995 resultados para dance practice


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Shared Material on Dying is a trio/solo work commissioned by Jenny Roche and the Dublin Dance Festival in 2008 from choreographer Liz Roche. Touring widely since its creation, it continues to be a rich research environment for the interrogation by Jenny Roche of the dancer’s first-person perspective in choreographic production and performance. The research perspective drawn from the live performance of this iteration was how the exploration of the same dancing moment might be expressed from multiple perspectives by three different dancers and what this might reveal about the dancer’s inner configuring of the performance environment. Erin Manning (2009) describes the unstable and emergent moment before movement materialises as the preacceleration of the movement, when the potentialities of the gesture collapse and stabilize into form. It is this threshold of potentiality that is interesting, the moment before the dance happens when the configuring process of the dancer brings it into being. Cynthia Roses Thema (2007), after neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, writes that embodied experience is mapped as it unfolds and alters from moment to moment in line with a constantly changing internal milieu. As a performer in this piece, I explored the inner terrain of the three performers (myself included) by externalizing these inner states. This research contributed to a paper presentation at the Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities Conference, UK 2013.


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Currently, across dance studies, choreographies are usually discussed as representational of the choreographer, with little attention focused on the dancers who also bring the work into being. As well as devaluing the contribution that the dancer makes to the choreographic process, the dancer’s elision from mainstream discourse deprives the art form of a rich source of insight into the incorporating practices of dance. This practice-based research offers a new perspective on choreographic process through the experiential viewpoint of the participating dancer. It involves encounters with contemporary choreographers Rosemary Butcher (UK), John Jasperse (US), Jodi Melnick (US) and Liz Roche (Ire). Utilizing a mixed-mode research structure, it covers the creative process and performance of three solo dance pieces in Dublin in 2008, as well as an especially composed movement treatise, all of which are documented on the attached DVD. The main hypothesis presented is that the dancer possesses a moving identity which is a composite of past dance experience, anatomical structures and conditioned human movement. This is supported by explorations into critical theory on embodiment, including Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of ‘the habitus’. The moving identity is identified as accumulative, altering through encounters with new choreographic movement patterns in independent contemporary dance practice. The interior space of the dancer’s embodied experience is made explicit in chapter 3, through four discussions that outline the dancer’s creative labour in producing each choreographic work. Through adopting a postmodern critical perspective on human subjectivity, supported by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Alain Badiou, among others, the thesis addresses the inherent challenges which face independent contemporary dancers within their multiple embodiments as they move between different choreographic processes. In identifying an emergent paradigmatic shift in the role of dancer within dance- making practices, this research forges a new direction that invites further dancer-led initiatives in practice-based research.


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This paper will discuss the complexities of the role of contemporary dancer in this current epoch, with a particular focus on the multiple identities dancers embody within dance practice and how these accumulate to form a creative self-in-process or ‘moving identity’. Wider issues, such as training will be explored questioning how technical skills can be imparted alongside autonomous learning approaches to ensure that dancers are prepared to negotiate the entrepreneurial ecology of various dance sectors. Furthermore, the paper will examine the shifting relationship between choreographer and dancer from hierarchical to co-creative including how, in spite of the often collaborative nature of dance creation, the marketplace continues to celebrate the singular authorial position of the choreographer. Each of these elements will reflect back the complex issues of agency and creative self-hood that dancers must negotiate in an increasingly diverse and changeable arts environment.


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The motion capture process places unique demands on performers. The impact of this process on the simultaneously artistic/somatic nature of dance practice is profound. This paper explores, from a performer’s perspective, how the process of performing in an optical motion capture system can impact and limit, but also expand and reconfigure a dancer’s somatic practice. This paper argues that working within motion capture processes affects not only the immediate contexts of capture and interactive performance, but also sets up a dialogue between dance practices within and beyond the motion capture studio.


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A growing collection of self-determined reflections on dance practice are being published by choreographers in a variety of formats. Often working in collaboration with researchers, editors and designers, these heterogeneous publication projects make use of text, moving image and more open-ended digital tools and platforms. Many of these projects are either newly available or are in the process of development. In addition to offering practice led contributions to the discourse on dance, they point towards the artist's role in developing alternative forms of documenting, analyzing, notating and archiving contemporary dance.


