991 resultados para Solà-Morales, Manuel de, 1939-2012
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 13 de Fevereiro de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
A novidade do cerimonial em língua vernácula, resultante do Concílio Vaticano II, levou a uma vasta actividade composicional em todos os países católicos. Em Portugal, e muito especialmente na região de Lisboa, um dos principais protagonistas desta acção foi o Pe. Manuel Luís (1924-81). Apesar de os seus cânticos (em particular, os Salmos Responsoriais) serem actualmente utilizados de norte a sul de Portugal, a actividade do Pe. Manuel Luís esteve centrada em Lisboa, nomeadamente, no contexto das celebrações realizadas na Sé Patriarcal, onde foi inevitável o contacto assíduo com Antoine Sibertin-Blanc (1930-2012), organista daquele templo desde 1965. As harmonizações de Sibertin-Blanc viriam a tornar-se, para os frequentadores da Catedral lisboeta, indissociáveis das melodias do Pe. Manuel Luís.
Hierarchical wrinkling on elastomeric Janus spheres is permanently imprinted by swelling, for different lengths of time, followed by drying the particles in an appropriate solvent. First-order buckling with a spatial periodicity (lambda(11)) of the order of a few microns and hierarchical structures comprising of 2nd order buckling with a spatial periodicity (lambda(12)) of the order of hundreds of nanometers have been obtained. The 2nd order buckling features result from a Grinfeld surface instability due to the diffusion of the solvent and the presence of sol molecules.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Contemporânea
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte Contemporânea (Séculos XIX-XX)
Publications are often used as a measure of research work success. Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type 1 and 2 are human retroviruses, which were discovered in the early 1980s, and it is estimated that 15-20 million people are infected worldwide. This article describes a bibliometric review and a coauthorship network analysis of literature on HTLV indexed in PubMed in a 24-year period. A total of 7,564 documents were retrieved, showing a decrease in the number of documents from 1996 to 2007. HTLV manuscripts were published in 1,074 journals. Japan and USA were the countries with the highest contribution in this field (61%) followed by France (8%). Production ranking changed when the number of publications was normalized by population (Dominican Republic and Japan), by gross domestic product (Guinea-Bissau and Gambia), and by gross national income per capita (Brazil and Japan). The present study has shed light on some of the defining features of scientific collaboration performed by HTLV research community, such as the existence of core researchers responsible for articulating the development of research in the area, facilitating wider collaborative relationships and the integration of new authors in the research groups.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Musicais/Variante de Musicologia Histórica
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Three texts were prepared for delivery at the first honorary doctorate awarded simultaneously by three Lisbon universities on 27 February, 2012: an introduction, a lecture and a comment. The event included the award of member of the Lisbon Academy of Science (ACL) by Manuel Jacinto Nunes, dean of the economics and finance section of ACL who proposed his name and Olivier Blanchard’s on the 30th anniversary of James Tobin receiving an honorary doctorate from Nova University. On 24 February , Paul Krugman visited ACL and participated in a session of the project dubbed “Letter to the lusofonia Queen”. Since this project is promoted by Nova SBE’s Center for Globalization and Governance and has been featured in some of the graduate courses, a short note on the meeting is included in annex. On 15 June, the three universities authorized an edition in Portuguese and donated the copyrights to a student award on “Krugman economics”, in a way still to be determined by the editor. The lecture and the comment will be translated as soon as a suitable publisher is found. Since a lot of the teaching at Nova SBE is in English, it seemed appropriate to reproduce the original texts in the order in which they were presented. A lively question and answer period was also recorded by Nova TV and should be made available in the book, together with highlights of the media coverage. Introduced as a “militant economist”, he speaks about a crisis “his mind loves but does not let the heart forget the poor and the unemployed”. The Nobel prize winner described as a“progressist pessimist of the world economy” concludes with a severe indictment of the profession. “In normal times, when things are going pretty well, the world can function reasonably well without professional economic advice. It’s in times of crisis, when practical experience suddenly proves useless and events are beyond anyone’s normal experience, that we need professors with their models to light the path forward. And when the moment came, we failed”. The comment, by the official responsible for Paul Krugman’s mission to Portugal in 1976, contains an equally dire prediction: “I would very much like to see in the near future the weakening of the influence not only of freshwater economists but also of their conservative European followers. But I fear that this will not happen until we find ourselves in a more calamitous situation than at present”. Fortunately Silva Lopes closes in the hope “that the ideas of Paul Krugman will soon have more influence in policy makers than at present seems to be the case”.
The 2001-2012 period has been one of very low growth for Portugal. This work project tries to find reasons for this slowdown. Growth in real GDP will be explained by several variables ranging from education, capital, government and world markets. Compensation of employees, capital per worker and the exports of competitors seem to explain a significant part of the slowdown. The ratio of non-tradables to tradables is also included but not significant, maybe due to a poor sample size. Stagnation then seems to be caused both by low growth in input accumulation and productivity as predicted by Amador and Coimbra in 2007.
To find sustainable solutions for the production of energy, it is necessary to create photovoltaic technologies that make every photon count. To pursue this necessity, in the present work photodetectors of zinc oxide embedded with nano-structured materials, that significantly raise the conversion of solar energy to electric energy, were developed. The novelty of this work is on the development of processing methodologies in which all steps are in solution: quantum dots synthesis, passivation of their surface and sol-gel deposition. The quantum dot solutions with different capping agents were characterized by UVvisible absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The obtained quantum dots have dimensions between 2 and 3nm. These particles were suspended in zinc acetate solutions and used to produce doped zinc oxide films with embedded quantum dots, whose electric response was tested. The produced nano-structured zinc oxide materials have a superior performance than the bulk, in terms of the produced photo-current. This indicates that an intermediate band material should have been produced that acts as a photovoltaic medium for solar cells. The results are currently being compiled in a scientific article, that is being prepared for possible submission to Energy and Environmental Science or Nanoscale journals.
The selection of spawning habitat of a population of Octopus vulgaris that is subject to a small-scale exploitation was studied in the Cíes Islands within the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (NW Spain). The technique used was visual censuses by scuba diving. We conducted 93 visual censuses from April 2012 to April 2014. The total swept area was 123.69 ha. Habitat features (season, depth, zone, bottom temperature, swept area, bottom substrate type, and creels fishing impact) were evaluated as predictors of the presence/absence of spawning dens using GAM models. O. vulgaris has a noteworthy preference for spawning in areas with hard bottom substrate and moderate depth (approximately 20 m). The higher density of spawning dens (1.08ha−1) was found in a surveyed area of 50.14ha located in the northeastern part of the northern Cíes Island. We propose to protect the area comprised from Punta Escodelo to Punta Ferreiro between 5 and 30 m depth. This area has a surface of 158 ha equivalent to 5.98% of the total marine area of the Cíes islands. The strengths and weaknesses of a management strategy based on the protection of the species’ spawning habitat are discussed.