995 resultados para valuation models
Prepared for presentation at the Portuguese Finance Network International Conference 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal, June 18-20
Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin rahoitusalan yritysten arvonmäärittämistä. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli perehtyä yrityksen arvonmäärityksen teoriaan ja testata erilaisten arvonmääritysmallien sopivuutta esimerkkiyrityksiin. Tätä kautta pyrittiin selvittämään perinteisten arvonmääritysmallien soveltuvuus rahoitusalan yritysten arvon määrittämiseksi.Tämän lisäksi oltiin kiinnostuneita menetelmien soveltuvuuseroista erityyppisten rahoitusalan yritysten arvonmäärityksessä. Teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin yrityksen arvonmääritysprosessi ja käytiin läpi perinteiset arvonmääritysmallit. Empiriaosuudessa näistä teoreettisista lähtökohdista pyrittiin havainnollistamaan erilaisten esimerkkiyritysten avulla rahoitusalan yritysten arvonmääritysprosessia. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaanperinteiset arvonmääritysmallit tuntuvat sopivan pankkeja ja vakuutusyhtiöitä lukuun ottamatta kohtuullisen hyvin rahoitusalan yritysten arvonmäärittämiseen. Pankkien arvon määrittäminen on erittäin vaikeata johtuen lukuisista niihin kohdistuvista erityissäädöksistä ja raportointimääräyksistä.
Prediction of the stock market valuation is a common interest to all market participants. Theoretically sound market valuation can be achieved by discounting future earnings of equities to present. Competing valuation models seek to find variables that affect the equity market valuation in a way that the market valuation can be explained and also variables that could be used to predict market valuation. In this paper we test the contemporaneous relationship between stock prices, forward looking earnings and long-term government bond yields. We test this so-called Fed model in a long- and short-term time series analysis. In order to test the dynamics of the relationship, we use the cointegration framework. The data used in this study spans over four decades of various market conditions between 1964-2007, using data from United States. The empirical results of our analysis do not give support for the Fed model. We are able to show that the long-term government bonds do not play statistically significant role in this relationship. The effect of forward earnings yield on the stock market prices is significant and thus we suggest the use of standard valuation ratios when trying to predict the future paths of equity prices. Also, changes in the long-term government bond yields do not have significant short-term impact on stock prices.
Since its introduction, fuzzy set theory has become a useful tool in the mathematical modelling of problems in Operations Research and many other fields. The number of applications is growing continuously. In this thesis we investigate a special type of fuzzy set, namely fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy numbers (which will be considered in the thesis as possibility distributions) have been widely used in quantitative analysis in recent decades. In this work two measures of interactivity are defined for fuzzy numbers, the possibilistic correlation and correlation ratio. We focus on both the theoretical and practical applications of these new indices. The approach is based on the level-sets of the fuzzy numbers and on the concept of the joint distribution of marginal possibility distributions. The measures possess similar properties to the corresponding probabilistic correlation and correlation ratio. The connections to real life decision making problems are emphasized focusing on the financial applications. We extend the definitions of possibilistic mean value, variance, covariance and correlation to quasi fuzzy numbers and prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the finiteness of possibilistic mean value and variance. The connection between the concepts of probabilistic and possibilistic correlation is investigated using an exponential distribution. The use of fuzzy numbers in practical applications is demonstrated by the Fuzzy Pay-Off method. This model for real option valuation is based on findings from earlier real option valuation models. We illustrate the use of number of different types of fuzzy numbers and mean value concepts with the method and provide a real life application.
Tutkielma käy läpi arvonmääritysmallien toimivuutta osakkeen arvonmäärityksessä.
