947 resultados para empty sella
Cellulose acetate produced from mango seed fibers cellulose was used as a matrix for preparation of microparticles empty and load with acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in order to evaluate the incorporation of an active agent during the formation of microparticles. The microparticles are characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The incorporation of paracetamol can be confirmed by the change in value of glass transition temperature (Tg). The formation of microparticles spherical was observed by SEM and showed an average diameter of 1.010 and 0.950 mm for empty and load microparticles respectively.
Työssä pyrittiin löytämään indikaatioita markkinoiden epätehokkuudesta ja arbitraasimahdollisuuksia Suomen warranttimarkkinoilla muodostamalla osavuosikatsausten ympärille erilaisia aikaikkunoita at-the-money warranttihaaroilla. Kohde-etuutena käytettiin Nokian osaketta. Tilastollista merkitsevyyttä testattiin haarojen päivittäisistä logaritmisista tuotoista muodostetulla jakaumalla ja Excelin prosenttijärjestys() -funktiolla. Työn pohjana käytettiin McKentzien, Thomsenin ja Phelanin (2007) työtä, jossa löydettiin teurassikafutuurimarkkinoilta tilastollisesti merkitseviä tuottoja straddle-haaroilla markkinakatsausten aikana. Työssä ei löydetty tilastollisesti merkitseviä tuottoja tai tappioita pääasialli-sella merkitsevyyden mittausmenetelmällä, mutta kahdensuuntaista t-jakauman jakaumaa käyttämällä kyllä.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on löytää toimivia ratkaisuja päivittäista-varakaupan hävikin hallitsemiseksi ja kannattavuuden parantamiseksi. Kohdeyrityksenä on myymälä, joka etsii keinoja toimintansa tehostami-seen nimenomaan päiväyshävikkiä silmällä pitäen. Päiväyshävikin synty-minen on ongelmallisinta erityisesti tuoretuotteiden osastoilla, joille asettuu paineita asiakkaiden vaatiman tuoreuden ja valikoiman laajuuden kautta. Hävikkiä ei voida ratkaista vähentämällä tilausmääriä, sillä tässä tapauk-sessa hyllyt ovat usein tyhjiä ja kohdataan toinen päivittäistavarakaupalle vaarallinen ongelma. Kannattavan toiminnan avaimina ovat siis tasapai-noilu hävikin aiheuttamien kustannusten ja menetetyn myynnin välillä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että hävikin hallinta on monien tekijöiden summa ja että kannattavuuden parantamiseksi on omaa toimintaa tarkas-teltava kokonaisuutena. Toiminnan kannattavuuden taustalla on aina asiakkaiden tyytyväisyys ja sen edistämiseksi on syytä tehdä töitä.
Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is generally associated with the porcine circovirosis syndrome, which is considered an important disease of swine and has potentially serious economic impact on the swine industry worldwide. This article describes the construction of a recombinant plasmid expressing the PCV2 structural protein and the evaluation of cellular and humoral immune responses produced by this recombinant vaccine in BALB/c mice. The vaccine candidate was obtained and analyzed in vivo, in an effort to determine the ability to induce a specific immune response in mice. DNA was extracted from a Brazilian PCV2 isolate and the gene coding for Cap protein was amplified by PCR and inserted into an expression plasmid. Groups of BALB/c mice were inoculated intra-muscularly and intradermally in a 15-day interval, with 100 µg and 50 µg of the vaccine construct, respectively. Another group was inoculated intramuscularly with 100 µg of empty plasmid, corresponding to the control group. Seroconversion and cellular response in BALB/c mice were compared and used for vaccine evaluation. Seroconversion was analyzed by ELISA. After a series of 3 immunizations the spleen cells of the immunized animals were used to perform lymphocyte proliferation assays. Seroconversion to PCV2 was detected by ELISA in the animals inoculated with the vaccine construct when compared with control groups. Lymphocyte proliferation assays showed a stronger cell proliferation in the inoculated animals compared with the control group. Thus, the vaccine candidate construct demonstrated to be able to induce both humoral and cellular responses in inoculated mice.
