356 resultados para nanowire transistor
Direct electrochemical templating is carried out using a thin layer of a self-assembled diamond phase (QIID) of phytantriol to create a platinum film with a novel nanostructure. Small-angle X-ray scattering shows that the nanostructured platinum films are asymmetrically templated and exhibit “single diamond” morphology with Fd3m symmetry.
Mesoporous metal structures featuring a bicontinuous cubic morphology have a wide range of potential applications and novel opto-electronic properties, often orientation-dependent. We describe the production of nanostructured metal films 1–2 microns thick featuring 3D-periodic ‘single diamond’ morphology that show high out-of-plane alignment, with the (111) plane oriented parallel to the substrate. These are produced by electrodeposition of platinum through a lipid cubic phase (QII) template. Further investigation into the mechanism for the orientation revealed the surprising result that the QII template, which is tens of microns thick, is polydomain with no overall orientation. When thicker platinum films are grown, they also show increased orientational disorder. These results suggest that polydomain QII samples display a region of uniaxial orientation at the lipid/substrate interface up to approximately 2.8 ± 0.3 μm away from the solid surface. Our approach gives previously unavailable information on the arrangement of cubic phases at solid interfaces, which is important for many applications of QII phases. Most significantly, we have produced a previously unreported class of oriented nanomaterial, with potential applications including metamaterials and lithographic masks.
The fact that the resistance of propagating electrons in solids depends on their spin orientation has led to a new field called spintronics. With the parallel advances in nanoscience, it is now possible to talk about nanospintronics. Many works have focused on the study of charge transport along nanosystems, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons, or metallic nanowires, and spin dependent transport properties at this scale may lead to new behaviors due to the manipulation of a small number of spins. Metal nanowires have been studied as electric contacts where atomic and molecular insertions can be constructed. Here we describe what might be considered the ultimate spin device, namely, a Au thin nanowire with one Co atom bridging its two sides. We show that this system has strong spin dependent transport properties and that its local symmetry can dramatically change them, leading to a significant spin polarized conductance.
The electric current and the magnetoresistance effect are studied in a double quantum-dot system, where one of the dots QD(a) is coupled to two ferromagnetic electrodes (F-1; F-2), while the second QD(b) is connected to a superconductor S. For energy scales within the superconductor gap, electric conduction is allowed by Andreev reflection processes. Due to the presence of two ferromagnetic leads, non-local crossed Andreev reflections are possible. We found that the magnetoresistance sign can be changed by tuning the external potential applied to the ferromagnets. In addition, it is possible to control the current of the first ferromagnet (F-1) through the potential applied to the second one (F-2). We have also included intradot interaction and gate voltages at each quantum dot and analyzed their influence through a mean field approximation. The interaction reduces the current amplitudes with respect to the non-interacting case, but the switching effect still remains as a manifestation of quantum coherence, in scales of the order of the superconductor coherence length. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4723000]
The thermal dependence of the zero-bias conductance for the single electron transistor is the target of two independent renormalization-group approaches, both based on the spin-degenerate Anderson impurity model. The first approach, an analytical derivation, maps the Kondo-regime conductance onto the universal conductance function for the particle-hole symmetric model. Linear, the mapping is parametrized by the Kondo temperature and the charge in the Kondo cloud. The second approach, a numerical renormalization-group computation of the conductance as a function the temperature and applied gate voltages offers a comprehensive view of zero-bias charge transport through the device. The first approach is exact in the Kondo regime; the second, essentially exact throughout the parametric space of the model. For illustrative purposes, conductance curves resulting from the two approaches are compared.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Alumina thin films have been obtained by resistive evaporation of Al layer, followed by thermal oxidation achieved by annealing in appropriate atmosphere (air or O-2-rich), with variation of annealing time and temperature. Optical and structural properties of the investigated films reveal that the temperature of 550 degrees C is responsible for fair oxidation. Results of surface electrical resistivity, Raman and infrared spectroscopies are in good agreement with this finding. X-ray and Raman data also suggest the crystallization of Si nuclei at glass substrate-alumina interface, which would come from the soda-lime glass used as substrate. The main goal in this work is the deposition of alumina on top of SnO2 to build a transparent field-effect transistor. Some microscopy results of the assembled SnO2/Al2O3 heterostructure are also shown.
Alumina thin films have been obtained by resistive evaporation of Al layer, followed by thermal oxidation achieved by annealing in appropriate atmosphere (air or O2-rich), with variation of annealing time and temperature. Optical and structural properties of the investigated films reveal that the temperature of 550°C is responsible for fair oxidation. Results of surface electrical resistivity, Raman and infrared spectroscopies are in good agreement with this finding. X-ray and Raman data also suggest the crystallization of Si nuclei at glass substrate-alumina interface, which would come from the soda-lime glass used as substrate. The main goal in this work is the deposition of alumina on top of SnO2 to build a transparent field-effect transistor. Some microscopy results of the assembled SnO2/Al2O3 heterostructure are also shown.
This paper proposes a drain current model for triple-gate n-type junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is based on the solution of the Poisson equation. First, the 2-D Poisson equation is used to obtain the effective surface potential for long-channel devices, which is used to calculate the charge density along the channel and the drain current. The solution of the 3-D Laplace equation is added to the 2-D model in order to account for the short-channel effects. The proposed model is validated using 3-D TCAD simulations where the drain current and its derivatives, the potential, and the charge density have been compared, showing a good agreement for all parameters. Experimental data of short- channel devices down to 30 nm at different temperatures have been also used to validate the model.
One-transistor floating-body random access memory retention time distribution is investigated on silicon-on-insulator UTBOX devices. It is shown that the average retention time can be improved by two to three orders of magnitude by reducing the body-junction electric field. However, the retention time distribution, which is mainly caused by the generation-recombination center density variation, remains similar.
This Letter presents an analysis of the zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) bias in junctionless nanowire transistors (JNTs). Unlike in previous works, which had shown that JNT did not present a ZTC point, this work shows that ZTC may occur in JNTs depending mainly on the series resistance of the devices and its dependence on the temperature. Experimental results of drain current, threshold voltage, and series resistance are presented for both long and short channel n and p-type devices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4744965]
The energetic stability and the electronic properties of vacancies (VX) and antisites (XY) in PbSe and PbTe are investigated. PbSe and PbTe are narrow band gap semiconductors and have the potential to be used in infrared detectors, laser, and diodes. They are also of special interest for thermoelectric devices (TE). The calculations are based in the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the General Gradient Approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation term, as implemented in the VASP code. The core and valence electrons are described by the Projected Augmented Wave (PAW) and the Plane Wave (PW) methods, respectively. The defects are studied in the bulk and nanowire (NW) system. Our results show that intrinsec defects (vacancies and antisites) in PbTe have lower formation energies in the NW as compared to the bulk and present a trend in migrate to the surface of the NW. For the PbSe we obtain similar results when compare the formation energy for the bulk and NW. However, the Pb vacancy and the antisites are more stable in the core of the NW. The intrinsec defects are shallow defects for the bulk system. For both PbSe and PbTe VPb is a shallow acceptor defect and VSe and VT e are shallow donor defects for the PbSe and PbTe, respectively. Similar electronic properties are observed for the antisites. For the Pb in the anion site we obtain an n-type semiconductor for both PbSe and PbTe, SeP b is a p-type for the PbSe, and T eP b is a n-type for PbTe. Due the quantum con¯nement effects present in the NW (the band gap open), these defects have different electronic properties for the NW as compared to the bulk. Now these defects give rise to electronic levels in the band gap of the PbTe NW and the VT e present a metallic character. For the PbSe NW a p-type and a n-type semiconductor is obtained for the VP b and P bSe, respectively. On the other hand, deep electronic levels are present in the band gap for the VSe and SePb. These results show that due an enhanced in the electronic density of states (DOS) near the Fermi energy, the defective PbSe and PbTe are candidates for efficient TE devices.
