39 resultados para anilines


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Rates of hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy are utilized to derive the strength of hydrogen bonds and to monitor the electronic effects in the site-specific halogen substituted benzamides and anilines. The theoretical fitting of the time dependent variation of the integral areas of H-1 NMR resonances to the first order decay function permitted the determination of HID exchange rate constants (k) and their precise half-lives (t(1/2)) with high degree of reproducibility. The comparative study also permitted the unambiguous determination of relative strength of hydrogen bonds and the contribution from electronic effects on the HID exchange rate. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A capillary electrochromatography (CEC) monolithic column with zwitterionic stationary phases was prepared by in situ polymerization of butyl methacrylate, ethylene dimethacrylate, methacrylic acid, and 2-(dimethyl amino) ethyl methacrylate in the presence of porogens. The stationary phases have zwitterionic functional groups, that is, both tertiary amine and acrylic acid groups, so the ionization of those groups on the zwitterionic stationary phase was affected by the pH values of the mobile phase, and further affects the strength and direction of the electroosmotic flow (EOF). Separations of alkylbenzenes and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons based on the hydrophobic mechanism were obtained. Separation of various types of polar compounds, including phenols, anilines, and peptides, on the prepared column were performed under CEC mode with anodic and cathodic EOF, and different separation selectivities of those polar analytes were observed on the monolithic capillary column by using mobile phases with different pH values.


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A novel mode of capillary electrochromatography (CEC), called dynamically modified silica-capillary electrochromatography, is described in this paper. The column packed with bare silica was dynamically modified with long chain quaternary ammonium salt, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), which was added into the mobile phase. CTAB ions were adsorbed onto the surface of bare silica, and the resulted hydrophobic layer on the silica gel was used as the stationary phase; Using the dynamically modified silica column, neutral solutes were separated by CEC. The highest number of theoretical plates obtained was about 71 500/m and the relative standard deviations for t(0) and capacity factor of toluene were 4.7% and 4.9% for 20 consecutive runs, respectively. The separation mechanism of neutral solutes and the influence of mobile phase composition on the separation was investigated. The separation of nitrogen-containing solutes was carried out with this mode and the peak tailing of basic solute was effectively eliminated because the adsorption of basic solute on silica was blocked by the preferred adsorption of CTAB. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new kind of monolithic capillary electrochromatography column with poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene-co-methacrylic acid) as the stationary phase has been developed. The stationary phase was found to be porous by scanning electron microscopy and the composition of the continuous bed was proved by IR spectroscopy to be the ternary polymer of styrene, divinylbenzene, and methacrylic acid. The effects of operating parameters, such as voltage, electrolyte, and organic modifier concentration in the mobile phase on electroosmotic flow were studied systematically, The retention mechanism of neutral solutes on such a column proved to be similar to that of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. In addition, fast analyses of phenols, chlorobenzenes, anilines, isomeric compounds of phenylenediamine and alkylbenzenes within 4.5 min were achieved.


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A new mesoporous sphere-like SBA-15 silica was synthesized and evaluated in terms of its suitability as stationary phases for CEC. The unique and attractive properties of the silica particle are its submicrometer particle size of 400 nm and highly ordered cylindrical mesopores with uniform pore size of 12 nm running along the same direction. The bare silica particles with submicrometer size have been successfully employed for the normal-phase electrochromatographic separation of polar compounds with high efficiency (e.g., 210 000 for thiourea), which is matched well with its submicrometer particle size. The Van Deemeter plot showed the hindrance to mass transfer because of the existence of pore structure. The lowest plate height of 2.0 mu m was obtained at the linear velocity of 1.1 mm/s. On the other hand, because of the relatively high linear velocity (e.g., 4.0 mm/s) can be generated, high-speed separation of neutral compounds, anilines, and basic pharmaceuticals in CEC with C-18-modified SBA-15 silica as stationary phases was achieved within 36, 60, and 34 s, respectively.


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An ethanolic mixture of molybdenurn hexacarbonyl and DBU mediates the reduction of nitroarenes to the corresponding anilines in excellent yields in 15-30 minutes under microwave irradiation.


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Rhodium(II) acetate-catalyzed reaction of Et 2-diazo-2-diethoxyphosphorylate, EtO2CC(:N2)PO(OEt)2, with carbamates, amides, ureas or anilines gives a range of N-substituted 2-amino-2-diethoxyphosphorylacetates, EtO2CCH(NHR1)PO(OEt)2 (where R1 = Boc, Cbz, acetyl, propionyl, pivaloyl, n-Pr, Ph and substituted Ph groups), by N-H insertion reaction of the intermediate rhodium carbenoid.


