735 resultados para shared responsibility


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce


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Jusqu’à présent, la santé des personnes âgées a surtout été étudiée sous l’angle de la perte d’autonomie, des politiques de santé et des difficultés soulevées par l’allocation des ressources, et ces problèmes ont été généralement traités par des technocrates, des spécialistes et rarement par les personnes âgées elles-mêmes. En outre, on s’intéresse peu aux perceptions des personnes âgées selon le ou les points de vue qui peuvent être les leurs. L’originalité de cette thèse provient justement du fait qu’elle a pour objet l’expérience du vieillissement telle que vécue par des personnes âgées et les représentations qu’elles s’en font dans leurs rapports avec les services de santé –vécu, attentes et besoins, le tout envisagé sous l’angle des questions et enjeux éthiques de respect de l’autonomie des personnes, de justice et d’équité, de responsabilité partagée. Il ressort de trente entretiens avec des personnes âgées entre 70 et 91 ans que l’expérience du vieillissement est toujours unique, singulière, même si certaines catégorisations et modélisations peuvent être construites en fonction de l’état de santé, des ruptures et des pertes subies, des liens maintenus ou pas. La préservation de leur autonomie apparaît comme un élément important, parfois central dans les propos recueillis, qui disent les efforts consentis à cette fin, reconnaissant toutefois que, fragilisée, l’autonomie a besoin, pour pouvoir encore se vivre et s’exercer malgré les limites et les contraintes liées à l’âge ou à la maladie, d’une solidarité effective, de l’aide des proches et d’un soutien plus large. Le partage des responsabilités et des tâches entre les proches et les services sociaux est perçu comme inique. Aussi interroge-t-on, en conclusion de la thèse, la volonté de l’État et sa contribution dans la mise en œuvre de la politique de maintien à domicile et des dispositifs de pratique, et son bien-fondé en regard de l’hétérogénéité du vieillissement.


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Full Text / Article complet


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Les technologies de stimulations transcrâniennes – tel que la tDCS ou la TMS – présentent à l’heure actuelle d’intéressantes perspectives thérapeutiques, tout comme diverses améliorations cognitives chez le sujet « non-malade » dont découlent des applications neuroamélioratives, plus ou moins imminentes, en dehors du cadre clinique ou investigatoire. Est proposé ici d’analyser les risques associés à ces applications, détournées des objectifs premiers de recherche, et aux préoccupations éthiques qui les accompagnent (autonomie, justice, intégrité physique), via un concept généralement associé aux recherches avec des perspectives de sécurité nationale et associées à un niveau de risque élevé. Révisant la trivialité d’une définition dichotomique aux usages « bons » et « mauvais », est proposé d’étendre le concept de « double-usage » pour l’appliquer à la neuroamélioration comme un mésusage de la recherche en neurosciences. Faisant référence au conflit entre, d’une part, le respect de la liberté académique et, d’autre part, la protection de la sécurité et de la santé publique, ce concept s’avère être un outil diagnostique pertinent pour l’évaluation des risques associés à l’usage mélioratif desdites technologies, et plus particulièrement de la tDCS, afin d’alimenter la réflexion sur la régulation de ces dispositifs en amont de leur utilisation, selon un principe de précaution inhérent au double-usage de la recherche. Ce concept permet ainsi de réfléchir à la mise en place d’une gouvernance proactive et contextualisée impliquant une responsabilité partagée d’un large panel d’acteurs, nécessaire au vu des avancées rapides du domaine des neurosciences et de l’imminence de l’arrivée sur le marché de ces dispositifs.


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El texto permite al lector aproximarse al conocimiento de las dinámicas de participación en las ciudades y reconocer su importancia para la generación de una cultura cívica, el surgimiento de la acción colectiva y la consolidación de una responsabilidad compartida entre la sociedad civil y el Estado. La ciudadanía y la gobernabilidad son dos aspectos necesarios para la vida en los centros urbanos en la actualidad, para su construcción es necesario realizar procesos impulsados desde las administraciones municipales o por los ciudadanos, uno de los mecanismos es la formulación de los planes de desarrollo bajo el modelo de planeación participativa.


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El tema del narcotráfico ha sido ampliamente tratado, así como el caso de las drogas en Colombia, pero la afectación de dicho problema no ha sido analizada desde la República Dominicana y mucho menos desde la relación bilateral entre esta y Colombia. Aunque el tema es de gran relevancia en la agenda internacional, así como en la agenda interna de cada uno de estos Estados, no es el tema principal en la relación bilateral, donde los asuntos comerciales tienen mayor importancia, aún cuando hay ciertos mecanismos que buscan eliminar el tráfico ilegal de estupefacientes. En esta investigación, se busca dar un diagnóstico de las relaciones bilaterales y de aquellos instrumentos existentes, específicamente aquellos implementados desde la acogida internacional del término responsabilidad compartida en el año 1998 hasta el año 2010, para determinar la efectividad de los mismos y de aquellos factores que no son precisamente resultantes de las relaciones bilaterales pero que sí afectan de una u otra manera el tráfico de drogas ilegales entre estos dos países. Así, se buscará encontrar las debilidades, en los instrumentos bilaterales entre Colombia y República Dominicana y hacer recomendaciones para hacerlos más efectivos.


