993 resultados para accounting treatment


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O tema do Trabalho de Fim de Curso - “Desenvolvimentos Estimados de Custo Amortizado e Imparidade segundo SNCRF”, insere-se no âmbito da conclusão da Licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração – Ramo Administração e Controlo Financeiro ministrada pelo ISCEE – Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais. O trabalho ora apresentado, espelha uma análise sumária das normas internacionais e do novo normativo nacional no que diz respeito aos instrumentos financeiros com foco em tratamento contabilístico dado pelo método de custo amortizado e reconhecimento de perda por imparidade. Foi preparado com base em consulta de bibliografia especializada e normativos estabelecidos no país, pois permitirá ter acesso tanto a conteúdos teóricos como práticos o que implica um estudo mais abrangente de todos os recursos disponíveis. O desenvolvimento da temática foi orientado numa primeira etapa através de pesquisa necessária a construção do referencial teórico centrado por um lado na evolução teórica das normas internacionais sobre os instrumentos financeiros e consequentemente o tratamento dado pela nossa norma. Na segunda etapa, os casos práticos apresentam os principais casos de contabilização dos instrumentos financeiros utilizando o método de custo amortizado, e reconhecimento de imparidade de acordo com o SNCRF, e a conclusão que se chegou é que o custo amortizado implica a utilização do método de taxa de juro efectiva menos qualquer perda por imparidade, sendo que o método de taxa de juro efectiva distribui os pagamentos e recebimentos dos juros ao longo do período do instrumento financeiro aplicando a taxa de juro efectiva ao valor a transportar do activo ou de passivo de cada período, e uma entidade que usa o método de custo amortizado reconhece os activos financeiros e passivos financeiros pelo seu valor líquido no balanço, e à data de cada relato financeiro deve avaliar a imparidade de todos os activos financeiros e reconhecer perdas por imparidade, visto que, a imparidade representa uma redução no valor de um activo financeiro ou seja reflecte a depreciação (perda permanente) do valor de um activo financeiro e verifica quando a quantia recuperável for superior ao seu valor contabilístico.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia IAS 39 -standardissa käsiteltyjen kytkettyjen johdannaisten tunnistamista, tilinpäätöskäsittelyä ja esiintymistä sekä verrata eroja IAS- ja US GAAP –standardien välillä tarkasteltaessa erotetaanko kytketty johdannainen pääsopimuksesta. Lisäksi tutkittiin kytkettyjen johdannaisten esiintymistä neljässä eri toimialan suomalaisessa pörssiyrityksessä. Tutkielmassa päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että sopimuksen tavanomaiset taloudelliset piirteet ja riskit tulee ymmärtää, jotta pystytään tunnistamaan siihen liittyvä mahdollinen johdannainen. Merkittäviä periaatteellisia eroja IAS- ja US GAAP-standardien välillä ei ollut tarkasteltaessa erotetaanko kytketty johdannainen pääsopimuksesta. Kytketyt johdannaiset ovat vaikea osa-alue yrityksille sekä niiden käsittelymenetelmät ovat ainakin joissain määrin vielä avoimia. Käytännössä monet sopimukset sisältävät näitä johdannaisen kaltaisia ehtoja, vaikka niitä ei vielä olisikaan tunnistettu ja juuri tunnistamisen haastavuuden vuoksi kytketyt johdannaiset ovat luultua yleisempiä. Neljässä suomalaisessa pörssiyrityksessä tehtyjen haastattelujen perusteella kytkettyjä johdannaisia esiintynee erityisesti ulkomaankaupan osto- ja myyntisopimuksissa.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisia haasteita IAS 36 Omaisuuserien arvon alentuminen -tilinpäätösstandardi luo tilintarkastajille. Huomiota kiinnitettiin erityisesti tilintarkastajan näkökulmaan arvonalentumistestauksen osa-alueista ja niissä esiintyvistä haasteista. Myös yritysten kohtaamia haasteita arvonalentumistestauksen laatimisessa käytiin läpi tutkimuksessa käyttäen hyödyksi IFRS-asiantuntijan näkökulmaa. Liikearvon arvonalentumistestauksen tuomia muutoksia liikearvon tilinpäätöskäsittelyyn verrattiin aiemmin käytössä olleisiin suunnitelman mukaisiin poistoihin. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli laadullinen ja empiirinen aineisto kerättiin neljän KHT-tilintarkastajan ja kahden IFRS-asiantuntijan haastatteluista. Haastattelut analysoitiin teemoittelemalla litteroitu haastatteluaineisto. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että tilintarkastajien kohtaamat haasteet nähdään liittyvän ensisijaisesti arvionvaraisiin tulevaisuuden rahavirtojen ennusteiden tarkastamiseen sekä monimutkaisen arvonalentumistestauksen osa-alueiden hallitsemiseen. Arvonalentumistestauksen nähdään lisäävän tilintarkastajan työmäärää sekä tilintarkastusriskiä.