Tämän Pro-gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, miten pienyrityksen arvo määrittyy yrityskauppatilanteessa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään millaisia erityispiirteitä pienyrityksen arvonmääritykseen liittyy ja miten eri arvonmääritysmenetelmät soveltuvat pienyrityksen arvonmääritykseen. Empiirinen tutkimus koostuu kolmesta yrityskauppaan ja arvonmääritykseen keskittyneen asiantuntijan haastattelusta. Haastattelujen avulla on tarkoitus lisätä ymmärrystä pienyritysten arvonmäärityksestä, sen erityispiirteistä, soveltuvista arvonmääritysmenetelmistä sekä siitä, miten lopullinen arvo muodostuu. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että pienyrityksen arvon määrittäminen on vaativa prosessi, jossa on otettava huomioon monia erityisiä piirteitä. Yhtä oikeaa arvonmääritysmenetelmää ei ole vaan useita eri menetelmiä käytetään rinnakkain luotettavan arvon muodostamiseksi. Tärkeimpänä huomioitavana piirteenä esille nousi yrityksen tulevaisuuden ennustamisen hankaluus, minkä takia tulevaisuudelle ei anneta paljoa painoarvoa pienyrityksen arvonmäärityksessä. Tämä vaikuttaa olennaisesti käytettäviin arvonmääritysmenetelmiin ja niiden luotettavuuteen. Rahoitusteoreettisesti oikeaoppisin arvonmääritysmenetelmä, vapaan kassavirran malli, ei tulosten perusteella ole soveltuvin malli kaikkien pienyritysten kohdalla. Syynä tähän on, että suuri osa yrityksen arvosta muodostuu tulevaisuuden kassavirroista, joita pienyrityksen kohdalla on haasteellista ennustaa. Kaikki asiantuntijat käyttivät jokaisen pienyrityksen arvonmäärityksen yhteydessä markkinapohjaisia kertoimia, mutta tämänkin mallin käytön yhteydessä on omat haasteensa ja vaatii arvonmäärittäjältä syvällistä osaamista yrityksen toimialasta. Arvonmäärityksen lisäksi pienyrityksen toiminnan luonne lisää omat erityispiirteet, jotka huomioidaan arvoa laskevina riskitekijöinä. Pienyrityksen toiminta kiteytyy usein yrittäjän osaamiseen, joka koetaan suurena riskinä yrityskaupassa ja täten lopullista arvoa laskevana tekijänä. Voidaankin todeta, että pienyrityksen kohdalla arvonmääritys luo pohjan sekä raja-arvot ostettavasta yrityksestä maksettavalle hinnalle, mutta lopullinen kauppahinta muodostuu neuvottelujen lopputuloksena.
El presente proyecto, se planteó una necesidad clara por satisfacer. Las organizaciones hoy en día, necesitan nuevas herramientas que permitan predecir y minimizar riesgos de mercado, con el fin de mejorar su desempeño, su competitividad, su salud financiera y sobre todo, ser más perdurables en ambientes caóticos e inestables. Se planteó un objetivo claro a cumplir, cómo pueden las empresas mejorar su relación con los consumidores y sus comunidades, con el fin de, identificar factores que impacten positivamente la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es pertinente, el estudio de la salud financiera en empresas de mercados emergentes y los impactos en la implementación de diferentes estrategias comunitarias para establecer métodos que minimicen los riesgos y mejoren el desempeño empresarial. Para cumplir la propuesta planteada, fue necesario abarcar diferentes fuentes de información relacionadas a temas financieros y de mercadeo. Se buscó, tomar ejemplos, teorías y modelos ya implementados en estudios similares y con objetivos en común, relacionados a: uso de indicadores financieros, valoración corporativa, valoración de los estados financieros, diagnóstico de la salud financiera, el uso de estrategias de mercadeo relacional, la fidelización de clientes y el uso de estrategias comunitarias. Además, fue necesaria la búsqueda de empresas en los mercados emergentes de Brasil y Colombia, que representan el tipo de muestra deseada para desarrollar el estudio y sus objetivos. A dicha empresa, se le realizará una serie de estudios para poder satisfacer las necesidades planteadas en el presente proyecto. Por medio de dichos estudios, se pretende identificar relaciones en el uso de estrategias comunitarias y sus impactos en la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es importante, identificar factores de riesgo y de protección para prevenir impactos negativos o potencializar aquellos que beneficien a las empresas. Con lo anterior, será posible obtener pruebas o herramientas que mejoren los procesos de toma de decisiones de alta dirección, la formulación de directrices en estrategia corporativa y definición de ventajas competitivas de la organización. Se pretende, brindar una aproximación a nuevos conocimientos y enfoques de estudios, expuestos en el proyecto, para mejorar la ciencia de la gestión, el desempeño y la perdurabilidad empresarial en mercados emergentes. El proyecto, tomó como fuente de estudio, el banco Brasileño Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. que representa de la mejor forma, el tipo de muestra necesaria para poder cumplir con los objetivos planteados. El banco, tienen presencia en la región bastante importante y sigue con metas de expansión e internacionalización. Además de eso, es considerado el banco privado más grande de Brasil, el cuarto mayor de Chile y la quinta institución financiera de Colombia. Ha sido ganador, de varios galardones y reconocimiento por sus buenas practicas, su enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad, la sociedad, el buen ambiente y los derechos. El proyecto, culminó demostrando que efectivamente el uso de estrategias comunitarias tiene un impacto importante en la imagen corporativa, la reputación y como consecuencia, en la estabilidad financiera. Se evidenció, también, el desempeño del banco Itau Unibanco Holding del año 2013, donde, se aplicaron diferentes estudios, indicadores y demás, que demostraron un buen resultado, y por ende, una fuerte posición y salud financiera. Adicionalmente, se mostraron diferentes tipos de estrategias que el banco usa hoy en día dirigidas a las comunidades, evidenciando ejemplos en Brasil y en Chile y describiendo los proyectos, los programas o las estrategias que el banco usa para aportar a la comunidad, ser parte de la sociedad, mejorar su imagen, aumentar su reputación, profundizar en la caracterización de las necesidades de sus consumidores y revertir todo lo anterior en mejores soluciones, mejores productos y mejores formas de relacionamiento. Dicha integración en el ambiente y en el entorno de sus consumidores impacta de buena manera los resultados financieros y permite que la posición en el mercado se mantenga fuerte y firme.
