859 resultados para marijuana reform in Colorado


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This paper examines the policy effects of multilevel regulation in Europe. It finds that the extent to which negative integration effectively narrows the range of policy options available domestically tends to be overstated. Drawing on empirical evidence from EU-induced reform in electricity supply and postal delivery, the paper illustrates that liberalisation and institutional reorganisation may lead to relatively little policy change. Although a lack of centralised regulatory capacity at the European level is identified as a key explanatory factor for the cases studied, the findings also point to the relevance of sector specificities and the role of exogenous drivers of change.


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Facing widespread poverty and land degradation, Vietnam started a land reform in 1993 as part of its renovation policy package known as “Doi Moi”. This paper examines the impacts of improved land tenure security, via this land reform, on manure use by farm households. As manure potentially improves soil fertility by adding organic matter and nutrients to the soil surface, it might contribute to improving soil productive capacity and reversing land degradation. Random effect regression models are applied to a panel dataset of 133 farm households in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam collected in 1993, 1998, and 2006. The results confirm that land tenure security has positive effects on manure use, but the levels of influence differ depending on whether the land has been privatized or whether the land title has already been issued. In addition, manure use is also influenced by the number of cattle and pigs, the education level and ethnicity of household heads, farm land size and non-farm income. The findings suggest that speeding up land privatization and titling, encouraging cattle and pig rearing, and improving education would promote manure use in farm production. However, careful interpretation of our research findings is required as land privatization, together with economic growth and population pressure, might lead to overuse of farm inputs.


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This paper considers recent attempts to introduce managerial reform in higher education. In exploring the issues the paper draws on an interviewing programme conducted with female and male academics in Sweden and England responsible for delivering change: heads of department, heads of division and principal lecturers. The aim is to examine the implications for the day-to-day work of academics arising from the reforms and to consider the gender implications. The paper conceptualises the areas of academic responsibility along the following dimensions identified by the academics themselves: dog work, tough work, care work, real work and nice work. In bringing into sharper focus the harsher realities of academe, and exploring the overlap and connectivity between gender and academic labour, it is argued that intellectual labour is hard work indeed, particularly for women.


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Facing the exigencies of Emancipation, a South in ruins, and ongoing violence, between 1862 and 1872 the United States Congress debated the role education would play in the postbellum polity. Positing schooling as a panacea for the nation’s problems, a determiner of individual worth, and a way of ameliorating state and federal tensions, congressional leaders envisioned education as a way of reshaping American political life. In pursuit of this vision, many policymakers advocated national school agencies and assertive interventions into state educational systems. Interrogating the meaning of “education” for congressional leaders, this study examines the role of this ambiguous concept in negotiating the contradictions of federal and state identity, projecting visions of social change, evaluating civic preparedness, and enabling broader debates over the nation’s future. Examining legislative debates over the Reconstruction Acts, Freedmen’s Bureau, Bureau of Education, and two bills for national education reform in the early 1870s, this project examines how disparate educational visions of Republicans and Democrats collided and mutated amid the vicissitudes of public policy argument. Engaging rhetorical concepts of temporality, disposition, and political judgment, it examines the allure and limitations of education policy rhetoric, and how this rhetoric shifted amid the difficult process of coming to policy agreements in a tumultuous era. In a broader historical sense, this project considers the role of Reconstruction Era congressional rhetoric in shaping the long-term development of contemporary Americans’ “educational imaginary,” the tacit, often unarticulated assumptions about schooling that inflect how contemporary Americans engage in political life, civic judgment, and social reform. Treating the analysis of public policy debate as a way to gain insights into transitions in American political life, the study considers how Reconstruction Era debate converged upon certain common agreements, and obfuscated significant fault lines, that persist in contemporary arguments.


