro 2015.
Poster apresentado no VII Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Psicologia da Justiça. Centro Hospitalar Conde de Ferreira, Porto, 26 e 27 de Novembro de 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2010.
O presente trabalho de investigação está subordinado ao tema “A Guarda Nacional Republicana e o Apoio à Vítima de Violência Doméstica: Estudo de Caso do Comando Territorial do Porto”. Com isto, pretende-se compreender de que forma a Guarda Nacional Republicana efetiva o seu apoio às vítimas de violência doméstica. Desta forma, o método utilizado é o dedutivo, uma vez que que se procedeu a uma pesquisa geral do tema para que, posteriormente se analizasse o caso específico do distrito do Porto, conseguindo desta forma conclusões do fenómeno num sítio concreto. Por conseguinte, a investigação partiu de uma análise documental e posteriormente, a realização de entrevistas aos profissionais das instituições da Rede Nacional de Apoio à Vítima de Violência Doméstica do distrito do Porto, e de inquéritos por questionário aos militares com formação em Investigação e Apoio a Vítimas Específicas do Comando Territorial do Porto. Feito isto, assume-se que o trabalho desenvolvido tanto pela Guarda Nacional Republicana do Comando Territorial do Porto como o das Instituições que integram a Rede Nacional de Apoio às Vítimas de Violência Doméstica do distrito do Porto, tem evoluído, o que demonstra a preocupação destes em melhorar o apoio à vítima, iniciando-se pela informação completa dos direitos e recursos existentes à vítima, até ao encaminhamento destas para as instituições competentes. Denota-se porém, uma diferença no apoio prestado numa zona urbana, daquele que é prestado numa zona rural, o que evidencia que é necessário intensificar o trabalho desenvolvido na zona rural, a fim de sensibilizar a população para esta temática e, aumentar o número de instituições de apoio e encaminhamento das vítimas. Em suma, o papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana no apoio à vítima de violência doméstica passa pela segurança, proteção e suporte da mesma.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
The study explored how two experienced early childhood teachers support children dealing with crisis in their home environment, namely divorce, domestic violence and imprisonment of parents. The focus was on the relationship between the educational environment (organisation of space, time and relationships in an ecological perspective) and children's emotional well-being. This study builds on studies in Portugal about emotional well-being (Portugal & Laevers, 2010) and about the impact on children from imprisoned parents (Afonso, 2005, Kominsky, Pinto & Miyashiro, 2005, Tavares, 2011), domestic violence (Batista, 2014, Lisboa et al., 2002, Ribeiro, 2010) and divorce (Martons, 2010, Rego, 2008). The theoretical framework was weaved with Laevers (2004) concepts of emotional well-being and involvement and Siraj-Blatchford (2002) and Figueiredo (2013) perspective of pedagogy as including different dimensions of which the educational environment is essential. In-depth interviews with both teachers and some observations of their classroom dynamics were analysed for emerging cross themes in this qualitative study. Anonymity was preserved throughout the study by the use of codes. The study was presented to the teachers and questions were presented in advance. Both teachers expressed preference for adapting existing pedagogical tools (e.g. the classroom diary) and the daily dynamic to support children instead of using special interventions. Domestic violence was seen as the most problematic situation for its repercussions. Attention to emotional well-being, a strong relationship with the child and the families was highlighted. Pedagogy was described as answering different challenges, with a strong emphasis on children's participation. Thematising teachers' pedagogical knowledge is important.
A violência como fenómeno social e familiar, não é um problema atual, desde sempre esteve presente, sendo que a sua exposição apresenta diferentes intensidades em diferentes momentos da sua evolução. Como fenómeno mundial, percorreu todas as culturas, etnias, tipos de economia e regimes políticos (Sagim, 2003). O objectivo da presente investigação é a violência conjugal percebida por um menor em contexto familiar e suas consequências psicossociais: estudo de caso. Método: A metodologia escolhida é qualitativa e é designada por naturalista. O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso e a recolha de dados foi a entrevista (semi-estruturada) e fez-se a descodificação desta através da análise de conteúdo, que foi organizada em várias categorias . Instrumentos: Questionário sócio demográficos (filha); Guião de Entrevista para adultos(mãe), semi-estruturada; Entrevista Clínica Semi–Estruturada (SCICA);A Escala de Sinalização do Ambiente Natural Infantil (S.A.N.I.); O teste projectivo Pata Negra de Corman (filha). Participantes: R de 12 anos de idade, sexo feminino, caucasiana, possui o 9º ano de escolaridade Resultados: Verificou-se que R tem uma boa capacidade de coping e resolução de problemas, indo do encontro referido por alguns autores nos meus estudos, sendo que noutros não se enquadra no perfil defendido pela literatura. Referindo segundo o DSM-5, R apresenta alguma sintomatologia clínica como a ansiedade de separação, revelando insegurança e medo da perda dos afetos por parte dos progenitores. Conclusão: : Concluiu-se ainda que alguns estudos referem que nem todas as crianças expostas à violência intrafamiliar responderão negativamente, uma vez que a presença de fatores de proteção tèm um papel fundamental. Entre estes, o ambiente escolar, o relacionamento com a vizinhança e o suporte advindo de demais membros familiares, entre outros (Sani, 2008).