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Azobenzene dyes derived from various anilines and aminothiaheterocycles ate-coupled with commercially important N,N-diethyl-m-toluidine (T series) and iv,N-diethyl-m-acetylaminoaniline (A series) are positively solvatochromic. The visible spectra of 16 pairs of derivatives have been measured in up to 22 solvents, and the transition energies related to Kamlet-Taft solvent polarity parameters. In general, A-series dyes are more bathochromic than their T-series counterparts in nonpolar solvents, consistent with colour chemistry tradition, However, in more dipolar solvents the more bathochromic T-series representatives unexpectedly become more bathochromic than their A-series partners. The relative solvatochromic shifts of the A and T series are related to their respective dipole moments, These in turn are distinguished by the effect of the anilide carbonyl group dipole moment, which is antiparallel to, and thus reduces, the dipole moment of the chromogen.


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Indium trichloride catalysed Diels-Alder reaction of imines derived from anilines with cyclic enamides regioselectively gave the biologically important pyrroloquinoline nucleus, with a cis ring junction, in moderate yield. Although the euo:endo selectivity was in most cases poor, these isomers are readily separated by flash chromatography. The functionality tolerated at both C2 and C7 should allow further elaboration to Martinelline (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A presente dissertação contempla estudos de funcionalização de 5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirina via grupos nitro e amino e a preparação de sistemas porfirina-ftalocianina. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira parte descrevem-se as características gerais de porfirinas e ftalocianinas bem como algumas metodologias de síntese utilizadas na sua preparação e suas potenciais aplicações. Na segunda parte desta dissertação descreve-se a funcionalização de 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina com arilaminas recorrendo a duas rotas sintéticas diferentes. A reacção de 2-nitro-5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina com anilina ou aminas aromáticas substituídas com grupos dadores de electrões permitiu, através do ataque do nucleófilo ao carbono beta-pirrólico onde está ligado o grupo nitro, ataque ipso, a obtenção de derivados do tipo 2-arilaminoporfirinas e derivados porfirínicos de anéis fundidos, sendo estes últimos resultantes da ciclização oxidativa de 2-arilaminoporfirinas. A reacção entre (2-amino- 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirinato)níquel(II) e brometos de arilo na presença de paládio, reacção de aminação de Buchwald-Hartwig, permitiu, após descomplexação, a preparação de novos derivados do tipo 2- arilaminoporfirinas com grupos substituintes dadores e aceitadores de electrões. Um dos derivados porfirínicos de anéis fundidos foi submetido a reacção de complexação com diferentes iões metálicos e foram estudadas as respectivas propriedades fotoquímicas e electroquímicas. Esses estudos revelaram que estes compostos são bons geradores de oxigénio singuleto e que sofrem processos de oxidação-redução electroquimicamente reversíveis. Esta metodologia foi estendida ainda a brometos de hetarilo (derivados de piridina e tiofeno). Recorrendo ao acoplamento, em condições de Buchwald-Hartwig, de complexos metálicos da 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina, funcionalizados com grupos amino e bromo, preparam-se dímeros porfirina-amino-porfirina, cujos espectros electrónicos revelam a existência de uma boa “comunicação electrónica” entre as duas subunidades. A terceira parte descreve a síntese de sistemas porfirina-ftalocianina. Recorrendo à condensação estatística entre a 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina substituída com um grupo ftalonitrilo na posição beta-pirrólica com ftalonitrilo ou ftalonitrilo substituído foram obtidas díades porfirina-ftalocianina onde as duas subunidades se encontram directamente ligadas ou fundidas. Os porfirinilftalonitrilos necessários para a síntese das diferentes díades foram preparados através da reacção de adição do fumaronitrilo à 5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirina funcionalizada com o grupo 1,3-butadienilo ou vinilo, seguida de oxidação do aducto resultante. O acoplamento catalisado por paládio entre (2-bromo-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinato)zinco(II) e [9(10),16(17),23(24)-tri-terc-butil-2- etinilftalocianinato]zinco(II) permitiu a síntese de uma díade porfirinaftalocianina com as duas unidades ligadas por um grupo etinilo. Uma pentíade porfirina-ftalocianina foi obtida através da ciclotetramerização de um dos porfirinilftalonitrilos. A comparação dos espectros electrónicos das diferentes classes de sistemas revela que as correspondentes propriedades electrónicas são altamente afectadas pela distância entre as subunidades e também pelo número de cromóforos presentes no sistema. Os estudos fotofísicos de alguns dos novos compostos acima referidos permitiram verificar a ocorrência eficiente de transferência de energia da subunidade porfirínica para a da ftalocianina, capacidade essa que permitirá a estes sistemas serem usados para modelar o processo fotossintético. Na última parte descrevem-se, pormenorizadamente, todas as experiências efectuadas e as caracterizações espectroscópicas, nomeadamente de espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), espectrometria de massa e espectrofotometria de UV-vis, dos compostos sintetizados. Nalguns casos recorreu-se ainda a técnicas de RMN bidimensionais como COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY e ROESY.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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A series of ferrites having the general formula Zn1-xCoxFe2O4 (x=0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0)were prepared by soft chemical route. The materials were characterized by adopting various physico-chemical methods. The reaction of aniline with methanol was studied in a fixed-bed reactor system as a potential source for the production of various methyl anilines. It was observed that systems possessing low ‘ x’ values are highly selective and active for N-monoalkylation of aniline leading to N-methylaniline. Reaction parameters were properly varied to optimize the reaction conditions for obtaining N-methylaniline selectively and in better yield. Among the systems Zn0.8Co0.2Fe2O4 is remarkable due to its very high activity and excellent stability. Under the optimized conditions N-methylaniline selectivity exceeded 98%. Even at a methanol to aniline molar ratio of 2, the yield of N-methylaniline was nearly 50%, whereas its yield exceeded 71% at the molar ratio of 5. ZnFe2O4, though executed better conversion than Zn0.8Co0.2Fe2O4 in the initial period of the run, deactivates quickly as the reaction proceeds. The Lewis acidity of the catalysts is mainly responsible for the good performance. Cation distribution in the spinel lattice influences their acido-basic properties and, hence, these factors have been considered as helpful parameters to evaluate the activity of the systems.