Esse trabalho comparou, para condições macroeconômicas usuais, a eficiência do modelo de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) otimizadas por Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs) na precificação de opções de Dólar à Vista aos seguintes modelos de precificação convencionais: Black-Scholes, Garman-Kohlhagen, Árvores Trinomiais e Simulações de Monte Carlo. As informações utilizadas nesta análise, compreendidas entre janeiro de 1999 e novembro de 2006, foram disponibilizadas pela Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&F) e pelo Federal Reserve americano. As comparações e avaliações foram realizadas com o software MATLAB, versão 7.0, e suas respectivas caixas de ferramentas que ofereceram o ambiente e as ferramentas necessárias à implementação e customização dos modelos mencionados acima. As análises do custo do delta-hedging para cada modelo indicaram que, apesar de mais complexa, a utilização dos Algoritmos Genéticos exclusivamente para otimização direta (binária) dos pesos sinápticos das Redes Neurais não produziu resultados significativamente superiores aos modelos convencionais.
Primeiramente, além de fazer análise resumida do setor de incorporação imobiliária brasileiro, a dissertação argumenta porque métodos tradicionais de valuation são inapropriados para avaliar incorporadoras e construtoras brasileiras. Entre os pontos levantados estão: as regras contábeis do setor, o modelo de negócios de incorporação no Brasil, a natureza cíclica do negócio, o descasamento entre geração de caixa e reconhecimento de receitas, e o tipo de informação disponibilizada pelas empresas listadas na bolsa de valores. Em seguida, o estudo sugere um método mais adequado, partindo de um conceito de Soma das Partes, onde calcula-se separadamente o valor líquido dos ativos, do banco de terrenos e dos projetos futuros. Metodologias semelhantes começaram a ser utilizadas por alguns bancos de investimento em anos recentes, porém nunca foram discutidas de forma mais acadêmica. Argumenta-se que o método proposto parece adequado, pois não só produz resultados compatíveis com a intuição econômica, como também permite que o usuário faça análises de sensibilidade de forma simples e direta. Finalmente, ao comparar a evolução no período entre 2008 e 2014 dos preços das ações de algumas incorporadoras imobiliárias listadas, discute-se quais ações estariam subavaliadas e quais estariam superavaliadas.
Las valoraciones automatizadas (AVM según sus siglas en inglés) son modelos matemáticos de valoración que permiten estimar el valor de un inmueble o una cartera de inmuebles mediante la utilización de información de mercado previamente recogida y analizada. Las principales ventajas de los modelos AVM respecto a las valoraciones tradicionales son su objetividad, rapidez y economía. Existe regulación al respecto y estándares profesionales en otros países, no obstante en España los criterios de valoración mediante modelos AVM siguen siendo excesivamente básicos, al no establecer procesos concretos ni distinguir entre los diversos métodos estadísticos existentes y la aplicación adecuada de los mismos. Por otra parte, desde la publicación de la Circular 3/2008 del Banco de España se ha extendido el uso de este tipo de valoraciones en España para la actualización de valor de inmuebles en garantía de préstamos hipotecarios. La actual desregularización en nuestro país en cuanto a normativa de valoraciones automatizadas nos permite plantear propuestas y metodologías con el fin de aportar un punto de vista nuevo desde la investigación, la experiencia en otros países y la práctica empresarial más reciente. Este trabajo de investigación trata de sentar las bases de una futura regulación en España en materia de valoraciones masivas adaptadas al marco hipotecario español. ABSTRACT The Automated Valuation Models (AVM) are mathematically based valuation models that allow to estimate the value of a property or portfolio of properties by using market information previously collected and analyzed. The main advantages of the AVMs in comparison to traditional valuations are the objectivity, speed and economy. In other countries there is regulation and standards regarding the use of AVMs. However, in Spain the norms that apply to AVM valuations are still too basic, since these norms do not define specific processes and do not distinguish between the different statistical approaches available and their correct use. On the other hand, following the ratification of the 3/2008 Bank of Spain Circular the use of AVM models in Spain for the value update of mortgaged properties has increased. The current deregulation in Spain regarding Automated Valuation Models allows to provide propositions and methodologies in order to offer a new point of view based on the research, experience in other countries and the most recent professional practice. The present research thesis aims to provide basic principles and criteria for a future Spanish regulation on massive valuation in the context of the Spanish mortgage framework.
