919 resultados para Contribuição sindical, jurisprudência, Brasil
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a variabilidade genética da raça Brahman no Brasil, por meio da análise de 15.851 pedigrees. O arquivo de dados foi dividido em dois períodos: 1998-2001 e 2002-2005. A variabilidade genética foi avaliada por parâmetros baseados na probabilidade de origem do gene: número efetivo de ancestrais, número efetivo de fundadores, número efetivo de genomas remanescentes e coeficientes de parentesco e de endogamia. Os valores encontrados quanto ao número de fundadores mostraram que a população está em expansão, embora o número efetivo de fundadores tenha diminuído de um período para outro. Os resultados foram diferentes em relação ao número de ancestrais e genomas remanescentes, que apresentaram crescimento de 23% nos períodos avaliados. O coeficiente de endogamia diminuiu nos períodos estudados, porém o coeficiente de parentesco inter se cresceu. Poucos ancestrais apresentaram grande contribuição genética para a população, o que evidencia a utilização de poucos indivíduos na reprodução. A raça Brahman, no Brasil, encontra-se em expansão, caracterizada pela diminuição do coeficiente de endogamia e aumento nos números efetivos de fundadores e de genótipos remanescentes. Entretanto, a variabilidade genética da raça mostra aumento do parentesco inter se e grande concentração do patrimônio genético de poucos indivíduos na população.
The performance of the State in the economic area is only legitimized when to be given in virtue of the protection of the principles established constitutionally. Thus, the economic intervention of the State prioritizes the formation of a joust economic order and in this context, it fulfills to us to define, to the long one of this work, the contours of the intervention of the State in the economic domain in the presence of the Federal Constitution of the Republic of 05 of October of 1988, and, more specifically, in the petroliferous economic sector by means of the interventive contribution instituted after the Constitutional amendment 33/2001, with Law 10.336/2001. With the creation of this institute, in Brazil, emerged innumerable quarrels concerning its constitutional legitimacy, directing uncurling of the research to the study of the state intervention through this contribution and its constitutional limits, in the purpose to demonstrate the parameters for its institution and application. In this way, the interventive contribution in the fuel sector (CIDE-Combustíveis) shows itself as an intervention instrument on the economic domain, acting in way to finance the indirect performance of the State, specially in what concerns to the promotion of the principle of sustainable development principle. Therefore, CIDE-Combustíveis is an able instrument to concretizes the mentioned constitutional principle. Thus, the division of its incomes promotes the consolidation of the principle of the cooperative federalism. In this direction, from premises of the environmental tax law, this intends to demonstrate the utility and constitutionality of this exaction tax, primordially with regard to the realization of the basic right to the balanced environment
A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental
The fundamental social right to education has a lengthy constitutional argument, having been declared as a right to everyone in the Title dedicated to the fundamental rights and warrants and, later, scrutinized in the Social Order Chapter exclusively devoted to this theme, where specific rights are guaranteed and fundamental duties are imposed to family, society, and state. In that which concerns education, the 1988 Constitution is the result of a historical-normative process which, since the days of the Lusitanian Empire wavering between distinct levels of protection warrants in some way the educational process. Nevertheless, not even the State s oldest commitment to education has been fully achieved, namely, the annihilation of illiteracy. Even as other fundamental social rights, education is inflicted with the lack of effective political will to reach its fulfillment, and this is reflected in the production of doctrine and jurisprudence which reduce the efficacy of these rights. The objective of this work is to analyze what part is to be played by the constitutional jurisdiction in the reversal of this picture in regards to the fulfillment of the fundamental social right to education. Therefore it is indispensable to present a proper conception of constitutional jurisdiction its objectives, boundaries and procedures and that of the social rights in the Brazilian context so as to establish its relationship from the prism of the right to education. The main existing obstacles to the effective action of constitutional jurisdiction on the ground of social rights are identified and then proposals so as to overcome them are presented. The contemplative and constructive importance of education in the shaping of the individual as well as its instrumental relevance to the achievement of the democratic ideal through the means of the shaping of the citizen is taken into account. The historical context which leads to the current Brazilian educational system is analyzed, tracing the normative area and the essential content of the fundamental right to education aiming to delineate parameters for the adequate development of the constitutional jurisdiction in the field. This jurisdiction must be neither larger nor narrower than that which has been determined by the Constitution itself. Its activity has been in turns based on a demagogic rhetoric of those fundamental rights which present a doubtful applicability, or falling short of that which has been established showing an excessive reverence to the constituent powers. It is necessary to establish dogmatic parameters for a good action of this important tool of constitutional democracy, notably in regards to the fundamental social right to education, for the sake of its instrumental role in the achievement of the democratic ideals of liberty and equality