The increasing use of nanotechnologies in advanced therapies has allowed the observation of specific adverse reactions related to nanostructures. The toxicity of a novel liposome formulation of meglumine antimoniate in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis after single dose has been investigated. Groups of 12 animals received by the intravenous route a single dose of liposomal meglumine antimoniate (group I [GI], 6.5 mg Sb/kg), empty liposomes (GII) or isotonic saline (GIII). Evaluation of hematological and biochemical parameters showed no significant changes 4 days after administration. No undesired effects were registered in the GIII. However, adverse reactions were observed in 67.7% of dogs from both groups that received liposomal formulations. The side effects began moments after bolus administration and disappeared during the first 15 minutes after treatment. Prostation, sialorrhea and defecation were the most frequent clinical signs, registered in 33.3% and 41.6 % of animals from the groups GI and GII, respectively. Tachypnea, mydriasis, miosis, vomiting and cyanosis were also registered in both groups. The adverse reactions observed in this study were attributed to the activation of the complement system by lipid vesicles in a phenomenon known as Complement Activation-Related Pseudoallergy (CARPA). The influence of the physical-chemical characteristics of liposomal formulation in the triggering of CARPA is discussed.
Kuljetusvirtojen yhdistely kannattavaksi kuljetussuoritteeksi maatalouteen liittyvissä tuoteryhmissä
Diplomityön tavoitteena on arvioida kuljetusvirtojen yhdistämisen kannattavuutta. Kannattavuuden arvioimiseksi määritetään kuljetusvirtojen yhdistämisestä syntyneiden kuljetusreittien hinnat, jotka perustuvat reitillä käytettävien ajoneuvojen kuljetuskustannuksiin. Työssä kuvataan reitin hinnan määrittämiseksi rakennetun hinnoittelutyökalun ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä. Kova kilpailu ja huomattava kuljetuskustannusten osuus kaikista logistiikkakustannuksista haastavat yritykset kehittämään toimituspalveluistaan yhä tehokkaampia. Jotta niin asiakkaiden, toimittajien kuin kuljetusyritystenkin tarpeet voidaan mahdollisimman hyvin huomioida, on ensisijaisesti tarkasteltava yrityksen omaa toimintaa ja sen kehittymisvalmiuksia kuljetusten hallinnassa. Kuljetuskustannusten muodostumisen havainnollistamiseksi työssä perehdytään raskaan kuljetuskaluston kustannuslaskelmiin eri tekijöineen. Perusteluja kuljetusten yhdistämisen kannattavuudelle haetaan yritysmaailmassa jo toteutetuista esimerkeistä ja kuljetusten yhdistämisen rajoituksista. Kuljetusvirtojen yhdistelyn avulla yrityksen on mahdollista tehostaa logistisia palveluitaan kuljetusten osalta. Taulukkolaskentapohjainen työkalu auttaa tyhjänä ajettavien reittiosuuksien minimoinnissa. Tyhjänä ajon vähentymisen vaikutus näkyy kuljetuskustannusten alenemisena, jonka hyötyjä voidaan pitkällä aikavälillä jakaa useamman sidosryhmän kesken.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli yhtenäistää Etelä-Karjalan alueen erilaisia tapoja toimia alueke-räyksen suhteen. Aluekeräyksellä tarkoitetaan jätteiden keräystä pisteiltä, joihin kotitaloudet, jotka eivät kuulu kiinteistökohtaiseen keräykseen, voivat tuoda syntypaikkalajitellun kuiva- eli sekajätteensä. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa siitä, minkälaiset ovat eri kuivajätehuoltovaihtoehtojen ilmastonmuutos- ja kustannusvaikutukset. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten ympäristönäkökohdat voidaan ottaa huomioon kuljetuskilpailutuksissa. Tutkimuksessa kerättiin tietoa internetistä, opinnäytetöistä ja tieteellisistä artikkeleista sekä yritysten edustajilta. Kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen laskennassa hyödynnettiin GaBi 6.0 -elinkaariarviointiohjelmaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella aluekeräyspisteet kannattaa sijoittaa reiteille, joita asukkaat käyttävät vähintään kerran viikossa ja mitkä ovat optimaalisesti myös kuljetusurakoitsijan kannalta. Taajama-alueelle ei nähty suositeltavaksi sijoittaa aluekeräyspisteitä. Suositeltavina astioina aluekeräyspisteille nähtiin syväkeräyssäiliöt, joiden tyhjennys onnistuu samalla keräyskalustolla kuin kiinteistöjen jäteastioiden, kun ajoneuvo on varustettu puominosturilla. Suositeltavaksi nähtiin myös harventaa jäteastioiden talvityhjennystiheyksiä, jos tyhjennystiheys on vakio ympäri vuoden, sillä pääosa aluekeräyspisteiden käyttäjistä on loma-asukkaita. Tyhjennystiheyksien harvennuksella olisi mahdollista saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä. Tutkimuksessa laskettiin kuivajätteen elinkaarenaikaisia kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä kuivajätteen keräyksestä loppusijoitukseen ja energiahyötykäyttöön. Energiahyötykäyttökohteiksi valittiin Riihimäen, Kotkan sekä Leppävirran (suunnitteilla) jätteenpolttolaitokset. Tulosten pohjalta kuivajätteen energiahyötykäyttö oli loppusijoitusta selkeästi parempi vaihtoehto. Kuivajätteen keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjen vaikutus oli pieni. Kuivajätteen kuljetusmatkan pituus jätteenpolttolaitokselle ei ole siis ratkaisevassa roolissa kokonaiskasvihuonekaasupäästöjä tarkasteltaessa. Etäisyyttä suurempi vaikutus onkin kuivajätteen koostumuksella, polttolaitosten vuosihyötysuhteilla ja korvattavilla polttoaineilla. Jatkossa suositellaan