841 resultados para sub-solutions and super-solutions


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Työssä tutkittiin kiekkosuodattimeen liittyviä ulkoisia simulointimalleja integroidussa simulointiympäristössä. Työn tarkoituksena oli parantaa olemassa olevaa mekanistista kiekkosuodatinmallia. Malli laadittiin dynaamiseen paperiteollisuuden tarpeisiin tehtyyn simulaattoriin (APMS), jossa olevaan alkuperäiseen mekanistiseen malliin tehtiin ulkoinen lisämalli, joka käyttää hyväkseen kiekkosuodatinvalmistajan mittaustuloksia. Laitetiedon saatavuutta suodattimien käyttäjille parannettiin luomalla Internetissä sijaitsevalle palvelimelle kiekkosuodattimen laitetietomäärittelyt. Suodatinvalmistaja voi palvella asiakkaitaan viemällä laitetiedot palvelimelle ja yhdistämällä laitetiedon simulointimalliin. Tämä on mahdollista Internetin ylitse käytettävän integroidun simulointiympäristön avulla, jonka on tarkoitus kokonaisvaltaisesti yhdistää simulointi ja prosessisuunnittelu. Suunnittelijalle tarjotaan työkalut, joilla dynaaminen simulointi, tasesimulointi ja kaavioiden piirtäminen onnistuu prosessilaitetiedon ollessa saatavilla. Nämä työkalut on tarkoitus toteuttaa projektissa nimeltä Galleria, jossa luodaan prosessimalli- ja laitetietopalvelin Internetiin. Gallerian käyttöliittymän avulla prosessisuunnittelija voi käyttää erilaisia simulointiohjelmistoja ja niihin luotuja valmiita malleja, sekä saada käsiinsä ajan tasalla olevaa laitetietoa. Ulkoinen kiekkosuodatinmalli laskee suodosvirtaamat ja suodosten pitoisuudet likaiselle, kirkkaalle ja superkirkkaalle suodokselle. Mallin syöttöparametrit ovat kiekkojen pyörimisnopeus, sisään tulevan syötön pitoisuus, suotautuvuus (freeness) ja säätöparametri, jolla säädetään likaisen ja kirkkaan suodoksen keskinäinen suhde. Suotautuvuus kertoo mistä massasta on kyse. Mitä suurempi suotautuvuus on, sitä paremmin massa suodattuu ja sitä puhtaampia suodokset yleensä ovat. Mallin parametrit viritettiin regressioanalyysillä ja valmistajan palautetta apuna käyttäen. Käyttäjä voi valita haluaako hän käyttää ulkoista vai alkuperäistä mallia. Alkuperäinen malli täytyy ensin alustaa antamalla sille nominaaliset toimintapisteet virtaamille ja pitoisuuksille tietyllä pyörimisnopeudella. Ulkoisen mallin yhtälöitä voi käyttää alkuperäisen mallin alustamiseen, jos alkuperäinen malli toimii ulkoista paremmin. Ulkoista mallia voi käyttää myös ilman simulointiohjelmaa Galleria-palvelimelta käsin. Käyttäjälle avautuu näin mahdollisuus tarkastella kiekkosuodattimien parametreja ja nähdä suotautumistulokset oman työasemansa ääreltä mistä tahansa, kunhan Internetyhteys on olemassa. Työn tuloksena kiekkosuodattimien laitetiedon saatavuus käyttäjille parani ja alkuperäisen simulointimallin rajoituksia ja puutteita vähennettiin.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on selvittää paperinvalmistuslinjan energiankulutusmittaus paperitehtaalla ja kehittää sen perusteella mittausmenetelmä. Tavoitteena on tutkia ja ohjeistaa mittaustapahtuma, kun apuna käytetään prosessimittauksia. Diplomityön teoriaosassa käsitellään paperinvalmistuslinjaa ja sen osaprosesseja sekä paperitehtaan prosessiohjausjärjestelmiä. Lisäksi työssä kerrotaan kirjallisuudesta löytyvistä paperitehtaan energiankulutusmittauksista, taseiden soveltamisesta paperinvalmistuslinjaan, osaprosessien energiankulutuskohteista ja energiakäytön arvioinnista. Näiden tietojen perusteella kehitetään mittausmenetelmä, joka soveltuu normaalituotannossa oleviin LWC-, SC-, sanomalehti-, kartonki- ja hienopaperinvalmistuslinjoihin sekä näiden osaprosesseille. Kehitettyä mittausmenetelmää testattiin case-tapauksiin ja kokemuksia kirjattiin ylös. Mittausmenetelmän suurin rajoite on prosessin paperitehdaskohtaisuus. Menetelmästä rajataan pois ilmanvaihto-, lämminvesi- ja jäähdytysvesijärjestelmien energiavirrat, koska näistä ei yleensä ole riittävästi mittauksia. LTO:ssa poistoilmasta talteen otettu energiavirta kuitenkin otetaan huomioon. Se vähentää korvausilman lämmittämiseen tarvittavaa energiaa. Diplomityössä selvisi, että paperivalmistuslinjan energiankulutusmittaus voidaan tehdä kustannustehokkaasti ja kattavasti hyödyntäen olemassa olevia prosessimittauksia. Mittaustuloksista on mahdollista laskea ominaisenergiankulutus, jota voidaan verrata toisiin linjoihin kun mittauksissa otetaan huomioon prosessin parametrit, mittalaitteiden mittausalue, ajankohta, mittapisteiden määrä ja sijainti.