This Dissertation examines outsourcing in Bank of Brazil SA, the state of Paraiba. The central research question is to what extent this flexibility of labor relations incorporates items claimed by ´recent´ Decent Work Agenda of the International Labour Organization (OIT) or, on the contrary, the ´epidemic´ of outsourcing makes it even more challenging the world of work in the third millennium. The research hypothesis is that the Bank of Brazil has a growing subcontracting / outsourcing of labor (companies and individuals) and that not only contributes to the deterioration of working conditions, but also opposes the Work Agenda decent. Aiming to prove or disprove the hypothesis, the study includes a survey and secondary field. The literature review focuses on the trend towards casualization of labor in capitalism, and yet, in an effort to systematize data and analysis on ´outsourcing´ from the viewpoint of different actors. This theoretical framework is anchored in important classical sources and present that address the topic in the world and in Brazil. The field research was conducted with the actors related to the theme of ´outsourcing´ the Bank of Brazil - Paraiba, precisely branch managers, permanent employees of the bank, union representatives (bank workers), union bank and outsourced. The results confirm, in part, the study hypothesis, by demonstrating that there are several meanings and forms of precariousness that the contractors surveyed are submitted, highlighting the issue of salaries, the work environment, union representation and health worker. All these themes, each for himself, are contemplated by the Decent Work Agenda of the ILO and show, according to field research, rather fragile
The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire
This PH.D. thesis is an attempt to show the beginning, evolution and unfolding of the making of a pedagogical work proposal based on culturally-built knowings in the heart of a traditional community, having as one of its starting points the knowings and doings experienced by dish-making women from Maruanum living in the city of Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil. This proposal is strongly associated with the need we have to think about the nature of (ethnological)-mathematical knowledge generated by particular communities and about the way such knowledge can be discussed, worked out, and validated in learning environments, regardless of the level of instruction and the constraints imposed by government programs and educational institutions. Among its theoretical foundations are studies on instrumental activities that are typical of the Maruanum ceramics and investigative studies from the point of view of ethnomathematics. Methodological development took place with the application of activities, where traditional and instrumental knowledge observed in the production of ceramics had been adapted for and brought into the school environment , participative observation, as well as data collecting and organization techniques, such as interviews, statements, and audio an visual recordings. Analysis of the data collected focused on the relationship between the data-generating potential and the purpose of this study. Our aim is to make and estimate of the potential contributions from local situations and/or problems it would possibly bring to the formative learning of people involved in the educational processes of these communities, with a view to a spatial and temporal transformation of reality
This study aims to investigate the contribution of supervised training for training reflective of the students in the service of pedagogy course of the Vocational Training Program for Basic Education - PROFORMAÇÃO Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / Campus Avançado Professor João Ismar de Moura - CAJIM Patu City / RN. Based on studies of Schon (2000), Alarcão (2003), Pimenta (1994, 2000), Tardif (2002) Ibiapina (2008) among others have adopted a theoretical framework which have been focusing on studies concerning the formation of the reflective teacher, in perspective also contribute to the professionalization of teachers. The study falls within the qualitative approach of educational research and the methodology chosen has characteristics of a collaborative research. In the process, we used the following instruments: individual and group interview, sitting reflective observation, videoformação, material prescribed personal documents. The relevance of this research is to highlight the contribution of reflexive perspective in the teaching profession for: knowledge of teachers, teacher professional development, relationship between theory and practice, collective work, school and university as a place of training. These findings indicate that: a) the stage for advanced teacher becomes a teacher action research, seeking to (re) signification practices, b) the stage still presents itself as an activity limited to the applicability of the theories, hence the need for dialogic relations between theory and practice in education, requiring their redefinition c) despite experiencing an in-service training, the students still need information to enable them to link theory to practice, but understand its importance, d) a collaborative discussion can be a strategy that encouraged and implemented, is likely to be an alternative to the consolidation of training reflective e) It is important to the collective action of teachers in the school and the university as an opportunity for development of the reflective process f) the students-teachers still do not understand what is reflection and not experiencing it, but realizes the need to change the thinking and way of acting, g) there are conflicts between the teacher's knowledge of the students, teachers and the actions constituting the real, creating contradictions between saying and doing training
