720 resultados para Bilingual phraseology


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For this paper, heterolingualism or language plurality will be considered as the presence in a single text or in a social environment of both French and English, Canada’s official languages. Language plurality will here be studied from an institutional viewpoint: the influence of the Canadian government on the translation of political speeches. The first part of this article will establish that political speeches are written in a bilingual environment where the two official languages are often in contact. This bilingualism, however, is often homogenised when it comes to speech delivery and publication. Therefore, the second part focuses on the speeches’ paratextual


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This paper describes about an English-Malayalam Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval system. The system retrieves Malayalam documents in response to query given in English or Malayalam. Thus monolingual information retrieval is also supported in this system. Malayalam is one of the most prominent regional languages of Indian subcontinent. It is spoken by more than 37 million people and is the native language of Kerala state in India. Since we neither had any full-fledged online bilingual dictionary nor any parallel corpora to build the statistical lexicon, we used a bilingual dictionary developed in house for translation. Other language specific resources like Malayalam stemmer, Malayalam morphological root analyzer etc developed in house were used in this work


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Due to the emergence of multiple language support on the Internet, machine translation (MT) technologies are indispensable to the communication between speakers using different languages. Recent research works have started to explore tree-based machine translation systems with syntactical and morphological information. This work aims the development of Syntactic Based Machine Translation from English to Malayalam by adding different case information during translation. The system identifies general rules for various sentence patterns in English. These rules are generated using the Parts Of Speech (POS) tag information of the texts. Word Reordering based on the Syntax Tree is used to improve the translation quality of the system. The system used Bilingual English –Malayalam dictionary for translation.


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In this paper we describe the methodology and the structural design of a system that translates English into Malayalam using statistical models. A monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus are the main resource in building this Statistical Machine Translator. Training strategy adopted has been enhanced by PoS tagging which helps to get rid of the insignificant alignments. Moreover, incorporating units like suffix separator and the stop word eliminator has proven to be effective in bringing about better training results. In the decoder, order conversion rules are applied to reduce the structural difference between the language pair. The quality of statistical outcome of the decoder is further improved by applying mending rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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This paper underlines a methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models. By using a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase, the machine automatically generates Malayalam translations of English sentences. This paper also discusses a technique to improve the alignment model by incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in training. Various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. The structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoder by applying the order conversion rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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This paper investigates certain methods of training adopted in the Statistical Machine Translator (SMT) from English to Malayalam. In English Malayalam SMT, the word to word translation is determined by training the parallel corpus. Our primary goal is to improve the alignment model by reducing the number of possible alignments of all sentence pairs present in the bilingual corpus. Incorporating morphological information into the parallel corpus with the help of the parts of speech tagger has brought around better training results with improved accuracy


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A methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models is discussed in this paper. The translator utilizes a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase and generates automatically the Malayalam translation of an unseen English sentence. Various techniques to improve the alignment model by incorporating the morphological inputs into the bilingual corpus are discussed. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in producing better alignments. Difficulties in translation process that arise due to the structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoding phase by applying the order conversion rules. The handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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In Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam, an unseen English sentence is translated into its equivalent Malayalam sentence using statistical models. A parallel corpus of English-Malayalam is used in the training phase. Word to word alignments has to be set among the sentence pairs of the source and target language before subjecting them for training. This paper deals with certain techniques which can be adopted for improving the alignment model of SMT. Methods to incorporate the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus has resulted in eliminating many of the insignificant alignments. Also identifying the name entities and cognates present in the sentence pairs has proved to be advantageous while setting up the alignments. Presence of Malayalam words with predictable translations has also contributed in reducing the insignificant alignments. Moreover, reduction of the unwanted alignments has brought in better training results. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics.