selvittämään vielä vaihtoehtoisia käsittelytapoja kuivajätteen sisältämälle sekamuovijakeelle, jonka poltosta aiheutuu merkittävä osuus (noin 74 %) kuivajätteen polton kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä. Ajankohtaisia kuljetuskilpailutuksia varten tarkasteltiin vielä tarkemmin keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjä. Tulosten pohjalta havaittiin, että keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjä on mahdollista vähentää reilusti (46–74 %) siirtymällä dieselistä biopolttoaineiden käyttöön. Tuloksiin vaikuttaa kuitenkin merkittävästi, minkälaisista raaka-aineista biopolttoaineet on valmistettu. Kuivajätteen keräyspäästöjä on mahdollista pienentää myös päivittämällä aluekeräyspisteverkostoa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kustannuksia aluekeräyspisteiden astioiden uusinnasta tai korjauksesta kuivajätteen loppusijoitukseen tai energiahyötykäyttöön asti. Merkittävimmät kustannukset aiheutuivat kuivajätteen loppusijoituksesta, energiahyötykäytöstä sekä keräyksestä. Kustannusten näkökulmasta keräyksen rooli oli siis suurempi. Työn lopussa annettiin vielä vinkkejä, joiden avulla jätehuoltoyritykset voivat tehdä jätekuljetushankintoja ympäristönäkökohdat huomioiden. Usein selkein tapa huomioida ympäristönäkökohdat kuljetuskilpailutuksissa on asettaa riittävän tiukkoja pakollisia vaatimuksia, jolloin voi valita hinnaltaan halvimman vaihtoehdon. Kuljetuspalvelun hankinnassa tulee huomioida ainakin energiankulutus, hiilidioksidi-, typenoksidi-, hiilivety- ja hiukkaspäästöt. Lainsäädäntö ei määrää vähimmäistasoja, vaan hankintaa tehdessä kannattaa kartoittaa markkinatilanne, jotta vaatimukset osaa asettaa oikealle tasolle. Markkinoille kannattaa myös tiedottaa tulevaisuuden tarpeista ja suunnitelmista. Suuria hankintakokonaisuuksia suositellaan pilkottavan pienempiin osiin, jotta pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset pystyvät myös osallistumaan tarjouskilpailuihin. Kannustus innovaatioiden huomioimiseen hankinnoissa on lisääntynyt myös jätehuollon alalla. Selvitettyjen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen perusteella oli merkille pantavaa, miten suuri vaikutus polttolaitoksen valinnalla oli kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin. Oleellista onkin huomioida ympäristönäkökohdat myös energiahyötykäyttökohdetta valittaessa.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The thesis is devoted to a theoretical study of resonant tunneling phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. It considers several problems relevant to modern solid state physics. Namely these are tunneling between 2D electron layers with spin-orbit interaction, tunnel injection into molecular solid material, resonant tunnel coupling of a bound state with continuum and resonant indirect exchange interaction mediated by a remote conducting channel. A manifestation of spin-orbit interaction in the tunneling between two 2D electron layers is considered. General expression is obtained for the tunneling current with account of Rashba and Dresselhaus types of spin-orbit interaction and elastic scattering. It is demonstrated that the tunneling conductance is very sensitive to relation between Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions and opens possibility to determine the spin-orbit interaction parameters and electron quantum lifetime in direct tunneling experiments with no external magnetic field applied. A microscopic mechanism of hole injection from metallic electrode into organic molecular solid (OMS) in high electric field is proposed for the case when the molecules ionization energy exceeds work function of the metal. It is shown that the main contribution to the injection current comes from direct isoenergetic transitions from localized states in OMS to empty states in the metal. Strong dependence of the injection current on applied voltage originates from variation of the number of empty states available in the metal rather than from distortion of the interface barrier. A theory of tunnel coupling between an impurity bound state and the 2D delocalized states in the quantum well (QW) is developed. The problem is formulated in terms of Anderson-Fano model as configuration interaction between the carrier bound state at the impurity and the continuum of delocalized states in the QW. An effect of this interaction on the interband optical transitions in the QW is analyzed. The results are discussed regarding the series of experiments on the GaAs structures with a -Mn layer. A new mechanism of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterosructures is considered, namely the resonant enhancement of indirect exchange interaction between paramagnetic centers via a spatially separated conducting channel. The underlying physical model is similar to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction; however, an important difference relevant to the low-dimensional structures is a resonant hybridization of a bound state at the paramagnetic ion with the continuum of delocalized states in the conducting channel. An approach is developed, which unlike RKKY is not based on the perturbation theory and demonstrates that the resonant hybridization leads to a strong enhancement of the indirect exchange. This finding is discussed in the context of the known experimental data supporting the phenomenon.