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In this thesis a model for managing the product data in a product transfer project was created for ABB Machines. This model was then applied for the ongoing product transfer project during its planning phase. Detailed information about the demands and challenges in product transfer projects was acquired by analyzing previous product transfer projects in participating organizations. This analysis and the ABB Gate Model were then used as a base for the creation of the model for managing the product data in a product transfer project. The created model shows the main tasks during each phase in the project, their sub-tasks and relatedness on general level. Furthermore the model emphasizes need for detailed analysis of the situation during the project planning phase. The created model for managing the product data in a product transfer project was applied into ongoing project two main areas; manufacturing instructions and production item data. The results showed that the greatest challenge considering the product transfer project in previously mentioned areas is the current state of the product data. Based on the findings, process and resource proposals for both the ongoing product transfer project and the BU Machines were given. For manufacturing instructions it is necessary to create detailed process instructions in receiving organizations own language for each department so that the manufacturing instructions can be used as a training material during the training in sending organization. For production item data the English version of the bill of materials needs to be fully in English. In addition it needs to be ensured that bill of materials is updated and these changes implemented before the training in sending organization begins.


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The Ebro Delta holds a large seabird community, including a common tern (Sterna hirundo) local population of 3,085 pairs in 2000 which breeds scattered in several colonies. At El Canalot colony, 1,178 (1999) and 1,156 pairs (2000) of this species bred distributed in 32 and 38 sub-colonies respectively. These sub-colonies varied in size from 1 to 223 pairs and were placed near the main breeding colonies of yellow-legged gulls (Larus cachinnans) and Audouin´s gulls (L. audouinii), which are potential egg-predators of terns. We studied egg predation during 1999 (6 sub-colonies) and 2000 (27 sub-colonies). Overall, we found that 10.6% of the nests in 1999 and 16.7% in 2000 suffered partial or total egg predation, being total in 81.1% of the predatory events. Predation was significantly higher in small sub-colonies (< 11 pairs): 49.4% in 1999 and 75.5% in 2000. Only attacks from yellow-legged gulls were observed, and defence behaviour of terns was significantly more frequent against this gull species (40.5 hours of observation), suggesting that in most cases the egg predation recorded was due to this species. Probability of egg predation was significantly and negatively correlated with distance to the nearest yellow-legged gull sub-colony, although this relationship was no more significant after adjustment for sub-colony size. On the other hand, distance to the nearest Audouin´s gull sub-colony did not show any effect. Our results suggest that the impact of large gulls (at least yellow-legged gulls) upon smaller seabirds breeding in the area might be important, especially when they are breeding in small sub-colonies. Further studies are needed to analyse the general impact of large gulls upon the breeding populations of other colonial bird species in the area.


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Glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain but also an important source of building blocks for proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Little is known about the use of glucose for biosynthesis in tissues at the cellular level. We demonstrate that local cerebral metabolic activity can be mapped in mouse brain tissue by quantitatively imaging the biosynthetic products deriving from [U-(13)C]glucose metabolism using a combination of in situ electron microscopy and secondary ion mass-spectroscopy (NanoSIMS). Images of the (13)C-label incorporated into cerebral ultrastructure with ca. 100nm resolution allowed us to determine the timescale on which the metabolic products of glucose are incorporated into different cells, their sub-compartments and organelles. These were mapped in astrocytes and neurons in the different layers of the motor cortex. We see evidence for high metabolic activity in neurons via the nucleus (13)C enrichment. We observe that in all the major cell compartments, such as e.g. nucleus and Golgi apparatus, neurons incorporate substantially higher concentrations of (13)C-label than astrocytes.


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When status epilepticus (SE) remains refractory to appropriate therapy, it is associated with high mortality and with substantial morbidity in survivors. Many outcome predictors such as age, seizure type, level of consciousness before treatment, and mostly, etiology, are well-established. A longer duration of SE is often associated with worse outcome, but duration may lose its prognostic value after several hours. Several terms and definitions have been used to describe prolonged, refractory SE, including "malignant SE," "prolonged" SE, and more recently, "super refractory" SE, defined as "SE that has continued or recurred despite 24 hours of general anesthesia (or coma-inducing anticonvulsants)." There are few data available regarding the outcome of prolonged refractory SE, and even fewer for SE remaining refractory to anesthetic drugs. This article reviews reports of outcome after prolonged, refractory, and "super refractory" SE. Most information detailing the clinical outcome of patients surviving these severe illnesses, in which seizures can persist for days or weeks (and especially those concerning "super-refractory" SE) come from case reports and retrospective cohort studies. In many series, prolonged, refractory SE has a mortality of 30% to 50%, and several studies indicate that most survivors have a substantial decline in functional status. Nevertheless, several reports demonstrate that good functional outcome is possible even after several days of SE and coma induction. Treatment of refractory SE should not be withdrawn from younger patients without structural brain damage at presentation solely because of the duration of SE.


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Työn tavoitteena on analysoida ABB Oy:n Indutiokoneet-tulosyksikön tuotantoprosessin loppuosaa tietovirtojen näkökulmasta ja tutkia miten tiedonkulkua tulisi kehittää valmistusprosessin loppupään tehostamiseksi. Teoreettisena viitekehyksessä vertaillaan prosessinkehittämisen koulukuntia jatkuvaa parantamista ja prosessien suunnittelua ja käsitellään prosessin hallintaan ja kehittämiseen tarvittavia tietovirtoja ja niiden käsitteellistämistä sekä prosessinkehitysprojektin vaiheita. Tarkasteltavaa prosessia lähestytään analysoimalla, miten tutkittava osaprosessi toimii tällä hetkellä ja mitä ongelmia prosessin tiedonkulkuun liittyy. Analyysin pohjalta identifioidaan kahdeksan virhettä prosessissa ja virheiden poistamiseksi kehitystoimenpiteet, jotka liittyvät prosessin tekniseen infrastruktuuriin ja tietotekniseen tukeen sekä prosessin henkilöstön ohjeistukseen. Kehitysehdotusten avulla tarkasteltavassa työyksikössä nykyisin suoritettavia, varsinaisia työvaiheita tukevia vaiheita voidaan poistaa, mikä vapauttaa puolipäiväisen työpanoksen muihin tehtäviin ja pakkausprosessin virheiden väheneminen tuo rahallisia säästöjä kuljetuskustannuksissa.


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NMR is now frequently the technique of choice for determination of chemical structure in solution. Its uses also span structure in solids and mobility at the molecular level in all phases. The research literature in the subject is vast and ever-increasing. Unfortunately, many articles do not contain sufficient information for experiments to be repeated elsewhere, and there are many variations in the usage of symbols for the same physical quantity. It is the aim of the present recommendations to provide simple check-lists that will enable such problems to be minimised in a way that is consistent with general IUPAC formulation. The area of medical NMR and imaging is not specifically addressed in these recommendations, which are principally aimed at mainstream use of NMR by chemists (of all sub-disciplines) and by many physicists, biologists, material scientists and geologists etc. working with NMR.


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Hydrogels micro, sub-micro and nanoparticles are of great interest for drug encapsulation and delivery or as embolotherapic agents. In this work it is described the preparation of nano and sub-microparticles of pre-formed, high molecular weight and monomer free poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) encapsulated inside the core of lecithin vesicles. The hydrogel particles are formed with a very narrow diameter distribution, of about 800 nm, and a moderate swelling ratio, of approximately 10.


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In this thesis three experiments with atomic hydrogen (H) at low temperatures T<1 K are presented. Experiments were carried out with two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) H gas, and with H atoms trapped in solid H2 matrix. The main focus of this work is on interatomic interactions, which have certain specific features in these three systems considered. A common feature is the very high density of atomic hydrogen, the systems are close to quantum degeneracy. Short range interactions in collisions between atoms are important in gaseous H. The system of H in H2 differ dramatically because atoms remain fixed in the H2 lattice and properties are governed by long-range interactions with the solid matrix and with H atoms. The main tools in our studies were the methods of magnetic resonance, with electron spin resonance (ESR) at 128 GHz being used as the principal detection method. For the first time in experiments with H in high magnetic fields and at low temperatures we combined ESR and NMR to perform electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) as well as coherent two-photon spectroscopy. This allowed to distinguish between different types of interactions in the magnetic resonance spectra. Experiments with 2D H gas utilized the thermal compression method in homogeneous magnetic field, developed in our laboratory. In this work methods were developed for direct studies of 3D H at high density, and for creating high density samples of H in H2. We measured magnetic resonance line shifts due to collisions in the 2D and 3D H gases. First we observed that the cold collision shift in 2D H gas composed of atoms in a single hyperfine state is much smaller than predicted by the mean-field theory. This motivated us to carry out similar experiments with 3D H. In 3D H the cold collision shift was found to be an order of magnitude smaller for atoms in a single hyperfine state than that for a mixture of atoms in two different hyperfine states. The collisional shifts were found to be in fair agreement with the theory, which takes into account symmetrization of the wave functions of the colliding atoms. The origin of the small shift in the 2D H composed of single hyperfine state atoms is not yet understood. The measurement of the shift in 3D H provides experimental determination for the difference of the scattering lengths of ground state atoms. The experiment with H atoms captured in H2 matrix at temperatures below 1 K originated from our work with H gas. We found out that samples of H in H2 were formed during recombination of gas phase H, enabling sample preparation at temperatures below 0.5 K. Alternatively, we created the samples by electron impact dissociation of H2 molecules in situ in the solid. By the latter method we reached highest densities of H atoms reported so far, 3.5(5)x1019 cm-3. The H atoms were found to be stable for weeks at temperatures below 0.5 K. The observation of dipolar interaction effects provides a verification for the density measurement. Our results point to two different sites for H atoms in H2 lattice. The steady-state nuclear polarizations of the atoms were found to be non-thermal. The possibility for further increase of the impurity H density is considered. At higher densities and lower temperatures it might be possible to observe phenomena related to quantum degeneracy in solid.


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The construction material sector, as a capital intensive industry, is highly vulnerable to rapid fluctuations in the economic cycles. In Finland this was witnessed especially during the late 2000s, as in 2007 and 2008 the demand for several construction materials exceeded their supply and right after this, in 2009 the demand collapsed fast as a result of an international recession. These factors brought about the need to study the future trends of the market place of the commissioning company, Finnsementti Oy. As reliable short term market forecasts for the sector are difficult to compose, the study concentrates primarily in examining and identifying the trends that are likely to affect the Finnish cement industry, and as an extension, the concrete industry in a frame of 10 to 15 years. The study’s scope comprehends also the examination of the domestic construction sector, as it represents the end user industry of both cement and concrete. These motives for the study produce the research problem, which is to conduct a trend analysis for cement based building in the Finnish market area in the 2020s. The theoretical frame for composing a trend analysis in the case of this study is twofold. This is due to the fact that both, the macro and micro environments of the examined industries are studied. The main methods used are the PESTE-model (macro) and Porter’s five forces model (micro). The study applies a qualitative approach and the data is gathered by interviewing a group of experts from the cement, concrete and construction industries. The result of the paper is an overall trend analysis for the Finnish cement based building sector, which is based on ‘sub trend analyses’ concerning four identified sub-sectors of the Finnish construction industry. The results are a combination of findings from these sub-sectors and the analyzed data that deals with the studied sector’s macro and micro environment. The conclusions provide an overall picture of the examined sectors’ potential future as a whole and by defined sub-sectors of the construction industry. The recognition of future trends in different areas of the construction industry can be applied as a means for an industry actor’s decision making and in estimating the types of construction that are likely to grow or decline. Finally, based on the analyzed data and conclusions, the commissioning company is provided with a brief SWOT analysis, that provides additional tools for decision making and planning processes regarding the future.


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The thesis examines the profitability of DMAC trading rules in the Finnish stock market over the 1996-2012 period. It contributes to the existing technical analysis literature by comparing for the first time the performance of DMAC strategies based on individual stock trading portfolios to the performance of index trading strategies based on the trading on the index (OMX Helsinki 25) that consists of the same stocks. Besides, the market frictions including transaction costs and taxes are taken into account, and the results are reported from both institutional and individual investor’s perspective. Performance characteristic of DMAC rules are evaluated by simulating 19,900 different trading strategies in total for two non- overlapping 8-year sub-periods, and decomposing the full-sample-period performance of DMAC trading strategies into distinct bullish- and bearish-period performances. The results show that the best DMAC rules have predictive power on future price trends, and these rules are able to outperform buy-and-hold strategy. Although the performance of the DMAC strategies is highly dependent on the combination of moving average lengths, the best DMAC rules of the first sub-period have also performed well during the latter sub-period in the case of individual stock trading strategies. According to the results, the outperformance of DMAC trading rules over buy-and-hold strategy is mostly attributed to their superiority during the bearish periods, and particularly, during stock market crashes.


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Toimituskyky on yrityksen suorituskykyä kuvaava tekijä, jolla on merkittävä vaikutus asiakastyytyväisyyteen, erityisesti valmistusteollisuudessa. Toimituskyky muodostuu materiaalin saatavuudesta ja logistisen järjestelmän toimitusvarmuudesta, joten hyvä toimituskyky edellyttää materiaalipuutteiden hallintaa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on esittää, miten toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää tilaus-toimitusprosessin materiaalipuutteita hallitsemalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella case-tutkimuksena havainnoimalla toimintaa case-yrityksessä sekä analysoimalla case-yrityksen kirjallista materiaalia ja arkistoja. Yrityksessä havaittuja materiaalipuutteisiin liittyviä ongelmia tarkasteltiin tilaus-toimitusprosessin näkökulmasta prosessijohtamisen ja systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun teorioiden avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena laadittiin kolme käytännönläheistä ratkaisuehdotusta havaittuihin ongelmiin; (1) materiaalipuutteiden syy-seuraussuhteita kuvaavat ongelma-syy-seurausketjut, (2) materiaalipuutteiden ongelmanratkaisumalli systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun tueksi sekä (3) visuaalinen tilaus-toimitusprosessimalli, joka painottaa osaprosessien yhteyttä koko prosessin toimituskykyyn ja toimitusvarmuuteen. Tulosten mukaan materiaalipuutteet tulisi käsittää prosessin laatuvirheinä, jotka antavat arvokasta tietoa siitä, että prosessissa on laatuongelmia. Tulosten perusteella yrityksen toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää havainnoimalla tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheitä, selvittämällä laatuvirheiden syy-seuraussuhteet systemaattisesti ongelmanratkaisumallia hyödyntäen sekä toimimalla prosessiajattelun mukaisesti tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskyvyn jatkuvaa parantamista tavoitellen. Tutkimusongelman tarkastelutapaa ja työn tuloksia voidaan soveltaa samankaltaisiin tapauksiin, joissa tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheet, esimerkiksi materiaalipuutteet, paljastavat kehittämistä vaativia epäkohtia prosessin toimintatavoissa. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää vain, jos panostetaan ajan hallintaan ja kykyyn toimia asiakaslupausten ja sopimusten mukaisesti.