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La presente monografía pretende responder a la pregunta ¿Cuál ha sido la incidencia del proceso de securitización entre México-Estados Unidos frente al crimen organizado en el periodo 2005-2012? Respecto a este cuestionamiento se plantea que el proceso de securitización del crimen organizado entre México y Estados Unidos logró conformar una identidad conjunta y ampliar la agenda de seguridad en relación con la acción del Crimen Organizado. Esto mediante la creación de un Complejo de Seguridad Regional basado en el principio de responsabilidad compartida. Sin embargo, la forma de abordar dicha amenaza se ha visto orientada a esquemas propios de la seguridad tradicional, que no corresponden con la estructura organizativa y actividades delictivas de las organizaciones criminales mexicanas.


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Longe vão os tempos em que a formação inicial dos docentes era tida como suficiente para o desempenho da profissão. Hoje, a sociedade e o poder político requisitam aos professores maior abrangência nas suas competências profissionais, no sentido de estes serem capazes de responder adequadamente às exigências que enfrentam. A tutela, por seu turno, responde com programas de apoio do tipo TEIP (Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária) à enorme variedade de alunos e contextos socioeconómicos. É no seio desta realidade que se coloca a questão: como implementar práticas colaborativas, potenciadoras do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores do Departamento de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais, numa escola TEIP? Fullan e Hargreaves (2001) defendem que só a existência de um trabalho conjunto, a responsabilidade partilhada, o empenhamento e o aperfeiçoamento coletivos, a maior disponibilidade para participar na difícil atividade de reflexão crítica, acerca do trabalho realizado, e uma cultura colaborativa é que poderão conduzir a progressos significativos, na melhoria dos resultados e, consequentemente, no real desenvolvimento profissional docente. Contudo, quer a abertura das salas de aula ao exterior, quer a inclusão de todos os alunos nas mesmas, representam ainda, e em geral, um desafio para muitos docentes. É neste contexto que se apresenta um projeto de formação que tem, como campo de análise, a formação de professores, centrada na escola e ancorada na colaboração e supervisão interpares. A formação referida visa: desenvolver uma cultura de positividade e propositividade; criar, promover, analisar e partilhar experiências e inovações realizadas em contexto; desenvolver experiências consequentes sob o ponto de vista do desenvolvimento profissional docente, ao nível da sala de aula; refletir, em conjunto, sobre estratégias exequíveis e indutoras da melhoria do comportamento e das aprendizagens dos discentes. Com estes propósitos, ancorar-se-á a oficina de formação na criação de tarefas a serem experimentadas em contexto, na observação de aulas e na experiência dos intervenientes, baseada na reflexão sobre as práticas e focalizada nos problemas correntes. A expectativa sobre os resultados a obter com esta formação é grande e alicerça-se no trabalho empírico levado a cabo, tendo os principais resultados apontado, claramente, no sentido da necessidade e disponibilidade, por parte dos docentes, para participarem numa oficina de formação cujos objetivos fossem os citados.


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A aprovação e posterior regulamentação da Lei 12.305, de 2 de agosto de 2010, que institui a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos – PNRS estabeleceu necessidades de uma nova articulação entre os três entes federados – União, Estados e Municípios – o setor produtivo e a sociedade em geral na busca de soluções para os problemas atuais na gestão de resíduos sólidos. Baseada principalmente no conceito de responsabilidade compartilhada, toda a sociedade – cidadãos, setor produtivo, governos e sociedade civil organizada – passa a ser responsável pela gestão dos resíduos sólidos por ela produzidos. Falando especificamente do cidadão, um dos atuais desafios é saber como seu comportamento em relação à separação de resíduos recicláveis no âmbito do seu domicílio se relaciona com os objetivos e metas de reciclagem do município. Considerou-se uma amostra (N=310) de residentes em domicílios do Rio de Janeiro, e os dados coletados foram analisados segundo o modelo ABC de STERN. Os resultados empíricos mostraram que as variáveis associadas ao hábito, às normas sociais diretas e às atitudes afetivas têm peso significativo na predição do modelo do comportamento pró-reciclagem. Como contribuição prática, espera-se que o PMGIRS do Rio de Janeiro possa ser aprimorado, contribuindo para o aumento da participação do cidadão na separação de resíduos recicláveis em seu domicílio, auxiliando os gestores municipais nas decisões necessárias ao cumprimento de objetivos e metas relacionados com a reciclagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.