In my dissertation called Speaking of the unsayable: The circular philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in his work De coniecturis, I presuppose an internal (conceptual) relation between the personal experience of God of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64) in 1438 and, on the other hand, his philosophy. I hence try to describe the precise character of this relation. Referring to the Norwegian scholars Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, I assume that there is a circularity in Cusanus’ philosophy which appears as self-references (= a sentence refers to itself: A is explained by B and B is explained by A). Wyller finds three phases in the thought of Cusanus (1. De docta ignorantia I-III, 2. De coniecturis I-II, 3. all subsequent works). Rossvær finds it impossible to presuppose certain phases, as the philosophy of Cusanus continuously proceeds and remains open to new ideas. As Cusanus however treats his experience of God far more consciously in his second work De coniecturis than in De docta ignorantia, I find it possible to distinguish between the earlier Cusanus (De docta ignorantia including his earlier works) and the later Cusanus (De coniecturis, about 1444, as well as the following works). Cusanus creates a philosophy of language in outline expressed in De coniecturis, in which he presents two concepts of necessity, i.e. absolute necessity and logical, or reasonable, necessity. These are interrelated in the sense that the mind, or the self, logically affirms the absolute, or unsayable, necessity, which shows itself in the mind and which the mind affirms conjecturally. The endeavour conceptually to understand absolute necessity implies intuitive (or intellectual) contemplation, or vision (investigatio symbolica), in which the four mental unities (the absolute, the intellectual, the rational and the sensuous) work together according to the rules described in De coniecturis. In De coniecturis Cusanus obviously turns from a negative concept of the unsayable to a paradigmatic, which implies that he looks for principles of speaking of the unsayable and presents the idea of a divine language (divinaliter). However, he leaves this idea behind after De coniecturis, although he continues to create new concepts of the unsayable and incomprehensible. The intellectual language of absolute seeing is expressed in the subjunctive, i.e. conditionally. In order to describe the unsayable, Cusanus uses tautologies, the primary one of which is a concept of God, i.e. non aliud est non aliud quam non aliud (the non-other is non-other than the nonother). Wyller considers this the crucial point of the philosophy of Cusanus (De non aliud), described by the latter as the definition of definitions, i.e. the absolute definition. However, this definition is empty regarding its content. It demonstrates that God surpasses the coincidence of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum) and that he is “superunsayable” (superineffabilis), i.e. he is beyond what can be conceived or said. Nothing hence prevents us from speaking of him, provided that he is described as unsayable (= the paradigmatic concept of the unsayable). Here the mode of seeing is decisive. Cusanus in this context (and especially in his later literary production) uses modalities which concern possibility and necessity. His aim is to conduct any willing reader ahead on the way of life (philosophia mentalis). In De coniecturis II he describes the notion of human self-consciousness as the basis of spiritual mutuality in accordance with the humanistic tradition of his time. I mainly oppose the negatively determined concept of Christian mysticism presented by the German philosopher Kurt Flasch and prefer the presentation of Burkhard Mojsisch of the translogical and conjectural use of language in De coniecturis. In particular, I take account of the Scandinavian research, basically that of Johannes Sløk, Birgit H. Helander, Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, who all consider the personal experience of God described by Cusanus a tacit precondition of his philosophy.