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The main goal of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the appropriate accounting treatment of the operations in cooperatives, which differentiates them from other Brazilian commercial societies. This treatment is objectively examined under the lens of the norm NBC T 10.8 of Federal Council of Accounting, which determines distinction between cooperative acts and non-cooperative acts. The theoretical foundation of this paperwork is centered in examining, from both the cooperative doctrine and the accounting theory viewpoint, the issues related to the origin, nature and purpose of the cooperatives, as well as the accounting regulation applicable to them. The author developed a method to treat adequately the norm NBC T 10.8 and applied it to a case study of a wine producer cooperative in southern Brazil. As a result of this work, it is demonstrated that NBC T 10.8 eliminated a historical deficiency that permeated the accounting practice in cooperatives, whose accounting procedures - implicit in both technical and scientific content in NBC T 10.8 ¿ are presented in a detailed manner.


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This research investigates the factors that lead Latin American non-financial firms to manage risks using derivatives. The main focus is on currency risk management. With this purpose, this thesis is divided into an introduction and two main chapters, which have been written as stand-alone papers. The first paper describes the results of a survey on derivatives usage and risk management responded by the CFOs of 74 Brazilian non-financial firms listed at the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA), and the main evidence found is: i) larger firms are more likely to use financial derivatives; ii) foreign exchange risk is the most managed with derivatives; iii) Brazilian managers are more concerned with legal and institutional aspects in using derivatives, such as the taxation and accounting treatment of these instruments, than with issues related to implementing and maintaining a risk management program using derivatives. The second paper studies the determinants of risk management with derivatives in four Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico). I investigate not only the decision of whether to use financial derivatives or not, but also the magnitude of risk management, measured by the notional value of outstanding derivatives contracts. This is the first study, to the best of my knowledge, to use derivatives holdings information in emerging markets. The use of a multi-country setting allows the analysis of institutional and economic factors, such as foreign currency indebtedness, the high volatility of exchange rates, the instability of political and institutional framework and the development of financial markets, which are issues of second-order importance in developed markets. The main contribution of the second paper is on the understanding of the relationship among currency derivatives usage, foreign debt and the sensitivity of operational earnings to currency fluctuations in Latin American countries. Unlikely previous findings for US firms, my evidence shows that derivatives held by Latin American firms are capable of producing cash flows comparable to financial expenses and investments, showing that derivatives are key instruments in their risk management strategies. It is also the first work to show strong and robust evidence that firms that benefit from local currency devaluation (e.g. exporters) have a natural currency hedge for foreign debt that allows them to bear higher levels of debt in foreign currency. This implies that firms under this revenue-cost structure require lower levels of hedging with derivatives. The findings also provide evidence that large firms are more likely to use derivatives, but the magnitude of derivatives holdings seems to be unrelated to the size of the firm, consistent with findings for US firms.


