987 resultados para accounting system


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During the 1990's studies of management accounting practices in Europe and in Latin America have given us data on 23 countries. In this paper we use this data to identify five distinct aspects of national management accounting culture being:1. The influence of regulations on official recommendations;2. The source of management accountants;3. Influence from one country to another;4. Variations in use of specific techniques;5. Variations in the objectives of the management accounting system.We then identify seven significant implications of the manager operating in the multinational environment.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to document the present state and to create a development plan for Moventas Wind’s cost accounting. The current cost accounting system was evaluated and most fundamental problems were chosen as areas of focus in development work. The development plan includes both short- and long-term development proposals for problems identified. This report presents two alternative models for product costing. Benchmarking of cost accounting practices and modern cost accounting theories were used in development of cost accounting. It was found that the current cost accounting system functions quite well and the adjustments in unit cost rate calculation have only a minor influence on costs of goods sold. An OEE-based standard cycle concept was also developed and it was found that the implementation of this new system is worthwhile in the long-term.


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This study is based on a large survey study of over 1500 Finnish companies’ usage, needs and implementation difficulties of management accounting systems. The study uses quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to answer the research questions. The empirical data used in the study was gathered through structured interviews with randomly selected companies of varying sizes and industries. The study answers the three research questions by analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of companies working in Finland. The study found five distinctive groups of companies according to the characteristics of their cost information and management accounting system use. The study also showed that the state of cost information and management accounting systems depends on the industry and size of the companies. It was found that over 50% of the companies either did not know how their systems could be updated or saw systems as inadequate. The qualitative side also highlighted the needs for tailored and integrated management accounting systems for creating more value to the managers of companies. The major inhibitors of new system implementation were the lack of both monetary and human resources. Through the use of mixed methods and design science a new and improved sophistication model is created based on previous research results combined with the information gathered from previous literature. The sophistication model shows the different stages of management accounting systems in use and what companies can achieve with the implementation and upgrading of their systems.


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The role of star-up firms in economy and the importance of venture capital investors for the growth of start-up firms have been highlighted in recent years. The growth challenges of start-up firms consist of fast changing environment, the availability of venture capital funding and the development of firm management in the growth phase. A growing number of studies have focused on management accounting systems and venture capital in start-up and growth firm context. In this thesis the role of management accounting systems and venture capital investors is considered in the growth phase of firm development. The theoretical objective of this thesis is to construct a theoretical framework in order to describe the importance of management accounting systems and venture capital investors in start-up firms. The practice orientated objective of this thesis is to study the application of management accounting systems and management accounting based information in start-up firms in high-technology industry as well as the impact of venture capital for management accounting system design. In addition, the growth challenges of start-up firms are studied in order to understand the context in which management accounting systems are used. The research approach of theoretical part is conceptual as the theoretical framework is constructed by combining literature on firm growth, management accounting and venture finance in order to analyse the phenomenon. The action-orientated research approach is appropriate for analysing and describing of the studied phenomenon through empirical evidence. The empirical evidence was collected through interviews with three experts in start-up firm accelerator centers, four representatives of start-up firms and one venture capital investor. The results indicate that the growth challenges of stat-up firms are not related to the development of management accounting systems. Managers of start-up firms expressed a positive attitude towards management accounting systems that improve efficiency of operations. In start-up firms flexible and adjustable management accounting practices, such as budgets, cash flow calculations and future-orientated analysis tools, are applied that support planning and coordination of operations. The results indicate that venture capital investors affect the provision and the quality of management accounting information during the investment process. In addition, venture capital investors enhance the use of management accounting information for internal coordination in start-up firms. By applying the theoretical framework in the analysis, it can be stated that by acting as support function management accounting systems facilitate start-up firms development.


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The Balanced Scorecard is a managerial accounting system designed for internal use in order to align four different facets of a business with its overall vision and strategy. It emphasizes that an organization should not be judged on financial performance alone, but also on a variety of non-financial metrics. Using the Balanced Scorecard, the Athletic Department at the University of Connecticut has been analyzed as to which metrics are the most important in terms of fulfilling their mission statement.


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Choosing an appropriate accounting system for manufacturing has always been a challenge for managers. In this article we try to compare three accounting systems designed since 1980 to address problems of traditional accounting system. In the first place we are going to present a short overview on background and definition of three accounting systems: Activity Based costing, Time-Driven Activity Based Costing and Lean Accounting. Comparisons are made based on the three basic roles of information generated by accounting systems: financial reporting, decision making, and operational control and improvement. The analysis in this paper reveals how decisions are made over the value stream in the companies using Lean Accounting while decisions under the ABC Accounting system are taken at individual product level, and finally we will show how TD-ABC covers both product and process levels for decision making. In addition, this paper shows the importance of nonfinancial measures for operational control and improvement under the Lean Accounting and TD-ABC methods whereas ABC relies mostly on financial measures in this context.


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This paper will outline a research methodology informed by theorists who have contributed to actor network theory (ANT). Research informed from such a perspective recognizes the constitutive role of accounting systems in the achievement of broader social goals. Latour, Knoor Cetina and others argue that the bringing in of non-human actants, through the growth of technology and science, has added immeasurably to the complexity of modern society. The paper ‘sees’ accounting and accounting systems as being constituted by technological ‘black boxes’ and seeks to discuss two questions. One concerns the processes which surround the establishment of ‘facts’, i.e. how ‘black boxes’ are created or accepted (even if temporarily) within society. The second concerns the role of existing ‘black boxes’ within society and organizations. Accounting systems not only promote a particular view of the activities of an organization or a subunit, but in their very implementation and operation ‘mobilize’ other organizational members in a particular direction. The implications of such an interpretation are explored in this paper. Firstly through a discussion of some of the theoretic constructs that have been proposed to frame ANT research. Secondly an attempt is made to relate some of these ideas to aspects of the empirics in a qualitative case study. The case site is in the health sector and involves the implementation of a casemix accounting system. Evidence from the case research is used to exemplify aspects of the theoretical constructs.


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This thesis reports on a four-year field study conducted at the Saskatchewan regional office of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, a large department of the Government of Canada. Over the course of the study, a sweeping government-wide accounting reform took place entitled the Financial Information Strategy. An ethnographic study was conducted that documented the management accounting processes in place at the regional office prior to the Financial Information Strategy reform, the organization’s adoption of the new accounting system associated with this initiative, and the state of the organization’s management accounting system once the implementation was complete. This research, therefore, captures in detail a management accounting change process in a public sector organization. This study employs an interpretive perspective and draws on institution theory as a theoretical framework. The concept of loose coupling and insights from the literature on professions were also employed in the explanation-building process for the case. This research contributes to institution theory and the study of management accounting change by recognizing conflicting institutional forces at the organizational level. An existing Old Institutional Economics-based conceptual framework for management accounting change is advanced and improved upon through the development of a new conceptual framework that incorporates the influence of wider institutional forces, the concepts of open and closed organizational systems and loose coupling, and the recognition of varying rates of change and institutionalization of organizational activity sets. Our understanding of loose coupling is enhanced by the interpretation of institutional influences developed in this study as is the role of professionalization as a normative influence in public sector organizations.


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The substantive legislation on which Agricultural Processing Companies is based has some notable gaps with regard to the pertinent accounting system. There are grey areas concerning compulsory accounting records and their legalization, together with the process for drawing up, checking, approving and depositing the annual accounts.Consequently, in this paper, we will look first at the corporate and accounting records for Agricultural Processing Companies, putting forward proposals in the wake of recent legislation on the legalization of generally applied corporate and accounting documents.A critical analysis will also be made of the entire process of drafting, auditing, approving and depositing the annual accounts and other documents that Agricultural Processing Companies must send each year to their respective regional registries. Legal and mercantile registries will be differentiated from administrative ones and, in this last sense, changes will be suggested with regard to the place and objective of the deposit of such documents.After thirty-four years old, the substantive legislation in economic and accounting matters of the SAT is out of step with the current law, so a review is necessary. Recent regional regulations have not been a real breakthrough in this regard. We assert the existence of a gap between the substantive rules of the SAT and general accounting rules on financial statements, which is unsustainable and it needs a quick legislative action to be canceled.