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Im Vordergrund dieser Arbeit stehen die Synthesen des Azobenzol-4-trichlorsilans sowie des Bis(4-azobenzol)disulfids, ausgehend von einfachen und kommerziell erhältlichen Verbindungen. Moleküle, aus denen sich diese Verbindungen synthetisieren lassen, sind die Iodderivate des Azobenzols, welche über die Kondensation von Benzolaminen (Anilinen) und Nitrosobenzolen dargestellt wurden, aber auch über die altbewährte Azokupplung. Insgesamt wurden 19 neue Azobenzolderivate, das neue [(4-Aminophenyl)ethinyl]ferrocen und das neue Bis[4-(4'-bromazobenzol)]disulfid synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurden 13 neue Kristallstrukturen erzeugt. Mit den synthetisierten Molekülen wurden Substrat-Adsorbat-Systeme gebildet. Als Substrate wurden oberflächenoxidiertes Silizium und Gold gewählt. Die Präparation dieser sogennanten selbstorganisierten Monolagen (SAMs) bzw. der kovalent gebundenen Monolagen im Falle der Trichlorsilylderivate (CAMs) wurde eingehend studiert. Das Azobenzol wurde als photoschaltbare Einheit gewählt, da es bereits Kern zahlreicher Untersuchungen war und als solcher als guter und zuverlässiger Baustein für reversible photoschaltbare Systeme etabliert ist. Zur Charakterisierung Schichten und zur Untersuchung ihres photoresponsiven Verhaltens sowie sowie zur Untersuchung der Schichtbildung selbst wurden mehrere physikalische Messmethoden angewandt. Die Schichtbildung wurde mit SHG (optische Frequenzverdopplung) verfolgt, die fertigen Schichten wurden mit XPS (Röntgen-Photonen-Spektroskopie) und NEXAFS (Nahkanten-Röntgen-Absorptions-Feinstruktur) untersucht, um Orientierung und Ordnung der Moleküle in der Schicht zu ermitteln. Das Schaltverhalten wurde mit Ellipsometrie und durch Messungen des Wasserkontaktwinkels beobachtet. Durch Variation der Endgruppe des Azobenzols ist es möglich, die Oberflächeneigenschaften einstellen gezielt zu können, wie Hydrophobie, Hydrophilie, Komplexierungsverhalten oder elektrische Schaltbarkeit. Dies gelingt durch Gruppen wie N,N-Dimethylamino-, Methoxy-, Ethoxy-, Octyloxy-, Dodecyloxy-, Benzyloxy-, Methyl-, Trifluormethyl-, Pyridyl-, Phenylethinyl- und Ferrocenyl-Restgruppen, um nur eine Auswahl zu nennen. Einerseits wurde Silizium als Substrat gewählt, da es wegen seiner Verwendung in der Halbleiterindustrie ein nicht uninteressantes Substrat darstell und die Möglichkeiten der kovalenten Anbindung von Trichlorsilanen aber auch Trialkoxysilanen auch gut untersucht ist. Andererseits wurden auch Untersuchungen mit Gold als Substrat angestellt, bei dem Thiole und Disulfide die bevorzugten Ankergruppen bilden. Während sich auf Gold sogenannte SAMs bilden, verleiht die kovalente Siloxanbindung den CAMs auf Silizium eine besondere Stabilität.


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Stirring of N-(2-carboxybenzoyl) anthranilic acid with anilines and amines such as p-toluidine, benzylamine, methyl esters of Leu, Phe, Ile and Val in presence of DCC produces N- 2 substituted 3-phenyliminoisoindolinones in very good yields. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies and solution phase NMR and CD studies reveal that the 3-phenyliminoisoindolinone moiety is a turn-inducing scaffold which should be useful for reverse-turn mimetics.