917 resultados para digital resources
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present the new global agenda by the United Nations for the next 15 years from 2016 to 2030. In this research paper we examine how digital resources may contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Based on a broad literature review we argue functional digital sustainability supports the SDGs while discrete digital sustainability is required to create and progress knowledge necessary to advance the SDGs. First we explain the perspectives of functional and discrete sustainability; secondly we map the two perspectives onto the 17 SDGs with examples incorporating both perspectives of digital sustainability. We conclude that digital sustainability should encompass both perspectives in order to exploit the full potential of information systems in regard to sustainability transformations.
This paper provides an overview of a case study research that investigated the use of Digital Library (DL) resources in two undergraduate classes and explored faculty and students’ perceptions of educational digital libraries. This study found that students and faculty use academic DLs primarily for textual resources, but turn to the open Web for visual and multimedia resources. The study participants did not perceive academic libraries as a useful source of digital images and used search engines when searching for visual resources. The limited use of digital library resources for teaching and learning is associated with perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, especially if considered in a broader information landscape, in conjunction with other library information systems, and in the context of Web resources. The limited use of digital libraries is related to the following perceptions: 1) Library systems are not viewed as user-friendly, which in turn discourages potential users from trying DLs provided by academic libraries; 2) Academic libraries are perceived as places of primarily textual resources; perceptions of usefulness, especially in regard to relevance of content, coverage, and currency, seem to have a negative effect on user intention to use DLs, especially when searching for visual materials.
A wealth of open educational resources (OER) focused on green topics is currently available through a variety of sources, including learning portals, digital repositories and web sites. However, in most cases these resources are not easily accessible and retrievable, while additional issues further complicate this issue. This paper presents an overview of a number of portals hosting OER, as well as a number of “green” thematic portals that provide access to green OER. It also discusses the case of a new collection that aims to support and populate existing green collections and learning portals respectively, providing information on aspects such as quality assurance/collection and curation policies, workflow and tools for both the content and metadata records that apply to the collection. Two case studies of the integration of this new collection to existing learning portals are also presented.
This is an extended version of an article presented at the Second International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11–12 September 2010.
Most economic transactions nowadays are due to the effective exchange of information in which digital resources play a huge role. New actors are coming into existence all the time, so organizations are facing difficulties in keeping their current customers and attracting new customer segments and markets. Companies are trying to find the key to their success and creating superior customer value seems to be one solution. Digital technologies can be used to deliver value to customers in ways that extend customers’ normal conscious experiences in the context of time and space. By creating customer value, companies can gain the increased loyalty of existing customers and better ways to serve new customers effectively. Based on these assumptions, the objective of this study was to design a framework to enable organizations to create customer value in digital business. The research was carried out as a literature review and an empirical study, which consisted of a web-based survey and semi-structured interviews. The data from the empirical study was analyzed as mixed research with qualitative and quantitative methods. These methods were used since the object of the study was to gain deeper understanding about an existing phenomena. Therefore, the study used statistical procedures and value creation is described as a phenomenon. The framework was designed first based on the literature and updated based on the findings from the empirical study. As a result, relationship, understanding the customer, focusing on the core product or service, the product or service quality, incremental innovations, service range, corporate identity, and networks were chosen as the top elements of customer value creation. Measures for these elements were identified. With the measures, companies can manage the elements in value creation when dealing with present and future customers and also manage the operations of the company. In conclusion, creating customer value requires understanding the customer and a lot of information sharing, which can be eased by digital resources. Understanding the customer helps to produce products and services that fulfill customers’ needs and desires. This could result in increased sales and make it easier to establish efficient processes.
This paper aims to analyze the approach of multi-word verbs in free digital resources for English learning. Multi-word verbs, which are widely known as phrasal verbs, are verbal English verbal combinations, formed from a verb and preposition or adverb, or both. From a functional standpoint, these verbal combinations and their different particles behave differently in syntactic terms (Greebaum & Quirk, 1990 and Downing & Locke (2006). Learning about these differences can be of great importance to foster fluency in the language, mainly at higher proficiency levels. At present, with the growing demand for learning English, many digital environments were made available. This paper analyzes 07 major websites for English learning in Brazil, in order to investigate how the topic is addressed. As a result, we argue that more precision and concision are required to approach the theme. This can be achieved, for example, by employing the term multi-word verbs, together with a more precise definition of its functional syntactic behavior. This paper argues that this change of approach is especially important in digital learning environments, in which there is not always a direct mediation of the teacher or specialist.
