863 resultados para Firm performance


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar los resultados empresariales derivados de las acciones de patrocinio y mecenazgo, así como sus factores determinantes. La metodología aplicada utiliza el event study para estimar los excesos de rentabilidad de las acciones generadas en Bolsa por una muestra de 21 noticias de patrocinio y 37 noticias de mecenazgo, correspondientes a 26 empresas españolas. Adicionalmente se realiza un análisis de regresión para determinar la influencia de ciertas dimensiones (el origen del evento, así como el vínculo entre el evento y la actividad de la empresa) sobre dichas rentabilidades anormales. La aplicación empírica efectuada ha permitido detectar que sólo las acciones de patrocinio generan rentabilidad, siendo sus principales determinantes el tamaño y el vínculo entre el evento financiado y la actividad de la empresa.


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El incremento de la competencia entre agencias de viajes y el impacto del comercio electrónico como una alternativa al canal de distribución turístico tradicional han dado lugar a un entorno en el que la gestión eficiente de los recursos productivos resulta fundamental para las agencias de viajes. Así, el objetivo del trabajo consiste en estimar la eficiencia con la que operan los intermediarios del sector minorista español de distribución turístico, y conocer la influencia de algunos de sus factores determinantes (salarios, antigüedad y oferta de servicios de comercio electrónico). La metodología de investigación se apoya en la estimación de una frontera paramétrica de naturaleza estocástica. El análisis empírico efectuado sobre una muestra de 1086 agencias de viajes en 2004 evidencia bajos niveles de eficiencia, que son explicados por el nivel de salarios medio y por la antigüedad de la agencia.


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Este estudio examina la relevancia de la gestión medioambiental como fuente de ventaja competitiva para los hoteles. Se estudia la relación entre los distintos grados de compromiso ambiental de los hoteles de 3 a 5 estrellas españoles y su rendimiento empresarial. Se identifican tres tipos de compromiso medioambiental: proactivo, básico y reactivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que cuanto mayor es el grado de compromiso medioambiental de los hoteles mayor es su rendimiento de forma significativa.


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Un tema importante en la literatura sobre calidad es la relación entre la gestión de la calidad y el rendimiento empresarial. Lo mismo ocurre en el campo de la gestión medioambiental. La literatura ha analizado estos sistemas por separado y principalmente en empresas manufactureras. Este estudio analiza conjuntamente ambas prácticas de gestión en el sector hotelero. En concreto, este trabajo identifica los niveles de compromiso con la gestión de la calidad y la gestión ambiental de los hoteles españoles y examina la relación entre el compromiso conjunto con estos sistemas de gestión y el rendimiento empresarial. Los resultados muestran tres tipos de hoteles de acuerdo con su nivel de compromiso con la gestión de la calidad y la gestión ambiental: proactivos, intermedios y reactivos. Además, se ha comprobado que el rendimiento crece conforme mayores son los niveles de compromiso con la gestión de la calidad y el medio ambiente.


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Objeto: La certificación en calidad puede ayudar a las empresas a mejorar su eficiencia y sus resultados. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las diferencias entre los hoteles certificados y no certificados con relación al desarrollo de prácticas de gestión de la calidad, los resultados y el tipo de ventaja competitiva que suelen desarrollar, y los cambios en la estructura organizativa. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: El trabajo clasifica a los hoteles en dos grupos, hoteles certificados en calidad y no certificados, y analiza las diferencias significativas entre grupos. Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados muestran que los hoteles certificados desarrollan en mayor medida las prácticas de gestión de la calidad, alcanzan mejores resultados empresariales y una mayor diferenciación y tienen niveles altos de formalización y de coordinación interdepartamental. Originalidad/valor añadido: La principal contribución de este trabajo es analizar si la certificación aporta valor para el sector hotelero.


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Our study examines asymmetric rivalry within and between strategic groups defined according to the size of their members. We hypothesize that, owing to several forms of group-level effects, including switching costs and efficiency, strategic groups comprising large firms expect to experience a large amount of retaliation from firms within their group and accommodation from the group comprising smaller firms. Small firms, on the other hand, expect to experience a small amount of retaliation from the group comprising large firms and no reaction from the other firms in their group. We estimate the effect of group-level strategic interactions on firm performance. Our analysis reveals that the rivalry behavior within and between groups is asymmetric, which supports the dominant-fringe relation between firms, as described in our hypothesis.


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La Responsabilidad Social en general, y la Gestión Medioambiental en particular, pueden influir sobre el resultado y la competitividad de las empresas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre certificación medioambiental, rendimiento medioambiental, competitividad y resultado empresarial en el sector hotelero español. Además, también se analizan y comparan los niveles alcanzados de proactividad medioambiental para el grupo de hoteles certificados y no certificados. El método de investigación utilizado es híbrido, combinando una parte cualitativa con otra cuantitativa. Los resultados indican que los hoteles que tienen certificado su sistema de Gestión Medioambiental alcanzan mayores niveles de resultado en términos de porcentaje de ocupación e ingresos por habitación disponible (RevPAR). Además, los hoteles certificados obtienen un mejor rendimiento medioambiental. Con relación a la ventaja competitiva, los hoteles certificados desarrollan una ventaja en diferenciación significativamente superior.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to attempt to explain why the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives may be different and/or more important in service firms compared to manufacturing firms. CSR is becoming a common strategy, hence its extensive research. Central to it is the analysis of the effect of CSR on a firm’s performance, whose outcome depends on firm-specific and industry-related factors. Design/methodology/approach – The event study methodology is applied to all the 248 companies that have ever traded on the Spanish Stock Market between 1990 and 2007. A regression analysis examines potential different effects of CSR on service and goods firms. Findings – The results show that CSR activities have a positive impact on firm performance that is higher for service firms than for manufacturing firms. Actions related to the environment, responsible labor relationships and good corporate governance are especially important in the service context. Research limitations/implications – This research is focused on shareholders’ performance, but it does not consider other stakeholders, such as real consumer behavior or employees’ commitment and productivity. Practical implications – Service firms are likely to gain from focusing on some CSR activities (environment, employees and good corporate governance) and should use their responsible behavior as a valuable tool for public relations and differentiation in the market. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and explain why the relationship between CSR and firm performance may be different (more positive) for service vs manufacturing firms.


