722 resultados para Citizen Participation
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
Objectives: To determine whether awareness of the moderate physical activity message and prevalence of participation changed among Australian adults between 1997 and 1999, and if changes differed across Australia. Methods: Data were compared on awareness of the moderate physical activity message and on physical activity participation from identical national physical activity surveys in 1997 and 1999. Results: In 1999, following integrated public health efforts, recognition of the Active Australia campaign was substantially higher in NSW/ACT (61.7%) than elsewhere (29.3%). Knowledge about benefits of moderate activity increased between 1997 and 1999, more so in States with public health campaigns. National participation in 'sufficient physical activity' declined between 1997 and 1999, from 63% to 57%, but the decline was smaller in NSW/ACT (4.4%) than in the other States (6.0%). Conclusions and implications: Declining trends in physical activity in Australia require increased public health investments, including strategic planning and public education, such as occurred in NSW (1997/98).
O artigo discute a participa????o dos usu??rios na gest??o das Organiza????es Sociais, prevista num projeto da reforma do aparelho de Estado atualmente em curso. A participa????o dos usu??rios na gest??o das institui????es p??blicas ?? um instrumento que pode resolver problemas da rela????o principal-agente, garantindo a implementa????o eficiente das pol??ticas. No projeto das Organiza????es Sociais, essa participa????o ?? viabilizada, entre outros meios, pela presen??a de entidades representativas da sociedade civil no Conselho de Administra????o da institui????o, pressupondo, portanto, a organiza????o dos usu??rios. Por essa raz??o, no artigo s??o analisadas as possibilidades de organiza????o dos usu??rios com base na abordagem da ???l??gica da a????o coletiva???.
O texto apresenta as oito experi??ncias vencedoras do 1o Pr??mio Excel??ncia em Gest??o P??blica do Estado de Minas Gerais, realizado em 2006, procurando destacar suas diferen??as e semelhan??as. Tem como par??metro de refer??ncia os principais temas do movimento internacional te??rico e pr??tico de renova????o da administra????o p??blica conhecido como Gest??o P??blica: descentraliza????o e horizontaliza????o de estruturas, foco no usu??rio-cidad??o, maior participa????o e responsabiliza????o de agentes p??blicos, formas de controle n??o-hier??rquico, uso adequado dos recursos p??blicos. Para concluir, comenta o potencial de concursos que valorizam a excel??ncia no setor p??blico para permitir a inova????o, promover a a????o e n??o o imobilismo, desenvolver o campo de conhecimento da administra????o p??blica, valorizar os servidores p??blicos e colocar o tema da melhoria da gest??o p??blica na agenda de mudan??as da sociedade e dos governos.
O presente artigo discute a rela????o entre or??amento e democracia, argumentando que as transforma????es propugnadas pela or??amenta????o por resultados possuem n??o somente benef??cios gerenciais para a administra????o p??blica, mas tamb??m efeitos positivos sobre o sistema pol??tico e suas institui????es. Dados emp??ricos demonstram que os padr??es de confian??a institucional na Am??rica Latina s??o baixos, apesar de a confian??a no regime democr??tico ser significativamente maior. A implanta????o do modelo de or??amento orientado a resultados (OOR) representa ruptura com o paradigma tradicional de gest??o p??blica, propondo a substitui????o do foco nos insumos, controles, regulamentos e conformidade pela ??nfase na a????o estrat??gica, efetividade do gasto p??blico, flexibilidade gerencial, accountability e participa????o da sociedade. A formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas orientadas para as necessidades dos cidad??os fomenta o capital social da comunidade, alavancando rela????es sin??rgicas entre governo e sociedade. Esse estreitamento fortalece as institui????es democr??ticas na medida em que favorece o monitoramento do desempenho do governante pela sua comunidade e, especialmente, contribui para aprimorar os mecanismos de representa????o pol??tica.
The article is intended to debate two questions regarding the involvement of the Commission in the Troika's action: firstly, considering the nature of financial assistance programs, it aims to discuss the effect of the Commission's participation in Troika negotiations on the balance of power of the EU institutions; and secondly, the article raises the issue of the Commission's liability for the results achieved by the financial assistance program, taking into account the extent of the conditions imposed, as well as the intensity of scrutiny by the Troika.
The participation of citizens in public policies is an opportunity not only to educate them, but also to increase their empowerment. However, the best way for deploying participatory policies, defining their scope and approach, still remains an open and continuous debate. Using as a case study the Brazilian National Agency of Electric Energy (Aneel), with its public hearings about tariff review, this paper aims at analyzing the democratic aspects of these hearings and challenges the hypothesis of many scholars about the social participation bias in this kind of procedure. This study points out a majority participation of experts, contrasting with the political content of discussions. And, this way, it contributes to a critical analysis of the public hearings as a participatory tool, indicating their strengths and their aspects which deserve a special attention.
