949 resultados para inductive reasoning


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According to the diversity principle, diverse evidence is strong evidence. There has been considerable evidence that people respect this principle in inductive reasoning. However, exceptions may be particularly informative. Medin, Coley, Storms, and Hayes (2003) introduced a relevance theory of inductive reasoning and used this theory to predict exceptions, including the nondiversity-by-property-reinforcement effect. A new experiment in which this phenomenon was investigated is reported here. Subjects made inductive strength judgments and similarity judgments for stimuli from Medin et al. (2003). The inductive strength judgments showed the same pattern as that in Medin et al. (2003); however, the similarity judgments suggested that the pattern should be interpreted as a diversity effect, rather than as a nondiversity effect. It is concluded that the evidence regarding the predicted nondiversity-by-property-reinforcement effect does not give distinctive support for relevance theory, although this theory does address other results.


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Across a range of domains in psychology different theories assume different mental representations of knowledge. For example, in the literature on category-based inductive reasoning, certain theories (e.g., Rogers & McClelland, 2004; Sloutsky & Fisher, 2008) assume that the knowledge upon which inductive inferences are based is associative, whereas others (e.g., Heit & Rubinstein, 1994; Kemp & Tenenbaum, 2009; Osherson, Smith, Wilkie, López, & Shafir, 1990) assume that knowledge is structured. In this article we investigate whether associative and structured knowledge underlie inductive reasoning to different degrees under different processing conditions. We develop a measure of knowledge about the degree of association between categories and show that it dissociates from measures of structured knowledge. In Experiment 1 participants rated the strength of inductive arguments whose categories were either taxonomically or causally related. A measure of associative strength predicted reasoning when people had to respond fast, whereas causal and taxonomic knowledge explained inference strength when people responded slowly. In Experiment 2, we also manipulated whether the causal link between the categories was predictive or diagnostic. Participants preferred predictive to diagnostic arguments except when they responded under cognitive load. In Experiment 3, using an open-ended induction paradigm, people generated and evaluated their own conclusion categories. Inductive strength was predicted by associative strength under heavy cognitive load, whereas an index of structured knowledge was more predictive of inductive strength under minimal cognitive load. Together these results suggest that associative and structured models of reasoning apply best under different processing conditions and that the application of structured knowledge in reasoning is often effortful.


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Inductive reasoning is fundamental to human cognition, yet it remains unclear how we develop this ability and what might influence our inductive choices. We created novel categories in which crucial factors such as domain and category structure were manipulated orthogonally. We trained 403 4-9-year-old children to categorise well-matched natural kind and artefact stimuli with either featural or relational category structure, followed by induction tasks. This wide age range allowed for the first full exploration of the developmental trajectory of inductive reasoning in both domains. We found a gradual transition from perceptual to categorical induction with age. This pattern was stable across domains, but interestingly, children showed a category bias one year later for relational categories. We hypothesise that the ability to use category information in inductive reasoning develops gradually, but is delayed when children need to process and apply more complex category structures. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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In this research we used inductive reasoning through design to understand how stakeholders in the Waterfall Way (New South Wales, Australia) perceive the relationships between themselves and the place they live in. This paper describes a collaborative design methodology used to release information about local identities, which guided the regional brand exercise. The methodology is explicit about the uncertainties and complexities of the design process and of its reception system. As such, it aims to engage with local stakeholders and experts in order to help elicit tacit knowledge and identify system patterns and trends that would possibly not be visible if a top-down expert-based process was used. Through collective design, local people were drawn together in search for a symbol to represent the meaning attached to their places/region in relation to sustainable tourism activity.


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The Australian ageing society with baby boomers reaching retirement age has placed a lot of pressures on housing services. The retirement village is increasingly accepted as a suitable living arrangement for older people. Ecological theory of ageing emphasizes a match between environment and older peoples’ competences. As one response to this, creating village environment in a sustainable way is on the agenda. However, it is not very clear what kinds of sustainable features should be incorporated within the village environment to fit residents’ competences, in particular given that baby boomers who have unique requirements have become the main potential customers. In present paper, a sustainable retirement village framework is proposed by building on ecological theory of ageing and triple bottom line. A two-step inductive reasoning research method is adopted in this conceptualization process. The proposed sustainable retirement village framework contains four domains, including senior-oriented basic settings, financial affordability, age-friendly social environment and environmental sustainability. These four domains are interrelated, and a sustainable retirement village stresses a dynamic balance between different domains. This proposed framework not only gives implications for village developers on creating a suitable village environment to better accommodate residents, but also paves the way for future studies on housing older people in an age-friendly manner.


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Resumen: Suele admitirse que uno de los problemas pendientes, al menos desde Hume, en la teoría de la ciencia es la justificación crítica de los procesos inductivos, que son los que siguen las ciencias experimentales, como son las ciencias naturales. Frente a las ineficaces explicaciones aportadas por el empirismo o neopositivismo, así como por los racionalismos o idealismos, que son radicalmente incapaces para resolver el problema, nosotros presentamos la respuesta del realismo aristotélico, basada en el correcto concepto de abstracción formal, ignorado o malentendido incluso por muchos aristotélicos tanto antiguos como modernos. La respuesta consiste, en suma, en ver que el término del proceso inductivo, en cuanto llega a conclusiones universales a partir de lo particular, debe estar mediado por un proceso previo de abstracción de la forma, bien entendida, en lo mismo concreto y particular. Ello permite ver que la conclusión universal no desborda las premisas, que es el problema clásico de la epagogé aristotélica.


