998 resultados para math.GR


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This paper introduces a new construct that we term Math Mediated Language (MML) focusing on the notion that common or everyday terms with mathematical meanings are important building blocks for students’ mathematical reasoning. A survey given to 96 pre-service early childhood educators indicated clear patterns of perceptions of these terms.


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Many parents hold negative perceptions of math and science because they have never been taught these domains from a hands-on, constructivist approach. Only 20 - 30% of adults have actually experienced activity-based science inquiry. Instead, these individuals were exposed to didactic science programs that emphasize drill, skill and memorization (Shymanksy, 2000). This has had a negative impact upon their content knowledge in these areas and their perceptions of math and science. Consequently, parents are hesitant to incorporate math and science into their home life. There is a dire need to determine if parental perceptions of math, science, and their content knowledge will be positively effected as a result of participation in hands-on science workshops.


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This literature review explores how educators might address adult math anxiety. Curricular, instructional, and non-instructional strategies are reviewed. The suggested approaches emphasize treating the cognitive and physical manifestations of math anxiety.


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Adults returning to school face challenges including overcoming math anxiety. Many choose online courses as they balance life and work schedules. Online math courses therefore can be restructured to prevent math anxiety by catering to individual learning styles, providing tools that aid concept attainment, and using problem-based learning strategies.


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There is a national need to increase the STEM-related workforce. Among factors leading towards STEM careers include the number of advanced high school mathematics and science courses students complete. Florida's enrollment patterns in STEM-related Advanced Placement (AP) courses, however, reveal that only a small percentage of students enroll into these classes. Therefore, screening tools are needed to find more students for these courses, who are academically ready, yet have not been identified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which scores from a national standardized test, Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/ National Merit Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), in conjunction with and compared to a state-mandated standardized test, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), are related to selected AP exam performance in Seminole County Public Schools. An ex post facto correlational study was conducted using 6,189 student records from the 2010 - 2012 academic years. Multiple regression analyses using simultaneous Full Model testing showed differential moderate to strong relationships between scores in eight of the nine AP courses (i.e., Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics B, Physics C Electrical, Physics C Mechanical, Statistics, Calculus AB and BC) examined. For example, the significant unique contribution to overall variance in AP scores was a linear combination of PSAT Math (M), Critical Reading (CR) and FCAT Reading (R) for Biology and Environmental Science. Moderate relationships for Chemistry included a linear combination of PSAT M, W (Writing) and FCAT M; a combination of FCAT M and PSAT M was most significantly associated with Calculus AB performance. These findings have implications for both research and practice. FCAT scores, in conjunction with PSAT scores, can potentially be used for specific STEM-related AP courses, as part of a systematic approach towards AP course identification and placement. For courses with moderate to strong relationships, validation studies and development of expectancy tables, which estimate the probability of successful performance on these AP exams, are recommended. Also, findings established a need to examine other related research issues including, but not limited to, extensive longitudinal studies and analyses of other available or prospective standardized test scores.


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Abstract: Four second-grade students participated in a B-A-B withdrawal single-subject design experiment. The intervention package implemented consisted of three components: self-monitoring, performance feedback, and reinforcers. Participants completed math probes across phases. Accuracy and productivity was recorded and calculated. Results demonstrated the intervention package improved accuracy and productivity for all participants.


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Highlights of Data Expedition: • Students explored daily observations of local climate data spanning the past 35 years. • Topological Data Analysis, or TDA for short, provides cutting-edge tools for studying the geometry of data in arbitrarily high dimensions. • Using TDA tools, students discovered intrinsic dynamical features of the data and learned how to quantify periodic phenomenon in a time-series. • Since nature invariably produces noisy data which rarely has exact periodicity, students also considered the theoretical basis of almost-periodicity and even invented and tested new mathematical definitions of almost-periodic functions. Summary The dataset we used for this data expedition comes from the Global Historical Climatology Network. “GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network)-Daily is an integrated database of daily climate summaries from land surface stations across the globe.” Source: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/ghcn-daily/ We focused on the daily maximum and minimum temperatures from January 1, 1980 to April 1, 2015 collected from RDU International Airport. Through a guided series of exercises designed to be performed in Matlab, students explore these time-series, initially by direct visualization and basic statistical techniques. Then students are guided through a special sliding-window construction which transforms a time-series into a high-dimensional geometric curve. These high-dimensional curves can be visualized by projecting down to lower dimensions as in the figure below (Figure 1), however, our focus here was to use persistent homology to directly study the high-dimensional embedding. The shape of these curves has meaningful information but how one describes the “shape” of data depends on which scale the data is being considered. However, choosing the appropriate scale is rarely an obvious choice. Persistent homology overcomes this obstacle by allowing us to quantitatively study geometric features of the data across multiple-scales. Through this data expedition, students are introduced to numerically computing persistent homology using the rips collapse algorithm and interpreting the results. In the specific context of sliding-window constructions, 1-dimensional persistent homology can reveal the nature of periodic structure in the original data. I created a special technique to study how these high-dimensional sliding-window curves form loops in order to quantify the periodicity. Students are guided through this construction and learn how to visualize and interpret this information. Climate data is extremely complex (as anyone who has suffered from a bad weather prediction can attest) and numerous variables play a role in determining our daily weather and temperatures. This complexity coupled with imperfections of measuring devices results in very noisy data. This causes the annual seasonal periodicity to be far from exact. To this end, I have students explore existing theoretical notions of almost-periodicity and test it on the data. They find that some existing definitions are also inadequate in this context. Hence I challenged them to invent new mathematics by proposing and testing their own definition. These students rose to the challenge and suggested a number of creative definitions. While autocorrelation and spectral methods based on Fourier analysis are often used to explore periodicity, the construction here provides an alternative paradigm to quantify periodic structure in almost-periodic signals using tools from topological data analysis.


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For the past several years, U.S. colleges and universities have faced increased pressure to improve retention and graduation rates. At the same time, educational institutions have placed a greater emphasis on the importance of enrolling more students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) programs and producing more STEM graduates. The resulting problem faced by educators involves finding new ways to support the success of STEM majors, regardless of their pre-college academic preparation. The purpose of my research study involved utilizing first-year STEM majors’ math SAT scores, unweighted high school GPA, math placement test scores, and the highest level of math taken in high school to develop models for predicting those who were likely to pass their first math and science courses. In doing so, the study aimed to provide a strategy to address the challenge of improving the passing rates of those first-year students attempting STEM-related courses. The study sample included 1018 first-year STEM majors who had entered the same large, public, urban, Hispanic-serving, research university in the Southeastern U.S. between 2010 and 2012. The research design involved the use of hierarchical logistic regression to determine the significance of utilizing the four independent variables to develop models for predicting success in math and science. The resulting data indicated that the overall model of predictors (which included all four predictor variables) was statistically significant for predicting those students who passed their first math course and for predicting those students who passed their first science course. Individually, all four predictor variables were found to be statistically significant for predicting those who had passed math, with the unweighted high school GPA and the highest math taken in high school accounting for the largest amount of unique variance. Those two variables also improved the regression model’s percentage of correctly predicting that dependent variable. The only variable that was found to be statistically significant for predicting those who had passed science was the students’ unweighted high school GPA. Overall, the results of my study have been offered as my contribution to the literature on predicting first-year student success, especially within the STEM disciplines.


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I sjukhuskorridorerna står flera rum tomma och operationssalar används inte fullt ut. Anledningen är inte att medborgarna blivit friskare, inte heller är det ekonomin som är huvudorsaken, skälet är bristen på sjuksköterskor1. År 2015 publicerades en artikel om att allt fler sjuksköterskor lämnar Falu Lasarett på grund av dess tunga tre skift2. Vid denna studies början ville vi gå till botten med vad som är attraktivt i sjuksköterskeyrket, varför man väljer att bli sjuksköterska när yrket tycks vara kantat av negativa faktorer. Det vi tidigt märkte var att yrket inte endast kunde beskrivas som antingen attraktivt eller oattraktivt. Syftet med studien blev därför att identifiera attraktiva och oattraktiva faktorer i sjuksköterskeyrket. För att nå syftet eftersöktes respondenter via sociala medier där spridningen blev stor och stoppades när nio sjuksköterskor valt att delta. Respondenterna hade anställning på Falu Lasarett och intervjuas med hjälp av processmetoden "attraktivt arbete". Denna metod har varit ett verktyg i insamlandet av teori och empiri, faktorerna har gett oss handfasta sökord och varit användbara för respondenterna att resonera kring. Resultatet visade att respondenterna upplevde att relationer och social kontakt bidrog till yrkets attraktivitet. De ansåg sig även bli stimulerade av det varierande arbetet i form av tankearbete, praktiskt arbete och det resultat de presterade. De förbättringsområden som studien identifierat är föga förvånande; lön, arbetstid, arbetstakt, status, erkänsla, företaget, ledarskap men även faktorn eftertraktad bedömdes som mindre attraktiv då respondenterna ansåg att de endast var eftertraktade på grund av sin yrkestitel. Störst fokus har lagts på ledarskap, en faktor som tidigt identifierades som ett förbättringsområde. Problematiken kring ledarskapet tycks bottna i det faktum att chefsrekryteringar sker internt på arbetsplatsen och att de chefsutbildningar som erbjuds inte räcker till. Studien har för avsikt att identifiera förbättringsområden, ingen intention har funnits om att studien skulle resultera i en handlingsplan. Vi ser ämnet för komplext för att en C-uppsats skulle kunna landa i en lösning på de problem som sjuksköterskeyrket dras med.


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I denna uppsats har tre textdelar i ett digitalt gymnasieläromedel i historia undersökts. Syftet har varit att med teoretisk utgångspunkt i systemisk funktionell lingvistik (SFL) undersöka (1) vilka de språkliga utmaningarna är i de tre textdelarna och (2) vilket diskursivt mönster som framträder i textdelarna. En ideationell analys har därför genomförts och textdelarna har analyserats med avseende på transitivitet och agentivitet. Även deltagarnas lexikala kategorier har undersökts. Därtill har textdelarnas diskursiva mönster studerats. Sammantaget visar resultaten och analyserna av dessa att de språkliga utmaningarna finns på både process- och deltagarnivå och att en gemensam nämnare för flera språkliga strukturer som kan utgöra hinder för förståelse och lärande är att de på olika sätt döljer "vem som gör vad" i det historiska skeendet. Det gäller exempelvis passiva konstruktioner med utelämnad agent, icke-mänskliga deltagare och grupper/generiska. Som en särskild svårighet bland de icke-mänskliga deltagarna framstår de grammatiska metaforerna. Vidare framträder i textdelarna ett diskursivt mönster, där det i huvudsak är västerlänningar, som i egenskap av förstadeltagare i processerna, är de som agerar. Perspektivet i textdelarna framstår som västerländskt, vilket även det kan hindra förståelse och lärande.


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Lagstiftaren har skapat Lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) för att skydda de arbetstagarna som arbetat längst i företaget och mot godtycke. Det har blivit allt vanligare att avtala bort LAS, vid uppsägning av personal på grund arbetsbrist. Istället används Medbestämmandelagen (MBL). Fackföreningen kan då förhandla bättre villkor om ersättning för dem som avskedas än vad LAS kräver och de anställda blir överraskade av att de har blivit utvalda trots många år i företaget. Syftet med studien är att genom intervjuer jämföra hur sju olika fackförbund går tillväga vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. Det finns mycket forskning ur det juridiska perspektivet men lite forskning ur det sociologiska perspektivet. Det menar även Roine Johansson som vill med sin socialpsykologiska studie bidra till teoriutveckling inom organisationsanalysen, den här studien har en stomme av Johanssons förslag om förhandskontroll, kontroll under själva arbetsprocessen och efterhandskontroll. Denna kvalitativa studie visar att fackföreningar inte har ett gemensamt arbetssätt att hantera rutinerna vid uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist och fackligt stöd före, under och efter uppsägningsprocessen. För att komma tillrätta med detta och stärka fackföreningsrörelsen samt den svenska modellen, med att arbetsmarknadens parter gör egna avtal, bör de centrala arbetsorganisationerna arbeta fram gemensamma arbetsrutiner vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. De anställda ska också få det fackliga stöd som de förväntar sig med sitt medlemskap. Lagstiftarna bör se över uppsägningsvillkoren vid uppsägningar enligt lagen om anställningsskydd.


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La investigaci?n en Did?ctica de las Matem?ticas ha mostrado la importancia que tiene la interpretaci?n de diferentes representaciones semi?ticas como son las gr?ficas estad?sticas. Esta importancia se refleja en pruebas que el Estado realiza para conocer el nivel de conocimientos de los educandos. Al identificar algunas dificultades en los docentes se podr? realizar actividades que mejoren sus conocimientos para que a su vez las complementen con sus estudiantes. Actualmente, se encuentra informaci?n en forma de gr?ficas y tablas estad?sticas en peri?dicos, revistas, en los noticieros nos dicen de los resultados de encuestas, porcentajes e ?ndices de la econom?a. Lo que indica nuevamente la importancia de una cultura estad?stica por parte de las personas.


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It is a fact, and far from being a new one, that students have been entering Higher Education courses with many different backgrounds in terms of secondary school programs they attended. The impact of these basic skills is a general and worldwide challenge, fundamentally when facing some specific “constructive” subjects like foreign languages and Mathematics. Working with students with an extensive variety of Math qualifications is an outrageous challenge when they enter an advanced Math course, leading to an almost generalized expectations’ failure - from students enrolled in course and from their teachers, who feel powerless in trying to monitor knowledge construction from completely different “starting points”. If teachers’ "haste" is average, more than half of the students do not “go along” and give up, even before experiencing any kind of evaluation procedure. On the contrary, if the “speed” is too low, others are discouraged (feeling not progressing at all) and the teacher runs the risk of not meeting the minimum objectives (general and specific) of its course, which may have a negative impact on students’ future training development. Failure in Mathematics, despite being a recurrent and global issue, does not have any “magical solution”, however, in general, teachers in this area seem untiring, searching, investigating, trying and implementing new and old “recipes” to tackle and demystify this subject. In this article we describe a project developed in a Math course, with the first year students from an Accounting and Management bachelor degree, and its outcomes since it was brought to practice, revealing its impact in students’ success, from approval to dropout rates, in this course. We will shortly describe students’ differentiated Math backgrounds, their results in a pre-assessment analysis and how we try to deal with these differences and level them up, having in mind the same “finish line”. One should never forget that all these students where officially accepted in higher education institutions, so they are ones’ reality, the reality of institutions whose name one should value and strive to defend.