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Tämän Pro Gradu –tutkielman aiheena on strategisten reaalioptioiden tunnistamiskyky suomalaisissa pk-yrityksissä. Tunnistamiskykyä tutkitaan kolmen alakysymyksen kautta ja näiden myötä voidaan muodostaa näkemys tunnistamiskyvyn merkityksestä, haasteista ja käytännöstä. Tutkimusstrategiana on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus ja tutkimusmetodina puolistrukturoimaton haastattelu. Tutkimus suoritetaan ilman selkeitä ennakkohypoteeseja. Laajan viitekehyksen tutkimukselle antaa reaalioptioajattelun teoria. Tutkimuksessa johdetaan strategisten reaalioptioiden tunnistamiskyvyn määritelmä taustateoriaan pohjautuen. Empiiristen tutkimustulosten mukaan strategisten reaalioptioiden tunnistamiskyvyn käytäntö ja haasteet nivoutuvat kolmen laajan teeman sisään. Näitä teemoja ovat yritysjohdon jatkuva valppaus mielentilana, tunnistamiskyky asiakas-, verkosto- ja kumppanuussuhteissa sekä henkilöstön kompetenssien rakentaminen. Tutkimuksen myötä vahvistuu näkemys, jonka mukaan reaalioptioajattelun omaksuminen voi kehittää merkittävästi yritysjohdon strategista ajattelukykyä sekä koko yrityksessä vallitsevaa toimeenpanokykyä. Strategisten reaalioptioiden tunnistamiskyky on puolestaan reaalioptioajattelun yksi tärkeä osa-alue, koska sillä mitä päädymme tunnistamaan, on tyypillisesti kauaskantoiset seuraukset.


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This thesis in caring science didactics is based on a thinking, where the fundamental basis for the didactic is science-based, i.e. it does not emanate from the nursing profession but brings forward a didactic that grows out of caring science and its core substance and ethos. This view on didactics arises from the caritative theory developed by Eriksson. The overall aim of the study is to clarify the meaning and essence of understanding, as well as to explore and deepen the understanding of student nurses' processes of understanding and becoming with the intention of developing a theory model for caring didactics. The overarching research questions are: What is the essence of understanding (of caring science knowledge)? What are the possibilities and importance of understanding in the appropriation of caring science? What characterizes and impels the process of becoming? The thesis consists of four sub studies and a summary section. The overall methodological approach is hermeneutic involving quantitative as well as qualitative methods. The data for the study has been collected through a longitudinal research project that followed student nurses at three universities during their entire education. The empirical sub studies form the basis for the interpreted knowledge that is formulated in the new understanding. This new understanding have, through additional theory-charging with the theory fragments from Gadamer, generated the heuristic synthesis which is illustrated in the theory model. The findings shows that understanding can be described as something unlimited, as an endless movement, which can be illustrated as a lying eighth, a lemniscate. The lemiscate of understanding is characterized by seeing, knowing and becoming and consists of seven differently named phases; the acquired horizon of understanding, the encounter of horizons, the dialogue of horizons, the fusion of horizons, application, reflection and shaping a new horizon of understanding. Bildung (formation), is the ultimate imprint of the endless spiral movement of understanding. Ethos and arête constitute the hubs around which the lemniscate of understanding circles. These include the spirit and driving force that the student carries within. The caring culture encloses the lemniscate of understanding. The caring culture provides the life space of understanding and the prevailing basic values are evinced in the culture.