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There is increasing adoption of computer-based tools to support the product development process. Tolls include computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacture, systems engineering and product data management systems. The fact that companies choose to invest in tools might be regarded as evidence that tools, in aggregate, are perceived to possess business value through their application to engineering activities. Yet the ways in which value accrues from tool technology are poorly understood.

This report records the proceedings of an international workshop during which some novel approaches to improving our understanding of this problem of tool valuation were presented and debated. The value of methods and processes were also discussed. The workshop brought together British, Dutch, German and Italian researchers. The presenters included speakers from industry and academia (the University of Cambridge, the University of Magdeburg and the Politechnico de Torino)

The work presented showed great variety. Research methods include case studies, questionnaires, statistical analysis, semi-structured interviews, deduction, inductive reasoning, the recording of anecdotes and analogies. The presentations drew on financial investment theory, the industrial experience of workshop participants, discussions with students developing tools, modern economic theories and speculation on the effects of company capabilities.


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In this paper we present a procedure to describe strategies in problems which can be solved using inductive reasoning. This procedure is based on some aspects of the analysis of the specific subject matter, concretely on the elements, the representation systems and the transformations involved. We show an example of how we used this procedure for the tiles problem. Finally we present some results and conclusions.


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Recent evidence suggests that the conjunction fallacy observed in people's probabilistic reasoning is also to be found in their evaluations of inductive argument strength. We presented 130 participants with materials likely to produce a conjunction fallacy either by virtue of a shared categorical or a causal relationship between the categories in the argument. We also took a measure of participants' cognitive ability. We observed conjunction fallacies overall with both sets of materials but found an association with ability for the categorical materials only. Our results have implications for accounts of individual differences in reasoning, for the relevance theory of induction, and for the recent claim that causal knowledge is important in inductive reasoning.