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Este trabalho objetivou investigar através de um estudo exploratório o atual estágio que se encontra o arrendamento mercantil ( Leasing Financeiro) no Brasil, identificando as disposições legais que orientam o tratamento procedendo a uma análise crítica comparativa das formas de, contabilizar o "leasing". Nesse sentido, procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica das principais abordagens existentes no exterior e no Brasil e a partir das quais se criou o Plano de Referência que fundamentou a pesquisa. Em razão do propósito descritivo e comparativo do trabalho, optou-se pelo estudo de caso, tendo em vista as vantagens que o método oferece. Com base nos dados colhidos da pesquisa, fez-se um reordenamento nas demonstrações contábeis publicadas, de modo a permitir estudo comparativo, quando se utilizar como alternativa a contabilização do "leasing" (arrendamento mercantil) na forma de financiamento. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar as principais distorces nas demonstrações contábeis e fazer uma análise econômico-financeira e, ainda, possibilitaram que se chegasse a importantes conclusões, além de ensejarem algumas recomendações e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.


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El crecimiento económico ha producido mejoras en el nivel de vida de la población que muchas veces tienen efectos medioambientales negativos en el largo plazo. Ante esta problemática, surge la necesidad a nivel empresarial de enmarcarse en un modelo de desarrollo sostenible que combine los objetivos de crecimiento económico con los de protección medioambiental. Esta situación puede representar altos costes para las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano, debido al elevado riesgo de sus operaciones y al conjunto de regulaciones legales vigentes en materia medioambiental. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente investigación ha sido proponer un modelo para la gestión de costes medioambientales de dicho sector fundamentado en la ecoeficiencia. Se planteó una investigación proyectiva, desde un enfoque holístico. Se utilizó un diseño de investigación univariable, transeccional contemporáneo, de fuente mixta. Univariable, porque se enfoca en la gestión de costes medioambientales como único evento a modificar. Transeccional contemporáneo, porque el evento se estudia en la actualidad y la medición de los datos se realiza en un solo momento. De fuente mixta, porque se combinó un diseño documental con un diseño de campo. Se utilizó un diseño documental para el análisis comparativo de las normativas de registro y control de costes medioambientales propuestas por organismos internacionales, mediante la aplicación de una matriz de análisis de categorías emergentes. Para el diagnóstico de la gestión de costes medioambientales en el sector petroquímico venezolano, se utilizó un diseño de campo en las empresas del sector que operan en la región zuliana. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario con 100 ítems en escala Likert y 6 preguntas de opción múltiple. Dicho cuestionario fue validado mediante la revisión de expertos y se determinó su confiablidad a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados muestran que los principales asuntos tratados por las normativas analizadas pueden agruparse en seis temas: alcance de la contabilidad de gestión medioambiental, clasificación, tratamiento contable, asignación, informes de costes medioambientales e indicadores de gestión. Se evidenció que las guías de aplicación de la contabilidad de gestión medioambiental abordan todos los temas identificados pero no hay uniformidad en los criterios asumidos. Por el contrario, las normativas en el ámbito de la contabilidad financiera consideran principalmente los aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento contable de los costes medioambientales y su inclusión en los estados financieros. En cuanto a la gestión de costes medioambientales que realizan las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano, se evidenció su limitación por la escasa consideración de criterios de ecoeficiencia y la poca aplicación de herramientas de contabilidad de gestión, que dificultan la determinación y el control de costes medioambientales. Tomando como base los resultados obtenidos, se diseñó el modelo de Gestión de Costes Medioambientales Ecoeficiente (GCME). Dicho modelo plantea como deben incorporarse los criterios de ecoeficiencia y las herramientas de contabilidad de gestión medioambiental para la planificación, coordinación y control en la gestión de costes medioambientales. Se plantea que estas etapas deben desarrollarse permanentemente para asegurar la mejora continua del proceso y su adaptación a los cambios tecnológicos y a las regulaciones legales. Se hace énfasis en las directrices que deben seguir las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano para la aplicación del modelo GCME. Sin embargo, por su generalidad y adaptación a las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad vigentes en Venezuela, dicho modelo es aplicable a diversos sectores industriales que requieran mejorar su desempeño económico-medioambiental. ABSTRACT Economic growth has led to improvements in the standard of living of the population that often have negative environmental effects over the long term. Faced with this problem, at the enterprise-level, the need to be framed in a sustainable development model that combines the goals of economic growth with environmental protection arises. This situation may represent high costs for the Venezuelan petrochemical companies due to the high risk of their operations and to all the applicable legal regulations on environmental matters. Therefore, this research aims to propose a model for the environmental costs management of these companies based on eco-efficiency. A projective research was performed from a holistic approach. An univariate, contemporary cross-sectional and mixed source research design was used. It is univariate, because it focuses on environmental costs management as the