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Conditionalities – i.e. ‘exchanging finance for policy reformin an asymmetrical relationship between the ‘donor’ and the ‘recipient’ – are central mechanisms of the reform programmes of international financial institutions (IFIs). As they are imposed by outside entities, they can also be viewed as ‘policy externalisation’, which is paradoxically a massive intrusion in the shaping of a country’s domestic policies. The resilience of such devices is remarkable, however. Indeed, in the early 1980s, many developing countries were facing balance of payments difficulties and called upon these international financial institutions for financial relief. In exchange for this relief, they devised economic reforms (fiscal, financial, monetary), which were the conditions for their lending. These reforms were not associated with better economic performance, and this led the IFIs to devise in the 1990s different reforms, which this time targeted the functioning of the government and its ‘governance’, economic problems being explained by governments’ characteristics (e.g., rent-seekers). The paper demonstrates the limitations of the device of conditionality, which is a crucial theoretical and policy issue given its stability across time and countries. These limitations stem from: i) the concept of conditionality per se - the mechanism of exchanging finance for reform; ii) the contents of the prescribed reforms given developing countries economic structure (typically commodity-based export structures) and the weakness of the concept of ‘governance’ in view of these countries’ political economies; and iii) the intrinsic linkages between economic and political conditionalities, whose limitations thus retroact on each other, in particular regarding effectiveness and credibility.


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Adolescents engage in a range of risk behaviors during their transition from childhood to adulthood. Identifying and understanding interpersonal and socio-environmental factors that may influence risk-taking is imperative in order to meet the Healthy People 2020 goals of reducing the incidence of unintended pregnancies, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections among youth. The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in the predictors of HIV risk behaviors among South Florida youth. More specifically, this study examined how protective factors, risk factors, and health risk behaviors, derived from a guiding framework using the Theory of Problem Behavior and Theory of Gender and Power, were associated with HIV risk behavior. A secondary analysis of 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data sets from Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach school districts tested hypotheses for factors associated with HIV risk behaviors. The sample consisted of 5,869 high school students (mean age 16.1 years), with 69% identifying as Black or Hispanic. Logistic regression analyses revealed gender differences in the predictors of HIV risk behavior. An increase in the health risk behaviors was related to an increase in the odds that a student would engage in HIV risk behavior. An increase in risk factors was also found to significantly predict an increase in the odds of HIV risk behavior, but only in females. Also, the probability of participation in HIV risk behavior increased with grade level. Post-hoc analyses identified recent sexual activity (past 3 months) as the strongest predictor of condom nonuse and having four or more sexual partners for both genders. The strongest predictors of having sex under the influence of drugs/alcohol were alcohol use in both genders, marijuana use in females, and physical fighting in males. Gender differences in the predictors of unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, and having sex under the influence were also found. Additional studies are warranted to understand the gender differences in predictors of HIV risk behavior among youth in order to better inform prevention programming and policy, as well as meet the national Healthy People 2020 goals.


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Big data are reshaping the way we interact with technology, thus fostering new applications to increase the safety-assessment of foods. An extraordinary amount of information is analysed using machine learning approaches aimed at detecting the existence or predicting the likelihood of future risks. Food business operators have to share the results of these analyses when applying to place on the market regulated products, whereas agri-food safety agencies (including the European Food Safety Authority) are exploring new avenues to increase the accuracy of their evaluations by processing Big data. Such an informational endowment brings with it opportunities and risks correlated to the extraction of meaningful inferences from data. However, conflicting interests and tensions among the involved entities - the industry, food safety agencies, and consumers - hinder the finding of shared methods to steer the processing of Big data in a sound, transparent and trustworthy way. A recent reform in the EU sectoral legislation, the lack of trust and the presence of a considerable number of stakeholders highlight the need of ethical contributions aimed at steering the development and the deployment of Big data applications. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence guidelines and charters published by European Union institutions and Member States have to be discussed in light of applied contexts, including the one at stake. This thesis aims to contribute to these goals by discussing what principles should be put forward when processing Big data in the context of agri-food safety-risk assessment. The research focuses on two interviewed topics - data ownership and data governance - by evaluating how the regulatory framework addresses the challenges raised by Big data analysis in these domains. The outcome of the project is a tentative Roadmap aimed to identify the principles to be observed when processing Big data in this domain and their possible implementations.