Hansen´s disease is considered a serious public health problem. In 2006, the Ministry of Health reported that worldwide, Brazil ranked 2nd in the number of cases of the disease, surpassed only by India. The North region is the geographical area in Brazil that presents the most cases. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the disease is considered to be eliminated because its prevalence has been identified as 1 per 10.000 inhabitants, criteria established by the State Elimination Letter of 2005. Training programs have been offered by the Coordination for the Control of Hansen´s Disease Program of Rio Grande do Norte, PCH-RN since 1997, with the support of the English governmental agency Leprosy Relief Association, LRA, with no evaluation having been conducted. The objective of this study was to evaluate the training programs in clinical diagnosis of Hansen´s disease and their contribution to the detection of the disease in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The study was conducted in seven municipalities that are known as Regional Public Health Units (URSAPs): São José de Mipibu URSAP I, Mossoró URSAP II, João Câmara URSAP III, Caicó URSAP IV, Santa Cruz URSAP V, Pau dos Ferros URSAP VI and Natal, capital city of the State, in the Metropolitan Region. Physicians and nurses of the Family Health Program PSF were interviewed as to their perceptions of the implementation of the training program in clinica diagnosis of Hansen´s Disease conducted by the PCH-RN. They evaluated their own practice and the training program. These professionals presented a positive evaluation of the program and gave suggestions for future courses. The results of this study suggest the need for permanent education. Data of the disease obtained from the official records of the Secretariat of Health and from the interviews indicate that health education is the means to control Hansen´s disease effectively
Visando estabelecer normas para o DRIS na cultura do algodão, um produto agrícola em franca expansão no território nacional e com significativa contribuição econômica no PIB brasileiro, o presente trabalho estudou lavouras comerciais de municípios do Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e Centro-Sul do Estado de Mato Grosso. Os resultados indicaram que a escolha da relação modifica a interpretação dos resultados, exceto quando é utilizada a metodologia proposta por Elwali e Gascho, pois, neste caso, os índices nutricionais convergem independentemente do método de escolha das relações. O método DRIS otimiza o gerenciamento das informações nutricionais do algodoeiro, e é possível detectar os nutrientes limitantes nas lavouras desta cultura.
The deficit of water and sewerage services is a historic problem in Brazil. The introduction of a new regulatory framework, in 2007, presented ways intending to overcome these deficits, among them, the providers efficiency improvement. This thesis aims to analyze the regulators performance regarding its ability to induce the efficiency of the Brazilian water and sewerage services providers. To this end, an analytical approach based on a sequential explanatory strategy was used, and it consists of three steps. In the first step, the Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) was used to measure the providers efficiency in 2006 and 2011. The results show that the average efficiency may be considered high; however significant inefficiencies among the 29 analyzed providers were detected. The ones in the Southeast region showed better performance level and Northeast had the lowest. The local and the private providers were more efficient on average. In 2006 and 2011 the average performance was higher among non-regulated providers. In 2006 the group regulated by local agencies had the best average performance, in 2011, the best performance was the group regulated by the consortium agencies. To analyse the second step was used the Malmquist Index, it pointed that the productivity between 2006 and 2011 dropped. The analysis through decomposing Malmquist Index showed a shift of technical efficiency frontier to a lower level, however was detected a small provider s advance towards the frontier. Only the Midwest region recorded progress in overall productivity. The deterioration in the total factor productivity was higher among regional providers but the local ones and the private agencies moved quickly to the frontier level. The providers regulated from 2007 showed less decrease on the total productivity and the results of the catch up effect were more meaningful. In the last step, the regulators standardization activity analyses noted that there are agencies that had not issued rules until 2011. The most standards topics discussed in the issued rules were the tariff adjustments and the setting of general conditions for the provision and use of services; in another hand, the least covered topics were new technologies incentive and the introduction of efficiency-inducing regulatory mechanisms and productivity gains for price reviews. Regulators created from 2007 were more active proportionately. Even with the advent of the regulatory framework and the creation of new regulatory bodies, the evidence points to a reality in which the actions of these agencies have not been ensuring that providers of water and sewage, regulated by them, has achieved better performance. The non- achievement of regulatory goals can be explained by the incipient level of performance of the Brazilian regulatory authorities, which should be strengthened because of its potential contribution to the Brazilian basic sanitation department
This study investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the feeding ecology and foraging behavior of the whiptail lizard Ameivula aff. ocellifera, a new species widely distributed in the Brazilian Caatinga, and that is in process of description. In attendance to the objectives, the Dissertation was structured in two chapters, which correspond to scientific articles, one already published and the other to be submitted for publication. In Chapter 1 were analyzed the general diet composition, the relationship between lizard size and prey size, and the occurrence of sexual and ontogenetic differences in the diet. Chapter 2 contemplates a seasonal analysis of diet composition during two rainy seasons interspersed with a dry season, and the quantitative analysis of foraging behavior during two distinct periods. The diet composition was determined through stomach analysis of lizards (N = 111) collected monthly by active search, between September 2008 and August 2010, in the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó), state of Rio Grande do Norte. Foraging behavior was investigated during a rainy and a dry month of 2012 also in ESEC Seridó, by determining percent of time moving (PTM), number of movements per minute (MPM) and prey capture rate by the lizards (N = 28) during foraging. The main prey category in the diet of Ameivula aff. ocellifera was Insect larvae, followed by Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Araneae. Termites (Isoptera) were important only in numeric terms, having negligible volumetric contribution (<2%) and low frequency of occurrence, an