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This work was developed in the course of Pedagogy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Aims to understand the process of identity construction of teachers and educators in initial training. We started from the idea that such process was made by a complex and interdependent movement, once it was an inventive phenomenon wrought by individuals who are authors and actors of the story of their "real life" (KAUFMANN). This identity is rooted in the trajectories and social biographical experiences (FERREIRA), relationships with the constructed and accumulated knowledge in this route (CHARLOT) and in the developing of a sense of cultural belonging institutionally constructed (Luckmann, Berger). Then, the training involves relationships with knowledge in several instances, considering the effects, in one hand, the historic-social production and, in another hand, from the positions of subject and their biographical itinerary, existential and formative. We used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview (KAUFMANN; SILVA), associated with a network of theoretical references, empirical and very analytical and interpretive activity. She researcher also relied on the "sensitive listening" (BARBIER), empathic attitude of "listening / seeing" the subject, and the notion of "intellectual artisan" (MILLS). The individual interviews were supplemented by the Focus Group. The approach was multi-referential (ARDOINO; MACEDO), with the intertwining of different perspectives, allowing a more complex configuration and less reductionist. In the analysis and interpretation we located the starting point, genesis of identity whose dynamics is not rigidly determined, but localized in space-time that precedes entry into the initial training. It is the time of concerns, questions and reflections about what you want to be in the future professional life. In sequence, we saw the route, multifaceted process whose the direction is the increasing involvement of individuals with their training. This training is engendered by the relations with the curricular, extracurricular and discursive knowledge, as simultaneous dynamics of self training and socio training. The self training of the individuals, understanding the critical, ethic and authority reading of their own experiences, is also seen as an exercise of shared responsibility, it assumes that the relationship with others meanings and professor mediation. The socio training refers to the collective subject and turns to the historical production and diversified knowledge, and comprehension of the various training instances. Self training and socio training are both objects of negotiation, because they are provocative of new designs, and cultural and identity maps, mobilizing the senses towards new meanings of themselves and the professional reality. It is in this interdependence between what is historically produced and the experiences of the subjects, who we located the arrival, considering it as a radically incomplete process of the professional identity and the building itself.


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Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Currently, in Brazil, the quantity and quality of new types of wastes, discarded without criteria in urban areas, has been responsible for considerable impacts on public health and the environment. According to a report prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the country loses about U.S. $ 8 billion annually, due lack of waste recycling, which go directly into landfills or dumps. Among these solid wastes are waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), whose characteristics are complex, by having in its composition substances of high value-added and other health hazards which require different treatment of household waste. Aiming to fill the gap in Brazilian environmental legislation, on 02/08/2010, was sanctioned the National Policy Solid Waste (Law No. 12,305), already regulated on 23/12/2010 (Decree No 7404), whose based on the following principles:reduction of waste generation and toxicity of shared responsibility, proper planning management, social inclusion of waste pickers and sustainable production and consumption. Given the above, this work presented here, aims generally present a diagnosis of the current situation of electronic waste generated in the Faculty of Engineering, Campus Guaratinguetá, FEG / UNESP, to provide data for management and management of these waste, based on sustainability, the economic losses and minimizing environmental impacts and public health related to the flow and the improper disposal of these wastes


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of methods to improve partner notification by patient referral (index patient has responsibility for informing sex partners of their exposure to a sexually transmitted infection). DESIGN: Systematic review of randomised trials of any intervention to supplement simple patient referral. DATA SOURCES: Seven electronic databases searched (January 1990 to December 2005) without language restriction, and reference lists of retrieved articles. REVIEW METHODS: Selection of trials, data extraction, and quality assessment were done by two independent reviewers. The primary outcome was a reduction of incidence or prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in index patients. If this was not reported data were extracted according to a hierarchy of secondary outcomes: number of partners treated; number of partners tested or testing positive; and number of partners notified, located, or elicited. Random effects meta-analysis was carried out when appropriate. RESULTS: 14 trials were included with 12 389 women and men diagnosed as having gonorrhoea, chlamydia, non-gonococcal urethritis, trichomoniasis, or a sexually transmitted infection syndrome. All studies had methodological weaknesses that could have biased their results. Three strategies were used. Six trials examined patient delivered partner therapy. Meta-analysis of five of these showed a reduced risk of persistent or recurrent infection in patients with chlamydia or gonorrhoea (summary risk ratio 0.73, 95% confidence interval 0.57 to 0.93). Supplementing patient referral with information for partners was as effective as patient delivered partner therapy. Neither strategy was effective in women with trichomoniasis. Two trials found that providing index patients with chlamydia with sampling kits for their partners increased the number of partners who got treated. CONCLUSIONS: Involving index patients in shared responsibility for the management of sexual partners improves outcomes. Health professionals should consider the following strategies for the management of individual patients: patient delivered partner therapy, home sampling for partners, and providing additional information for partners.