Este artigo descreve e analisa o impacto da definição e implementação de um novo modelo de gestão dos estabelecimentos de ensino não superior (Dec-lei nº115_A/98) nos padrões de cidadania e equidade do ensino público Português. A institucionalização deste modelo representa uma mudança na matriz centralista e burocrática do referido ensino público e sugere uma aproximação às concepções neo-gerencialistas e neo-liberais que, desde meados dos anos 80, têm dominado a agenda política de muitos países desenvolvidos e de alguns organismos internacionais. Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que a implementação do novo modelo de gestão contribuiu para reforçar os padrões de diferenciação social no ensino básico (1ºciclo) e, mais especificamente, para preservar as .vantagens competitivas. da classe média na escola pública Portuguesa.
To mimic the online practices of citizens has been declared an imperative to improve communication and extend participation. This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of how European discourses praising online video as a communication tool have been translated into actual practices by politicians, governments and organisations. By contrasting official documents with YouTube activity, it is argued that new opportunities for European political communication are far from being fully embraced, much akin to the early years of websites. The main choice has been to use YouTube channels fundamentally for distribution and archiving, thus neglecting its social media features. The disabling of comments by many heads of state and prime ministers - and, in 2010, the European Commission - indicates such an attitude. The few attempts made to foster citizen engagement, in particular during elections, have had limited success, given low participation numbers and lack of argument exchange.
In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.
OBJECTIVE To examine factors associated with social participation and their relationship with self-perceived well-being in older adults. METHODS This study was based on data obtained from the National Socioeconomic Characterization (CASEN) Survey conducted in Chile, in 2011, on a probability sample of households. We examined information of 31,428 older adults living in these households. Descriptive and explanatory analyses were performed using linear and multivariate logistic regression models. We assessed the respondents’ participation in different types of associations: egotropic, sociotropic, and religious. RESULTS Social participation increased with advancing age and then declined after the age of 80. The main finding of this study was that family social capital is a major determinant of social participation of older adults. Their involvement was associated with high levels of self-perceived subjective well-being. We identified four settings as sources of social participation: home-based; rural community-based; social policy programs; and religious. Older adults were significantly more likely to participate when other members of the household were also involved in social activities evidencing an intergenerational transmission of social participation. Rural communities, especially territorial associations, were the most favorable setting for participation. There has been a steady increase in the rates of involvement of older adults in social groups in Chile, especially after retirement. Religiosity remains a major determinant of associativism. The proportion of participation was higher among older women than men but these proportions equaled after the age of 80. CONCLUSIONS Self-perceived subjective well-being is not only dependent upon objective factors such as health and income, but is also dependent upon active participation in social life, measured as participation in associations, though its effects are moderate.
OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to investigate the association between food assistance program participation and overweight/obesity according to poverty level. METHODS A cross-sectional analysis of data from 46,217 non-pregnant and non-lactating women in Lima, Peru was conducted; these data were obtained from nationally representative surveys from the years 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2008-2010. The dependent variable was overweight/obesity, and the independent variable was food assistance program participation. Poisson regression was used to stratify the data by family socioeconomic level, area of residence (Lima versus the rest of the country; urban versus rural), and survey year (2003-2006 versus 2008-2010). The models were adjusted for age, education level, urbanization, and survey year. RESULTS Food assistance program participation was associated with an increased risk of overweight/obesity in women living in homes without poverty indicators [prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.29; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.06;1.57]. When stratified by area of residence, similar associations were observed for women living in Lima and urban areas; no associations were found between food assistance program participation and overweight/obesity among women living outside of Lima or in rural areas, regardless of the poverty status. CONCLUSIONS Food assistance program participation was associated with overweight/obesity in non-poor women. Additional studies are required in countries facing both aspects of malnutrition.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Área de especialização em Administração Escolar
O aparecimento e a banalização do uso da Internet, veio encurtar distâncias, democratizar o acesso à informação e expandir as relações humanas numa sociedade cada vez mais individualista. Através da Internet, as pessoas agrupam-se baseadas em interesses comuns e não por questões de proximidade geográfica, o que liberta a comunicação do constrangimento do espaço e do tempo. Na Sociedade da Informação, o ciberespaço desempenha hoje o papel que as cidades e as regiões desempenharam no desenvolvimento da sociedade industrial. O conhecimento é a base do crescimento económico e este organiza-se em torno de redes de fluxos informacionais. Parece assim haver lugar para uma (nova) geografia da sociedade da informação, um campo de investigação vasto e cativante, resultado da cada vez mais rápida alteração dos padrões de espaço e de tempo da sociedade moderna e da necessidade de cartografar os fenómenos informacionais. O uso das tecnologias de informação e em particular a Internet, bem como a aplicação de tecnologias de informação geográfica, para disponibilizar serviços públicos de uma maneira muito mais eficaz, quer em termos de operacionalidade, quer em termos de custo e eficiência, deverá ser uma prática corrente da administração pública. Uma correcta estratégia de e-Government traz benefícios a todos os agentes envolvidos: trabalhadores, agentes económicos, mas em especial aos cidadãos. Garantir a estes últimos, a disponibilidade de um acesso electrónico generalizado e um bom nível transaccional é a base do conceito e o objectivo do e-Citizen.