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention
We are pleased to present this report of our work and accomplishments on behalf of crime victims and survivors. The eight programs of the CVAD served over 225,000 Iowa crime victims over SFY11, SFY12 & SFY13. This report statistically outlines the services being provided in each of these individual programs. CVAD Staff and funded victim service providers work day in and day out to provide essential, victim-centered services to those who have been harmed by violent crime. This report aims to capture the work being performed around the State of Iowa with CVAD funds. Significant accomplishments have occurred during this reporting period, including the initial planning phases of a restructuring of domestic violence, sexual assault, shelter-based and homicide survivor programming and services; enhancements in automated victim notification and continued strides in restitution collection.
The information contained in this Annual Safety and Security Report is provided to new and prospective students and employees, as well as their families, and all current members of the campus community. It contains Public Safety Services and Programming,Building Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Program,Campus Security authorities, Annual Preparation of Crime Statistics, Disclosure of Crime Statistics, Daily Crime Log, How to Report a Crime, Suspicious Activity or Emergency, Silent Witness Program, Relationship with Local Authorities, Off-Campus Violations & Criminal Activity, Confidential Reporting, Timely Warning Procedures, Emergency Response, Notification and Evacuation Procedures Activation Authority, Available Communications Media, Emergency Notification Tests, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Shelter-in-Place Procedures,Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs, Emergency Telephones, Access To Facilities, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Sex Offender Registration, Weapons on Campus, Referrals for Disciplinary Action, Crime Information: Definitions and Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions, Reporting Areas. Crime Statistics
A violência é um problema que perturba a sociedade e a saúde individual e cole-tiva. A violência contra as mulheres é uma forma específica de maus tratos. Tem conse-quências para as mulheres que diretamente a sofrem, com repercussões sociofamiliares, acarretando marcas, mágoas e prejuízo grave nas esferas bio-psico-sociais. O CHBM-EPE tem em curso um programa de atendimento a mulheres vítimas de violência. Tor-na-se necessário realizar a sua revisão e atualização. No projeto atual, através de recolha de dados junto de provedores e beneficiárias de cuidados realizou-se o diagnóstico de situação, descrevem-se ambas as perspetivas e propõem-se medidas de melhoramento. O relatório aqui apresentado consiste na descrição da intervenção realizada. Os resulta-dos serão tidos em conta na revisão do Programa do CHBM-EPE contra a violência doméstica. Pretende-se a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados; ABSTRAT: Violence Against Women. Review of the Institutional Project of the Hospital Barreiro - Montijo EPE. Violence is a problem that disrupts society and the individual and collective health. Violence against women is a specific form of ill-treatment. It has consequences for the female figures who directly suffer with social-familial repercussions, leading brands, hurts and serious injuries in the bio-psycho-social spheres. The CHBM-EPE has an ongoing program of assistance to women victims of violence. It is necessary to carry out its review and update. The current project, through data collection from providers and recipients of care will describe both perspectives. In the current project, through data collection from providers and recipients of care there was the diagnosis of the sit-uation, describes both perspectives and are proposed improvement measures. The report presented here is the description of the intervention performed. The results will be taken into account in the review of CHBM-EPE Program against domestic violence. It is in-tended to improve the quality of care.
This thesis consists of three papers on gender economics. Chapter 1 studies whether people dislike collaborating with someone who corrects them and whether the dislike is stronger when that person is a woman. Having a good relationship with colleagues is integral in group work, potentially leading to successful collaborations. However, there are occasions when people have to correct their colleagues. Using a quasi-laboratory experiment, I find that people, including those with high productivity, are less willing to collaborate with a person who has corrected them even if the correction improves group performance. In addition, I find suggestive evidence that men respond more negatively to women’s corrections, which is not driven by their beliefs about the difference in women’s and men’s abilities. These findings suggest that there is a behavioral bias in group work that distorts the optimal selection of talents and penalizes those who correct others’ mistakes, and the distortion may be stronger when women correct men. Chapter 2 studies the role of gender and cognitive skills on other peoples’ generosity. Using a novel experimental design where I exogenously vary gender and cognitive skills and sufficiently powered analysis, I find neither the two attributes nor their interactions affect other people’s generosity; if anything, people are more generous to women with high potential. Chapter 3 studies how increased legal tolerance toward domestic violence affects married women’s welfare using the domestic violence decriminalization bill introduced to the Russian national congress in 2016. Using difference-in-differences and flexibly controlling for macroeconomic shocks, I find that the bill decreased married women’s life satisfaction and increased depression, especially among those with a college degree and a highly qualified white-collar occupation supposed to be more sensitive to gender regressive atmosphere. Consistent with this conjecture, people became more tolerant toward general and domestic violence after the bill.