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 Motion Bank Phase One (2010-2013) was a four-year international and interdisciplinary research project of The Forsythe Company providing a broad context for research into choreographic practice. The main focus was on the creation of on-line digital scores in collaboration with guest choreographers, to be made publicly available via this website. For Phase One, the guest choreographers were Deborah Hay, Jonathan Burrows & Matteo Fargion, Bebe Miller and Thomas Hauert. Teams from the Motion Bank Score Partners worked with these artists to make their diverse choreographic approaches accessible in new ways through the digital medium with the results published here: http://scores.motionbank.org/. Alongside this core research, Motion Bank Education Partners and an International Education Workgroup researched ways to integrate the new on-line digital scores and related choreographic resources produced by other artists into their academic programs. Accompanying the Motion Bank education research was an interdisciplinary initiative titled Dance Engaging Science aiming to stimulate new forms of collaborative research involving dance practice. Motion Bank public events offered at The Frankfurt Lab included performances and talks with the guest choreographers as well as a series of Motion Bank Workshops with internationally recognized practitioners from different fields. An extensive series of reports and documentation on all Motion Bank activities and results are available on-line at http://motionbank.org.

Motion Bank Score Partners:
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design and Department of Dance at The Ohio State University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
- Hochschule Darmstadt - University of applied sciences
- Hochschule für Gestaltung (HFG) Offenbach.

Motion Bank Education Partners:
- Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
- Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden


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An interview with choreographer Russell Dumas discussing his dance practice and his work with dancers in the context of the European-Australian dance politics and culture.


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The Pinoke Project is a 6 week creative development to create a full-length transmedia dance performance at the cutting edge of artificially intelligent technology, elite contemporary dance practice, and publication. This process will be a collaboration between creative coders, 3D graphics and motion artists, a dance/choreographer, and an embedded dance critic who will work with an artificially intelligent robot, Pinoke, on the creative development of a new stage production as well as the documentation and dissemination of the process. This project is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.


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Introduction: Due to the high recurrence of pain complaints and the increasing incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and postural changes in dance practice, researches related to this issue gained greater importance in scientific community. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate complaints and pain threshold, postural misalignments and the incidence of injuries in dancers noting if there is a relationship between these variables. Method: Participants were 15 ballet dancers in Marília - SP. We used photogrammetry for postural analysis, the McGill Pain Questionnaire for pain location of the volunteer, algometry pressure for measuring the threshold of pain perception and Referred Morbidity to verify and characterize the incidence of injuries this population. In the data analysis we use to percentage to quantify the data from questionnaires and Pearson correlation test angles of photogrammetry correlating with the values of the threshold of pain perception. Results: 73.33% of dancers reported to have suffered some kind of injury in the last year. The area of greatest pain complaint checked at McGill, was the region of the foot (73.30%). Conclusion: There was an agreement between regions of injury and pain, however, there wasn’t a correlation between the threshold of pain tolerance and postural angles.


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Mood States are feelings auto regulation deliver to individual better quality of life and healthy aging. The declines of the aging process can be minimized with the regular practice of physical activity and systematized. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a dance program in mood states, depressive symptoms and functional capacity in elderly participants of PROFIT. METHOD: The sample was composed of 20 elderly people. The Training Group was formed by 15 elders who participated in a protocol of dance with duration of 1 hour, three times per week, for 12 weeks and the Control Group, composed of 5 elderly, did not attend any program of physical activity. The participants were evaluated by the List of States of Mind Reduced and Illustrated, Geriatric Depression Scale and the battery of tests of AAHPERD. For the mood states was used non-parametric analysis, according to the technique of Binomial Analysis. To compare the components of functional capacity between the groups was used analysis of variance for repeated measures two-way ANOVA and the level of significance was set at 5 %. RESULTS: The functional components remained favorable, highlighting Agility (pre = 21.03 ± 1.64 sec./ post = 18.63 ± 2.26 sec.) And aerobic endurance (pre = 495.94 ± 46.48 sec. / post = 448.01 ± 12.27 sec.). In the comparison between positive and negative functional levels and mood states showed no relationship between these variables, dealing with different aspects and has influence one another. The state post-dancing sessions mood in GT were more positive even for elderly patients with depressive symptoms even unproven statistically, depressive symptoms were maintained or reduced mostly. CONCLUSION: The dance practice maintains the functionality of components; modifies mood states to positive levels and reduces or prevents the onset of depressive symptoms and complications in elderly