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A investigação realizada encontra-se inserida na área das Ciências de Educação, teve como objetivo principal compreender a atitude diagnóstica no quadro das situações educativas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas educadoras de alguns jardins-de-infância, do distrito de Évora e como finalidade construir uma teoria de médio alcance elaborada numa estrutura explicativa do conjunto de fenómenos em contexto. Em educação de infância, o ato de cuidar estabelece-se numa relação de ajuda à criança e orienta-se para objetivos como promover o bem-estar, o conforto e o desenvolvimento em todas as dimensões. Isto implica conhecer e compreender cada criança ou grupo de crianças e as situações educativas e pedagógicas, em contexto. Compreende um exercício prático e para o qual se projeta uma prática de diagnóstico conciliadora da compreensão dos fenómenos sociais, estruturados em comportamentos, ações e atitudes específicas. Verificam-se lacunas quanto à forma como este exercício se cumpre e evolui nas diferentes fases. Repetem-se fragilidades quanto à mobilização de saberes, atitudes e competências a cada momento do agir. Constatam-se conceitos psicologizados e estruturas muito ténues e, por isso, necessitam ser estudadas, documentadas e teorizadas, particularmente numa dimensão praxiológica do conhecimento. O estudo inseriu-se no quadro das metodologias qualitativas, seguiu o paradigma interpretativo e o raciocínio indutivo. O referencial metodológico reuniu os princípios e procedimentos da Grounded Theory. A colheita de dados efetuou-se em jardins-de-infância da rede pública; a amostra teórica envolveu seis educadoras de infância e as crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os seis anos. Adotámos o uso de multitécnicas, entre as quais, a observação, a entrevista e a narrativa escrita. Fizemos vinte observações, repartidas pelos dois períodos do dia (manhã e tarde); vinte e seis entrevistas e seis narrativas escritas. Da análise dos dados emergiu a Atitude Diagnóstica como uma predisposição que caracteriza o ato de agir e as suas características foram-se tornando evidentes com o desenvolvimento da caracterização do processo de diagnóstico. Desta emergiu o modelo teórico definido em três eixos fundamentais. O “Processo de avaliação diagnóstica e planeamento” representativo das etapas, segundo as quais o educador desenvolve um conjunto de ações propiciadoras de um conhecimento previamente organizado, visando o bem-estar, o conforto, a segurança e o desenvolvimento. Em concomitância emerge o segundo, “Processo de intervenção educativa e pedagógica”, expressivo do conjunto de ações coerentes e evolutivas, empreendidas com vista à execução dos objetivos do ensino aprendizagem. Trata-se de dois processos sistematizados e perspetivados sob as dimensões diacrónica e sincrónica, compostos por uma sequência de pensamentos, permanentemente averbados pela “Atitude Diagnóstica” que dá um caráter coerente e evolutivo às tomadas de decisão nas ações educativas. Estes dois eixos integrados e entrelaçados são auxiliados por um terceiro, o “Processo de relação” que os harmoniza e dá especificidade a cada situação experienciada. A relação consolida-se e assume-se uma ajuda na confiabilidade necessária para a promoção da confiança entre os pares e o conhecimento vai evoluindo gradualmente em função do tempo e dos compromissos. O educador age com intencionalidade e para cada ator traça objetivos a cada momento do agir. A gestão do tempo, dos sentimentos e emoções funciona como variável importante na relação orientada sob a tríade: educador, criança e família e é concomitante com o Desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do educador; ### ABSTRACT: The Diagnostic Attitude as an Analysis Instrument in Educational Action The conducted investigation is inserted in the area of Education Sciences. Its main aim was to understand the diagnostic attitude in the frame of the educative and pedagogical activities developed by the educators of some kindergartens in the district of Évora, and its purpose was to build a medium range theory elaborated in a structure explaining the whole of the phenomena in context. In child education, the act of caring is established in a relationship of help towards the child and is oriented towards goals as specific as promoting the well-being, the comfort and the development in all dimensions. This implies knowing and understanding each child or group of children and the educational and pedagogical situations in context. It includes a practical exercise that determines a complex scenario and for which we project a conciliating diagnostic practice towards the understanding of the social phenomena, structured in specific behaviors, actions and attitudes. We recognize some gaps regarding the way how this exercise is fulfilled and evolves in the different phases. Weaknesses regarding the mobilization of knowledge, attitudes and competences in each acting moment are repeated. We notice psichologized concepts and very superficial structures that need thus to be studied, documented and theorized, particularly in a praxeological dimension of knowledge. The study is inserted in the frame of qualitative methodologies, following an interpretative paradigm and an inductive reasoning. The methodological referential has gathered the principles and procedures of the Grounded Theory. The gathering of data was done in public kindergartens; the theoretical sample involved six child educators and children aged between three and six years. Several techniques were used, such as observation, interview and written narrative. We did twenty observations, divided between the two periods of the day (morning and afternoon); twenty-six interviews and six written narratives. The analysis of the data resulted in the Diagnostic attitude, like a predisposition that characterizes the act of acting and its characteristics became evident with the development of the characterization of the diagnostic process. From this rose the theoretical model defined in three fundamental axes. The Process of diagnostic evaluation and planning that represents the stages according to which the educator develops a group of actions that allow the transmission of a previously organized knowledge that aims well-being, comfort, safety and development. Concomitantly arises the second, Process of educative and pedagogic intervention, that expresses a group of coherent and evolving actions, undertaken to reach the goals of the teaching-learning process. These are two systematized processes, perspectivated under the diachronical and synchronical dimensions, composed by a sequence of thought, permanently confirmed by the Diagnostic attitude that gives a coherent and evolving character to the decision making in educative actions. These two integrated and intertwined axis are aided by a third one, Process of relation that harmonizes them and gives specificity to each experienced situation. The relation is consolidated and one assumes a kind of help in the trustworthiness necessary for the promotion of the trust between pairs and the knowledge keeps evolving gradually according to time and commitments. The educator acts with intent and sets goals for each actor at each acting moment. Time, feeling and emotion management works as an important variable in the relation oriented according to the triad educator, child and family, being also concomitant with the Personal and professional development of the educator.


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Com o envelhecimento demográfico e o natural aumento dos cuidados de enfermagem no âmbito gerontológico surge o interesse em responder como é que o enfermeiro interage com a pessoa idosa para que esta utilize a sua essência evidenciando comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido? E ao objetivo: compreender o processo da interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa que conduz à utilização de comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Trata-se de um estudo naturalista de paradigma qualitativo, de pensamento indutivo, desenvolvido num contexto de cuidados de saúde primários. Observámos o processo de interação entre enfermeiro-pessoa idosa num Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde e em Centros de Dia/Convívio e completámos a informação com entrevista. Utilizámos o método de análise grounded theory segundo Corbin & Strauss[1] que prevê a triangulação de dados bem como o recurso a amostragem teórica. A interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa estabelece-se num processo conjunto de recriação do cuidado gerontológico predispondo, favorecendo e reforçando o conhecimento sobre o cerne da vida. A pessoa idosa objeto de cuidados do enfermeiro vai construindo o seu vivido caminhando para a integridade, estabelecendo interação individual e social e intensificando vivências. De todo este processo de interação emerge o conceito central: clarificação do vivido.


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The common question of why the tetrahedral angle is 109.471° can be answered using a tetrahedron-in-a-cube, along with some Year 10 level mathematics. The tetrahedron-in-a-cube can also be used to demonstrate the non-polarity of tetrahedral molecules, the relationship between different types of lattice structures, and to demonstrate that inductive reasoning does not always provide the correct answer.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é discutir a idéia de aprendizagem em Economia. A idéia básica a ser considerada é que a hipótese das expectativas Racionais não é consistente com tal idéia e que a fim de incluí-la em nossa disciplina será necessário substituí-la por uma espécie do raciocínio indutivo. Será considerado também como tal raciocínio e pode ser aplicado com alguns modelos técnico e de política econômico.