We evaluated the mechanical behavior of the repaired surfaces of defective articular cartilage in the intercondylar region of the rat femur after a hydrogel graft implant. The results were compared to those for the adjacent normal articular cartilage and for control surfaces where the defects remained empty. Hydrogel synthesized by blending poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(methyl methacrylate-co-acrylic acid) was implanted in male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into five groups with postoperative follow-up periods of 3, 5, 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Indentation tests were performed on the neoformed surfaces in the knee joint (with or without a hydrogel implant) and on adjacent articular cartilage in order to assess the mechanical properties of the newly formed surface. Kruskal-Wallis analysis indicated that the mechanical behavior of the neoformed surfaces was significantly different from that of normal cartilage. Histological analysis of the repaired defects showed that the hydrogel implant filled the defect with no signs of inflammation as it was well anchored to the surrounding tissues, resulting in a newly formed articular surface. In the case of empty control defects, osseous tissue grew inside the defects and fibrous tissue formed on the articular surface of the defects. The repaired surface of the hydrogel implant was more compliant than normal articular cartilage throughout the 16 weeks following the operation, whereas the fibrous tissue that formed postoperatively over the empty defect was stiffer than normal articular cartilage after 5 weeks. This stiffness started to decrease 16 weeks after the operation, probably due to tissue degeneration. Thus, from the biomechanical and histological point of view, the hydrogel implant improved the articular surface repair.
Two probably originally distinct but roughly contemporary books (I-II, copied by three scribes, A-C): A psalter and a Dominican breviary. Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Contents: I: Psalter: Fols. 7r–76va, Psalter, with additional hymns, concluding with Te Deum; Fols. 76vb–77vb, the Athanasian Creed; Fols. 77vb–80v, litany and other prayers. II: Dominican breviary: Fols. 1r–6v, English Dominican calendar (Jan.–Dec.); Fols. 81r–242v, 276r–312r, proprium de tempore (defect), from the First Advent to the First Sunday after Trinity, and from septuagesima in mensis Augusti to the 25th Sunday after Trinity; Fols. 313ra–318v, Office for the dedication of a church; Fols. 243r–275v, 319r–334v, 353r–v, 335r–352v, 354r–371r, proprium de sanctis (defect), from the beginning up to the office of Mary Magdalene, with a misplaced leaf, fol. 353, at translatio B. Dominici, and, after several missing gatherings, the end of commune sanctorum; Fol. 371v, originally empty, with office for St Ursula added in a saec. XIV hand.
The antimonial drug, meglumine antimoniate, was successfully encapsulated in dehydration-rehydration vesicles and in freeze-dried empty liposomes (FDELs). High encapsulation efficiencies (from 28 to 58%) and low weight ratios of lipids to encapsulated antimony (from 1:0.15 to 1:0.3) were achieved. These formulations, contrary to those obtained by conventional methods, can be stored as intermediate lyophilized forms and reconstituted just before use. The efficacy of FDEL-encapsulated meglumine antimoniate was evaluated in hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania chagasi. A significant reduction of liver parasite burdens was observed in animals treated with this preparation, when compared to control animals treated with empty liposomes. In contrast, free meglumine antimoniate was found to be inefficient when administered at a comparable dose of antimony. This novel liposome-based meglumine antimoniate formulation appears to be promising as a pharmaceutical product for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis.
The present study compares behavioral changes between two distinct rodent groups, hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and Wistar rats, when submitted in the same homogeneous experimental situations to a serial conditional discrimination procedure which involves water deprivation and the processing of temporal variables. Both hamsters and rats acquired serial positive conditional discrimination as indicated by higher frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior during the tone followed by reinforcement (T+) and preceded by the feature stimulus light (L) and during the empty interval, than during the tone alone not followed by reinforcement (T-). Rats' frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior were high during T+ and T-, initially during training, and decreased during T- as the training progressed. However, the hamsters' frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior started very low and increased only during T+ as the training progressed. Comparison of the frequencies of magazine-oriented behavior during the empty interval in relation to the frequencies during the preceding L period showed that rats' frequencies remained very high and hamsters' frequencies increased during training. These results suggest that rats and hamsters have different behavioral strategies for the acquisition of a conditional discrimination. The results of the comparisons made in these experiments support the view of the importance of an ecological psychology approach to the understanding of complex learning in animals.
The current beverage (cylindrical shape) cans are stacked on each other after production, thus consuming a lot of space. Indirectly, this could result to high carbon emission during transportation. The problem is how to minimize the carbon emission based on different contradicting viewpoints. It was suggested that a conical shape of "the beverage can" could be a solution for the space optimization of empty beverage can transportation, thus creating the title for this research “Conical aluminum can”. They would be stacked inside each other before filling. This was based on design for sustainability and the consumer perspective and willingness toward sustainability. However, it was noticed that the industry is unwilling to incorporate this change.