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Practice makes perfect’ expresses the common misconception that repetitive practice without appropriate feed-back will deliver improvement in tasks being practised. This paper explores the implementation of a student-driven feed-back mechanism and shows how functional and aesthetic understanding can be progressively enhanced through reflective practice. More efficient practice of clearly understood tasks will enhance dance training outcomes. We were looking for ways to improve teaching efficiency, effectiveness of the students’ practice in the studio and application of safe dance practices. We devised a web-based on-line format, ‘Performing Reflective Practice’, designed to augment and refine studio practice. Only perfect practice makes perfect!


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As part of the introduction of a broader dance medicine and science related health and wellbeing program, a 9 week mindfulness-meditation ACT-based program was delivered to all students undertaking full-time University dance training (N = 106). The aim of the program was to assist students in the further development of performance psychology skills that could be applied in both performance and non-performance settings. Participant groups were comprised of both male (N = 12) and female (N = 94) students from across all three year levels of two undergraduate dance courses, divided into three groups by mixed year levels due to timetable scheduling requirements. Pre- and post-testing was undertaken utilising the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-15), a uni-dimensional measure of mindfulness, in addition to qualitative questions checking the current level of awareness and understanding of mindfulness practice and its application. Weekly sessions were conducted by qualified sport and exercise psychologists and covered key practices such as: Mindfulness of Body, Mindfulness of Breathing, Mindfulness of Sounds, ACT-based and general Imagery exercises, Developing Open Awareness, Mindfulness of Emotions, and Developing Inner Stillness. Students were required to maintain a reflective journal that was utilised at the end of each weekly session, in addition to completion of a mid-Semester reflective debrief. Teaching staff additionally attended the weekly sessions and linked the mindfulness practice learnings into the student’s practical dance and academic classes where appropriate. Anecdotal feedback indicates that participation in the mindfulness-meditation sessions and the development of these mental skills has resulted in positive performance and personal outcomes. Observations collated from staff and students, results from the data collection phases and recommendations regarding future applications within dance training settings will be discussed within the presentation.


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This paper describes the implementation of the recommendations of a series of research projects, within an undergraduate dance teacher-training course, into the training of collaborative, empathetic, ethical and creative dance teachers. Banks’s Dimensions for Multicultural Education (Banks, 1993) was used as a lens to analyze the design and delivery of cultural dance activities within a university dance-teaching unit, implemented in Australia and Timor Leste, and to reflect on the adaptability of the Performance in Context Model (Stevens & Huddy, in press) across different cultural contexts. Content and contextual knowledge, transformational learning pedagogy, teaching for equity and empathy development were explored through a culturally responsive teaching and learning unit, supported by critical analysis and reflection. This analysis identified a number of key understandings in relation to the design and delivery of cultural dance activities.


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This article presents findings from a qualitative study of social
dancing for successful aging amongst senior citizens in three locales:
in Blackpool (GB), around Belfast (NI), and in Sacramento (US). Social
dancers are found to navigate an intense space in society, one of
wellbeing accompanied by a beneficial sense of youthfulness. Besides
such renewal and self-actualisation, findings also attest to the perceived
social, psychological and health benefits of social dancing amongst senior
citizens. They also articulate three different social dancing practices:
social dance as tea dance (Sacramento), social dance as practice dance
(Blackpool), social dance as motility (Belfast and environs).


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This article reports the results of a survey of 41 dance-movement therapy practitioners in Australia. Issues for dance-movement therapy practice in Australia were investigated within the themes of practitioners; programs and clients, and philosophical and industrial concerns. Overall, it was apparent that the dance-movement therapy profession in Australia is both diverse and homogenous: therapists’ professional orientations and backgrounds, and the types of settings in which they work, are very diverse, but therapists are much more similar in their ages, gender, cultural backgrounds and geographic location. The issues raised by the variation and lack of diversity are discussed, along with possible strategies to address them.