single event to change. It is contemporary cross-sectional, because the event is currently studied and the data measurement is performed in a single moment. It relies on mixed source, because it combines a documentary design with a field design. A documentary design was used for the comparative analysis of the standards of registration and control of environmental costs proposed by international organizations, by applying an analysis matrix of emerging categories. For the diagnosis of the environmental costs management in the Venezuelan petrochemical industry, a field design was applied in the companies that operate in the Zulia region. A questionnaire with 100 items on a Likert scale and 6 multiple-choice questions was used. The questionnaire was validated by peer review and internal consistency reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results show that the main issues addressed in the analyzed regulations can be grouped into six themes: scope of environmental management accounting, classification, accounting, allocation, reporting of environmental costs and performance indicators. It was evident that implementation guides of environmental management accounting address all issues identified but there is no uniformity in the assumed criteria. Meanwhile, regulations in the financial accounting field mainly consider aspects related to the accounting treatment of environmental costs and their inclusion in the financial statements. Regarding the environmental costs management performed by Venezuelan petrochemical companies, its limitations were made evident by the low status of eco-efficiency criteria and insufficient application of management accounting tools, which hinder the identification and control of environmental costs. Based on the results, the model of eco-efficient environmental costs management (EECM) was designed. This model indicates how eco-efficiency criteria and tools of environmental management accounting for planning, coordination and control in the environmental costs management should be incorporated. It argues that these stages must be continually developed to ensure a continuous process improvement and its adaptation to technological and legal regulatory changes. The guidelines which the Venezuelan petrochemical companies should follow for the EECM model application have been emphasized. However, due to its generality and adaptation to the International Accounting Standards enforced in Venezuela, this model is applicable to various industries that require an improvement of their economic and environmental performance.


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(SPA) Los bonos convertibles en acciones son instrumentos de financiación corporativa que en general comparten varias de las características de las emisiones de deuda senior corporativa, como el pago regular y fijado de cupones, vencimiento definido, momento en el que se repaga la totalidad del principal, y prelación en caso de default con respecto a otras obligaciones crediticias. En cambio, el repago del principal se ofrecerá bajo determinadas circunstancias en acciones de la compañía emisora en una proporción acordada previamente. Pero los instrumentos convertibles son instrumentos heterogéneos que suelen incorporar otras características particulares a cada caso, como son repagos anticipados bajo determinadas condiciones, reducción del ratio de conversión a determinados precios de la acción, pagos compensatorios o "make-whole" y otros. Los instrumentos convertibles son ejemplos de activos híbridos que comparten características de deuda y de capital y por tanto tienen impacto específico en la contabilidad de las empresas y en la posible dilución de sus accionistas. En España y otros países de la periferia de Europa, la emisión de bonos convertibles ha aumentado considerablemente desde el inicio de la crisis financiera, fundamentalmente debido a la restricción de otras formas de crédito empresarial, principalmente los créditos bancarios. En el presente artículo se explican algunas de las características comunes a los bonos convertibles emitidos recientemente por empresas españolas, se analizan las ventajas, y las razones para la emisión de estos activos, y se indican sus implicaciones contables. Los instrumentos convertibles pueden ser una alternativa estable a la deuda bancaria y a la renta fija tradicional en los mercados de capitales para la financiación de las compañías medianas, que tienen menos acceso a fuentes de financiación en situaciones de aversión riesgo por parte de los inversores y entidades financieras. (ENG)Convertible bonds share several characteristics with secure corporate debt, such as the regular coupon payments, fixed maturity and similar seniority in case of default. Nevertheless the investor of the convertible bond has the option of receiving the principal amount repayment at maturity in cash or receiving a previously agreed number of shares. But convertible securities can be complex financial instruments that possess exotic or specific features, such as soft calls, put options, cash options, cash top up features, or make whole amounts. Convertible securities are hybrid instruments that share characteristics of both debt and equity, and therefore suffer an specific accounting treatment under International Financial Reporting Standards, where the issuing company must separately identify the debt and equity components in its financial statements In peripheral European countries and in Spain in particular, convertible issuance has significantly increased since the start of the Global Financial Crisis, an increase mainly driven by the restriction of other forms of credit, namely banking loans. This article summarizes some of the common characteristics of convertible securities, analyzes its advantages for both issuers and investors, and introduces the accounting of convertible bonds. Convertible Bonds can become a viable and stable alternative to bank loans and to high yield or investment grade bonds for the funding of mid-sized corporates which normally have a more difficult access to credit in regional banking crisis or credit restrictive environments.