This chapter investigates the place of new media in Queensland in the light of the Australian curriculum. ‘Multimodal texts’ in English are being defined as largely electronically ‘created’ and yet restricted access to digital resources at the chalkface may preclude this work from happening. The myth of the ‘digital native’ (Prensky, 2007), combined with the reality of the ‘digital divide’ coupled with technophobia amongst some quite experienced teachers, responsible for implementing the curriculum, paints a picture of constraints. These constraints are due in part to protective state bans in Queensland on social networking sites and school bans on mobile phone use. Some ‘Generation next’ will have access to digital platforms for the purpose of designing texts at home and school, and others will not. Yet without adequate Professional Development for teachers and substantially increased ICT infrastructure funding for all schools, the way new media and multimodal opportunities are interpreted at state level in the curriculum may leave much to be desired in schools. This chapter draws on research that I recently conducted on the professional development needs of beginning teachers, as well as a critical reading of the ACARA policy documents.
In response to a focus on reading, this paper examines the notion of reading online; as such it uses the term ‘networked reading’ to describe any act of reading in an online or digital environment. In accordance with this notion of ‘networked’ reading, the paper provides a broad introduction to AustLit: the Australian Literature Resource. This is followed by an examination of a suite of services and digital tools (LORE) developed by the Aus-e-Lit project that extends the scope of AustLit records and facilitates links to external resources. The focus of the final section of the paper is on a collection of Full Text resources located within the AustLit subset Children’s Literature Digital Resources (CLDR). It proposes a number of ways in which these texts, and an accompanying anthology of critical articles, can be utilised in classrooms across the Primary, Middle and Senior School spectrum.
One aspect of quality education in the 21st century is the availability of digital resources in schools. Many developing countries need to build this capability – not just in terms of technology but teacher capability as well. One of the ways to achieve such capacity is through knowledge sharing between teachers and educators in developed and developing countries. Over time such collaboration can have a lasting impact on all participants on both sides of the digital divide. This paper reports on how such collaboration can occur. It focuses on the initial stages of a long-term initiative where our primary objective is to develop models, which demonstrate how we (in developed countries) can engage productively and meaningfully with schools in developing countries to build their ICT capacity. As part of this initiative, we introduced laptops and LEGO robotics tool kits to a rural primary school in Fiji. We developed ICT activities that aligned with the curriculum in a number of subjects. In addition, we worked with the teachers over two weeks to build their expertise.
Shared Material on Dying is a trio/solo work commissioned by Jenny Roche and the Dublin Dance Festival in 2008 from choreographer Liz Roche. Touring widely since its creation, it continues to be a rich research environment for the interrogation by Jenny Roche of the dancer’s first-person perspective in choreographic production and performance. The research perspective drawn from the live performance of this iteration was how the exploration of the same dancing moment might be expressed from multiple perspectives by three different dancers and what this might reveal about the dancer’s inner configuring of the performance environment. Erin Manning (2009) describes the unstable and emergent moment before movement materialises as the preacceleration of the movement, when the potentialities of the gesture collapse and stabilize into form. It is this threshold of potentiality that is interesting, the moment before the dance happens when the configuring process of the dancer brings it into being. Cynthia Roses Thema (2007), after neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, writes that embodied experience is mapped as it unfolds and alters from moment to moment in line with a constantly changing internal milieu. As a performer in this piece, I explored the inner terrain of the three performers (myself included) by externalizing these inner states. This research contributed to a paper presentation at the Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities Conference, UK 2013.
Mapping the Unmappable? the Choreography Shared Material on Dying through the Lens of the Technogenetic Dancer. If choreographic movement is a trace, which is already behind at the moment of its appearance, the impulses that move the dancer could be understood to reside in the virtual. Whether they are the internalized instructions of the choreographer, the inscriptions of concepts on the dancing body which shape how the dancer moves, or movement material that has been incorporated over time, this gestalt is somewhat mapped before is materialized. Erin Manning describes the moment before it manifests as the preacceleration of the movement, when the potentialities of the gesture collapse and stabilize into form. This form is transient, appearing as a trace that is dissolving as soon as it appears. In her critique of some approaches to collaborations between dance and technology she describes technology as a prosthetic that constrains the dancer's movement by inducing this collapse into stability and thus limiting the potentiality of the technogenetic body of the dancer. Thus the technology becomes the focus rather than the sophisticated sensorial skills of the dancer in movement. Using this challenge as a provocation, I have explored methods for mapping a choreographed phrase of movement from the piece entitled Shared Material on Dying by Irish choreographer, Liz Roche. I will explore the virtual space before this dance is materialized, through the frame of a technogenetic body. I will uncover, through phenomenological enquiry, the constituent elements that are embedded in this virtual map, that is, the associations, sensations and spatio-temporal reference points that have been incorporated over time. The purpose is to point to possible directions in mapping the virtual dance space and to understand choreographed movements not just in terms of their material trace but also in terms of the associations, sensations and perceptions that give a specific choreography its identity. This undertaking has relevance for archiving dance. This presentation will involve danced choreography alongside documented material to explore multiple perspectives on the piece and the experience of dancing it.