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This text offers some contributions to the debate on the changes proposed to the National Curricular Directives to reform secondary education in Brazil. In the first part, the political and economic scene is evaluated as the context which generated the last stage of reforms in the educational field in the 90s. It questions the option for a model of structural reform (in the Brazilian case more restricted to the Program for Reform of Professional Education - PROEP) and of the curriculum, whose themes find their justification in the contemporary economic, social cultural and political context. It discusses the use of a model that bases itself on experiences developed in other countries and takes the international orientation of the multilateral organizations as its theoretical methodological reference, leaving out the peculiarities and injunctions of the Brazilian political administrative system. Such a policy measure can increase the tension and distance normally existing between government programs and the possibility of their real implementation in the school network. In the second part, it discusses the Resolution of the National Education Council, the Congress on Basic Education, no.3, of 16.698 that instituted the National Curricular Directives for secondary education, as well as the Legal Bases - Part I - of the National Curricular Parameters for secondary education. The analysis of official discourse takes Bardin's (1977, p. 209) proposals as its methodological reference for the models of structural analysis, seeking to make the implicit values and the connotations of the legal texts explicit


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This study focus on the reconfiguration of educational management in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, which was promoted by the new logic of social regulation and the new role attributed to the State, considering each country's own historicity. So, the cultural factors that interfere on the dynamics of the 90' school reform are analyzed. Aspects that show the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these reforms in the region, as well as local specificities that block out the concretization of the reform are underlined. It is shown that the historicity that characterizes the educational reform has taken, in each country, a form that can be called, in Mexico, conservative rupture; in Chile, conservative continuity; in Brazil, conservative renovation; and, in Argentina, interrupted rupture. Some conclusions about the impact of educational reform in the selected countries are recuperated through the analysis of 186 academic texts on the subject.


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Little attention has been given to the contextual politics of service delivery reforms. By focusing on cases of reform in the healthcare sector and, to a lesser extent, in the main policies in the social service sector in India, Mexico and Brazil, this article explores two dimensions of analysis which have enormous relevance in understanding the reach and effectiveness of service delivery reforms: (1) the historical timing of reforms and sectorial baselines, and (2) the degree and institutional locus of local discretion in policy. Findings show that depending on both dimensions, there is an extraordinary variation as to the degree, interests involved and meaning of changes which, in theory, correspond to these countries` commitment to the service delivery reforms, However, consideration of the contextual politics is relevant not for the sake of diversity but for the similarities that this diversity reveals, pointing to underlying analytic dimensions that receive attention in this article.


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This article examines the policy cycle and vernacular globalization in the context of higher education reform in Vietnam. Through an analysis of the development of the Vietnam National University - Hochiminh City as part of the post-1986 reconstruction of Vietnamese higher education, the article considers the complex interrelationship between globalized policy discourses, national interests and history in Vietnam, and the specific politics of policy implementation within one institution. Vietnam National University - Hochiminh City was created through an amalgamation of a number of smaller universities, and against the backdrop of social and economic restructuring aimed at promoting industrialization and a market orientation within socialist governance. The article reveals the dynamic tension between these local and global influences on higher education policy and practice, and more specifically, the dilemmas associated with top-down policy implementation when a new organization consists of older organizations with powerful provenance and reputations. In so doing the article demonstrates the necessity to globalize policy theory.


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Mental health reform in the western developed world has resulted in new models of care and changed work practices for all mental health professionals. Occupational therapists, as with other mental health professionals, have been required to assume new roles and responsibilities. Literature from the United Kingdom has reflected concern about this new way of working. The aim of this exploratory study was to examine the current work practices of and issues faced by Australian mental health occupational therapists. One hundred and forty-eight respondents (74%) answered an occupational therapy practice in mental health questionnaire. The results from this survey suggest that there are two quite distinct groups of occupational therapists working in mental health settings in Australia. One group works as rehabilitation therapists in traditional activity-focused work roles. The other group works as case manager therapists and employs a much broader spectrum of clinical and support roles. The issues facing therapists include the development and maintenance of a clearly defined role, generic case management versus discipline-specific roles, recruitment and retention, the need for research and evidence-based practice, professional standing, and education and professional development. The concerns over the role of occupational therapy in mental health were similar to those in previous British studies. The implications of these findings include a need for education and training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to equip mental health occupational therapists with both discipline-specific and generic skills.