Untersuchungen zur Zell-Transistor Kopplung mittels der Voltage-Clamp TechnikIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die extrazelluläre Einkopplung elektrischer Signale von Zellen in Transistoren hinsichtlich der an der Kopplung beteiligten Parameter untersucht. Dafür werden Zellen aus Primärkulturen und von Zell-Linien direkt auf den aktiven Sensorflächen der hergestellten Chips kultiviert. Für die Experimente werden n- und p-Kanal Feldeffekttransistoren (FET) sowie Extended-Gate-Elektroden (EGE) mit Gold- und Titanoberflächen entwickelt.Zur Untersuchung der Kopplungseigenschaften werden die neuronale Zell-Linie SH-SY5Y, die humane Endothel Zell-Linie EA.hy-926 sowie als Primärzellen hippocampale Neuronen und Kardiomyozyten embryonaler und neonataler Ratten eingesetzt. Die Voltage-Clamp Technik erlaubt die Untersuchung spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle in der Zellmembran. Maßgebend für den Signalverlauf des extrazellulär eingekoppelten Signals ist der Ionenstrom von Na+, K+ und Ca2+ durch die Membran im Kontaktbereich zwischen Zelle und Sensor.Die Kopplung kann elektrisch mithilfe eines Ersatzschaltkreises beschrieben werden, der alle beteiligten elektrischen Größen der Membran und der Ionenströme, sowie die Parameter des Kontaktbereichs und des Sensors enthält.Die Simulation der extrazellulären Signale zeigt, dass die beobachteten Signalformen nur durch eine Erhöhung der Ionenkanaldichten und dadurch einer deutlich vergrößerten Leitfähigkeit der Ionenarten im Kontaktbereich gegenüber der freien Membran erklärt werden können.
Die Verbindung von elektrisch aktiven, lebenden Zellen zu extrazellulären Sensorsystemen eröffnet vielfälige Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Biosensorik. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum tieferen Verständnis der elektrischen Kopplungsmechanismen zwischen den biologischen und elektronischen Teilen solcher Hybridsysteme. Es wurden dazu drei Hauptbereiche bearbeitet:Ein System zur extrazellulären Signalableitung an lebenden Zellen bestehend aus einem Sensorchip, einem Vorverstärkerkopf und einem Hauptverstärker wurde weiterentwickelt.Als Sensoren wurden entweder Metallmikroelektroden-Chips mit 64 Kanälen oder Feldeffekt Transistoren-Chips mit 16 Kanälen (FET) eingesetzt. Es wurden zusätzlich spezielle FET Sensoren mit Rückseitenkontakten hergestellt und eingesetzt.Die elektrische Kopplung von einzelnen Nervenzellen der neuronalen Zell-Linien SH-SY5Y und TR14 oder primär kultivierten Neuronen aus dem Hirnstamm oder dem Hippocampus von embryonalen Ratten mit den extrazellulären Sensoren wurde untersucht. In der 'whole-cell' Patch-Clamp Technik wurden die Beiträge der spannungsgesteuerten Na+- und K+-Ionenkanäle zur extrazellulären Signalform identifiziert. Die Simulation der Signale mit einem Ersatzschaltkreis (Punkt-Kontakt Modell), der in PSPICE implementiert wurde, deutet auf eine starke Abhängigkeit der Signalformen in bezug auf Konzentrationsänderungen von Na+- und K+-Ionen im Volumenbereich zwischen Zelle und den ionensensitiven Transistoren hin. Ein empirisch erweitertes Punkt-Kontakt Modell wurde daraufhin vorgestellt.Im dritten Teil der Arbeit wurden Zellschichten von Kardiomyocyten embryonaler Ratten auf den extrazellulären Sensoren kultiviert. Die Eignung eines solchen Hybridsensors als Modellherz fuer das pharmazeutische Screeing wurde durch Messungen mit Herzstimulanzien und -relaktanzien bestätigt.