uncommon feature among whiptail lizards. Males and females did not differ neither in diet composition nor in foraging behavior. Adults and juveniles ingested similar prey types, but differed in prey size. Maximum and minimum prey sizes were positively correlated with lizard body size, suggesting that in this population individuals experience an ontogenetic change in diet, eating larger prey items while growing, and at the same time excluding smaller ones. The diet showed significant seasonal differences; during the two rainy seasons (2009 and 2010), the predominant prey in diet were Insect larvae, Coleoptera and Orthoptera, while in the dry season the predominant prey were Insect larvae, Hemiptera, Araneae and Orthoptera. The degree of mobility of consumed prey during the rainy seasons was lower, mainly due to a greater consumption of larvae (highly sedentary prey) during these periods. Population niche breadth was higher in the dry season, confirming the theoretical prediction that when food is scarce, the diets tend to be more generalized. Considering the entire sample, Ameivula aff. ocellifera showed 61,0 ± 15,0% PTM, 2,03 ± 0,30 MPM, and captured 0,13 ± 0,14 per minute. Foraging mode was similar to that found for other whiptail lizards regarding PTM, but MPM was relatively superior. Seasonal differences were verified for PTM, which was significantly higher in the rainy season (66,4 ± 12,1) than in the dry season (51,5 ± 15,6). It is possible that this difference represents a behavioral adjustment in response to seasonal variation in the abundance and types of prey available in the environment in each season
In contemporaneousness watches in Brazil the emergence of a "new" relationship between State and society based on partnership, which will allow the growing playacting organizations "non-profit" and "public interest" in the management of social public policies. In that sense, as part of a logic of global restructuring of the Capital, under the aegis of the neoliberal project, starting from the years of 1990, an administration model is had in favor of the market that looks for to minimize the actions of the State, reinforcing the outsourcing of the social public politics, and consequently, debilitating rights legally conquered. In that way, with this study it was pursued as general objective to apprehend the actions developed by Non-governmental Organizations NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN, verifying in that measured, these contribute to the warranty of rights or they reproduce practices of welfare work, and as specific objectives: to identify the group of the actions developed by NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN; to analyze the practice of NGOs of the point of view of the human resources, of the administration, of the financing, of the user's participation in the decision processes, as well as the quality of the services and the continuity of the actions of these organizations; and to apprehend the relationship between the researched organizations and users in the process of implantation of the actions, in order to identify the perspective that guide the practice of NGOs is going in the direction of contributing in the warranty of rights or in the reinforcement to the welfare work. In summary the results showed two trends in the actions of the NGOs, in the direction of the provision of services, which still unfurls in two perspectives of handouts. The other trend will give priority to the defense of rights of children and adolescents, with actions of political impact strengthen the promotion of public policies state, thus contributing to guarantee rights
In the sociability of the capital, the challenges to the consolidation of social security as a public policy become expressive, which has implications for social security services, particularly for Social Works who works for the security and fulfillment of social rights. Therefore, in this context of denial of these rights becomes relevant the work of social worker, as a professional committed to the ethical-political project and the Matrix Theory and Methodology of Social work, which potentiate the action able to establish professional articulated strategies for the strengthening of collective struggles for equality in society. Thus, this study examines the instrumentality of social work in the contemporary world and its contribution to the realization of rights. For this, we conducted a literature review, using authors dealing with the issue, as Behring (2008), Boschetti (2003), Mota (1995), Guerra (2007) among others, as well as documentary research through laws, decrees, instructions Normative, Internal Guidelines, and especially the analysis of the Matrix itself of Social Work in welfare. We use also of paramount importance to our analysis - the field research, using techniques such as semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The research enables the identification of important aspects of the subject studied, as the understanding of professionals about the instrumentality of Social Works in its ethical-political aspects, both theoretical and methodological and technicaloperative. The demands made by the managers for the profession on the sociooccupational have extrapolated the powers and duties of the Law Regulating the Profession and the Matrix of Social Work in welfare. The subjects of this study emphasize the role of social category of the National Institute of Social Security and the Federal Council of Social Service in defense of Social Works. The knowledge of social and institutional framework is critical to building control strategies that strengthen social security and public policy, the guarantor of social rights for workers in Brazil
O objetivo do artigo é tratar das mutações sociais que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho a partir da era neoliberal no Brasil. Examina-se a precarização do trabalho como sendo elemento compositivo do novo metabolismo social que emerge com a reestruturação produtiva do capital e a constituição do Estado neoliberal. Apresenta-se como bases objetivas da precarização do trabalho, a intensificação (e ampliação) da exploração (e espoliação) da força de trabalho, o desmonte de coletivos de trabalho e de resistência sindical-corporativa; assim como a fragmentação social nas cidades em virtude do crescimento exacerbado do desemprego em massa.