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os principais motivos apontados na literatura pertinente como causadores dos sucessivos e reiterados fracassos das tentativas de reforma da administra????o p??blica brasileira. As referidas tentativas foram empreendidas em 1938, quando da cria????o do Departamento Administrativo do Servi??o P??blico (DASP), durante a ditadura do Estado Novo; em 1963, quando Ernani do Amaral Peixoto foi designado ministro extraordin??rio para a Reforma Administrativa; em 1967, quando da edi????o do Decreto-Lei n?? 200, de 25/2/1967 e, tamb??m, em 1986, 1990 e 1995, nos Governos Sarney, Collor e Cardoso, respectivamente. Todas elas visavam, basicamente, a implantar a meritocracia na administra????o p??blica brasileira. Segundo os autores consultados, essas tentativas foram malsucedidas devido aos seguintes fatores: a quest??o da depend??ncia da trajet??ria, as caracter??sticas das organiza????es que dificultam a ocorr??ncia de altera????es institucionais, os elementos de natureza sociol??gica, o fato de a reforma administrativa ser bem p??blico sujeito a problemas de a????o coletiva e, finalmente, as peculiaridades do sistema pol??tico brasileiro.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo avan??ar no estudo do processo de reforma do Poder Judici??rio brasileiro, o qual se insere no processo de reforma do Estado p??trio. A partir das contribui????es de Osborne e Gaebler (1992) e Abrucio (2006), buscou-se tra??ar um paralelo entre as l??gicas gerencial e fiscal e esclarecer como as mesmas refletiram nos indicadores de efic??cia, efici??ncia e efetividade do Poder Judici??rio no Brasil. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, optou-se por utilizar como m??todo a an??lise de conte??do de Bardin (2002), pela regra de enumera????o do tipo frequ??ncia, buscando, com isso, observar o papel que o Conselho Nacional de Justi??a exerceu nesse processo e a l??gica do plano de metas estabelecido pela institui????o para os anos de 2012 e 2013. Como resultado, observou-se que as metas estabelecidas para o bi??nio buscaram implantar uma gest??o mais eficaz nesse n??cleo estrat??gico do Estado, com ??nfase na celeridade processual, gest??o administrativa e informatiza????o dos procedimentos. Percebeu-se que a l??gica gerencial continua exercendo grande influ??ncia no modelo de gest??o adotado. Como novidade, verificou-se a inser????o de indicadores de efetividade, os quais podem permitir aproximar os objetivos dessa esfera de poder com os da sociedade brasileira, repercutindo na elabora????o de metas futuras.


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A inten????o dos autores ?? fornecer subs??dios para o debate sobre a reforma da administra????o p??blica na Am??rica Latina. O artigo come??a pela caracteriza????o dos desafios colocados para a burocracia pelos problemas do monop??lio e do controle pol??tico. Em seguida, s??o analisados os modelos de administra????o p??blica adotados pelos pa??ses desenvolvidos, dado que estes constituem os principais pontos de refer??ncia para as iniciativas de reforma nos pa??ses em desenvolvimento. E, finalmente, os autores identificam as causas e os efeitos das disfun????es da administra????o p??blica na Am??rica Latina, sugerindo que as experi??ncias e o debate acad??mico relativos aos pa??ses desenvolvidos podem fornecer li????es aos pa??ses em desenvolvimento desde que n??o se perca de vista as especificidades do contexto latino-americano. Os autores sustentam que nestes pa??ses as iniciativas de reforma administrativa s??o dificultadas pelo baixo n??vel de desenvolvimento pol??tico e pela vig??ncia de padr??es informais de comportamento no ??mbito da burocracia p??blica.