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In Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam, an unseen English sentence is translated into its equivalent Malayalam translation using statistical models like translation model, language model and a decoder. A parallel corpus of English-Malayalam is used in the training phase. Word to word alignments has to be set up among the sentence pairs of the source and target language before subjecting them for training. This paper is deals with the techniques which can be adopted for improving the alignment model of SMT. Incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus has eliminated many of the insignificant alignments. Also identifying the name entities and cognates present in the sentence pairs has proved to be advantageous while setting up the alignments. Moreover, reduction of the unwanted alignments has brought in better training results. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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Das Leben in modernen Großstädten in Deutschland und Europa fordert heute mehr denn je sprachliche Kompetenzen von uns, wie sie vor einigen Jahrzehnten noch kaum erahnt wurden. Nicht selten findet man sich in einem Gewirr aus Sprachen wieder und realisiert schnell, dass die Europäische Union zumindest kulturell längst in unserem Alltag angekommen ist. Das Gespräch mit Touristen und Wahldeutschen aus aller Welt findet vorzugsweise auf Englisch statt, der Lingua Franca. Und hieraus ergibt sich ein großes Problem, eine zentrale Aufgabe der Schulbildung in dieser sich zunehmend globalisierenden Welt des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Das Erlernen einer Sprache allein genügt nicht mehr, um die notwendigen Bürgerkompetenzen im kontemporären Europa zu erlangen. Die Sachfächer erweisen sich tendenziell immer mehr als gordische Knoten der Kompetenzorientierung, wenn sich etwa die Frage stellt, ob Schüler das dort erlangte Wissen auch wirklich international nutzbar machen können. In dieser Arbeit soll zunächst kurz auf einige grundlegende Merkmale und Ausprägungen bilingualen Unterrichts aufmerksam gemacht werden. Danach sollen im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit drei grundlegende Säulen eines bilingual ausgerichteten Physikunterrichts entworfen werden. Mithilfe empirischer Evidenz soll darauf aufbauend gezeigt werden, wie Sachfach und Sprache miteinander wechselwirken und welchen Einfluss die Sprache auf den Wissenserwerb hat (siehe Kapitel 3.1). Im folgenden Teil steht dann die Frage im Mittelpunkt, was mit Physikunterricht generell erzielt werden soll (siehe Kapitel 3.2). Der theoretische Teil wird schließlich mit der Betrachtung personeller Einflüsse durch die Schüler und Lehrer selbst abgerundet (siehe Kapitel 3.3). Auf der Grundlage dieser theoretischen Überlegungen, erfolgt schließlich die Analyse der im Zuge der Arbeit durchgeführten Lehrerinterviews. Mit der Formulierung der Forschungsfragen in Kapitel 4 sowie der genaueren Beschreibung der Untersuchungsmethodik in Kapitel 5, folgt in den Kapiteln 6 und 7 die Auswertungsmethodik sowie die Präsentation der so gewonnenen Ergebnisse. Im Kapitel 8 werden die Ergebnisse nochmals diskutiert und in Bezug auf die Forschungsfragen interpretiert. Schließlich fasst Kapitel 9 die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zusammen und Kapitel 10 liefert ein Fazit der gesamten Arbeit.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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This paper studies the initial development of certain language components. More precisely, we analyse the relation between three aspects that are closely involved in the grammar of the verb: morphological productivity, syntactic complexity, and verb vocabulary learning. The study is based on data about the relationship between lexical development and grammatical development, and also on proposals that a critical mass of vocabulary is needed in order to develop a grammatical component. The sample comprised six subjects who are monolingual or bilingual in Catalan andlor Spanish. Results show a morphological spurt some time afer the learning of a certain quantity of verbs. Moreover, syntactic complexity is only evident some months after this morphological spurt


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Los movimientos migratorios han crecido espectacularmente durante los últimos años y la escuela en nuestro país se ha visto afectada por los cambios demográficos ocurridos durante la última década. Una gran parte del alumnado presente en las aulas de nuestro sistema educativo está escolarizado en programas de cambio de lengua del hogar a la escuela que no cumplen los requisitos de la inmersión lingüística. Dada la gran diversidad de lenguas existentes, el sistema educativo no se puede organizar según los parámetros de la educación bilingüe. Esto no significa que dicho alumnado esté condenado al fracaso escolar: desde la práctica educativa y la modificación de la organización escolar existen soluciones para que todo el alumnado progrese a lo largo de la enseñanza obligatoria. El artículo analiza las condiciones implicadas en una práctica educativa que facilite el aprendizaje de la lengua de la escuela. Asimismo, sugerimos algunos criterios para la evaluación de este alumnado


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Determinar la prevalencia de burnout en maestros que laboran en un Colegio Bilingüe de la ciudad de Bogotá Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal, mediante la aplicación de la escala Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (versión validada en español) y datos sociodemográficos como edad, sexo, estado civil, personas a cargo, número de hijos, tipo de vivienda, estrato, escolaridad, ocupación, cargo, años laborados, incapacidades y patología psiquiátrica; a 75 docentes de un colegio privado de la ciudad de Bogotá. Resultados: El análisis final detectó escasos casos de agotamiento emocional, ningún caso de despersonalización y alto nivel de realización personal en todos los docentes. Se realizó la prueba U de Mann Withney utilizando los puntajes obtenidos en la dimensión agotamiento emocional para comparar entre edades menor y mayor de 40 años, estado civil, hijos y personas a cargo, en ninguno de los casos la distribución de los puntajes mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos. Conclusiones: No se evidenciaron casos en los que hubiese presencia de burnout en la población de docentes estudiada. Se considera necesario ampliar la muestra poblacional con otras instituciones y realizar un estudio comparativo con el fin de obtener resultados que puedan alcanzar mayor significancia estadística


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Actualmente, la investigación científica acerca de la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es limitada. En comparación, los efectos que tiene la L2 en la inteligencia y cognición han sido más estudiados. Por esta razón, el artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica existente que relaciona lo mencionado anteriormente, ampliando así la temática del bilingüismo. Se buscaron artículos en cuatro bases de datos (PSICODOC, ISI Web of knowledge y SCOPUS), usando palabras claves específicas, en el periodo de 1990 hasta el 2012. De 79 artículos encontrados, 34 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta dos libros, de los cuales se revisó un capítulo por cada uno según los mismos criterios. En conjunto, los resultados arrojaron importantes datos teóricos y de investigación que relacionan el éxito en el aprendizaje de una L2 con la inteligencia y cognición, según la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares. En conclusión, se identificaron más factores educativos que familiares; lo cual a concepto de la autora evidencia la limitada investigación que se ha hecho sobre los factores familiares en el bilingüismo actualmente.