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Central aspects of new regime for taxation of intangible assets introduced by FA 2002 which seeks to align tax treatment with accounting treatment of intellectual property


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The extractive industry is characterized by high levels of risk and uncertainty. These attributes create challenges when applying traditional accounting concepts (such as the revenue recognition and matching concepts) to the preparation of financial statements in the industry. The International Accounting Standards Board (2010) states that the objective of general purpose financial statements is to provide useful financial information to assist the capital allocation decisions of existing and potential providers of capital. The usefulness of information is defined as being relevant and faithfully represented so as to best aid in the investment decisions of capital providers. Value relevance research utilizes adaptations of the Ohlson (1995) to assess the attribute of value relevance which is one part of the attributes resulting in useful information. This study firstly examines the value relevance of the financial information disclosed in the financial reports of extractive firms. The findings reveal that the value relevance of information disclosed in the financial reports depends on the circumstances of the firm including sector, size and profitability. Traditional accounting concepts such as the matching concept can be ineffective when applied to small firms who are primarily engaged in nonproduction activities that involve significant levels of uncertainty such as exploration activities or the development of sites. Standard setting bodies such as the International Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board have addressed the financial reporting challenges in the extractive industry by allowing a significant amount of accounting flexibility in industryspecific accounting standards, particularly in relation to the accounting treatment of exploration and evaluation expenditure. Therefore, secondly this study examines whether the choice of exploration accounting policy has an effect on the value relevance of information disclosed in the financial reports. The findings show that, in general, the Successful Efforts method produces value relevant information in the financial reports of profitable extractive firms. However, specifically in the oil & gas sector, the Full Cost method produces value relevant asset disclosures if the firm is lossmaking. This indicates that investors in production and non-production orientated firms have different information needs and these needs cannot be simultaneously fulfilled by a single accounting policy. In the mining sector, a preference by large profitable mining companies towards a more conservative policy than either the Full Cost or Successful Efforts methods does not result in more value relevant information being disclosed in the financial reports. This finding supports the fact that the qualitative characteristic of prudence is a form of bias which has a downward effect on asset values. The third aspect of this study is an examination of the effect of corporate governance on the value relevance of disclosures made in the financial reports of extractive firms. The findings show that the key factor influencing the value relevance of financial information is the ability of the directors to select accounting policies which reflect the economic substance of the particular circumstances facing the firms in an effective way. Corporate governance is found to have an effect on value relevance, particularly in the oil & gas sector. However, there is no significant difference between the exploration accounting policy choices made by directors of firms with good systems of corporate governance and those with weak systems of corporate governance.