As part of an LSIS Regional Response Fund project, Essex Adult Community Learning (ACL) has created a toolkit. The toolkit provides training for foreign language tutors in producing digital resources which combine audio, video, text and communication activities. The toolkit which is now an integral part of a blended learning language course, has also developed tutors' skills in using technology for teaching and learning. The main aim has also been to provide an alternative and flexible method of delivery, especially where funding cuts have impacted on the cost of running taught courses.
An outline of Jisc's work in the areas of 'network and technology', 'digital resources, 'advice and engagement' and 'research and development.' Includes how this benefits our customers and how we engage.
Escolhas lexicais e iconicidade textual: uma análise do insólito no romance Sombras de Reis Barbudos
Esta tese dedicou-se a descrever e interpretar a tessitura textual dos fenômenos insólitos no romance Sombras de Reis Barbudos, de José J. Veiga, com base na associação entre a Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal e a Linguística de Córpus . Centrou-se, especificamente, nas marcas linguísticas que representam ideias ou conduzem o intérprete à percepção de que o insólito é construído no texto por meio itens léxicos que constituem pistas icônicas. Merecem especial interesse, sobretudo, os substantivos, que, por serem palavras com alta iconicidade, participam da construção/representação de fenômenos insólitos e criam, por meio da trilha léxica, o itinerário de leitura para o texto-córpus. Para que os resultados fossem significativos, análise apoiou-se nos recursos digitais da Linguística de Córpus (SARDINHA, 2004; 2009), que possibilitaram realizar uma pesquisa baseada em um córpus. A utilização da Linguística de Córpus como metodologia permitiu levantar, quantificar e tabular os signos que corroboram com a compreensão da incongruência e da iconicidade lexical dos fenômenos insólitos em um texto literário, identificando os substantivos-nódulos e seus colocados, para avaliá-los quanto à incompatibilidade das escolhas lexicais realizadas por José J. Veiga em relação às estruturas lexicogramaticais da Língua Portuguesa. Fundamentou-se a discussão no insólito como categoria essencial do fantástico modal (BESSIÈRE, 2009; COVIZZI, 1978, FURTADO, s.d.; PRADA OROPREZA, 2006); na Semiótica de extração peirceana, com enfoque na Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal (SIMÕES, 2007,2009) e na colocação lexical (BÉNJOINT, 1994; SINCLAIR, 1987, 1991, 2004; TAGNIN, 1989). A tese demonstra que a incongruência e a iconicidade lexical são identificadas a partir da seleção vocabular obtida pelo processamento digital e pelo confronto com o Córpus do Português. A análise comprova que os substantivos, como categorias linguísticas caracterizáveis semanticamente, têm a função designatória ou de nomeação na arquitetura de um texto em que se manifesta o insólito. Revela também que a incongruência lexical constitui-se em uma chave para a construção do ilógico, mágico, fantástico, misterioso, sobrenatural, irreal e suprarreal no texto-córpus
Esta pesquisa busca uma análise e compreensão do(s) sentido(s) da presença dos recursos digitais na escola e da tecnologia no campo educacional. Para tanto, define como objeto de estudo o Programa Nacional de Tecnologia Educacional (Proinfo) e como campo empírico a rede municipal de Nova Iguaçu. Apoiada na metodologia da análise de conteúdo (AC), faz uma abordagem das diretrizes que orientam esse Programa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) e busca capturar os aspectos da condução da política pelos gestores municipais, revelando as concepções que orientam essas ações. Dão sustentação teórica a este estudo os conceitos de formação cultural/semiformação, de Adorno, e o conceito de tecnologia, construído, fundamentalmente, a partir das ideias de Adorno, Horkheimer e Marcuse. Nossas observações e análise indicam que a introdução das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) nas escolas surge, essencialmente, para responder à demanda do setor produtivo e não para estruturar novas dinâmicas e novos processos educacionais. Sendo assim, o Proinfo se apresenta como mais uma reforma pedagógica isolada e tem servido para reforçar a crise da formação cultural. Seus rumos precisam ser corrigidos para que se afigure como possibilidade de autorreflexão crítica e como a base potencial da emancipação dos sujeitos.