Purpose – The objective of this exploratory study is to investigate the “flow-through” or relationship between top-line measures of hotel operating performance (occupancy, average daily rate and revenue per available room) and bottom-line measures of profitability (gross operating profit and net operating income), before and during the recent great recession. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses data provided by PKF Hospitality Research for the period from 2007-2009. A total of 714 hotels were analyzed and various top-line and bottom-line profitability changes were computed using both absolute levels and percentages. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between top and bottom line measures, and to derive flow-through ratios. Findings – The results show that average daily rate (ADR) and occupancy are significantly and positively related to gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR) and net operating income per available room (NOIPAR). The evidence indicates that ADR, rather than occupancy, appears to be the stronger predictor and better measure of RevPAR growth and bottom-line profitability. The correlations and explained variances are also higher than those reported in prior research. Flow-through ratios range between 1.83 and 1.91 for NOIPAR, and between 1.55 and 1.65 for GOPPAR, across all chain-scales. Research limitations/implications – Limitations of this study include the limited number of years in the study period, limited number of hotels in a competitive set, and self-selection of hotels by the researchers. Practical implications – While ADR and occupancy work in combination to drive profitability, the authors' study shows that ADR is the stronger predictor of profitability. Hotel managers can use flow-through ratios to make financial forecasts, or use them as inputs in valuation models, to forecast future profitability. Originality/value – This paper extends prior research on the relationship between top-line measures and bottom-line profitability and serves to inform lodging owners, operators and asset managers about flow-through ratios, and how these ratios impact hotel profitability.
Our Standardized Unexpected Price (SUP) metric continues to show a decline in the price of large hotels, and now also the price of small hotels has eased—even though hotel transaction volume has increased. Although debt and equity financing for hotels remain relatively inexpensive, we are concerned that the total volatility of hotel returns is greater relative to the return volatility for other commercial real estate. If this trend continues, lenders will eventually start to tighten hotel lending standards. Our early warning indicators all continue to suggest that the downward trend in hotel prices should continue into the next quarter. This is report number 19 of the index series.
Our Standardized Unexpected Price (SUP) metric showed an uptick in the price of large hotels during the third quarter of 2016, with a continued decline in the price of small hotels. Although debt and equity financing for hotels were still relatively inexpensive during this quarter, we remain concerned that the increasing relative riskiness of hotels compared to other commercial real estate suggests that lenders will eventually start to tighten hotel lending standards if this trend continues. Our early warning indicators continue to suggest an eventual downward trend in large hotel prices. This is report number 20 of the index series.
Doutoramento em Gestão.
It is a fact that the uncertainty about a firm’s future has to be measured and incorporated into a company’s valuation throughout the explicit analysis period – in the continuing or terminal value within valuation models. One of the concerns that can influence the continuing value of enterprises, which is not explicitly considered in traditional valuation models, is a firm’s average life expectancy. Although the literature has studied the life cycle of a firm, there is still a considerable lack of references on this topic. If we ignore the period during which a company has the ability to produce future cash flows, the valuations can fall into irreversible errors, leading to results markedly different from market values. This paper aims to provide a contribution in this area. Its main objective is to construct a mortality table for non-listed Portuguese enterprises, showing that the use of a terminal value through a mathematical expression of perpetuity of free cash flows is not adequate. We provide the use of an appropriate coefficient to perceive the number of years in which the company will continue to operate until its theoretical extinction. If well addressed regarding valuation models, this issue can be used to reduce or even to eliminate one of the main problems that cause distortions in contemporary enterprise valuation models: the premise of an enterprise’s unlimited existence in time. Besides studying the companies involved in it, from their existence to their demise, our study intends to push knowledge forward by providing a consistent life and mortality expectancy table for each age of the company, presenting models with an explicitly and different survival rate for each year. Moreover, we show that, after reaching a certain age, firms can reinvent their business, acquiring maturity and consequently postponing their mortality through an additional life period.