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Purpose – This study aims to examine the relationships between a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and its performance and risk. The authors hypothesize that industry-level effects are highly determinant of the sign and magnitude of these relationships to establish a ranking of industries to identify the position of the most prominent tourism-related industries: hotels and airlines. Based on the cybernetic model of decision making and the heuristics thereof, shareholders base their investment decisions derived from CSR announcements on the idea that the industries behave differently; their fixed costs being a relevant factor. Design/methodology/approach – The authors estimate the industry-specific effects of CSR initiatives on firms' performance and risk using a sample of 583 announcements from the Spanish Stock Market. Findings – The results show that while CSR announcements have a positive effect on performance when the authors do not account for industry-specific factors, once the authors incorporate these factors into the analysis, the authors find that firm performance and risk vary quite substantially as a function of the industry to which the firm belongs. Interestingly, while the hotel industry presents an average behavior (standing at 9th position in returns, 15th in terms of risk, and 8th according to the ratio returns/volatility), the airline industry presents the worst situation of all industries: last in performance and last in risk. Practical implications – The results help managers assess their decisions and allocate CSR resources optimally. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and comprehensively detect the different relationships between CSR and firm performance across industries.


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The strategic orientation of firms can take on many forms. Researchers most commonly distinguish between entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations. In combination, strategic orientations represent a firm's value proposition in terms of the markets in which it operates, where it deploys its resources, and which behavioral patterns are established. This thesis provides insights into the effectiveness of strategic orientations by adopting multiple theoretical perspectives. The strategic orientations of entrepreneurial, market, learning, and innovation orientations are investigated in an isolated as well as interrelated manner. The first research article concentrates on entrepreneurial orientation as its conceptualization and operationalization is subject to several debates in the literature. This conceptual study shows how the challenges of the entrepreneurial orientation construct can be overcome in future research to arrive at a higher level of construct clarity. Thereby, the theoretical perspectives of entrepreneurial dominant logic and the theory of planned behavior are employed. The literature has predominantly focused on investigating the effectiveness of particular strategic orientations. Recently, scholars have stressed their synergetic impact on firm performance and, as such, the relevance of considering their combined role in creating superior value for firms. However, empirical research on their interrelatedness remains scant and dispersed, making it necessary to conduct further research on strategic orientations in an integrative manner. As such, the second research article demonstrates which interrelated roles are played by entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations in their relationship to firm performance. The rich body of existing knowledge is synthesized by means of meta-analysis under the perspective of strategic coalignment as well as the resource-based view of the firm.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The rise of the knowledge economy brings to the foreground questions of how firms might best capture the value of their intellectual assets. In this article I introduce the notion of strategic interventions in intellectual asset flows designed to influence the level and composition of intellectual asset scarcity, with implications for firm performance. I also present propositions that explain and predict how contingencies at differing levels of analysis influence the choice of strategic intervention.


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This study examined whether the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM)practices is contingent on organizational climate and competitive strategy The concepts of internol and external fit suggest that the positive relationship between HRM and subsequent productivity will be stronger for firms with a positive organizational climate and for firms using differentiation strategies. Resource allocation theories of motivation, on the other hand, predict that the relationship between HRM and productivity will be stronger for firms with a poor climate because employees working in these firms should have the greatest amount of spare capacity. The results supported the resource allocation argument.


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Essa pesquisa investiga empiricamente o desempenho das empresas do Grande ABC, região industrializada e cada vez mais representativa economicamente para o país. As sete cidades que representam a região, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra, tiverem nos últimos anos um crescimento econômico consideravelmente acima do crescimento do país e seu desenvolvimento tem impulsionado o crescimento do país. A análise empírica utiliza dados em painel e investiga o desempenho das firmas das sete cidades que compõe o Grande ABC durante os anos de 2001 a 2008 utilizando a metodologia multinível e três medidas de desempenho: ROA, OROA e ROE. A metodologia multinível possibilitou a identificação dos principais efeitos que estão associados ou não ao desempenho das empresas, entre esses efeitos estão o ano, a própria empresa, o subsetor, o setor e a cidade que a empresa se localiza. Entre as três medidas de desempenho utilizadas houve significativa convergência e, além disso, o estudo identificou que há um significativo efeito no desempenho das empresas associado ao ano e à própria empresa, além de mostrar que os setores, os subsetores e a cidade que a empresa se localiza não apresentam um efeito significativo associado ao desempenho dessas firmas.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine dividend policies in an emerging capital market, in a country undergoing a transitional period. Design/methodology/approach – Using pooled cross-sectional observations from the top 50 listed Egyptian firms between 2003 and 2005, this study examines the effect of board of directors’ composition and ownership structure on dividend policies in Egypt. Findings – It is found that there is a significant positive association between institutional ownership and firm performance, and both dividend decision and payout ratio. The results confirm that firms with a higher return on equity and a higher institutional ownership distribute higher levels of dividend. No significant association was found between board composition and dividend decisions or ratios. Originality/value – This study provides additional evidence of the applicability of the signalling model in the emerging market of Egypt. It was found that despite the high institutional ownership and the closely held nature of the firms, which imply lower agency costs, the payment of higher dividend was considered necessary to attract capital during this transitional period.