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A tanulmány a vállalati működés során megjelenő környezetvédelmi intézkedések vállalaton belüli hasznainak rendszerezésével foglalkozik. A hagyományos vállalati számviteli rendszerben a környezetvédelem alapvetően a költségoldalon jelenik meg. Azonban a környezetvédelmi tevékenység vállalaton belül megjelenő hasznainak is fontos szerepe van környezetvédelmi intézkedésekkel, beruházásokkal kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában. Ennek ellenére a környezeti hasznok a szakirodalomban elnagyoltan, valamint nem a teljes vállalatra vonatkozóan jelennek meg. Ezért a tanulmány célja, hogy a környezeti hasznok számviteli rendszerben való kimutatására egyfajta megoldást keressen. Az elemzés eredménye egy olyan új modell felállítása, amely képes a tulajdonosi érték koncepciójához szorosan kapcsolódva a vállalaton belüli környezeti hasznokat átfogóan kimutatni. Az újonnan felállított modell a hazai és a nemzetközi gyakorlatban is újdonságértékkel bír, és nagy előnye a vállalati gyakorlatban való alkalmazhatóság. --------- The main focus of this paper is the systematization of the environmental benefits within the company. The environmental benefits related to the company’s environmental action. Environmental protection appears in the accounting system mostly on the cost side. However, environmental benefits incurring within the company play an important role in the company’s environmental decision making processes. Despite these facts, environmental benefits are not analyzed in detail by the accounting literature and do not cover the whole activity of the company. Consequently, these paper aims to gain a possible demonstration of environmental benefits in the accounting system. The main outcome of this paper is a new model, able to comprehensively present the environmental benefits of the whole company. The theory on which the model is based is the shareholders’ value concept. The model has significant novelty both in the Hungarian and international practice. Another advantage of the model is that it can be integrated into the company’s accounting system.


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O artigo apresenta uma an??lise das principais caracter??sticas da reforma administrativa empreendida no Reino Unido a partir da do primeiro governo Thatcher em 1979. Inicialmente, s??o descritos dois aspectos peculiares que, segundo os autores, explicam a intensidade das reformas administrativas a?? empreendidas: seu sistema pol??tico, no qual sobressai sobremaneira a alta capacidade decis??ria do Executivo, e as debilidades de seu sistema administrativo, alvo de cr??ticas reiteradas desde o Relat??rio do Comit?? Fulton, publicado em 1968. A partir disso, os autores descrevem tr??s fases recentes na reforma administrativa inglesa p??s-Thatcher. Nesta descri????o, s??o enfocadas as principais caracter??sticas e experi??ncias inovadoras adotadas, enfatizando, entre outros: 1) os chamados ???escrut??neos de Rayner???; 2) os sistemas de informa????es gerenciais adotados (Management Information System for Ministers e o Management Accounting System); 3) o programa Citizen???s Charter; 4) o processo de privatiza????o ingl??s; 5) a experi??ncia de contrata????o externa de servi??os (com a ado????o de instrumentos como a ???licita????o competitiva???, que permite aos pr??prios servidores p??blicos apresentarem propostas para presta????o de servi??os em competi????o com as empresas privadas, al??m dos sistemas Market Testing e Competing for Quality) e, por fim; 6) a pol??tica de gest??o de recursos humanos, com destaque para o forte processo de demiss??es no servi??o p??blico, o sistema de avalia????o de desempenho dos funcion??rios e de remunera????o por performance adotados no Reino Unido.


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The present study envisages to analyse and perceive change within the Portuguese local governments’ accounting information system. This change has occurred in recent years due to the development of the Cost Accounting System (CAS). Are there divergences between those that adopted and those that did not the CAS? As of today, to what extent is the CAS implemented? What factors do determine the level of development of the CAS amongst Portuguese local governments? This study has analysed several factors like the current legal framework, the local governments’ size, the financial independence and the level of political competitiveness. The empirical analysis focus upon the results as obtained by means of questionnaire which was applied to all the Portuguese Local Government (308). Although one may consider that its development is rather shallow, evidence unfolds that about 48% of the respondents have already adopted the CAS. It highlights that the pressure exerted by the current legal framework, namely the POCAL (Plano Oficial de Contabilidade das Autarquias Locais – Local Government Accounting Official Plan), the NLFL (Nova Lei das Finanças Locais – Local Finances New Law) and the RGTAL (Regime Geral de Taxas das Autarquias Locais – Local Government General Regime of Taxes), justifies that most of the local governments has adopted the new system of control and accounting information in recent years.The importance of information stemming from the CAS, thus bettering and refining the decision making process, is consistent with the positive evolution of this system, in the short-run. The institutions’ size as well as the level of financial independence and political competitiveness may also be pondered as most significant variables within this empirical analysis.


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Orientador: Doutor, José Manuel Veiga Pereira


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria ORIENTAÇÃO: DR. JOÃO COSTA