35 resultados para Yarrowia lipolytica


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A levedura Yarrowia lipolytica tem sido muito investigada, especialmente por ser um microrganismo oleaginoso, ou seja, capaz de acumular grandes quantidades de lipídios, o que ocorre majoritariamente em organelas denominadas partículas lipídicas. Estes lipídios apresentam várias potenciais aplicações biotecnológicas, como por exemplo na produção de óleo microbiano (single cell oil) e na produção de biodiesel. Durante este projeto de mestrado, objetivou-se estudar a fisiologia de duas linhagens da levedura Y. lipolytica, sendo uma tradicionalmente estudada pela comunidade científica internacional (linhagem w29) e outra isolada da Baía da Guanabara, no Rio de Janeiro (linhagem IMUFRJ 50682). Foram realizados cultivos em frascos agitados tipo Erlenmeyer com defletores tampados com algodão (volume total 500 mL, volume de meio 100 mL, 28 oC e 200 rotações por minuto), durante os quais foi possível: 1) escolher um meio de cultivo de composição totalmente definida, com tiamina como único fator de crescimento, adequado a estudos de fisiologia quantitativa com esta levedura; 2) verificar que Y. lipolytica não é capaz de crescer com sacarose ou xilose como única fonte de carbono; 3) verificar que Y. lipolytica cresce com velocidade específica de crescimento máxima (Máx) de 0,49 h-1 num meio complexo contendo glicose, extrato de levedura e peptona (meio YPD), 0,31 h-1 em meio definido com glicose como única fonte de carbono e 0,35 h-1 no mesmo meio, mas com glicerol como única fonte de carbono, sem excreção de metabólitos para o meio de cultivo; 4) verificar que ocorreu limitação por oxigênio nos cultivos em frasco agitado, sendo este o motivo pelo qual as células deixaram de crescer exponencialmente; 5) verificar que o uso de ureia, em vez de sulfato de amônio, como fonte de nitrogênio, contribui para uma variação menor do pH durante os cultivos, sem prejuízo ao crescimento da levedura; 6) observar que, ao se restringir a oferta de nitrogênio à levedura (aumento da relação C/N inicial no meio de 12,6 para 126), as células têm sua morfologia alterada e apresentam maior quantidade de partículas lipídicas; 7) determinar uma composição elementar para a biomassa de Y. lipolytica (CH1,98O0,58N0,13), em que os átomos de carbono encontram-se em média mais reduzidos do que na biomassa de leveduras como Saccharomyces cerevisiae e Dekkera bruxellensis. Foram também realizados cultivos em biorreator em batelada (1 L de volume útil, 28 oC, aerobiose plena e pH controlado em 5,0), durante os quais foi possível: a) estabelecer um protocolo de cultivo para Y. lipolytica em biorreator (que envolvem agitação mecânica, aeração e uso de anti-espumante, entre outras diferenças em relação aos cultivos em frasco); b) confirmar os valores dos principais parâmetros fisiológicos apresentados por esta levedura, anteriormente obtidos a partir de cultivos em frasco; c) confirmar que o fator de conversão de substrato a células (Yx/s) é maior para cultivos realizados com glicerol como fonte única de carbono (0,53 g/g para a linhagem IMUFRJ 50682), do que com glicose (0,48 g/g para a mesma linhagem). Finalmente, cultivos realizados em quimiostato com glicerol como fonte de carbono e energia, limitados por amônio (fonte de nitrogênio, relação C/N 126), às vazões específicas de 0,25 h-1 e 0,15 h-1, permitiram observar que o número de partículas lipídicas por célula de Y. lipolytica permaneceu em torno de 2 em ambas as situações e houve uma diminuição no teor de nitrogênio nas células quando a velocidade específica de crescimento diminuiu de 0,25 para 0,15 h-1.


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A bacteriocin-producing strain of Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was used as an adjunct culture in Cheddar cheese in order to control the growth of “wild” nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. No suppression of growth of the indicator strain was observed in the experimental cheese. The bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was sensitive to chymosin and cathepsin D and it may have been cleaved by the rennet used for the cheese manufactured or by indigenous milk proteases. A series of studies were performed using various microbial adjuncts to influence cheese ripening. Microbacterium casei DPC 5281, Corynebacterium casei DPC 5293 and Corynebacterium variabile DPC 5305 were added to the cheesemilk at level of 109 cfu/ml resulting in a final concentration of 108 cfu/g in Cheddar cheese. The strains significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino acids after 60 and 180 d of ripening and some individual free amino acids after 180 d. Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6266, Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6268 and Candida intermedia DPC 6271 were used to accelerate the ripening of Cheddar cheese. Strains were grown in YG broth to a final concentration of 107 cfu/ml, microfluidized, freeze-dried and added to the curd during salting at level of 2% w/w. The yeasts positively affected the primary, secondary proteolysis and lipolysis of cheeses and had aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, esterase and 5’ phosphodiestere activities that contributed to accelerate the ripening and improve the flavor of cheese. Hafia alvei was added to Cheddar cheesemilk at levels of 107 cfu/ml and 108 cfu/ml and its contribution during ripening was evaluated. The strain significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino-acids, and some individual free amino-acids of Cheddar cheese, whereas no differences in the urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) electrophoretograms of the cheeses were detected. Hafia alvei also significantly increased the level of some biogenic amines. A low-fat Cheddar cheese was made with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, strain BB-12® at level of 108 cfu/ml, as a probiotic adjunct culture and Hi-Maize® 260 (resistant high amylose maize starch) at level of 2% and 4% w/v, as a prebiotic fiber which also played the role of fat replacer. Bifidobacterium BB-12 decreased by 1 log cycle after 60 d of ripening and remained steady at level of ~107 cfu/g during ripening. The Young’s modulus also increased proportionally with increasing levels of Hi-maize. Hencky strain at fracture decreased over ripening and increased with increasing in fat replacer. A cheese based medium (CBM) was developed with the purpose of mimicking the cheese environment at an early ripening stage. The strains grown in CBM showed aminopeptidase activity against Gly-, Arg-, Pro- and Phe-p-nitroanalide, whereas, when grown in MRS they were active against all the substrates tested. Both Lb. danicus strains grown in MRS and in CBM had aminotransferase activity towards aromatic amino acids (Phe and Trp) and also branched-chain amino acids (Leu and Val). Esterase activity was expressed against p-nitrophenyl-acetate (C2), pnitrophenyl- butyrate (C4) and p-nitrophenyl-palmitate (C16) and was significantly higher in CBM than in MRS.


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NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is the largest and most complicated enzyme of aerobic electron transfer. The mechanism how it uses redox energy to pump protons across the bioenergetic membrane is still not understood. Here we determined the pumping stoichiometry of mitochondrial complex I from the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. With intact mitochondria, the measured value of 3.8H(->+)/2e(-) indicated that four protons are pumped per NADH oxidized. For purified complex I reconstituted into proteoliposomes we measured a very similar pumping stoichiometry of 3.6H(->+)/2e(-). This is the first demonstration that the proton pump of complex I stayed fully functional after purification of the enzyme. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Proton pumping respiratory complex I (NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is a major component of the oxidative phosphorylation system in mitochondria and many bacteria. In mammalian cells it provides 40% of the proton motive force needed to make ATP. Defects in this giant and most complicated membrane-bound enzyme cause numerous human disorders. Yet the mechanism of complex I is still elusive. A group exhibiting redox-linked protonation that is associated with iron-sulfur cluster N2 of complex I has been proposed to act as a central component of the proton pumping machinery. Here we show that a histidine in the 49-kDa subunit that resides near iron-sulfur cluster N2 confers this redox-Bohr effect. Mutating this residue to methionine in complex I from Yarrowia lipolytica resulted in a marked shift of the redox midpoint potential of iron-sulfur cluster N2 to the negative and abolished the redox-Bohr effect. However, the mutation did not significantly affect the catalytic activity of complex I and protons were pumped with an unchanged stoichiometry of 4 H+/2e(-). This finding has significant implications on the discussion about possible proton pumping mechanism for complex I.


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Alternative NADH dehydrogenases (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductases) are single subunit respiratory chain enzymes found in plant and fungal mitochondria and in many bacteria. It is unclear how these peripheral membrane proteins interact with their hydrophobic substrate ubiquinone. Known inhibitors of alternative NADH dehydrogenases bind with rather low affinities. We have identified 1-hydroxy-2-dodecyl-4(1H)quinolone as a high affinity inhibitor of alternative NADH dehydrogenase from Yarrowia lipolytica. Using this compound, we have analyzed the bisubstrate and inhibition kinetics for NADH and decylubiquinone. We found that the kinetics of alternative NADH dehydrogenase follow a ping-pong mechanism. This suggests that NADH and the ubiquinone headgroup interact with the same binding pocket in an alternating fashion.


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The influence of adjunct brine cultures on the volatile compounds in Feta-type cheeses made from bovine milk was studied. Four batches of brine were produced: one with no added adjuncts, a second containing Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, a third containing Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei plus Debaryomyces hansenii and a fourth with Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei plus Yarrowia lipolytica. All the cultures were isolated from commercial Feta brines. Aroma compounds were analysed by dynamic headspace analysis, on-line coupled with GC/MS. The most important volatile compounds were quantified in the experimental cheeses; it was concluded that the use of Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei and D. hansenii as adjuncts in the manufacture of Feta-type cheeses contribute to the formation of a richer pattern of aroma compounds, namely alcohols, aldehydes and esters. The inclusion of Y. lipolytica resulted in the production of undesirable aroma compounds that are not part of the usual volatile profile of high quality Feta cheeses. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this experimental work we report the design, the synthesis and characterization of a new class of Re(I) complexes of the general formula fac-[Re(CO)3(N^N)(2-QTZ)], where N^N = 2,2’ bipyridine or 1,10 phenantroline, whereas 2-QTZ is the anion 2-quinolyl-tetrazolate. The complexes and, in particular, the tetrazolate ligand 2-QTZ were designed in order to investigate their specific interaction with biologically and toxicologically relevant metal ions, as Zn(II), Cd(II) e Cu(II). The addition of such ions led to substantial variations of the photophysical properties of these complexes, suggesting their application as luminescent sensors. The photophysical performance of the complexes proved to remain unchanged inside cellular substrates, as Yarrowia Lipolytica cultures. Within these yeasts, the complexes show unchanged ability to perform luminescent sensing towards Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions.


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Hasta el momento, las levaduras han proporcionadomucha de la información referente a los orígenes eucarióticos de la replicación. La levadura Yarrowia lipolytica ha sido analizada con el fin de generar informaciónque contribuya a la detección de regularidades de interés genético (Ugalde, Morales y Láscaris-Comneno, 2010) mediante la aplicación del índice de máxima regularidad imax,r (Láscaris-Comneno, Skliar y Medina, 1999). En este trabajo, el imax,r se aplica, en particular, al análisis de la secuencia correspondiente al cromosoma IX cosmid 8224 y telómero derecho de la Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lo cual permite detectar el telómero (C1-3)A documentado en la base de datos especializada NCBI; asimismo identificar zonas completamentecontenidas en este rasgo en las cuales el imax,r alcanza su valor máximo de toda la secuencia. El análisis de genomas de la Yarrowia lipolytica por tamaños de ventana menores o iguales que la longitud de sus secuencias replicativas indicó, en todos los casos estudiados, que la región para la cual se obtiene el mayor imax,r se encuentra totalmente contenida en la correspondiente secuencia autorreplicativa.


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Dissertação submetida à Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Microbiologia Aplicada.


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本文研究了热带假丝酵母(C. tropicalis)和解脂假丝酵母(C. lipolytica)利用混和正烷烃(C_(10)-C_(18))生长过程中胞外乳化物的产生及作用。结果表明胞外乳化物质的大量产出现于对数生长后期和生长平衡期,热水抽提菌体所得细胞表面物质具有乳化性能,其乳化性能与细胞生长密切相关,生长旺盛细胞表面具有较高乳化性能。以冷丙酮(3:1)沉淀发酵上清液,获得胞外主要乳化物质,经反复沉淀、透析及冷冻干燥,初步纯化乳化物产率为0.5 g/L,C. tropicslis胞外主要乳化物为脂蛋白-多糖复合物,其中,糖46%、脂40%、蛋白3%。脂由多种中性脂组成,糖单元为果糖及两种未知单糖,蛋白中80%为极性氨基酸,C. lipolytica胞外乳化物质主要是脂-糖蛋白复合物,主要组成:糖66%、脂17%、蛋白6%。脂由中性脂和极性脂组成,糖蛋白组成:糖95、蛋白5%。糖单元为甘露糖、果糖,蛋白中80%为极性氨基酸(主要为成糖氨基酸)。两种胞外乳化物均为水溶性大分子复合物,在低浓度(<10mg/L)即具有良好乳化性能。去除蛋白后的胞外乳化物对烷烃的乳化性能降低90%,pH在中性时,乳化性能最佳。CaCl_2(10-50 mM),NaCl(1-20%), EDTA(2.5-10 mM)对C. lipolytica胞外乳化物质的乳化性能影响较大,而对C. tropiclis胞外乳化物影响较小,两种胞外提取物对产生菌利用烃生长有刺激作用。槐糖脂、C. lipolytica胞包提取乳化物对C. tropicalis利用烃的生长有刺激作用,鼠李糖脂、吐温80则表现出抑制作用。胞外生物乳化剂对酵母菌利用烷烃的生长有着重要作用。


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Cu, Zn superoxide dismutases (SODs) are rnetalloenzymes that represent one important line of defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS). A cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD cDNA sequence was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri by the homology-based cloning technique. The full-length cDNA of scallop cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD (designated CfSOD) was 1022 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 153 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of CfSOD shared high identity with cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD in molluscs, insects, mammals and other animals, such as cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD in oyster Crassostrea sostrea gigas (CAD42722), mosquito Aedes aegypti (ABF18094), and cow Bos taurus (XP_584414). A quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was developed to assess the mRNA expression of CfSOD in different tissues and the temporal expression of CfSOD in scallop challenged with Listonella anguillarum, Micrococcus luteus and Candida lipolytica respectively. Higher-level mRNA expression of CfSOD was detected in the tissues of haemocytes, gill filaments and kidney. The expression of CfSOD dropped in the first 8-16 h and then recovered after challenge with L. anguillarum and M. litteus, but no change was induced by the C. lipolytica challenge. The results indicated that CfSOD was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein, and could play an important role in the immune responses against L. anguillarum and M. luteus infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-type lectin is a family of Ca2+ dependent carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles in the innate immunity of invertebrates by mediating the recognition of host cells to pathogens and clearing microinvaders as a pattern recognition protein (PRP). The cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri C-type lectin (designated CFLec-1) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The full-length cDNA of CFLec-1 was 1785 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 66 bp and an unusually long 3' UTR of 1040 bp with seven polyadenylation signal sequences AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The CFLec-1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 221 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 15 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 206 amino acids. Analysis of the protein domain features indicated a typical long-form carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of 130 residues in the CFLec-1 deduced amino acid sequence. The expression pattern of CFLec-1 transcripts in healthy and bacterial challenged scallops was studied by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. mRNA transcripts of CFLec-1 could be mainly detected in the tissues of haemocytes, gill, gonad and mantle of unchallenged scallops, whereas the expression of CFLec-1 transcripts was increased in all the tested tissues after heat-killed Vibrio anguillarum challenge. The temporal expression of CFLec-1 mRNA in haemolymph challenged by Micrococcus luteus and V anguillarum was both up-regulated and reached the maximum level at 8 and 16 It post stimulation, respectively, and then dropped back to the original level. In order to investigate its immune functions, CFLec- I was recombined and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS as a fusion protein with thioredoxin. The recombinant CFLec-1 agglutinated bacteria E. coli JM109 in vitro, and the agglutination was Ca2+ dependent which could be inhibited by EDTA. But it did not agglutinate M. luteus, Candida lipolytica and animal erythrocytes including rabbit, rat, mouse, chicken, human group A, human group B, human group O. Meanwhile, the recombinant CFLec-1 could inhibit the growth of both E. coli JM 109 and M. luteus, but no inhibition activity against V anguillarum. These result indicated that CFLec-1 was a constitutive and inducible PRP which was involved in the reorganization and clearance of invaders in scallop. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)