1000 resultados para Si shu
Resumen: Mario de França Miranda nos propone en su artículo tomar cuenta de la importancia teológica del cuidado de nuestra casa común. Olvidar la importancia de tratar a la naturaleza con respeto brota de una crisis que arraiga en una pérdida de sentido en el designio salvífico que ha sido pronunciado sobre el hombre. Designio que abraza a todo el cosmos.
Air exploratory discussion of an ancient Chinese algorithm, the Ying Buzu Shu, in about 2nd century BC, known as the rule of double false position in the West is given. In addition to pointing out that the rule of double false position is actually a translation version of the ancient Chinese algorithm, a comparison with well-known Newton iteration method is also made. If derivative is introduced, the ancient Chinese algorithm reduces to the Newton method. A modification of the ancient Chinese algorithm is also proposed, and some of applications to nonlinear oscillators are illustrated.
Gadolinium oxide thin films have been prepared on silicon (100) substrates with a low-energy dual ion-beam epitaxial technique. Substrate temperature was an important factor to affect the crystal structures and textures in an ion energy range of 100-500 eV. The films had a monoclinic Gd2O3 structure with preferred orientation ((4) over bar 02) at low substrate temperatures. When the substrate temperature was increased, the orientation turned to (202), and finally, the cubic structure appeared at the substrate temperature of 700 degreesC, which disagreed with the previous report because of the ion energy. The AES studies found that Gadolinium oxide shared Gd2O3 structures, although there were a lot of oxygen deficiencies in the films, and the XPS results confirmed this. AFM was also used to investigate the surface images of the samples. Finally, the electrical properties were presented. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
<正> 用强激光辐照的方法对集成电路用的离子注入Si进行退火是近几年大力研究的一个问题。至今为止绝大多数的激光退火都是采用红宝石、YAG、氩离子等波长较短的激光器。实验虽已证实CO_2激光的退火效果完全可与其他激光比美,然而研究者甚少,且基本上限于最后结果的观测。激光作为电磁波,其趋肤深度
<正> 过去我国采用的基本计量单位是米制(即公制),而今后我国将逐步推行国际单位制.采用国际单位制,牵涉较多的部门主要是工业技术、生产和教学等方面,牵涉较多的学科主要是力学专业.为此,在这里介绍国际单位制和有关的力学量单位.国际单位制(Système International d'Unités,简称SI)是一九六○年第十一届国际计量大会(CGPM)通