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A globalização dos mercados, articulada com a abertura das fronteiras dentro da União Europeia, e com a diversidade de sistemas contabilísticos, acentuou a necessidade de criar um único sistema contabilístico que fosse aceite internacionalmente e, ao mesmo tempo, que facilitasse o acesso aos mercados de capitais internacionais. O novo Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) adotado em Portugal é baseado essencialmente em princípios, conduzindo à existência de novos conceitos e à necessidade de incorporar novas formas de entender a contabilidade. Constata-se que os procedimentos contabilísticos impostos pelo SNC, no caso particular da Norma de Contabilidade e Relato Financeiro (NCRF) 22 - Contabilização dos Subsídios do Governo e Divulgação de Apoios do Governo, são mais exigentes e pormenorizados do que os previstos no anterior sistema normativo nacional, em vigor até 31/12/2009. Verifica-se ainda que esta norma, no que diz respeito ao tratamento contabilístico dos subsídios relacionados com ativos, não segue o preconizado na atual International Accounting Standard (IAS), ou Norma Internacional de Contabilidade (NIC) 20 - Contabilização dos Subsídios do Governo e Divulgação de Apoios do Governo. Pretende-se assim analisar as referidas normas, enumerando as suas principais diferenças, e constatar como os outros países da União Europeia contabilizam estes subsídios. The globalization of markets, combined with the opening of borders within the European Union, and the diversity of accounting systems, emphasized the need to create a single accounting system that is internationally accepted and at the same time, improving access to markets international capital. New Accounting Standards System adopted in Portugal is essentially based on principles leading to the existence of new concepts and the need to incorporate new ways of understanding accounting. It appears that the accounting procedures required by the SNC, particularly in the case of NCRF 22 - Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, are more stringent and detailed than those of the preceding national regulatory system in force until 31/12/2009. It also appears that this standard with regard to the accounting treatment of grants related to assets, does not follow the recommendations in the current IAS 20 - Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance. The aim is to analyze the standards, enumerating the main differences, and see how the other UE countries account for these allowances.


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Este artigo teve como objetivo principal efetuar a análise das demonstrações contábeis de museus localizados nos cinco continentes, visando identificar o tratamento contábil relacionado ao reconhecimento e à mensuração dos heritage assets (HAs). Para tanto, aborda as definições de heritage assets, bem como o tratamento contábil discutido na literatura e definido pelas normas aplicáveis aos museus dos países foco deste estudo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada, qualitativa, descritiva e documental, conduzida a partir da análise do conteúdo dos relatórios anuais, demonstrações contábeis e respectivas notas explicativas de nove museus localizados na Nova Zelândia, Austrália, Reino Unido, África do Sul, Brasil, Canadá, Peru, Argentina e Estados Unidos. A partir da análise dos documentos, verificaram-se práticas heterogêneas, sendo o HA evidenciado em apenas uma parcela dos Balanços Patrimoniais, com destaque para as entidades situadas na Nova Zelândia e na Austrália, as quais apresentam o detalhamento mais completo e robusto. Quanto aos critérios de mensuração adotados pelos museus, o custo histórico é adotado principalmente para o reconhecimento inicial, enquanto outros critérios (valor justo, valor de mercado, custo de reposição e julgamento de profissionais especializados) são utilizados na mensuração subsequente. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Background/Aims: The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in neurosurgery is still hardly disseminated and there are situations in which the effects of this therapeutic tool would be extremely relevant in this medical field. The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of LLLT on tissue repair after the corrective surgical incision in neonates with myelomeningocele, in an attempt to diminish the incidence of postoperative dehiscences following surgical repair performed immediately after birth. Materials and Methods: Prospective pilot study with 13 patients submitted to surgery at birth who received adjuvant treatment with LLLT (group A). A diode laser CW, lambda = 685 nm, p = 21 mW, was applied punctually along the surgical incision, with 0.19 J delivered per point, accounting for a total of 4-10 J delivered energy per patient, according to the surgical wound area and then compared with the results obtained in 23 patients who underwent surgery without laser therapy (group B). Results: This pilot study disclosed a significant decline in dehiscences of the surgical wounds in neonates who were submitted to LLLT (7.69 vs. 17.39%). Conclusion: This new adjuvant therapeutic modality with LLLT aided the healing of surgical wounds, preventing morbidities, as well as shortening the period of hospital stay, which implies a reduction of costs for patients and for the institution. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel