833 resultados para Nitride strengthened


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Diplomityöni tavoitteena on selvittää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen kunnossapitohitsauksessa huomioitavat asiat ja laatia niiden pohjalta vaneritehtaan käyttöön kunnossapitohitsauksen ohjeistus. Diplomityössä käsiteltiin yhtä kunnossapidon aluetta, hitsausta. Työssä esiteltiin erilaisia hitsaukseen liittyviä määritelmiä ja menetelmiä. Käytännön kokeet oli valittu esimerkkitehtaalle tärkeistä kohteista. Diplomityö tehtiin vaneriteollisuuden koneita suunnittelevaan ja toimittavaan yritykseen. Käytännön kokeet suoritettiin toimivassa vaneritehtaassa. Teoriaosassa keskityttiin sellaisiin osa - alueisiin, jotka liittyvät vaneritehtaan jokapäiväiseen kunnossapitohitsaukseen. Käytännön osuudessa havaittiin tiettyjä kokeesta toiseen toistuvia puutteita. Tällaisia olivat mm. vajaa hitsautumissyvyys, lisäaineiden käsittely, puikon koon valinta ja railon valmistus. Näiden seikkojen kautta vahvistui käsitys ohjeistuksen tarpeellisuudesta, joka oli jo työn tavoitteissa yhtenä päämääränä. Ongelmia esiintyi myös eräiden materiaalien hitsauksessa. Tämä alue tulee hoitaa kuntoon koulutuksella pikimmiten. Tilanne esimerkkitehtaassa kunnossapitohitsauksen osalta oli parempi kuin alun perin oletettiin. Muutamien puutteiden poistamisen, ohjeistuksen ja koulutuksen jälkeen tilanne tulee olemaan hyvä. Innostusta hitsauksen salojen selville saamiseen on kunnossapidon työntekijöiden joukossa.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä piirteitä ja eroja on löydettävissä eri työntekijäryhmien käsityksissä sisäisen viestinnän toimivuudesta ja mitä ominaisuuksia nämä käsitykset heijastavat yhteisöstä. Tavoitteeseen pyritään laadullisella tapaustutkimuksella, jossa tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta projektin sisäisen viestinnän piirteiden heijastavan hyvin viestinnän eri toimintaympäristöjä. Projektin sisällä toimintaympäristöt voidaan erottaa jopa työntekijäryhmittäin. Viestintäkäsitykset paljastavat myös sisäisen viestinnän jatkuvan muutostilan, joka voidaan havaita integroivan ja dissipatiivisen viestinnän vahvuuksien vaihtelulla. Tutkimus vahvisti käsitystä pelkän integroivan viestinnän riittämättömyydestä sisäisen viestinnän myönteisenä kokemiseen. Nykypäivänä myös mekanistisesti toimivissa ympäristöissä tulisi edistää horisontaalisia, vuorovaikutuksellisia ja avoimia kommunikaatiokäytäntöjä. Tutkimus vahvisti edelleen käsitystä johdon ja esimiesten näkyvyyden ja kuuluvuuden merkityksestä hallita mekanistisessa ympäristössä, mutta johdolta odotetaan myös yhä enemmän dialogiin perustuvien viestintävalmiuksien hallintaa. Ymmärtämällä kolmen erilaisen toimintaympäristön olemassaolo, voidaan sisäisen viestinnän resursseja kohdistaa tehokkaasti ympäristön ominaisuuksien ja tavoitteiden suuntaisesti.


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Teacher's multicultural work The purpose of the present study is to explore teachers’ conceptions of their work as teachers of multicultural students. Teachers’ experiences of multicultural work and conceptions derived from them are part of the teacher’s multicultural competence which is seen as a key component of the teacher’s multicultural teachership. The teacher’s multicultural competence consists of the teacher’s cultural knowledge, pedagogical skills and experiences and attitudes related to multiculturalism. The teacher’s multicultural competence constitutes the basis on which the teacher implements multicultural education. The foundation for the teacher’s work is laid by laws and decrees, curricula, regulations issued by authorities in charge of the education of immigrant students, resources available and other demands and expectations set by the ambient society. The study was conducted in the city of Turku, Finland. The sample consisted of class teachers who taught both immigrant and majority students. Main objects of study in the theoretical part are the multicultural and pluralistic school and the multicultural teachership. The basic assumption is that the multicultural and pluralistic school forms the frame of activity in which the teacher implements multicultural teaching. The research strategy is based on methodological triangulation. The quantitative part of the study was carried out using a questionnaire typical of survey methods. The questionnaire was returned by 71 teachers. The qualitative part was conducted using theme-based interviews typical of phenomenological philosophical research. Of the total of teachers who returned the questionnaire, twelve (12) teachers were selected for interviews. According to the results, the participating teachers enjoyed their work regardless of the ample extra work caused by the students with immigrant backgrounds. The teachers experienced their work as teachers of multicultural student groups as strenuous, yet challenging. Students with immigrant backgrounds had caused many changes in the teacher’s work. The teachers regarded their multicultural skills as inadequate in relation to the demands of the work. They had not received education related to teaching students with immigrant backgrounds, but they were ready for in-service education. The teachers’ previous attitudes concerning immigrant students had been enforced. Teaching experiences strengthened the earlier, both positive and negative, attitudes. The central problems related to multiculturalism in the teacher’s work were caused by the deficient Finnish skills of the students with immigrant background. This was apparent in both teaching and learning as well as in contacts with parents. The teachers reported on relatively few inclusions of multicultural angles in their teaching. However, they believed that they could aid students with different cultural backgrounds in their integration process. At the same time they felt that their own chances to enhance the students’ cultural identities were slim. On the basis of the interviews conducted in connection with the teacher’s multicultural competence, the teachers were divided into three groups: assimilative, indeterminate and integrating multicultural teachers. The present study provides a strong indication that teachers tend to interpret multiculturalism in narrow terms. School activities, such as Finnish as a second language, first language and religious instruction, which were targeted exclusively at immigrant students were in most cases considered adequate. A holistic, cross-disciplinary, all-inclusive multicultural education that would permeate all school activities remains largely unimplemented.


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Cette thèse étudie l'engagement des intellectuels de gauche dans la vie politique suisse, de 1945 à 1968. D'une part, il s'agit de retracer l'évolution du statut des intellectuels, que ce soit dans ou hors des partis. D'autre part, il est question d'analyser les débats politiques au sein desquels ces intellectuels furent impliqués, et la manière dont ces débats suscitèrent des clivages entre eux. De ce point de vue, nous mettons en lumière les différents courants et groupes formés par les intellectuels progressistes, souvent structurés autour de revues ; il s'agit aussi bien d'étudier l'engagement de personnalités sociales-démocrates que des communistes prosoviétiques, sans oublier les chrétiens pacifistes ou les intellectuels proches de la gauche radicale antistalinienne. S'agissant de l'évolution du statut des acteurs étudiés, ce travail souligne le déclin de la figure de l'intellectuel de gauche organiquement lié à son parti, souvent issu du milieu ouvrier, au profit d'intellectuels critiques, généralement au bénéfice d'une formation académique et revendiquant une certaine autonomie par rapport aux organisations politiques. Du point de vue des débats politiques, l'engagement des intellectuels de gauche est envisagé à la lumière de trois périodes. Tout d'abord, nous étudions la phase de l'immédiat après-guerre (1945-1949), marquée par une poussée de la gauche, y compris prosoviétique, qui met en cause le conservatisme politique issu des années de Mobilisation. Nous étudions ensuite les années les plus tendues de la guerre froide, entre 1950 et 1962, durant lesquelles la vie politique et intellectuelle en Suisse est dominée par un fort anticommunisme, auquel se rallient les dirigeants du Parti socialiste. Pourtant, l'engagement de certains intellectuels progressistes, en particulier dans le mouvement pacifiste, met en cause le consensus politique de guerre froide. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous montrons comment la critique intellectuelle de gauche se renforce après 1962, à la faveur de la détente Est-Ouest sur le plan international, et avec l'essor, en Suisse même, du mouvement des « non- conformistes ». Ce mouvement est animé par des intellectuels qui dénoncent le conservatisme helvétique, les excès de l'anticommunisme ou qui affirment leur solidarité avec les travailleurs immigrés en Suisse, aussi bien qu'avec les mouvements sociaux dans les pays du tiers-monde. Nous montrons en particulier comment l'engagement de ces intellectuels progressistes contribue à préparer le terrain pour les mobilisations de la jeunesse qui surviendront dans les « années 1968 ». -- This thesis adresses the political commitment of left-wing intellectuals in Switzerland between 1945 and 1968. It aims, on the one hand, to examine how the status of intellectuals developed within and outside of political parties. On the other hand, it endeavours to understand the political debates that involved and sometimes split these intellectuals. In this intent, we examine the various political orientations and formations that brought left-wing intellectuals together - often around dedicated periodicals - such as the Social-democratic, the Communist, the Christian Progressist or the anti-Stalinist Marxist movements. Regarding the evolving status of left-wing opinion leaders, we observe the decline of the organic, party-affiliated intellectuals - often from a working class background. By contrast, critical academics - left-wing oriented but.not directly linked to a political formation - became prevailing figures. Concerning left-wing intellectuals' involvement in the political debate, we differentiate three historical periods. Firstly, the immediate postwar years (1945-1949) were characterised by the strengthening of a left-wing faction, including pro-Soviet forces, which criticized the conservative political consensus built up during the War. Secondly, during the most tense years of the Cold War (1950-1962), the Swiss political and intellectual life became widely dominated by a strong anticommunism, supported by the Social-Democratic leaders. Still, the commitment of certain progressist intellectuals, particularly in the pacifist movement, called into question the political consensus resulting from the Cold War. This questioning strengthened after 1962, in the context of the Détente, corresponding to the rise of the "non-conformist" movement. This movement stemmed from progressist intellectuals, who criticized the Swiss conservatism, and the excesses of official anticommunism, while declaring their solidarity with immigrant workers or with the social movements in the Third World. We show in particular how these intellectuals paved the way for the youth mobilization due to occur in the "1968 years".


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Background .- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) is a very demanding medical speciality. To ensure high standard of research and care in PRM all across Europe, it is crucial to attract gifted trainees and offer them high quality education. At undergraduate level, many medical schools in Europe omit to offer teaching on disabled persons and on basic PRM knowledge. Thus PRM is hardly known to medical students. For postgraduate trainees access to evidence-based knowledge as well as teaching of research methodology specific to PRM, rehabilitation methodology, disability management and team building also need to be strengthened to increase the visibility of PRM. Action .- To address these issues the EBPRM proposes presently a specific undergraduate curriculum in PRM including the issues of disability, participation and handicap as a basis for general medical practice and postgraduate rehabilitation training. For PRM trainees many educational documents are now available on the EBPRM website. A growing number of educational sessions for PRM trainees take place during international and national PRM Congresses which can be accessed at low cost. Educational papers published regularly in European rehabilitation journals and European PRM Schools are offered free or at very low cost to trainees.


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There remains uncertainty in scientific discussions regarding the governance of universities in new public management regimes in terms of who actually 'rules' in the university. Apparently, a strengthened management leadership is confronted with continuing elements of academic self-regulation and professional autonomy in knowledge production and diffusion. Organisational and academic rationales coexist in today's management of universities. This article endeavours to clarify some of the ambiguities pertaining to the coexistence of two authorities by demonstrating the working of 'interdependency management' that is taking place within universities. For this purpose, the authors have scrutinised research, teaching and recruitment policies in one Swiss university that is subject to such ambiguities. The study confirms existing research in that a command-and-control system is not applied. Policymaking in universities is instead based on a mix of negotiations in faculties that are taking place in the 'shadow of hierarchy', negotiated bargaining between faculties and leaders and occasional unilateral decisions of leaders. This mitigates latent conflicts between management and the academic community: strategic orientations of the university are generally accepted by the academic community while the academic community has influence on policy formulation and maintains defining powers over policy substance.


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El present estudi s’emmarca en una investigació centrada en les persones grans de 65 a 84 anys del municipi de Canovelles. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és conèixer les principals motivacions i barreres d’aquest col·lectiu a l’hora d’anar al Complex Esportiu Municipal – Thalassa. Lligat amb els objectius marcats, la finalitat és relacionar els resultats amb possibles propostes de millora, per tal de minimitzar les barreres i potenciar les motivacions. Per obtenir els resultats s’ha passat un qüestionari a 40 persones demanant les raons per les quals van o no al complex. Un cop analitzats podem extreure, a tall de conclusions, que la principal motivació va relacionada amb temes de salut i la principal barrera amb temes econòmic, el cost mensual de la instal·lació per un abonat.


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BACKGROUND: Core body temperature is used to stage and guide the management of hypothermic patients, however obtaining accurate measurements of core temperature is challenging, especially in the pre-hospital context. The Swiss staging model for hypothermia uses clinical indicators to stage hypothermia. The proposed temperature range for clinical stage 1 is <35-32 °C (95-90 °F), for stage 2, <32-28 °C (<90-82 °F) for stage 3, <28-24 °C (<82-75 °F), and for stage 4 below 24 °C (75 °F). However, the evidence relating these temperature ranges to the clinical stages needs to be strengthened. METHODS: Medline was used to retrieve data on as many cases of accidental hypothermia (core body temperature <35 °C (95 °F)) as possible. Cases of therapeutic or neonatal hypothermia and those with confounders or insufficient data were excluded. To evaluate the Swiss staging model for hypothermia, we estimated the percentage of those patients who were correctly classified and compared the theoretical with the observed ranges of temperatures for each clinical stage. The number of rescue collapses was also recorded. RESULTS: We analysed 183 cases; the median temperature for the sample was 25.2 °C (IQR 22-28). 95 of the 183 patients (51.9 %; 95 % CI = 44.7 %-59.2 %) were correctly classified, while the temperature was overestimated in 36 patients (19.7 %; 95 % CI = 13.9 %-25.4 %). We observed important overlaps among the four stage groups with respect to core temperature, the lowest observed temperature being 28.1 °C for Stage 1, 22 °C for Stage 2, 19.3 °C for Stage 3, and 13.7 °C for stage 4. CONCLUSION: Predicting core body temperature using clinical indicators is a difficult task. Despite the inherent limitations of our study, it increases the strength of the evidence linking the clinical hypothermia stage to core temperature. Decreasing the thresholds of temperatures distinguishing the different stages would allow a reduction in the number of cases where body temperature is overestimated, avoiding some potentially negative consequences for the management of hypothermic patients.


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The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.


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Polymer based composite materials coated with thin layers of wear resistant materials have been proposed as replacements for steel components for certain applications with the advantage of reduced mass. Magnetron sputtered coatings can be successfully deposited on composite materials. Nevertheless there are number of issues which must be addressed such as limited temperature, which the composite can withstand because of the epoxy binder which is used, the adhesion of the coating to the composite and the limited mechanical support, the hard coating can obtain from the relatively soft epoxy. We have investigated the deposition of chromium nitride, titanium carbide and titanium doped DLC coatings on carbon fibre reinforced composites and various polymers. The adhesion of the coatings has been studied by the pull-off adhesion tester. In general, the failure mechanism has been noticed to be due to the cohesive failure for a wide range of conditions. The wear behavior of the coatings has been noticed to be complicated. Wear tests on coated composites have shown that where the reinforcing fibres are near the surface, the composite samples do not perform well due to breakage of the fibres from the polymer matrix. A fibre free surface has been noticed to improve the wear resistance.


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FeBr2 reacts with the S2C2(CN)2(2-) ion (1:1 ratio) in the presence of an excess of t-BuNC in THF to give the mixed ligand [Fe(S2C2(CN)2)(t-BuNC) 4] compound. This neutral product with a formal oxidation state of two for the iron atom was characterized by conductivity measurements, and, i.r., Mössbauer, 13C and ¹H n.m.r. spectroscopy. There is a Fe-C pi back-donation strengthened towards isocyanide ligands, according to the data of 13C, ¹H n.m.r. and Mössbauer spectroscopy.


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The effects of exohedral moieties and endohedral metal clusters on the isomerization of M3N@Ih-C80 products from the Prato reaction through [1,5]-sigmatropic rearrangement were systematically investigated by using three types of fulleropyrrolidine derivatives and four different endohedral metal clusters. As a result, all types of derivatives provided the same ratios of the isomers for a given trimetallic nitride template (TNT) as the thermodynamic products, thus indicating that the size of the endohedral metal clusters inside C80 was the single essential factor in determining the equilibrium between the [6,6]-isomer (kinetic product) and the [5,6]-isomer. In all the derivatives, the [6,6]- and [5,6]-Prato adducts with larger metal clusters, such as Y3N and Gd3N, were equally stable, which is in good agreement with DFT calculations. The reaction rate of the rearrangement was dependent on both the substituent of exohedral functional groups and the endohedral metal-cluster size. Further DFT calculations and 13C NMR spectroscopic studies were employed to rationalize the equilibrium in the rearrangement between the [6,6]- and [5,6]-fulleropyrrolidines


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Tämän tapaustutkimuksen päätavoitteina on luoda toimintolaskentamalli kohdeyritykselle ja testata toimintolaskennan soveltuvuutta pilottiprojektilla, joka toteutetaan vain pienelle osalle tuotteista. Toimintolaskentaprojektin tavoitteena on tarkentaa tuotteiden kustannuslaskentaa ja näin tukea yrityksen päätöksentekoa tuotehallinnan päätöksissä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena pilottiprojekti on vahvistanut ennakkokäsityksiä laskentakohteina olleiden tuotteiden osalta. Implementointiprosesseilla on sekä inhimillisiä että teknisiä ongelmia. Resurssikustannusten kohdistaminen asetettiin projektin tärkeimmäksi tekniseksi ongelmaksi. Pilottiprojekti keskittyy lähinnä laskennan tekniseen toteutukseen, mutta kattavampi muutosprojekti vaatii muutosjohtajuutta ja keskittymistä inhimillisiin tekijöihin. Pilottivaiheessa tärkein inhimillinen ongelma on saavuttaa johdon tuki ja osallistuminen projektiin. Toimintolaskentaprojekti onnistui kohdeyrityksessä hyvin ja johdon tuki onnistuttiin saavuttamaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena nähdään toimintolas-kennan hyödyttävän tuotehallintaa ja tutkimuksen seurauksena toimintolaskentaprojektia jatketaan kattamaan koko tuotevalikoima. Yrityksessä havaittiin laskentaprojektin aikana myös toiminnan kehityskohteita, jotka vaativat tarkempaa tarkastelua toimintoanalyysin avulla.


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Chemical industry underwent a significant upturn in the past few years. In Brazil, the position of this industry has been continuously strengthened as the second largest industrial sector. Current circumstances are discussed, especially the need for increased innovation, the impacts of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies. Some misconceptions on the Brazilian chemical industry are criticized and recent improvements are described, including those related to environmental protection, to conclude that its prospects are very good, considering both the availability of basic raw materials (oil, natural gas, agribusiness products and minerals), the growing demand and increased competitiveness.


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Several studies have described the benefits of nanoscience and nanotechnology (N&N) in different sectors such as agriculture, energy, environmental preservation, and public health. The rapid evolution of N&N can be shown through a panoramic analysis of scientific papers and patents. In the area of public health, it is estimated that the global market for nanotechnology products will expand to 160 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. The Brazilian government has also strengthened its innovative potential in N&N through economic subsidies, as observed for other countries. This review is focused on the current landscape of N&N in a therapeutic context, highlighting the development of nanotech-products produced with biocompatible and biodegradable materials that are already commercially available or under investigation. Most studies under investigation are focused on the development of nanotechnology-based formulations intended for treatment of cancer, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases. Although there are several advantages of N&N in healthcare, many challenges have to be conquered to increase the availability of nanotechnology products in toxicological, preclinical and clinical studies, scale-up, regulatory, and private investments.